• Published 22nd Dec 2015
  • 1,195 Views, 11 Comments

Life of a changeling - Revin

A dimly light green egg is glowing just out side ponyville in a bush next to the everfree forest in tell a butter colored mare finds it.

  • ...

Chapter 1

Author's Note:

Hey guy's this will be my first story so criticism is very much welcome. This is a story about the the changeling whole life. well really hop you enjoy leave a like or a comment thank you all so much. And sorry about the short chapter i will try and make them long as time goes on.

On a day just like any other Fluttershy was outside feeding all her little friends early in the morning. When she whet to feed all the little mice near the bush she noticed they were all crowding around some sort of light green egg shaped object. After closer inspection she realized it was an egg, but what kind of egg and who would leave a poor egg all alone.So she picked it up and brought it in to her cottage to watch over it. After putting it down in a safe place and told Angel to watch it. She took of toward twilight's castle to see if she knows what kind of egg it is.
after about haft hour they walked back in to the cottage to see the egg is just the same as it was when she left.

"Oh Twilight do you have any kind idea what of egg it is, I have never seen an egg like this one". Fluttershy said in her normal concern voice.

"I believe it's a changeling's egg, where did you say you found it?" Twilight said in a slightly confused voice.

"In a bush just out side my cottage this morning when i was feeding all my little friends. so do you really think it,s a changeling egg, how would it get in a bush".

"I don't know Fluttershy I don't know. But right now I think our real focus is what are we going to do with it".

Fluttershy thought for a second and came to one solution. "I will look over it". Fluttershy said in a confident voice

"Really?" Twilight said in a even more confused voice. "You would just adopt a changeling just like that?"

"Yes I would, I could never turn down a helpless creature, even if it's a changeling". Fluttershy said sternly." I will make every one see not all changelings are monsters".

"Ok Fluttershy I will trust you on this one". Twilight said in a Questioning voice. "let me know if any thing happens immediately ok? I will be stopping by tomorrow to check up on you and bring over all the books I have about changelings over as well ok". Twilight said In a stern voice

"Ok thank you Twilight. Bring over the others as well tomorrow i think we should inform them about this as well if that's ok with you". Fluttershy said returning back to her quiet shy voice of hers.

After a few more exchange of words they said their goodbyes and Twilight left Fluttershy with the egg. Fluttershy did all she could for the egg to make it more comfortable up in her room. After wards she saw that it was getting pretty late. Luna's moon was just staring to rise so she decided to said good night to all the little animals and went to check on the egg one more time. But when she went to go see it something was different. The egg was shaking, it was hatching! Fluttershy quickly sprinted over to its side to watch it's hatching, and after a few long minutes the egg hatched and their sat a little nymph changeling boy staring up at Fluttershy with it's big Green eyes? I thought changelings had blue eyes Fluttershy thought to her self.

"Hey their little one how are you"? Fluttershy said in her normal quiet voice trying not to scare the baby.

The nymph just made some sounds then started to smile and open up it's holey hooves to Fluttershy like it wanted to be picked up. Fluttershy complied and picked him up and brought him over to her bed and sat down with the changeling still in her arms.

"Hm we need a name for you little one..." Fluttershy thought hard for a minute "how about Vibrant ya that sound like a lovely name for a cute little changeling."

Vibrant yawned in agreement and started snuggling close to Fluttershy and began to drift to sleep.

Fluttershy thought about getting Twilight but realized she probably is asleep and she would be coming over tomorrow with all her friends so she will just wait until she gets here to tell them about little Vibrant. So she laid down with Vibrant, still snuggled close to her sleeping peacefully, and she let sleep consume her as well.