• Published 10th Oct 2015
  • 565 Views, 2 Comments

Like a Dream - Opium4TmassS

Luna has found something new inhabiting the world of dreams.

  • ...

Dreams for the Dreamless

The Carney smashed the Ferris wheel in rage. The Carney jammed it's pointed leg through the old dirty tent the Carney had created with dreams that were stolen from others, throwing it to the wall. The Carney broke the already broken funhouse, slamming it into pieces with his body. The Carney screamed in anger and frustration. The Carney wasn't very happy.

So close! So close was it! Almost having that being, girl, pony, whatever it really was. Only to lose her AGAIN! This time by some interfering dark horse that brought some moon up somewhere. "SHE WILL PAY FOR THIS!" the monster yelled slamming it's legs into the ground. The creature paced back and forth in it's self created world, made of the broken dreams that the minions stolen to bring here and fashion. Resembling a decrepit amusement park, that had been built to lure the lost into torment as long as the Carney saw fit. The only problem was no one had ever come. The truth was the Carney was weak. Lacking the power needed to do all the things it desired. It had to stay in the background doing what little the monster could. But with that girl the Carney could do so much more.Beyond its wildest dreams could he. Only to lose everything on the unpredictable.

It wasn't supposed to be this way. All the carefully made plans it had made, all the work, all the plotting, all the contingencies, all of the manipulations, and look what happened. Something not even the Carney foresaw. Screaming again as the monster broke a tilt-a-whirl, its rage not abating, only growing more and more frenzied, it turned to face it's minions, creations of nightmares The Carney had given a life in a place absent of true life.

"Find them find the girl, find this Princess Luna. I want them both!" it roared.

Its creations scattered, to do what they were told.

"I will find you Luna." The Carney said to itself watching them leave. "And the things I will do to you when I catch



"So this is Equestria." said Mercy now a dark unicorn, with a black mane tied tightly to her. "It's a pretty dark place. I can't see anything."

It was dark and empty as the three traveled along an unseen road. Their was glimpses of things hidden in the darkness. Objects all around them, but seemed to be forgotten and slowly fading away by the dreamer.

"I'll wanted to take you someplace first Mercy." said Princess Luna. "Were going to meet somepony. And please stop playing with your horn."

"Awww but I love having a horn." whined Mercy.

"I see light ahead of us." said Id. who was a shadow in the shape of a Breezy with dots for eyes "It looks like light coming from a house."

"You are correct Id, we are approaching a house." Luna said. "Her name is Cinnamon Drop, and she is a special friend of mine."

"Is she a unicorn as well?" asked Mercy. "I haven't talked to another unicorn before. or met another one as well. Hmm... what does the pointy thing do anyway?"

"Unicorns can use magic." Luna replied. "the horn grants them the power over magic. And yes she is a unicorn."

"What kind of magic can they do? Can I use this magic." as Mercy gave her horn a cross-eyed look as she concentrated on it. "I think mine is broken. I can't do anything with it."

"You seem to be full of surprises Mercy. But I don't think we need to add magic on top of them." laughed Luna

"Agreed." said Id.

Mercy pouted but kept up with them, as they continued on towards the light. Getting closer they noticed the house was less defined than they had thought barely a structure with what little the light was showing, almost fading away like everything else here.

"Why don't you go inside and say hello." said Luna opening the door for Mercy. "I'm sure she would love meeting a new friend." Watching Mercy head inside she held out her hoof in front of Id following Mercy inside. "Stay with me Id."

"You want to see what she can do." said Id.


"As you wish." said Id as they both stayed and watch Mercy interact with her new friend.

Like everything else here the place was dark and empty except for the young filly in the middle of the empty room. Cinnamon Drop laid on the ground, her long blond mane drooped down past her body, covering her and the area around her. From what Mercy see tell she was either coloring the ground, or just making circles on it.

"Hi my name is Mercy." she said as she bubbled herself in. "Why is this place so dark? Do you like the dark? I don't like the dark to much reminds me of the nothing I came from. Would you like me to put on the light. Maybe we can have Celestia bring the sun here. You ponies are so amazing! You have a giant pony that bring the sun, I have never seen that before. Well in a few dreams I have bu.." Mercy stopped when she noticed Cinnamon Drop was looking at her.

Luna said she was a unicorn like her but to tell the truth she couldn't tell as her entire front face, that wasn't covered by her mane was completely smooth over. Cinnamon Drop had no face. She stared or gave the impression of staring at Mercy for a few minutes before going back to her drawing of endless circles on the ground.

Curiously Mercy walked over to the front of the pony. Sitting down to get a better view of what she was drawing, examining the picture to get a better look at it, trying to decipher what it was supposed to be.

"Is that an ocean?" she asked. waiting for a reply that didn't come as Cinnamon Drop continued to scribble.

"I couldn't help to notice that you use only one color, blue. There are other colors you know. Like red, or purple, or black, or grey."

Still Cinnamon Drop didn't answer.

"You're not a very talkative pony you know that. I wish I knew what you are drawing. Is that supposed to be water? I can help with that." as Mercy stuck her hoof into the dream.

Making circles into the fabric she added her own dream into the dream, as rain began to pour into the house. Mercy at first was a little frustrated as Cinnamon didn't seem to notice anything at all. Gradually she became aware as the water began to wash away her picture. looking up into the darkened roof, staring upwards while drops of water hit her face, and ran down her body.

"Have you ever felt the rain? I have felt it all the time in other dreams I have visited. Sometimes I'll get wet and cold in them, sometimes they don't do anything. One time I was in a dream were it would rain anything you wanted it to rain. Would you like it to rain something else?" asked Mercy. Turning the rain of water into a rain of more water, as the downpour increased into a full storm in the house. Mercy started to giggle. "I didn't mean to do that, I'm a silly pony I know."

The water had risen up to a few inches in the house. Jokingly Mercy splashed some water onto Cinnamon Drop, soaking her more. Slowly she responded by moving her hoof across the water showering Mercy with a few drops.

"That's all?" laughed Mercy. "I must say your not very good at this." Splashing Cinnamon Drop with even more water. "I'm hardly wet. You can do better than that."

As if starting to remember something long forgotten Cinnamon Drop scooped up more water, throwing at Mercy. Most of it poured out of her hoof but some did hit Mercy, which only made her laugh harder.

"That's cold! Or is it? I'm never quite sure how rain is supposed to feel." said Mercy tossing another hoof full of water at Cinnamon Drop, who followed suit thoroughly soaking Mercy. Back and forth the two ponies splashed each other in a water fight between Mercy and the faceless pony.


"How long as Cinnamon Drop been in a coma?" asked Id.

"How did you know?"

"I have seen others going through the same as her. She has forgotten the world around her, I would say it was almost too late seeing how everything is almost faded."

"She has been in it a long, long time." said Luna. "I was afraid she was beyond help."

"It's going to take more than a water fight to make everything better. You know that right?" said Id. "So you brought Mercy here to test her didn't you."

"I know she needs more help than this. But it's a start. And yes, I did bring her here to test her." said Luna.


"She is dangerous."

"She can also heal."

"She can hurt as well."

"So can a lot of other ponies not just her. Admit it you like Mercy."

"Whether I like her or not is important. I have a kingdom to look after. Mercy is naïve, foolish, and totally oblivious to the real world. "

"You are not going to turn her away Princess Luna. She needs you probably more than you know." said Id.

"She is like a child. What if she hurts some pony? What then?" said Luna keeping an eye on the two ponies playing.

"I can't tell you of the what ifs, I can only tell you of the what is."

Luna gave Id a close look as if seeing it for the first time. "What are you Id? Really?"

"I am just a thought given awareness. But I have been around for a very, very long time, and I have seen a lot of things. I have seen dreamers at their worst and at their best."


"HA!" squealed Mercy, holding her face with her hooves. "You got me right in the eye. Wait is that right? How does water from a dream get into the eye?" Mercy continued to talk as she wiped her face. "Okay! Okay! You win." she laughed. "Want to see something else?"

The faceless pony stared at her for a moment trying to understand what she had just said before nodding.

"Good lets play something new." said Mercy pulling off a piece of the dream. "I have an idea." she continued talking stretching and bending the piece over and over again. "I was once in this dream where everything was underwater. The entire world, the sun, the moon, everything. Except for me I was on top of the water. Floating around on a boat that was way to small for me. How odd was that?" Mercy tore the pieces into two as she kept working on it. Resembling dolls now, with a final twist of her hoof she added color to them. "Their now. What do you think?" she asked showing them off to Cinnamon Drop.

Mercy set the dolls that looked like the both of them on the ground, next to each other. With a clap of her hoofs, the figurines sprang to life, walking and dancing around the circle between the two. Cinnamon Drop picked up the doll that looked liked her as she turned it around in her hoof to look at it closer before setting it down again.

"They need something else." she said thinking. "Ahha! I got it." as she reaching into the dream again and music started playing. "Their." She said satisfied. "But I don't remember this song. I think it's one of yours, Isn't It?"

Cinnamon nodded as the figure that looked liked her twirled around and around on the floor as the other one danced along.


"She is starting to remember things again." said Id as they watched through the window.

Luna said Nothing as she continued watching.

"If you turn her away she will probably never come back. Neither will I."

"Will that be such a bad thing?" asked Luna. Turning her head around to look at Id. "What about that monster chasing her? Why should I get involved anymore than I already have? What if it goes after other ponies? Would it be a good thing to risk all of Equestria for a pony? Not even a real pony, just a dream of a pony."

Id landed on Luna's back and crawled to her shoulders. "Maybe you shouldn't have interfered when you met us. Maybe you should have let us go on and got have gotten involved. For what it's worth I think you did the right thing."

"Did I?"

"Only you know the answer to that."


"Have you ever tried not scaring, or being a nightmare?" asked Apple Bloom. As the two made it to the outskirts of Ponyville

"This is what I have always been. How can I not be what I am. You might as well ask yourself can you ever stopped being a pony." replied Eureka. "So this is a town. What do the ponies do here?"

"Oh they work, live, sleep, eat those kind of things.?"

"I have been in a few dreams where ponies were eating things. I have always wondered what that's like. Sometimes they take great enjoyment, sometimes they hate it."

"It depends on what they are eating I guess."

"What do you like to eat Apple Bloom?" asked Eureka

"Oh lots of things. I love it when my sister makes apple pie. She makes the best apple pie ever." she said as they walked into the city.

"I would like to try an apple pie." said Eureka. "What is an apple pie?"

Past the houses slowly falling apart, past the lawns turning brown, with patches of lifeless dirt. Past the version of Ponyville created by the both of them, they walked on. "It feels creepy walking around here in Ponyville."

"I thought you said earlier this didn't bother you."

"Well it is starting to get to me a little." said Apple Bloom shivering. "I know this is a dream, but can you make it a little brighter? Can you make the sun come up?"

Eureka looked at her for a moment in puzzlement it seemed to Apple Bloom."In all the dreams I have visited I never once seen the sun. I have heard dreamers talk about it. Worship it even. But I never have seen it. What is this sun everyone keeps talking about? And why does everyone love it so?

"I don't think we love the sun, more of we love what we can do with the sun out." said Apple Bloom. Absentmindedly doodling in the sand with her hoof. "We play, go to school, see friends, do chores, everything we do we do with the sun out. well most everything."

"Do you eat apple pie during the day?asked Eureka watching her draw.

"I can eat my sister's apple pie anytime." laughed Apple Bloom.

"You said that before. What is a sister? Is she the only one that can make this apple pie you keep saying?" He said while extending his own hoof while drawing with Apple Bloom."Can a sister do other things?"

"It's kind of hard to describe what a sister is. She's family I guess that the best explanation, I can say."

"Does she have a name?"


"That's a pretty name."

Apple Bloom looked down at the drawing they both made in the sand. Slowly the house they both made rose up from the sand. Filling out to look more like a toy to play with your dolls. "Are you doing this?" she asked

"No. This is all you Apple Bloom." said Eureka. "But I did have a hand in this."As a tiny sun rose from the ground lighting the house." I think its all rather beautiful. He stared out looking at everything. "Apple Bloom."

"Yes?" she asked watching the model come to life.

"Your a fascinating pony and I hope to meet you again soon. But its time to wake up. Farewell for now, enjoy your apple pie your sister makes for you.

"What are you talking about I'm still..."


"Asleep..." she said opening her eyes to the coming light, as Celestia brought up the sun for a brand new day. Apple Bloom laid in bed thinking of her dream, still vivid in her mind wondering if it was all real or just another dream. "A dream of a pony dreaming of dream ponies." she said to herself. She heard Applejack downstairs ringing the breakfast bell."

"Come and get it!" she yelled upstairs.

"I wonder if Applejack made any apple pie for breakfast?" she said. As she got out of bed and hurried downstairs.


"Family." Eureka thought to itself, as it floated in the nothingness of the in-between of dreams. Eureka gathered itself as it tried to find out where to-go. "Family." he thought again as it picked up the direction where she would be. Eureka sped off towards the other one he had been searching for a long time.

Comments ( 2 )

Does Nightmare Moon appear or at least get mentioned in this story?

I can't really comment right now to that question without giving any spoilers.

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