• Published 22nd Dec 2015
  • 1,191 Views, 11 Comments

Life of a changeling - Revin

A dimly light green egg is glowing just out side ponyville in a bush next to the everfree forest in tell a butter colored mare finds it.

  • ...

Chapter 3

Author's Note:

I am very sorry for the long wait I had a small writers block plus some family stuff and my editor took a his time on editing. But the wait is done hope you enjoy.

6 months later

Fluttershy woke up early in the morning to the sound of a hungry Vibrant, chirping in her hooves. She looked at the little chirping changeling in her hooves and gave a little smile. She slowly got up rubbing the tiredness out of her eyes. Then she picked up Vibrant and flew both of them down stairs to make them up some breakfast. She didn't want to do any thing special so she just made a daisy sandwich and cut it in half for the both of them.

"Here you go Vibrant" Fluttershy said to Vibrant as she gave him the half daisy sandwich. When he saw the sandwich, he stopped chirping and started eating. Fluttershy just smiled and flew back to her seat and started eating her half, thinking about the picnic that she and Vibrant are going to with the rest of her friends. I think Pinkie is going to bring the cake's twins, Vibrant always loves to play with them she thought to her self.

As both Fluttershy and Vibrant finished the small breakfast Fluttershy put Vibrant next to Angel bunny who he loves to play with while she got the what she need for the picnic. Vibrant just loved to chase Angel around, which he did not like so much; he liked Vibrant but not this game. This continued for about 5 minutes until Vibrant got a bit tired from chasing Angel around, which he was relieved about that. Vibrant just hopped up on the couch and fell asleep almost immediately. Fluttershy got what she needed which wasn't much. Within a few minutes, she and Vibrant where out the door heading to park to meet up with her friends.

In the few months that Vibrant has been born, the town had gotten used to the idea of a changeling living with in the town with Fluttershy. Only a few didn't like having a changeling living in the town but they where out numbered by the rest of the population. As Fluttershy and Vibrant were walking to the park, they were greeted by just about everypony who they walked by. After a 10-minute walk to the park, she started to see the rest of her friends all gathered under the tree next to the lake talk among themselves. Plus Pinkie Pie brought the cake twins, who even though they older than Vibrant by a year they still love to play with him.

"Howdy Fluttershy glad you finally made it, been waiting for you to get here to start eating." Applejack hollered out in her usual southern voice when she spotted them walking towards them.

"Oh I'm sorry. I hope I didn't make you wait long" Fluttershy said in a slightly sad voice as she was putting Vibrant down to go play with the cake twins.

"Don't worry about it's Flutters, we weren't waiting that long I just got here myself" Rainbow dash said

All six of the mares sat down on the blanket Twilight set up for them and opened the basket with the food, while they watch the foals run around the park.

"So has the little guy been giving you any trouble lately Fluttershy." Rainbow Dash asked.

"Oh no. He has been nothing but a little bundle of joy, He get along with the other animals just so well." Fluttershy replied happily.

"That's good to hear" Twilight said joining the conversation. "I believe he should start talking soon as well." Twilight stated excitedly.

"That sounds amazing than we can throw him a congratulations on your first words party, Would that be fun!" Pinkie butted in sounding super exited about her idea.

"Oh that sounds fun but just not to many ponies alright; Vibrant doesn't really like having to many ponies around him all at ones." Fluttershy agreed with pinkie.

"Than its settle than we will throw Vibrant the biggest smallest party ever!" Pinkie said super excitedly

As the girls sat on their blanket talking, the foals got tired of running around and playing so the twins ran up to pinkie pie and Vibrant followed until he saw Fluttershy and ran up to her and hugged her. He then laid next to her almost asleep. After about 30 minutes of eating, talking, and playing with the foals, the girls decide to pack up their picnic and go back home. After Fluttershy picked up Vibrant and set him on her back, she began walking back home. The sun was about to set so it was roughly 6-7 a 'clock. By the time they got back Vibrant was fast asleep on Fluttershy's back. She walked him up to his room which was previously a spare room for her animals on the ground floor but eventually turned it to Vibrant's room.

Fluttershy carried him to his bed and tucked him in. When he was fully in the bed Vibrant yawed very cutely. "I love you Vibrant" Fluttershy whispered to him, then kissing him on his horn gently. "Goodnight" She says as he walks out the room.

As she walking up the stairs to her room, she doesn't hear what Vibrant quietly said "Mama" before turning over in his bed falling completely asleep.

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