• Published 21st Oct 2015
  • 6,328 Views, 152 Comments

Twilight the clown - TechnoPagan9

When the circus comes to town, Twilight decides to see the show but a certain magician has other ideas

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A "charming" new king and a guinea pig with wings

The show at the circus was buzzing with joy and laughter, the audience watched as Twinkle Sprinkle and Tricky LOLmoon used magic to create different coloured orbs which they juggled and occasionally threw to each other making some sort of mini light show. Pinkie and Rodeo Jumper were performing a balancing act on the tightrope while Glimmer Joy and Sunny Smiles were dancing with some of the crowd.

"Fire them up" Skittle Giggle said as she was fired from a cannon and into a ring of fire held up by Clown Stripe. The Wonderjokes also performed the act but unlike Skittle, their wing's caught on fire due to the flames being amplified as a result of contact with Pyro Blue's fiery mane and tail. Silly Filly, Caty and Loopy did their best to put the fire out while the audience continued to laugh at the Wonderjoke's antics while Magic Star and Sasha watched the show.

"I do prefer performing but I love watching the show as well" Sasha said

"I know but who would have thought the princesses would make such funny clowns. Maybe we should get the Crystal Empire's princess to join in the show" Magic suggested to which Sasha giggled at the idea.

"Speaking of princesses, look at Shines and Moon, they are using those guards as juggling balls. it looks like fun" Sasha said pointing at the princesses in excitement. Magic took a look and sure enough, Sunny Shines and Giggle Moon were using their magic to forcefully curl their guards into balls as well as shrinking them to the size of a typical juggling ball before juggling them. The guards tried to scream but the noise from the audience as well as being so close to the ring bells on the hats and shoes of the princesses prevented anypony from hearing them. Magic giggled before noticing out the corner the back legs and golden armor of a guard pony leaving the tent and Magic turned her head to Sasha.

"Sasha I think somepony left, should we do something in case they cause problems." Magic asked.

"Nah, I doubt they would cause problems" Sasha replied though Magic wasn't too sure and felt worried. Meanwhile just outside the chaoticfied Ponyville, a solar guard and a bat guard were flying away from the tent with horrified expressions on their face.

"I can't believe this, the princesses have been reduced to deranged charlatans. This won't go unpunished I swear it" said the solar guard called Battle Strike, a white pony with a red buzz cut and goatee as well as green eyes who is a prideful noble with a record of trying to imprison others for stupid reasons.

"Well erm maybe we can get help in Canterlot, maybe we can get Princess Celestia's assistant Raven to help us" said the bat guard called Shadow Glory, a dark grey bat pony with red eyes and a long black mane. She is a shy commoner who prefers her own company as well as staying out of other's businesses.

"Nonsense, we should tell the nobles...well those who haven't lost their minds and joined Fancy Pant's strange desire to make a fool out of Canterlot" Strike said.

"I don't think they would well do anything that actually helps" Glory said with worry in her eyes as they flew to Canterlot. A hour later they had reached the palace where in the main hall, Blueblood and some other other nobles had Fancy Schmancy imprisoned in a cage.

"Stop playing about Fancy, my wife never sent you picture of herself because you keep telling us it was in your head" Blueblood demanded as Fancy smiled at the angered stallion.

"I asked you for some paper to prove it as I can't get it with this doohickey on my horn" Fancy said while pointing at a green ring on his horn which stopped him from using magic. Blueblood sighed before handing him some paper who then placed in his afro and pulled both sides of his mustache down, causing a mechanical click to be heard which caused his googly eye to move all over in random directions. After sometime, a large photo popped out Fancy's mouth which he gave to Blueblood.

"WHAT IS THIS!" Blueblood shouted as he saw the photo. It was not a photo of his wife contrary to what Fancy said but an image of himself.....posing in his wife's clothes and posing in a questionable manner. It also had his signature on it despite having not signed it.

"You said this was my wife, do you think my wife looks like myself?" Blueblood asked with anger in his eyes. Fancy was on the verge of laughing.

"What, who would you be surprising if she was a cardboard cutout of yourself and you married it and said it was a mare hahaha" Fancy said as he laughed. Battle Strike charged at the cage, knocking it to the ground.

"Show your respect worm, you are talking to Prince Blueblood" Strike demanded before turning to Blueblood and bowed.

"Prince Blueblood, the princesses have become what Fancy has become. They are not fit for ruling in that state given that they have turned my conrads into mere tools of amusements" Strike said to which Blueblood smiled with joy.

"Thank you for this information, I finally have the position I deserve well then I better prepare and make the ponies know that I, Greedyfax Pompuis "Jackass" Bluebood, shall beat this chaotic scourge and save the fair nobility of the land" Blueblood said pulling a proud pose while the other nobles clapped.

"But I erm don't think..." Glory said before being pushed aside by Strike as him, Blueblood and the nobles left the main hall leaving her alone with Fancy.

"O well looks like I am going to need a lawyer.....say is that grey mare with the eye on her flank available. She often goes against that Battle Strike fellow in daft cases like this" Fancy asked.

"You are probably referring to my cousin Sonata since she has being doing cases like this for the past few weeks. She told me she almost ended up like you are but a DJ ended up taking her place." Glory said with a slight giggle at her cousin being a clown.

"How about this instead of getting your cousin involved, how about getting this ring off and opening the cage" Fancy said leading to Glory frowning.

"Given what I just saw in Ponyville, I don't think I would like someone like you running around" Glory said bluntly. Fancy moved his right hoof to his right eye and faked crying.

"O but my dear I am hurt by your harsh words. Without me where is Canterlot going to get the laughs, where is it going to get its rebels to fight against those 'nobles' who would imprison joyful ponies like you and me and what is a world where rulers don't become the butt of the joke" Fancy said in a dramatic manner. Glory started to think, she knew that Blueblood was an incompetent leader which most nobles were but he could help so many ponies.....or just force his will on others and only protect himself. On the other hand are the princesses really now incapable rulers or is that Strike just jumping to conclusions. Glory give it a few more minutes of thought before she looked back at Fancy.

"Ok I will let you go free just don't make me regret it" Glory said sternly.

"Excellent" Fancy replied as he pushed the cage's door open and got up on his hoofs and dusted himself off.

"Wait, that was unlocked the whole time?" Glory asked.

"Yes the nobles were so proud of themselves for capturing me that they forget to actually lock the cage" Fancy said with a giggle.

"Ok just focus on stopping Blueblood from screwing up everypony's lives" Glory commanded.

"Ok and before I go take this button that a friend of mine made, it will summon some puppet bots to help if it get in a pickle." Fancy said showing Glory a wristband with a button on it that had the letter M on it. She wrapped it around her front left leg before she saw Fancy make a taser out of balloons hidden in his afro and run out the Palace. Glory herself made her way to her house and think about what to do next.

The next day

It was 1:30pm and Sunny Shines was standing outside the friendship castle using telepathy to see through the eyes of various civilians with in Canterlot. Her sister was using her own magic to strengthen the radius of the telepathy while Sprinkle had connect her mind to Sunny's in order to act as a projector so everypony can see whats going on there. The image on the screen was showing the situation through the POV of Blueblood who was looking at the crowd as he began his speech.

"Dear good ponies of Canterlot, you maybe wondering why I have called you all here today. It is because I bring grave news for Princess Celestia and Princess Luna have been turned into prancing jesters rendering them unfit to rule" Blueblood said before pausing. The crowd mainly expressed laughter and confusion leading many to view this as a prank. Sunny suddenly heard a voice in her head as if somepony else was using telepathy.

"My dear, I see you are looking through the eyes of your 'replacement', I would advise you look through the eyes of one Shadow Glory who sitting at a table behind the crowd" the voice said. Sunny realized it was Fancy and switched to Shadow Glory's POV. Use Glory's eyes and ears she could get a better look of how her subjects feel about what Blueblood was saying. She heard things like 'is this a joke' and 'how is becoming jesters make them unfit, they were probably just having fun' before suddenly hearing Glory speak.

"What do you think of the whole idea cousin" Glory asked. Sonata who was going through some court papers and notes looked at Glory.

"Well it seems Blueblood found an opportunity to usurp power and making a speech to boost his vanity and ego. I am curious as to what he would be like if he ended up at the circus which would have probably been him being the butt of every joke." Sonata said while a smile formed on her face.

"As the closest relative to our fair princesses, I shall be taking over in their absents. As unexpected as it is for this to happen, I can assure you that I of all ponies are the best choice to lead you all. I know you all have faith in me and as my first act as king will be to form a council of nobles to ensure that the threat of chaos in Ponyville does not come to Canterlot." Blueblood said as some ponies clapped but most remained silent and unsure. Blueblood began to smile as he looked through his notes.

"But in order to do this we will need a larger army then we have now so in all fairness I am throwing away Celestia's restrictions on taxes and rasing them by 50%. Don't argue as this is very reasonable for would you rather have a dear trustworthy noble like myself or do you want an out of her mind joker like Celestia is now" Blueblood said while keeping his smile leading to crowd going wide eyed. Glory felt a mix of emotions while Sonata looked like she was about to explode in anger.

"You get paid well for jobs like being lawyer so its easy for me to pay those taxes without any problems but most of the residents here will struggle to make enough while some don't even have a chance to pay it once." Sonata said as she hoofpalmed at what she was hearing.

"Hey maybe we should find Fancy, he will likely know what to do with everything goes rotten" Glory suggested leading to Sonata coming up with an idea.

"I think I know where to find him, follow me" Sonata said as they both ran through an ally while Blueblood finished his speech and guards started to escort the ponies off the palace grounds. Sunny switched off the spell and the screen being projected from Sprinkle's eyes faded away.

"Such a spoiled sport is Blueblood, everypony there besides nobles and a few non nobles will be eating rats before the week is over" Sunny said as she shook her head.

"Hm, I would be a better choice as a leader than he ever would in anything" Discord said partly joking and partly serious leading to Sunny giggling. Sprinkle was repeatedly blinking trying to get her sight in check due to a side effect of acting as a projector before being crashed into by Skittle and the Wonderjokes.

"Ow what was that for?" Sprinkle asked as she got back up. Skittle got up and opened a backpack and pulled out a creature bigger than the backpack itself. It was a griffin but not just any griffin it was Gilda leading to Sprinkle looking at Skittle for a reason to why she brought the griffin here.

"I can explain why we brought her here" Skittle said as she told what had happened.


Earlier that day, Skittle and the Wonderjokes were a few miles away from Appeloosa where they were (badly) disguised as a native buffalo totem pole, starting from the bottom is Pyro Blue, Deloren, Fleetbutt, Sparkler and on the top is Skittle who was wearing a chieftain feather hat.

"We have been waiting here for an hour, how long is the bird going to take" Pyro said getting impatient.

"Soon Pyro soon, you are doing a good job carrying all of us" Skittle said as she turned her head in all directions as she waited for Gilda. Pyro shook her head as she was trying to adjust a helmet on her head that Deloren had put on her so that her fiery mane didn't incinerate his flank.

"Hey Skittle where did you get that hat anyway and why are you wearing it?" Fleetbutt asked

"O I borrowed it from that large buffalo to make this totem pole of ours more convincing" Skittle replied with grin. She turn her head more and noticed the familiar shape of a griffon approaching.

"I see her, firing signal fireworks" Sparkler said as she lit up several fireworks which fired towards Gilda causing her to desperately try to evade them as the deafening noise and blinding light made it difficult for her to remain in the air. Eventually she crashed in front of the pony totem causing her to grunt in annoyance.

"Did I get your attention?" asked Sparkler

"Yes you did and also what the hell are you doing?" Gilda asked in anger at the strange ponies.

"We are a totem pole Gilda. All the talking you are currently hearing is in your head because you are going insane" Skittle said as a cheerful grin formed on her face.

"I know I am not going insane Dash and why are you dressed like a clown?." Gilda asked as she raised an eyebrow.

"My name is now Skittle Giggle now and being a clown is so fun, I decide to get you involved in the fun which is why we are out here so that we can persuade you to join in with us" replied Skittle.

"Forget it 'Skittle' but I am not joining your freak show" Gilda said only for the Wonderjokes to grab her and hold her down.

"Hey get off me freaks" Gilda demanded.

"O Gilda once I make an offer, you have no choice but to accept it" Skittle said as she place a clown nose on Gilda's beak nose. Much to the clown mare's surprise, it simply fell off leading to everyone being confused. Skittle picked the nose and looked directly at Gilda.

"Firmly grasp it on your nose beak" Skittle said as she placed the nose back on Gilda's beak nose. It fell off again and Skittle who was visibly irritated picked it up again.

"Gilda, will you please firmly grasp it on your nose beak" Skittle said as she repeated the process while trying to to pull a smile as well as hide the annoyance in her voice. The nose fell off again leading to Gilda grinning and sticking her tongue out at Skittle who was fuming as she picked up the nose now not bothering to try and hide her feelings.

"FIRMLY GRASP IT" Skittle shouted with insanity in her eyes as she slammed the nose onto Gilda's beak, crushing it as well as knocking her head to the ground causing the griffin to lose conscious.

"We were here, waiting for an hour and SHE DOESN'T TURN LIKE THE OTHERS!" Skittle shouted slamming her hoofs in frustration. The Wonderjokes were getting frighted by Skittles outburst and quickly thought up something.

"Maybe Sprinkle can help fix this problem" Pyro suggested leading to Skittle to smile psychotically as she approached them.

"Of course egghead can solve anything, she has the insanity to do it all" Skittle said as she pulled out a backpack from thin air and started ramming Gilda into it. After getting her in it, they all flew back to Ponyville hoping to find a solution to the problem.

Back to the present

"Really a totem pole hahaha well bring her to the lab area of the castle" Sprinkle said as she was laughing. She teleported to the lab to get things prepared before Skittle and the gang got there. Sprinkle however was surprised to find Sasha messing about with some of the equipment.

"Sasha what are you doing in here?" Sprinkle asked

"Finding some stuff to use as props" Sasha replied while holding up a microscope.

"Well regardless I need to get this lab ready because it turns out the noses have no effect on griffons" Sprinkle said as she began switching on various machinery and devices.

"What....I never thought something could resist the magic" Sasha said completely dumbfounded at this information. Suddenly Skittle came in with Gilda who hadn't woken up yet.

"Hello have you found a solution yet?" Skittle asked

"We haven't even started yet but just place her on that table and strap her on to keep her from leaving" Sprinkle said while pointing to the table. While Skittle was doing this, Sprinkle got a clown nose she had in a pocket on her dress and started to analyze it before pouring different chemicals on it, each with different reactions.

"Ok so if I do this" Twilight thought to herself as she smashed the nose repeatedly with a hammer until it was a thin paste.

"I do hope you know what you are doing Sprinkle" Sasha said as she watched the alicorn work. Sprinkle inserted the past into a vial of different chemicals that she had randomly picked and used a small spoon to mix it all in. The mixture appeared to be volatile as it started to glowing random colours and suddenly a puff of smoke rose from the vial and Sprinkle heard it laugh before it went back in causing the mixture to turn white.

"Ok Skittle could you please get me on of Gilda's feathers" Sprinkle asked. Skittle nodded and looked for the biggest on she could find before yanking it off causing Gilda to wake up and screeched.

"Ow what did you just do?" Gilda asked while trying to break out her restraints. Skittle gave the feather to Sprinkle and then looked directly into the griffon's eyes creeping Gilda out before Skittle spoke.

"We are trying to find a way to free you from your joyless existence. Don't you worry my birdy friend" Skittle said as she stroked Gilda's head while keeping her creepy eyes on Gilda's own. Sprinkle added the feather to the vial which turned the liquid pink to which she poured it onto a table where it was revealed to be extremely thick.

"Your solution is McDonalds 'Pink Slime'. I don't think that will do anything except harm her health" Sasha said not convinced that it will work. Sprinkle ignored as she gave the thick substance to Skittle.

"Just cover her beak with it, it should do the usually stuff the noses do" Sprinkle said as Skittle gleefully grabbed the substance and walked towards Gilda.

"The time has come birdy" Skittle said as she smiled

"Stop it Dash I am fine the way I am" Gilda said as she tried to move.

"You are not getting away just accept it" Skittle demanded as her face displayed insanity

"No no don't do this you tweep" Gilda said as she desperately looked around the room.

"Now just relax and I will do the rest. You can trust me I am your friend." Skittle said with a demented grin as she prepared to cover the griffin's beak.

"No sto..umm ummm" Gilda said as her beak was cover by the substance. She felt like she was going to suffocate as the substance reshaped itself to fit her beak perfectly as well as turning it pink. Gilda felt dizzy and distorted as her vision shifted to Griffonstone which still appeared decayed.

"Wait how did I get here" Gilda asked herself as her eagle claws turned pink to match her beak. She walked on to find the stand where she sold scones and noticed a mirror. She looked in to notice the changes done to her body and panicked.

"Is this what Dash was talking about. This isn't real this isn't real" She thought to herself as she held her head as the dizziness got a little worse. She noticed some depressed looking griffons nearby as a green clown suit with red sleeves formed on her front half of her body. Multicoloured dots formed on the sleeves while the suit had multicolored stars on it.

"O everygriffon is so sad without that silly idol, I should bring joy into their lives.....wait I never wanted to say that!" Gilda said as she tried to control herself. She grabbed some of the scones and started juggling while flying, the other griffons noticed and seemed confused by Gilda's behavior. During the flying a strong gust of wind blew her off course and she crashed into one of the statues leading to the griffons giving small giggles to her. Suddenly light blue pants formed on her flank while her wings and tail turned light purple and once Gilda got up, she attempted to rip the clothes off.

"Why won't you come o....Lets get them laughing more.....no Dash make this stop" Gilda said as her body started moving on its own account and grabbed a conveniently placed microphone. A rainbow bow formed on her tail while white buttons formed on the clown suit as she began to speak.

"Where do horses go when they're sick?" Gilda asked the other griffons who shrugged in response.

"The horsepital!" She said. The griffons laughed a little at the joke as she continued.

"Why did the little bird get in trouble at school?" She asked the other griffons as an orange frill formed around her neck. The griffons couldn't figure it out.

"Because he wa......no stop......caught tweeting....telling.....on a test." She said to which the griffons laughed harder. Gilda grabbed her her head as she struggled to focus. She was close to completely losing her self as the feathers on her fringe turned dark yellow.

"Don't lau.....at m.....pleas...." Was all she could say before her mind was hollowed out. She closed her eyes and the purple marks over her eyes reshaped themselves into red triangles. Gilda now Bird Brain opened them revealing the familiar pink eyes to which her vision returned to normal or as normal as it can be when restrained to a table and having a multicolored maned pony staring at you with a demented expression.

"Its alive, its ALIVE" Skittle shouted and laughed in a deranged manner.

"Well of course I am alive why would I not be?" asked Brain.

"Seriously Skittle leave the drama to Glimmer Joy" Sprinkle said as she opened the restrains and allowing Floppy to go free. Sasha seemed surprised it had worked.

"It worked...it totally worked this is amazing. Sprinkle we have to find new ways to do things like this" Sasha said getting giggle at the idea before being calmed down by Sprinkle.

"Yes in due time but for now I need to give my brain a rest so I am going to bed." Sprinkle said as they all left the room. She locked the door with the key which Sasha had found and used to get in.

"Well me and Brain here are going to race outside see you later" Skittle said as she and Brain flew out the castle leaving the alicorn and human behind.

"Since your going to bed, I am off back to the tent" Sasha said before she felt a tug on her arm.

"Not so fast, how did you know the key was in the plant pot?" Sprinkle asked as she pointed to a plant next to the lab door. Sasha stared blankly at the pony.

"You do know that a lot and I mean a lot of creatures hide keys in plant pots. First thing to search if you don't know how to pick locks" Sasha replied before leaving for the circus tents.

"Dam where am I going to hide these if anypony can easily guess the hiding spot" Sprinkle thought as she went to her room.

Author's Note:

I tried as much as I could to make Gilda's TF seem good. I am glad to finally use Blueblood since characters like him are fun to torture. Also the joke involving Blueblood marring a cardboard cut out of himself came to me when I was watching a top 10 on strange marriages had one where a man literally married a cut out of himself. He admits to being 'a little narcissistic' putting it lightly.