• Published 1st Jun 2012
  • 1,126 Views, 41 Comments

Dreams are not always dreams.. - KeyboardLuna

A HiE Fanfic, where a human is sent to Equestria, but soon has to battle forces not just from there.

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Unexpected Visit

A/N: Yes, I know. An HiE Fanfic, as if there isn't enough. But this is my very first fanfic so constructive critism is accepted! Also, I can't draw, sing, or make music so I thought I'd help out the community for FiM in writing stories. BTW, this isn't going to be a boring one, I've been planning this one for awhile, this'll be a prequel for another fic if this is popular. I have the second chapter written out, just say if you want me to post it!

Dreams are not always dreams..
Dreams are supposed to be, just that, dreams. But sometimes they can be much more than that. Sounds like some sappy Cinderella story, in Rainbow Dash’s words. In this story, you’ll hear about some things that’ll sound crazy, my life in a nutshell. Since I was around 5 years old, I liked to keep to myself. I made my own friends & developed a habit to talk to myself and inanimate objects. Because some of the things I’d say are thing only I would understand. I enjoyed the feeling of being alone. The only problem with that was if I was sad, I’d have no one to talk to but me, myself & I. Though don’t think I didn’t have any real friends, I had a lot of those. But I was content to hang out with myself, if need be. But one day I found a whole new world, somewhere I’d dreamed about going anytime I could, but deemed it impossible to travel there. But dreams can sometimes be truth, however wonderful or horrible they seem. And can change a creature’s heart in a blink of an eye.

Chapter 1: Unexpected Visit

It was a delightful pre-spring morning in the Santa Cruz Mountains, if a bit chilly. Some birds were singing their daily reveille, praising another fine March day. Tents were dotted at the bottom of a hill with campers, specifically Boy Scouts, waking up with much grumbling to start packing up & leaving in cars to their homes in the Bay Area. Though three of these tents were unoccupied, their owners were on top of the hill in a shelter. Choosing instead to keep warm with sleeping bags & their comrade’s body warmth, for it wasn’t a very big shelter. Especially for 4 teen boys. One of these scouts was beginning to wake up, his eyelids fluttered and finally opened. He groaned, reading stories late at night wasn’t a very good idea, even about Friendship is Magic. For these scouts slept together for a different purpose, they were all bronies, they just finding this out about each other two days ago. One of them had brought stories about the Mane 6 playing video games & being the “Mythbuckers” that entertained them through the night. Though doing this before the day they leave wasn’t good in hindsight.

The scout got up, slipping on his shoes while frog-walking towards the exit, for the ceiling was around 2-3 feet in height. And he 5’ 6” & qualified to be a teen with dirty blonde hair, glasses, & acne like most his age. He also had a mustache & some chin hairs that were not impressive. He never thought of himself as beautiful, for he wasn’t. Once at the mouth of the shelter, he stretched blissfully. “This was the life.” He thought, “Hanging out with other bronies, talk about our favorite characters. Not having to be scared about being judged. Ahhh…” The scout was surprised that it had been so warm in the shelter, mainly because of their close proximity to each other, it was pleasant to sleep in, the body heat was very welcome on a terribly brisk night. “We should do this when we come here again.” He contemplated. He then ducked his head in the entrance to face his three, sleeping comrades. Whispering loudly so to not wake up the adults, “Hey guys! Wake up & smell the danishes, because I’ll eat them all if you don’t!” “Hey, David, cool it! We’re not all Applejacks when waking up, you know.” Dan, David’s younger brother replied, “What’s the rush? We don’t need to get going ‘til 6:30.” I facehoofed, “Dan, we need to pack up all this AND our tents, not to mention the patrol gear & trash sweep. Wake the others & get your sleeping bags packed.” I walked over to a tree 8 feet away & relieved myself of my liquids. “Why are you slinging orders around to us? We still don’t have to rush.” Asked Dan, adding his ever-present matter-of-fact tone, something that irritated me since Dan started talking. I then replied, “First, I’m the oldest, so that gives me the right to give you orders.” Which I rarely got to do. “And second, Samuel has been hanging out with the older scouts, shirking his Patrol Leader duties, so I’m acting Patrol Leader. Got that?” I eyed him with my best impression of Fluttershy’s Stare, except from the corner of my eye like a bird. “You fail at doing that, you know.” Dan smirked. I shook my head with amusement, “ Just get everybody up.” Half annoying, Half genuinely funny..” I thought. Dan then gave a comical salute, “Yes, sir! Get them up in no time, Sir!” He then started waking them up with rough shakes. “In his own way.” I mused silently.
“Will, Russell! Get up!” commanded Dan, as he tried to wake them up. Will got up first, “Wha ‘s it?” He slurred, obviously not fully awake. “We shouldn’ get up jus’ yet, go back t’sleep.” He then laid back down to dream a few more minutes. “David told us to, so get up.” Stated Dan, then adding smugly, “He said he’s gonna eat all the danishes.” Never!” Will shouted, instantly bolting upright. “Keep it down. People are trying to sleep here.” Russell said under his pillow. “You aren’t going to get anymore sleep, Russ. The adults will take care of that.” Dan retorted. “Speaking of the adults,” I commented but stopped while drinking from my nalgene, “they’ll be so happy that you’re making a bunch of noise to wake everybody up.” I glared at them angrily. “Oops..” Dan realized, now horrified. The adults were not people you wanted to make angry, they’d make your life hell if they had to. “Always new scouts at heart.” I sighed inwardly. Suddenly, my bladder felt full again. “That’s weird..” I thought. “Get packed up & get down there, I have to go. Mind if I read your Skyrim manual, Will?” “Sure.” I rushed over to another tree 20 feet away on the far side of the hill, grabbing my daypack, nalgenes & Will’s Skyrim manual & throwing the latter into the daypack as I speed-walked. Once I got there I relieved my on the tree, which took about a minute. “Why did my bladder do that? Very strange..” I considered. “This day is going to be very strange, I can feel it.” Little did I know how weird it was going to get.

I zipped up my fly and sauntered back to the shelter to pick up my sleeping bag, and begin my walk back to the camp. Once I reached the shelter, I stuck my head in the entrance. “You guys packed up yet?” I called, but was met with no reply. “They must’ve left without me, of course they’d go without me! I’m going to kill Dan!” I berated myself. I picked up my sleeping bag & started my walk down the path to the camp. Around halfway there, I sensed something following me in the bushes. I was thinking about my knife on my pack, I pulled it out. “If it’s a bear, this knife won’t do anything. Though it doesn’t sound very big..” I thought as I looked around worriedly. Rustling soon reached my ears. “I could scream for help, but that might make it charge. Besides, it might be Dan trying to scare me.” I know you’re there! Come out where I can see you!” I commanded to the bush the rustling was coming from. The last thing I expected came from it. A navy blue-purple creature jumped out from it. More specifically, a pony! Whom I recognized as Princess Luna, standing there with head erect and eyes looking up at me, hair waving majestically like it had a mind of it’s own, for she was around four feet tall. I gazed back at her with disbelieving eyes. Here was a pony, an alicorn, here on Earth! “Greetings, human, I hast traveled far to meet one of thou kind. ‘Tia told me about humans and their funny appearances, I’d hath not believe it if I hadn’t seen it with my eyes. “And she’s talking to me! *squee*” I sheathed my knife, so not to scare her. “Uh.. no offense. But I could say the same for yourself. We don’t get many of your kind here either.” I stated slowly, I was still shocked. Luna looked about the same. “You.. don’t say, ‘Tia neglected to tell me this. Please, pray tell.” She looked at me with interest, edging closer to me while she spoke. I looked into her dark, beautiful eyes, I obliged. “Well, there’s other animals on this planet which we call Earth. All sorts, even Equine, but not like your kind of Equine. None of the animals here can talk except Humans, so we’re the masters of this world, I guess.” “You’re such a sucker, you know that?” “Shut up.”

I had some questions of my own. “I know all about your world, so could you please tell me how you got to mine?” I really wanted to know, whether it be magic or another force. The Lunar Princess looked shocked that I knew about her world, but didn’t press me about it. “I found a very complicated spell to transport objects & beings between other worlds, it seems it worked. I desperately wanted to see your kind up close, the mirror that ‘Tia supplied showed me some things about your world, but was insufficient at interacting with you.” Luna finished. She then circled around me, studying every inch of me with much concentration. I let her until she got to my knife, manipulating it with her magic and pulling it out of its sheath. “Hey! Careful with that! I don’t want you getting cut.” I explained to her firmly. “I hath been trained to use knives for self-defense. Thou observe me!” she then did a couple spins with the knife and threw it at the end of an upturned tree trunk, right in the center of the rings. “Wow, she’s really something..” “Wow, that’s amazing!” she was polishing her hoof while sheathing the weapon with her magic, like she did it everyday. “’Tis nothing. I practice with knives everyday. For if my guards were not present, such as they aren’t now, Equestria would not have a princess of the Night for much longer.” “Nailed it on the everyday thing!” I thought. “Would thou fancy a trip to Equestria for a few days? I’m sure thou would enjoy it.” Luna suggested to my disbelieving ears. “A trip to Equestria!? Heck yes!” I screamed inwardly, “I’d be delighted to go!” I answered her enthusiastically. “Perfect! Thou shall see the marvels of Equestria!” she declared, raising a hoof in a dramatic pose. “*Squee* squared!” I rejoiced inside, basically throwing a party, all in my brain. “So, when do we go?” I asked anxiously, “Now, of course!” Luna stated, her horn starting to glow a bright light blue, crackling energy. “Oh crap..” I thought in the seconds when I grabbed my daypack & sleeping bag when we disappeared into nothing, off this world & into another.

I was falling fast through the air, very fast. The wind whipped through my hair as I descended down to the earth. “I don’t think I’m supposed to be herrreee!” I yelled to myself, barely making any noise because of the wind. I didn’t see Luna falling with me, or anywhere near me. I didn’t see her anywhere. “Something must’ve gone wrong with the spell. Why else would I be speeding to my very possible death.” I contemplated. *1 hour later* “It’s very beautiful up here.” I said to no one in particular, for it certainly was. The sun was just setting in the West while on what I’d assume was Luna’s moon rising in the East. It looked to be evening on the ground, for I could see it now, the dark land masses and I could make out some mountains along the South-West. I even made out some lights which I assumed were towns or cities. “I’m getting awfully close to the ground!” I realized with much panic. I was stuck on the course I’d been taking for the past hour. So unless I landed in a lake, I was doomed. *5 minutes later* The land was approaching at alarming speeds. I gave it another minute before I reached the ground. A forest that I recognized as the Everfree Forest was only 275 feet from where I assumed I would land. ”At least I know I’m in Equestria.” I thought happily, but my happiness was short-lived as I was 100 feet from the ground. “Oh jeez, oh jeez, oh jeez!” I screamed loud enough to be heard over the wind. When I landed, I landed in a tree so my fall was broken, but hit my head on a bulky limb in the process and went unconscious.

I woke up in a world of pain, my head on fire with some of my other limbs. I was surprised that I was in a tree & was wondering how I got there when I saw my pack. Instantly my memories flooded back into my mind. “I’m in Equestria..” I mumbled, my pain forgotten but now in shock about the recent turn of events. I just hung there for about ten minutes, musing over my situation. “Will my parents find out I’m missing? Where will they look? Will anyone miss me?” Finally, I climbed out of the tree to retrieve my daypack on the ground. It was a beautiful morning, some birds were singing. A couple clouds in the air as I checked my watch, “8:30, Seems about right.” There was a note on the top of the bag. Puzzled I began to read it. “Dear human, I hope you like our land of Equestria. I got some things from your house, your favorite things in the world. They are in the bag with your toothbrush, don’t forget to brush. Love, Luna.” I thought about the note, “That’s nice of her, I wonder what she put in there. ‘Don’t forget to brush’?” I was baffled about the last sentence in her note, but quickly dismissed it. “Well, let’s see what she put in here..” I put the note in my pocket & zipped the main compartment open. In it was: my Playstation 3 with 4 controllers & some of my games, my phone, my laptop w/ charging cord & memory stick, my old 2005 Zen Nano with my headphones, a flashlight, my 1st aid kit, my iPod touch, & some of my favorite books including my Bible. I pondered about all the things in the bag. “Wow, she really knows what I like, even my religion. How does she know all this about me? And how did she fit all that in there?” I did a mental facehoof. “Duh. She’s a demi-god who’s around 980 years old.” “This is a historic day for man & equine.” I stated to the tree, I’d always wanted to be in a history book. I’d always loved history since I was 6 years old. And now I’m the first person ever to be in Equestria, historic no matter how you slice it. “Though you weren’t.” “Shush, you’re giving stuff away!” I looked to the Everfree Forest in the distance, about 250 feet away. “I might need to travel a bit to get to civilization, preferably Ponyville.” I stated inwardly, I started to turn around, observing the terrain. “I wonder.. where I’ll have to.. go..” I stopped in my tracks. “You moron..” The irritating side of my brain said. The thing that met my eyes was around 125 feet away, it was a cottage. With bird houses in the trees close to it. A stream babbling near it, and a bridge over the stream with animals of all kinds, mostly rodents, scampering over it to get to the building. I knew exactly what it was, “Fluttershy’s Cottage..” was all I could say, flabbergasted. I started heading towards it, walking at first but soon running. I was running as fast as I could, even with all the stuff in my daypack and my cumbersome sleeping bag in my hands. “What a stroke of luck! I can’t wait to meet her!” I yelled in my mind.

I stopped within 10 feet of the cottage, I was at the back, facing a window to the building. I stood there for about a minute, unsure of what to do. Excitement overtook me and I started jumping in the air yelling & hooting for joy, even dancing. I then yelled, “I’M IN EQUESTRIA!”

Fluttershy was in her living room with the animals in her care. Most of them were sick or injured and required medical attention. That was no problem for her, since she was a skilled nurse. She was treating some animals before breakfast to get an early start on the day. She was placing a splint on a rabbit’s foreleg while calming it down, “There, there. See? It didn’t hurt a bit now, did it?” The rabbit looked at its foreleg in disgust, then tried to hop but fell flat on its face. Fluttershy chuckled, she sounded like an angel, “Don’t hop around with that splint on your leg, keep off of it for 3 weeks. Otherwise I might have to put a splint on your face.” She joked. The rabbit nuzzled her foreleg as a sign of thanks. “Oh, no need. I was happy to help.” She then trotted off to her next patient. But she was interrupted by another bunny, her pet bunny Angel. He jumped in front of her, trying to get her attention. “Oh, what is it, Angel?” Angel pointed to the kitchen with an urgent look in his eyes. “Oh, but it’s not breakfast yet.” Fluttershy pointed out. Angel looked at her with an unamused stare before bouncing into the kitchen, Fluttershy following close behind. He then pointed at the window, gesturing that she look outside. “What’s outside? I know it’s going to be a beautif-“ She stopped, frozen at what she saw. There was something she’s never seen before. Outside was a hairless monkey with hair only on its head, in clothes, jumping up and down yelling & screaming. It had a saddlebag-like thing and another bag. But what she noticed most was a knife on the saddlebag, her pupils were almost pinpricks as she saw the weapon. She screamed and galloped into the nearest closet, Angel running after her. She closed the door to the closet before Angel could reach it, he knocked on the door hard. “Angel!” she shouted in terror, “Find someplace to hide! That thing will kill us all!” Angel had other plans for her, he knocked ever harder on the wooden door. Fluttershy cracked it open & looked at Angel. “What is it? Can’t you see that it had a weapon!” she said in horror, obviously shaken at what she had seen. Angel started to stare at her like her “Stare” and pointed out at the window. “No, Angel, I’m not sure it would work. Besides we’d be better off hiding.” she stated meekly. Angel now pointing at the injured animals in her living room, his face almost seemed to say, “What about them? They’re in no condition to run & hide. Do it for them.” She then stopped shaking, having a determined look on her face. Then said, “You’re right, Angel. I’ll do it for the animals, to neutralize that, dumb, MEANIE!” She then walked toward the door to fix the ape with the “Stare”. Angel hopped behind with a contented look on his face. “This is gonna be good..” he thought as they exited the cottage.

I was heading to the front door to knock on it, when Fluttershy herself walks out with Angel beside her. “Hi! I’m not from h-“ was all I got to saying when I looked into Fluttershy’s eyes. She was using the “Stare”. Instantly I was frozen, those eyes taking up all my memories. Everything I had remembered, everything I cared about was taken up by those eyes of brilliant azure fury. I dropped to the ground in a fetal position, paralyzed as I couldn’t forget those piercing eyes.
Fluttershy was pleased that the creature was incapacitated for the time being. Her animals were safebut she was unsure on what to do with the hairless being, who was now hyperventilating, frozen as a statue. Angel grabbed its leg and started to pull it towards the house. Fluttershy was happy to comply, sensing that her companion had a plan. They both hauled the creature inside her cottage. She took off its saddlebags, being careful with the knife. They then pushed it into the closet Fluttershy was in earlier and locked the door. “Whew, I’m glad that’s over.” She announced, “I’m going to get the others over here, you stand guard, Angel.” The bunny threw a smart salute & stood by the closet door. Fluttershy saluted back & trotted out the door. She took off into the morning air, flying softly over rolling plains. “I wonder what everyone will make of this.” She thought as she headed towards Ponyville.

A/N: Video games in Equestria? Nopony else has done it..
Please comment, I'd like to correct my mistakes.