• Published 21st Nov 2015
  • 232 Views, 17 Comments


A story were a bunch of OC's live in ponytown-thing whatever and stuff happens

  • ...

Original? What's that? (Feather Quill)

The point of life is not to survive with simple ease, but to find fun and meaning in things while keeping others happy. Also, where's my light up squid hat? Feather Quill~

Now, with his new objective in mind, Blackout decided to make friends. But he needs to do stuff first and needed some quills first. And where to get them? The Quill Store!....yeah just like that. Nothing more, nothing less, just The Quill Store, and by the name of this chapter our lazy author decided to give it you won't find any originality in this story.

Blackout, now annoyed with the lack of originality of this chapter and the bulls#@! the author is making up on spot, he finally arrived at the Quill Store. He observed the store, it was a simple shop with an ink pot and a quill as the banner, with "The Quill Store" in white letters on the bottom.

He entered the shop with the usual bell ring you hear at these kind of shops, and observed the many different ink pots and quills in there. On one side was a many different quills that you could buy depending on your taste, and on the other side was many different ink pots of different colors and sizes, there was even rare ones from different lands but costs way to much. He also noticed a broken TV near the counter, and it looked on its last days and about to be thrown away.

"Oh, hi there!" greeted a female voice

Blackout turned around to see a sky blue pegasus pony with a white and pink mane and brown eyes. She also had a Quill with the word "Love" as her cutie mark

"What can I do for you?" said the blue pony

"Oh! Uhhhh, I need two Quills and a "Black Squid©" ink pot please" he replied

"was the copyright symbol really necessary?" Blackout wondered to himself

"Oh um, we have the quills but, we ran out of "Black Squid©" ink pots"

Blackout's ears lowered and a small frown appeared on his face, those pots were his favorites he always used them. It was a real shame tho...

"But- Blackout's ears perked up -a shipment is going to arrive in a few minutes, if you want you can stay" she said with a kind smile but then started to stutter "I-I-I mean if you want to"

Blackout smiled "Great! I'll stay then. Thank you miss..."

"Feather Quill" the pony now known as Feather Quill replied lifting her hoof out for a hoofshake, which Blackout accepted

"And you could be?" she asked

"Oh my name is Blackout" he replied with a huge goofy grin

"Blackout, cool!" she said with a smile "hey, um, what's up with your eye?" she questioned shyly

"Childhood mishap" he replied with a unimpressed tone in his voice which Feather quickly noticed

"Oh. Sorry if it is a touchy subject. I....I shouldn't asked" she said with sad eyes and facing down

"Nonono it's ok. It's just that I feel that I get asked that question over and over and over again"

Feather looked relieved "Well, ok then. If it makes you feel better, it also looks very cool to me" she complimented

"I also get that alot, but it's something I don't mind hearing" he said with a sly smile on his face when she giggled a bit

So the next few minutes they were talking about stuff, like fandoms, videogames, and themselves. It didn't took long before somepony arrived at the back.

"Oh, that must be the shipment. I will be back in a sec" Feather said as she went to the back

Blackout observed as she left and wondered: could she be his first REAL friend? She seemed pretty nice to hang out with someday so, why not? Blackout kept wondering these things, but suddenly. A thought entered his mind... A very important one....


Ok. She's taking waay to long

...Meanwhile outside...

Feather encountered three wild stallions (see what I did there?) One shorter then the other two, while they looked like fuc*ing Arnold Swesheneger or however the hell you say it. The smaller one appeared to be leading the other two while cornering Feather Quill

"So you commin' back or na" the short one said. He had a very thick Manehattan accent, which was pretty annoying

"For the last time! Im not going back to the Fight Club! Can't that go trough your thick head?!" Feather said very annoyed

"Ya know the rules Feather. Don't talk about fight club" he replied "And you appear to be breaking the golden rule"

"I never said anything about the club" she defended herself. "now leave"

"How can we be so sure?" he said with a evil smile "In fact. Im in the mood of seeing someone getting hurt today" his smile got even bigger

"Take care of her boys"

The two larger stallions advanced slowly, with the intention of breaking some bones. Feather tried to go back, but she was in a dead end alleyway. She needed to escape and the John Cena looking stallions were getting closer. She closed her eyes

"Hey! Do you know what time it is?"

Feather opened her eyes to see Blackout with her old TV over his head and wearing an evil smile on his face


"What the fu-" the large stallion couldn't finish his sentence as the TV was flung at him, knocking him and the other stallion out cold

"Wah?!" the small pony looked at him with angry eyes "WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?!"

"Not the guy who's gonna help your sorry ass out" Blackout said with a creepy grin

"Help me what?!" the little sh*t questioned at him

"Escape that" he said mentioning behind him. The Manehatten pony looked back to see Feather Quill basically murdering him with her eyes.

He gulped

"You where in the mood of seeing someone hurt right?" she cracked her neck "how about now?"

He started to shake and appeared to lose color a bit or pee himself a bit too. And he heard a whisper:

"You're fuc*ed"


Now, the three ponies from fight club where tied up. The large stallions still ko'ed and the small one beaten to a bloody pulp barely awake (or barely breathing lol) Blackout and Feather Quill went back inside the store

"Remind me not to piss you off, cause that looked like hell back there" Blackout joked

"Ha!" Feather laughed "you haven't seen me at my best yet!"

"That's a good thing, cause I don't want to" he said

"Hahaha! Ohh man, you don't" she smiled at him and Blackout smiled back, then the thought entered his mind again.

He stared at he for a few moments and finally said

"Sooo. Friends?" he asked with a hopefull smile

Feather humed amusingly "hmm. Sure! You seem fun!"

Blackout smiled


After a nice chat with Feather, it was time to go home for both of them. After they said goodbyes to each other Blackout headed home, thinking
He finally had a friend. A real friend

a real friend...

He smiled

As he was walking home a sudden realization entered his mind

He stopped


He forgot the ink pot and the quills



Author's Note:

Guess what movie I saw today! :D

Hmmm. is it me or is it gonna start to rain?

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