• Published 1st Jun 2012
  • 1,127 Views, 41 Comments

Dreams are not always dreams.. - KeyboardLuna

A HiE Fanfic, where a human is sent to Equestria, but soon has to battle forces not just from there.

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Introductions & Interrogations

Chapter 2

Introductions & Interrogations

The day started out pretty much the same every day in Ponyville. When there wasn’t an impending disaster, by a jealous sister turned evil to make it night forever, to a draconequus that’s obsessed with chaos and made king. But more often than not, other disasters rear their ugly heads. But life still goes on as normal, and today was no exception. If painfully slow.

The Ponyville Library was more quiet than usual, not many ponies paid much attention to books for recreation unless they needed information. But that was changing as well. Somepony invented a piece of equipment called a “Television” just 2 months ago. Twilight got her hooves on the revolutionary device a week after it was invented. Though she didn’t anticipate the crowd of ponies trying to see it do what it did. At the moment, Twilight was in her basement, reading the owner’s manual about it & learning about what made it tick. For Celestia had asked her to use it & tell her what she thought of it. While Spike was using it, He enjoyed the channels it had to offer and the shows that came with them, despite the number of channels that were on.

“Twilight, the Princess asked you to experience the Television, not read about it.” Spike complained, his eyes glued to the screen while watching “Little Stable on the Prairie” on EBC, the Equestrian Broadcasting Channel.”Applebloom does a great job as Laura, she was practically born for the role.”

“There’s due time for that later, Spike,” Twilight stated. “I just want to know what makes this thing work, it’s very interesting if you care to read it.” She levitated the manual over to her assistant, not hearing a word she said. Spike noticed the manual floating by his head and paged through it for several seconds then handing it back over to Twilight.

“High-powered radio-frequencies, huh? That’d put me to sleep sooner than warm lava can.” He said, focusing his attention back to the Television, lost to the world. Twilight shook her head with a chuckle,

“Same old Spike.” She said to herself. “I wouldn’t want it any other way..” She opened the manual back to where she left off, reading more about the fledgling device that changed Equestria in an instant.

*1 hour later* Twilight heard a flurry of knocking unleashed on her door, all seeming urgent. She put down the book & walked to the door, opening it. A rainbow mane appeared in her face a split-second after she opened the door, pushing Twilight back into some bookshelves. Spike didn’t even acknowledge this, still watching the television. Twilight, on her back, looked down at a cyan, rainbow-maned Pegasus on her stomach. Twilight pushed Rainbow Dash off of her,

“Rainbow, I told you if you burst through my door it had to be an emergency!” She exclaimed. “It is an emergency! Fluttershy caught a weird creature outside her house, she said it looked like a monkey. Except it’s hairless.” Dash explained to the irritated unicorn. The rest of the Mane 6 came in rather hurriedly, with worried looks on their faces.

“Yeah,” Said the orange Earth Pony in her unique accent, “From what ah heard of it, ‘sounds like a queer little critter. Ah can’t wait t’ see it.”

“Seeing it is probably the worst thing we can do, Applejack.” Rarity commented on her friend’s wishes to see the beast. “It’s most likely dangerous, with that ghastly knife Fluttershy said it had.”

“The knife was taken away from it when Fluttershy captured it, you should pay attention more, Rarity.” Pinkie corrected her, it was almost impossible to understand her with the pink pony’s permanent sugar rush. “Besides, it probably looks funny. I’d love a good laugh!”

“I’m not afraid of it! Even with its knife.” Rainbow Dash boasted, jumping up to hover in the air. Twilight rolled her eyes at Rainbow’s comment, then facing the others. “Ok, I need to see this creature. Where is it being held?”

“Over at Fluttershy’s, Pinkie answered, “She used the Stare on it, you know about that, it fell like a leaf!” the Earth Pony toppled over for emphasis. Twilight ignored her, this wasn’t the time or the place for Pinkie’s antics.

"Ok, then. Let’s go!” she dictated to her friends. They all shuffled out the door, then headed out to Fluttershy’s cottage. Spike then blinked and shook his head to clear it. He noticed that Twilight wasn’t in the building. Spike shrugged, then continued watching the television. “Yes! New episode of Dr. Whooves! My favorite!”

I was unconscious for 30 minutes. The perks to living alone were few, but useful. One of them was my ability to mentally heal myself. Because that Stare was MENTAL! I awoke from my slumber to find myself sucking my thumb in the fetal position, I pulled it out as fast as I could. Embarrassed, I found myself in a closet.

“Fluttershy must’ve been threatened by me, that hurts my soul.” I thought achingly, “But understandable, I’m the first human to come to Equestria. It’d be weird if they weren’t threatened by me.” I knocked on the door, “Is anyone here?” I asked through the door. I heard some thumps on the door, obviously to quiet me. “Angel must be here,” I smiled at the thought of Angel guarding the door. “The door is probably locked so I’m not going to bother. Maybe there’s something useful in my pockets.” I checked my pockets fervently, I found my headphones & Zen. “Good, at least I won’t be bored. Dubtrot here I come!” I thought happily, I put them on and turned on the music, patiently awaiting my captors.

Twilight and the other Mane 6 finally made it to Fluttershy’s cottage. They found a wounded dog on the side of the road and had to wait a half-hour for Fluttershy to patch it up & put it on her back. With the 50 lb. dog on her back, she was slowed down considerably. But they were here, and Twilight was itching to see and research everything about the creature. Rarity looked like she wanted to be anywhere else, even with Sweetie Belle, except here. Pinkie was bouncing up & down excitedly as usual. Applejack was slightly nervous, Rainbow was the same. Fluttershy, however, was not holding back her fear, with eyes the size of medium-size plates. Twilight started giving out orders,

“Fluttershy, you need to get your Stare ready if it charges, Pinkie will distract it by running around if the Stare doesn’t work. Rainbow & Applejack will be cover to keep the heat off both of you. I will get a sleeping spell prepared to tranquilize it, if all else fails. Rarity, you should run for cover if any of this happens.”

“Do not fear, Twilight, I will watch from a safe distance.” She declared. Twilight nodded,

“Good, I’ll try to communicate. It might be able to speak our language.” Twilight opened the door and went inside followed by the others, Fluttershy leaving the dog by the door. Twilight’s eyes were greeted by Angel digging through the creature’s backpack on the kitchen table. Pulling out a flat, rectangular device, most of the space taken up by the screen, except for a button near the bottom. Angel, quite impressed with it, pushed the button. The screen lighted up with the time & a rectangle with the words, “Slide to unlock” on it. Angel touched the rectangle and it moved to his delight. Twilight trotted over to Angel & the device,

“May I?” she asked the bunny politely. The bunny held it closer to his body, until Fluttershy coughed. He stared at it wistfully, then handing it over to Twilight. “Thank you.” She said and slid the slider until it reached the end. A keypad appeared where the slider was, disappointing the purple unicorn. She recognized the numbers on the keypad, “It’s in our language!” She exclaimed excitedly. “Even though its password protected, we’ll have to ask the creature to unlock it.” She stated.

“Well, let’s git to it.” Applejack concluded with no further ceremony.

They all approached the closet door warily except Rarity, who was hiding behind a couch, despite the dust. “Ready, everyone?” Twilight asked.

“R-r-ready as we’ll ever be.” stated Fluttershy with unbridled anxiety. Pinkie was providing covering fire with her party cannon, which she was never without. Much to the chagrin of her comrades, for Pinkie’s place in the plan was to distract the beast. Twilight exasperated with fear and annoyance herself, and spoke to the creature in the closet.

“H-hello, creature. Can you understand us?” There was a rustle from behind the door. Then a voice came out with deep, gruff tones.

“No, I cannot understand your language.” Everyone whimpered at the demonic voice, until hearty laughing came from inside the closet. “Hahaha! I gotcha didn’t I? Heehee, yes, Twilight Sparkle. I can understand your language.” The voice that came from the door sounded young & male.

Twilight was relieved that it sounded friendly, “Okay, wait. How do you know my name?” She asked, puzzled.

“I’d love to tell you, but it’s not fun in here. I’d be grateful if you let me out.” There was silence for a few moments, the ponies unsure of whether to let him out. “Pinkie promise.” Again said the voice, Pinkie was ecstatic.

“Okie Dokie Lokie!” She said happily, bouncing over to the doorknob before anyone could stop her.

“Pinkie, wait!” Twilight shouted, but the deed was done. The door creaked open to reveal the being behind it. Rarity was peeking out from behind the couch, before screaming,

“You monster! Look at its clothes, so drab!” Everyone else was speechless, it was like nothing they’d ever seen. The creature was not at all upset at Rarity’s outburst.

“I’m sorry if my choice of clothes offends you. I was on a campout when Luna came out of nowhere and teleported me your land. I landed near Fluttershy’s cottage and I really wanted to meet you, Fluttershy.” At this, Fluttershy blushed & hid her face in her mane, even though Rarity looked at it with eyes narrowed. “I’m really happy to be here, it is near-impossible where I live. I’ve heard the stories about this place, and about the Elements of Harmony. I’ve wanted to meet you for so long and now I have.” It said all but the last bit briskly but contentedly.

Twilight was burning with questions but the main one on her mind was, “What are you? And how can you talk, in our language as well?”

The creature thought for a moment, stroking its chin. “Well, to explain that, we should probably sit down.” The ape suggested.

Twilight could barely stop herself from tackling the beast & demanding it to answer all her questions right then & there. But if she did that, if it came from a civilized society at least, it would not make a good impression on its leaders. So she simply stated,“That would be excellent, does that sound good to everypony?”

Needless to say, not everypony was happy with the idea.

Rainbow hovered right next to Twilight’s ear, whispering to her as she did, “I don’t think so, Twi, haven’t you seen his knife? I don’t think we can trust him, but if we had some Royal Guards here, well..”

“I’ll send a message to the Princess right before we interrogate him ourselves. Besides, he did Pinkie promise.” Twilight responded, glancing at the being, it now sitting down nervously on Fluttershy’s sofa.

“And that’s another thing, how does he know about that? He talks about Equestria as if it’s the Wonderbolts or something. They’re probably just old mare’s tale where he comes from.”

“I’m afraid I have to side with Rainbow Dash on this one,” Rarity chimed in, scooting up to Twilight’s left. “We don’t know what it’s capable of or what mission it has here. I don’t believe for a second Princess Luna just appeared in his world, teleported him to our world, then came back here for a spot of tea. I find these circumstances quite dubious.”

"Aw, shucks. If he tries somthin’ funny, me & Rainbow can sort ‘im out easily. We have ‘is knife, right?” Applejack stated, siding up on Twilight’s right. “Ahm good with us askin’ it a few questions before some guards get ‘ere.”

“Oh, but I don’t want him to be too burdened with questions,” Fluttershy said, fluttering above Applejack’s head. “He’s probably tired from his trip over here, and just look at those bruises on his arms. I just have to help him, Twilight, I just have to.”

“Yeah! I have some very important questions I want him to answer!” Pinkie agreed with Fluttershy, with Pinkie now on her back under Twilight’s body since there was no more room on her sides & Pinkie couldn’t fly. “Which reminds me,” Pinkie remembered, facing the creature while still under Twilight with her head upside-down. “Do you have parties on your planet? And do you like them?” She inquired with her signature smile plastered on her face.

The creature brightened up after Pinkie Pie talked to him, mostly at her antics than somepony acknowledging him. “Of course, who doesn’t?” Pinkie was overjoyed at this answer,

“Yaaaayyy!” She then appeared at the creature’s side, blowing a party blower.

“Pinkie!” Twilight said sternly, “Interrogate first, party later.” Pinkie’s expression darkened for a moment, then grew sunny again.

“Of course! I need to get the party set up!” She sped out the door in a pink blur, anxious to create her first party for an alien. Twilight shook her head with an amused smile. Same old Pinkie Pie..

“You must excuse Pinkie Pie, she’s.. sporadic at best.”
The creature nodded understandably,

“Yes, I understand. She always made me laugh.” He chuckled at her previous act just several seconds ago.

“Well then, on that note. Shall we begin?” Twilight requested with an eager look in her eye. The creature nodded,

“Yeah, let’s get to it.”

We were all sitting on chairs with me on the sofa, Applejack & Rainbow Dash on either side of me. I could tell this was to discourage me from running or hurting one of them, but the way Rainbow looked at me was enough to keep me planted there. Twilight was in front of me, with a notebook & quill to take things down.

“Ready?” She asked me, cheerful to begin questioning. I nodded grimly to the two guarding me.

“I think I have no choice, ow!” I joked before Rainbow nudged me hard with her elbow, clearly taking offense.

Twilight glared at her, “He hasn’t made any motion to hurt us yet, Rainbow.” She reminded the fidgeting Pegasus.

“Fine.” Rainbow replied, not too happy about it. Twilight focused her attention to me.

“Okay, first off. What is your name?”

“David Plaiddson.”

“Where do you live?”

“Planet Earth, North America, California.”

“What is your species?”


What is your race, if any?”

“1/2 Norwegian, 1/2 Mexican, 1/8 German, & a bit of Polish.”

“Is there any difference between these races?”

“Not much, Mexicans are darker-skinned, Germans, Polish, & Norwegians lighter-skinned. We don’t have wings or horns, for magic doesn’t exist in my world.”

“Tch, no wings. How’s that for useless?” Rainbow scoffed. I looked at her & replied,

“We have jets, they are machines that can fly through the air just as fast as you can. Maybe even faster.”

Rainbow just stared at me as if I’d grown a horn then proceeded to laugh non-stop. “Bahahahaha! Machines that can fly as fast as me! I’d love to see one try.” She boasted, still giggling. I just rolled my eyes at her cockiness. Twilight was looking troubled,

“You don’t have magic? Then how do you power your things? Or how you raise the sun and moon?”

“Well, we use electricity from all sorts of things. Hydroelectricity, wind, nuclear, coal, gas, cooking oil. It’s endless, but the Earth is supplying our needs. As to the sun & moon, it does it by itself. Like your Everfree Forest. The Earth rotates around the sun, the moon rotates around the Earth. Inertia pulling the moon away, gravity pulling it to the earth, it’s in perfect balance.” The others were shocked when I told them about the moon, as I expected.

“All on its own? Why, that’s crazy talk that’s what it is.” I guess Applejack is denying it. Twilight shook her head.

“Maybe not here in Equestria, but it must be for Earth.” I nodded,

“I must admit, when I heard of the way you ponies do it, it sounded like crazy talk as well.”

Twilight furiously scribbled this down, but had another question on her mind, “How many humans are on the Earth, and do you live at peace? No wars with other species?” I was apprehensive about the war question, but I obliged.

“Well, *cough* we have 7 billion. Not as crowded as you think, at least, you get used to it.” This was the second time I’d shocked them.

“Se-seven billion? How do you even feed yourselves? Are the forests still there?” Fluttershy ventured, whom had stayed silent until now.

“Some places have famines, I live in the United States so there’s not many famines there. It’s a privilege, really. The forests are still there as well, I just came out of one.” I assured them. Twilight was interested about this “United States” “The United States, that’s a country, right?”

“Yes.” I nodded. “But you said that you were Norwegian, Mexican and all that other stuff. Why didn’t you stay there?” She inquired.

“My ancestors were Norwegian but they came to the US to have a better standard of living. My parents & I were born in the US. The United States has always been about freedom, freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of the right to bear arms, the list goes on. It’s one of the superpowers of the world.” Twilight considered this for a moment, then glanced at my bag.

“Well, before I ask you about your bag, you still haven’t answered my question. Have you had wars with other species?”

I shook my head, “No, we’re the dominant species. We have Equine like yourself, but they don’t talk, make cities, or are brightly colored. No cutie marks either. We just war with each other, country verses country. I can’t remember a time when there wasn’t a war going on. We just develop better technology to kill each other with, robots, guns, even a bomb dropped out of a jet that can decimate whole cities.” I said this very grimly, which I regretted instantly. There was a sickening silence in the room, obviously I scared them too much. They were frozen in place, staring at me. War must’ve been rare here.

“Of course, I didn’t bring anything like that with me. Really that bomb is never used anymore.”

“You monsters..” was all that Rarity uttered before she fainted with much fanfare, Fluttershy looked to be almost there herself.

“I wouldn’t dream of doing that to your society, you’re peaceful and it would be just plain evil if someone did that.” I was trying to salvage the conversation, otherwise they’d think my species as barbaric.

“Well,” Twilight said, starting to recover from the shock, “I think I should ask you about the gadgets you brought with you if you don’t mind.”

“Of course,” I said briskly, grasping the chance. “I think we’ve spent enough time with the interrogations.” I hurried over to the table in the kitchen where my stuff was spread out. Angel was trying to unlock my iPod, looking frustrated as his attempts at unlocking it had failed. I wasn’t going to bother him, it’d probably be permanently locked for an hour anyway. I rummaged through my stuff, marveling at how much stuff was packed in there at one time, and finally selecting my laptop. “This should wow ‘em.” I thought.

“There, this is called a computer, laptop to be specific.” I placed it on Fluttershy’s coffee table and opened the lid. Lastly, I got out my travel mouse and pad, turning on the mouse. Twilight took the opportunity to tap at the keys, which she’d press three of them if she placed her hoof on it. By now, everyone had gathered around the table, wanting to see this “computer” I pressed the on button on the upper left of the keyboard, the screen didn’t respond for a few seconds, then lighted up with the words “Lenovo” The screen went dark for a couple seconds more, then coming to the login screen. I clicked my name & typed in the password. “I’d appreciate it if you turned away, if you don’t mind.” Rainbow merely laughed right in my face,

“Who do you think you’re foalin’? Why should we turn around? Just so you can stab us in the back?”

“No, it’s my password. It’s supposed to be personal and it’s only for me to know it.” I explained with as much patience as I could muster, “She wasn’t this annoying in the show..” I lamented inside. I knew it’d be some time before they’d trust me as a friend, especially since I told them about my kind.

“Uh, Rainbow. I don’t think he will. Otherwise he would have done it by now.” Fluttershy stated, noticing she was attracting attention after her declaration. “Oh, but. You know, whatever you want is fine.” Fluttershy added, hiding once again in her pink mane. “Daaawwww..” I gushed inwardly, that was probably the most adorable thing I’d seen here yet. I composed myself & coughed.

“Well, yes. I’m not here to hurt you. So if you please don’t mind.” Everyone complied except Rainbow, she shot a disgusted glare at me before she finally turned around. “Thank you!” I exhaled in my mind, as soon as I typed in the password, it brought me to my desktop. “Good thing I didn’t have my pony theme on..” I breathed inwardly, but my relief was short-lived. “My pony icons!” I shouted deep down, as quick as a wink I clicked the first thing my cursor rested on.

“Oh!” Twilight exclaimed, is this what it’s like?” She implored, I nodded.

“Yeah, it must’ve turned on Minecraft when it started up. By the way, it’s a game, very complex on how it works. It uses a series of classes, with code typed on it, and those are run by an application to start up the game.” I glanced at Twilight to see what she thought, her pupils were abnormally large for a pony. A very hungry look was right in her eyes, just waiting. It was something new to learn, of course. She’d be all over it if I wasn’t careful.

“Um, Twilight? Are you alright?”

“Hmm?” She snapped out of her spell, shaking her head to clear it as she did. “Oh! Sorry, I just thought your explanation to be.. very interesting..”

I was a little concerned by her behavior, “Uhh, okay. Anyway, this is Minecraft. It’s a sandbox game, you can do anything you want. The world is essentially made of blocks, you can either survive, hunt for food, fight monsters at night, and have limited resources.” I paused for some air, “I suggest you start out on that one if you want to play. Then you’ll get more experience. But I must warn you, it is extremely addicting.” I added on a slightly sinister note, no one noticed.

“It’s mine!” Rarity shouted, contrary to her lady-like stature. She grabbed the mouse & slid the cursor over to the “start game” prompt. But before she could select this option, two Royal Guards, one Pegasus with his near-white coat patched with black spots & one green unicorn with busy eyebrows, entered Fluttershy’s domain.

“Whoa, I guess that pink Earth Pony was right, and I thought she was just high.” The Pegasus murmured, amazed that an alien had arrived in their world.

“Silence,” His companion ordered, apparently the officer of the two with the blue star in his armor. “I’m afraid you’ll have to come with us mister..”

“I’m a human.” I informed him. “Human, that’s a weird name.” The Pegasus remarked. The unicorn took no notice of him, instead turning his attention to my things.

“Those’ll have to come along as well, our princess would love to talk to you.” The unicorn commanded, none too trusting. My heart leaped at the mention of the princess.

“Great! I’d love to meet Princess Celestia.” I happily chirped, I gathered my stuff & stuffed it into my bag, leaving the laptop last. The unicorn guard was always behind me waiting for me to make a move. Rarity clutched at my laptop, disappointed that she couldn’t experience it just yet. I gently grabbed it, then pulled it away. The Pegasus guard became interested in my laptop,

“What does that thing do?” He ventured, I looked straight at him.

“Stuff you couldn’t even imagine.” I answered with mystery. The unicorn guard took this as a threat, using his magic to snatch it out of my hands.

“I’ll have to confiscate that, I think our techies will want to see that.” He put the laptop into his armored saddlebags. I shrugged,

“Fine, will I get it back later?” I questioned, the Pegasus shook his head.

“Nope, they’ll figure out if it’s dangerous or not. We can’t take your word for it, obviously, so we’ll have to take all your stuff.” He pulled out some rope from his saddlebags, “We’re gonna have to tie your paws up as well, Guard rules. I would use hoofcuffs, but they’re too big for your arms.” The Pegasus forewarned. I hesitated for a moment,

“Err, okay.. And they’re hands.” I responded, I wanted to show that I was peaceful.

“Cool, just tell me if they’re too tight.” He started to tie the rope around my wrists, they were scratchy but tolerable. It was amazing how they did it, without fingers and all. I gave him a thumbs up.

“They’re good.” The unicorn checked his comrade’s handiwork,

“Hmm, good enough. You still need to work on your knots, Cloud Shot.” I noticed their cutie marks for the first time. The Pegasus’ was a speeding cloud, the unicorn’s, a helmet with an arrow being broken against it by its strength.

"You’ve told me that since I was a private, Helmet Head.” Cloud Shot retorted, receiving an angry glare from his brother in arms.

“That’s Sargent Helmet Head Sir to you! Don’t make me have to report you for insubordination! Do you understand?” The Sargent bellowed suddenly. Cloud Shot instantly snapped into place, saluting as he did.

“Sir yes sir, Understood sir!” He yelled, amusement still in his eyes at irritating a fellow officer.

“Can we come along too? I have some information to deliver to the princess that should be delivered in person.” Twilight piped in. Helmet Head raised his bushy eyebrows with recognition,

“Shining Armor’s sister? Of course, I hear from him that you’re her prized student.” He remarked, Twilight blushed at the compliment. “Any info about this beast will be greatly appreciated.” Needless to say, I was indignant about being called a beast,

“Hey! This beast has a name, you know.” I complained. Cloud Shot smirked,

“Sorry, Human, Helmet Head has a rep for being insensitive.” Helmet Head grumbled at this but let it slide.

“Okay, let’s move out.” He ordered in a commanding voice, everyone complied. Helmet Head was in front, me behind him. Cloud Shot, who was supposed to be guarding me, ended up whispering to Twilight about what I’d assume to be her brother. Either there was an episode about him, or the writers didn’t mention him. Everyone else was behind them. We marched with a flowery meadow on our right and a small woods on the left, with Ponyville in the distance. Helmet said that we’d travel by train to Canterlot once we got there.

“I just didn’t think I’d meet the princess bound..” I contemplated, looking up to the sky at the glorious, sunny day.

Unbeknownst to the party of Equine, someone was following them. The figure in question was in one of the trees in the woods, waiting for them to pass before dropping silently from his bough. It was a pegasus, white fur, dark sunglasses and clothed in a mute green combat attire with a scarf over his muzzle. He didn’t have a cutie mark, stating that, officially, he wasn’t even there. He stared in the direction the ponies had gone.

“Code name: Obelisk is en route to Ponyville with escort, no sign of hostiles so far. Copy, Upbeat?” He notified into his microphone, there was a bit of static before a reply came.

“Solid copy, Sights, I’ve got you on my LMIP. Do ya need Flip to assist you?” The voice was feminine, with a curious accent. The white pony thought about this before responding.

"I shant ask how his mission went, Obelisk is here. So the mission went alright?" He asked, the response was more than ecstatic.

"It actually worked! He was disguised as Code name: Dusk & mimicked her magic signature! He could assist ya, ya know." She informed him. “Negative, I’ll be fine on my own, I don't need that life-devoid ferret on my ops.This shape-shifting thing is going to make combat very weird though. Especially since I can't use a gun. I’m a Support, not Stealth, I’m pretty sure we can go without disguises. Just stick to the shadows and keep a low profile, like the boss taught us.” Sights heard what sounded like a sigh and a groan, all at the same time, before an answer came.

“It’s still beta testing, what’cha expect? It’s very new technology. The boss didn’t get to polish its performance before it happened.” The white pony frowned under his turtleneck, he didn’t like talking about that about as much as Upbeat did. Why she brought that up wasn’t going to solve any problems.

“Besides, there shouldn’t be any hostiles around for at least a week, they haven’t got their forces organized. We're retrofitting attachments for pony cameras for guns. So don't worry, they'll come with the care package. Their Stealth might be around Canterlot though, keeping an eye on Code name: Dusk & Dawn. It looks like they also inserted someone in & "invented" television, not sure why but we'll keep an eye on it. Their CProgram is up too, but they shouldn’t use that until they have a clear shot of Obelisk. Fritzy must’ve been working overtime, yes?” All of this pleased Sights except for the possibility of Stealth crawling about. He smiled beneath his scarf, actually believing that this could go easily for once.

“Copy, Upbeat. I’ll follow them on the train & set up shop in Canterlot. Electronic silence until I reach destination.” He took to the air with his wings, flying low to avoid detection in order to intercept the train without a hitch.

“Good luck, Sights. Bring the boss back home.” Upbeat said before Sights turned off his comms.