• Published 29th May 2012
  • 687 Views, 8 Comments

The First Equestrian Games. - S. K. RyDer

Six males. Six females. Six cities. One victor.

  • ...

Chapter 5: Part 1: The Pegasus Eulogies

“And here’s your host, Smiles!”

A Unicorn smiled at the camera as the lights shot on, his white coat shining silver.

“Thank you Equestria!” He stood from his chair, “Thank you. As you know, tonight we’ve got not one, not even three interviews, but THIRTY-SIX. Tonight’s two hour-long special will be with each and every one of the ponies competing in the First Equestrian Games.

“Also, as you may know,” He looked at his live audience, “There will only be one winner. That winner will go places I’m telling you!”

He sat back down, hitting his arm rest. A second chair rose from the floor. “And first off, fron Canterlot Castle, our very own princess of the Night herself: Luna!”

She trotted from the curtains, giving the audience a smile that was halfway believable. “Thank you, Smiles.”

“No problem sweetie.” He shook her hoof, sitting her in the chair. “So tell me, what’s going through your mid tonight. The games are tomorrow morning, after all.”

She sighed, “Well, since we’re royalty, we knew what the games were about from the start. We mean, thirty-six go in, of course, but--”

“SSST!” A hiss erupted behind the curtains, causing Luna’s head to snap around. She made a face, and then turned back to Smiles.

“But not all will win. Only one.” She finished, heaving a depressed sigh.

“And you don’t think you’ll win?” He placed a hoof on her shoulder, “Keep your face up, my dear Princess, and you’ll be the sole survivor!”

She sighed, “That’s the problem we--”

The hiss shot out again. Luna rolled her eyes. “If we win, FoxTrot won’t. How can we do that to him?”

Smiles shrugged, “I know not, your highness.” He sighed, “But you have my vote. You’ll win these.”

A timer went off. Smiles leapt to his hooves. “Princess Luna Everypony!”

Luna’s departure started with a tumult of applause, ending only when her tail vanished from the far curtain.

“Next up, is the Pegasus who flew higher than a kite, both in ambitions and in reality. You’ll be hard pressed not to know her name of Spitfire!”

The crowd screamed as the Wonderbolt trotted next to the show’s host.

“How you doing, Miss Spitfire?”

“I’m doing fine.” She sat down, “Really fine actually.”

“Oh? And what is the call for being ‘really’ fine?”

She giggled, “Well, it might help hat I’m competing in the first set of games throughout Equestria.”

He chuckled, “They do that to a pony. So, tell me; what are you going to do when you get in there. By a creed, the two
of us are not supposed to give any information out pertaining to the nature of the games, but what are you planning?”

“To win.” She smiled, “There’s only one victor, after all…”

“To that you are right.” Smiles set a glass of water down, “But a little bit if a personal question: What’s going through
your head right now?”

Spitfire frowned, “Well, I really want to win, but I really am not that great at some of the things that we’ll be doing in
there. With the other ponies especially.”

Smiles nodded, “And for the ones who you hung around in Manehattan?”

She turned to the camera, “You’ll be in my heart, my family. If I win, you won’t be disappointed.”

The timer went off, signaling her interview’s end.

Smiles stood, shaking Spitfire’s hoof again. “Spitfire, Captain of the Wonderbolts Everypony. Our next one,” He
gestured to the crowd for silence, “Our next pony is another one who flies high and dreams big. Taking second in the last
Wonderbolt Derby, put your hooves together for Rapid Fire!”

The stark white Pegasus trotted forward, her red eyes gleaming like rubies. She shook Smiles’ hoof, then sat.

“So.” Smiles got right to the point, “Two female Wonderbolts in the same competition. What do you think the odds are?”

“Less than zero.” She sighed, “Spitfire is practically my sister. From her eyes, anyway.” Rapid Fire licked her lips,
turning her head away from the camera, “In my eyes, she’s practically my mother.”

The crowd murmured. Smiles frowned, “And why is that. If you don’t mind my asking?”

Rapid Fire’s eyes brimmed with tears, “It’s because of my condition. All my family hates me because I didn’t get the
flashy-flash coats they did. They think it’s my fault I’m an Albino!”

Smiles placed a hoof around the crying Pegasus. “Hey, Rapid. Have you ever wondered why I wear these goggles all
the time?” He gestured to the object covering his eyes, “Do you know?”

She sniffed, “Fashion statement?”

He shook his head, his black mane waving in the wind, “No. Look at this.” He pulled the goggles off, revealing a set of
blood-red eyes that had no iris, pupil or anything. They didn’t even shine.

“I lost my sight after my sister died in an accident.” He explained, “My eyes turned red from lack of use.”

“Funny.” She said, her face twisting into a small smile. “You seem to know where everything is quite fine.”

“That’s because my goggles restore my vision when I’m wearing them.” He said, slipping the device back on, “But I lost all my friends along with my sight. No one wanted to be associated with the ‘red eyed mutation’.”


“I have two tails. Don’t believe me?” He added, a look of doubt showing on her face, “Here, feel right there. Don’t worry,
I won’t tell your mother.”

Attentively, Rapid Fire slowly slid her hoof between his tail, gasping when she felt that he was telling the truth.

“And I won’t tell you what else I have two of.” He joked as the timer went off. He gave her a comforting hug. “Rapid Fire
Everypony.” He turned directly to the camera, “Hey, if you’re watching this, Rapid Fire’s family, there is nothing wrong with
being genetically mutated.” He straightened, “Now, the next one up is a simple mare who lives a simple life, tending to
animals and other woodland creatures. Give an Equestrian-breaking ‘yay’ for Fluttershy!”

A black hoof appeared from the curtains, pushing the yellow Pegasus out into the view of the entire country. She gave
a nervous smile.

Smiles galloped over to her, “Come on, Flutters, it’s alright.” He gently sat her down in her chair.

“So, Fluttershy,” he gave her a loving smile, “What do you think of when one says ‘Equestrian Games’?”

Her response came from her mouth so quietly; Smiles leaned in and whispered something in her ear.

“I’m sorry?” He pulled away, “I didn’t catch that.”

“I just said that, um, my friends were quite, um, startled that I was chosen.”

“And who are your friends?” Smiles asked, “Are they in full support of you?”

She nodded, “Yes. All my animal friends were there to see me off, as well as my five friends in Ponyville.”

“Why so few?”

She looked at him, her voice becoming a little bit stronger, “Well, Twilight and they are the only ones who will see who I
am, and not how loud I can be. And Angel, though he’s a little bit pushy at times, cares for me enough.”

Smiles gave a smile that Nopony had ever seen him give before, “And what does Angel do for you?”

She sat up a bit, “Well, when that mean old Gabby Gums mare wrote terrible things about me and my friends, he was
right there to dry my tears and comfort me.”

“And that is what true friends do?”

“And that is what true friends do.” She agreed, giving a final nod of her head.

“Fluttershy, everypony.” Smiles didn’t shake her hoof. Instead, he dipped her down and kissed her right there in front of
every pony in Equestria.

The two of them broke apart after a moment. Smiles turned and announced the next pony.

“She may look small, and she may be rather shy, but you never want to mess with this Pegasus. Born a racer and
raised a mechanic, Give it up for Wild Fire!”

The beige Pegasus ran from off the stage, taking a flying leap and landing right in her chair. “Thank you Smiles.” She
beckoned the startled Unicorn to sit, “Well come on, we haven’t all day.”

“Ah, yes.” He sat down, shaking his head. “So, Wild Flank—I mean, Wild Fire.” He coughed “What exactly makes you
Wild Fire?”

Wild Fire brushed a bit of her brown mane from her eyes, “Well, since you asked.” She turned, flashing her flank off, “I
got this beauty when I won first place in my school’s racing competition.” She wiggled her rump, making the flames look as if
they were dancing on her tire.

He smiled, “So I take it whatever you’re going to do in the arena, you’re going to do it fast?”

She grinned, “I’m going to BLOW the competition out of the water. So watch out boys!” She stood, basking in the

After she trotted off the stage, Smiles heaved a sigh, “From the far reaches of Fillydelphia, comes the strong and able
Pegasus who, at the age of three, managed to break the sound barrier. Even though the Sonic Rainboom is a feat, this
Pegasus managed to do the equivalent before she was even out of diapers. This mare has been raised eating nails for
breakfast for seventeen years now.” He paused, “WITHOUT milk. Give it up for Nimbus Flight!”

Smiles gestured to the curtains. They remained still.

“Come on Smiles.” The host jumped, landing in the opposing chair, “I understand you’re blind and all, but this is pitiful.”

He gave a nervous chuckle, rubbing his chest. “That’s my chair.”

“Not from where I’m sitting.”

Smiles waited until the crowd silenced, “Anyway. A Sonic Boom. Before you even started using the toilet.”

“Mmm Hmm.” She nodded, “And my parents wonder where I got my speed. They’re both Unicorns.”

“Your parents?”

“Yeah. My dad said he had an uncle that was a Pegasus, but he couldn’t even walk on clouds, let alone fly.”

“Thin Wing Membranes?”

“Yep.” She sighed, “But still, it’s kind of exhilarating, creating clouds with nothing more than your wings.”

“You’re referring to the could formed by the mach cone.”


“Well,” Smiles clicked his tongue, “Forgive my asking, but what makes you so confident you’re going to win? I mean--”

Nimbus’ grey hoof met Smiles’ white cheek. “This interview’s over.”

“Nimbus Flight.” He said, realigning his goggles. “Ow. From within Canterlot’s own castle’s walls, we have the newest
Royal Member. He may not be a native to Equestria, but he’s kind enough that, through ten years’ hard work, managed to
gain an Elemental Status of the shadows. Give it up for your very own, Prince FoxTrot!”

The Prince trotted from the side, shaking Smiles’ outstretched hoof. “Thank you Smiles.”

“My pleasure your highness. So, ten years ago, you were nothing more than a wanderer, here in Equestria for the sole
purpose of getting an ingredient to save your cities from a flu?”

“That’s right.”

“And look at you now!” He gestured to FoxTrot’s slick black coat, “Prince of the Shadows!”

He nodded, “It’s been hard, but worth it.”

“And I understand that it was your idea to start these?”

“Sad but true.”

“Why sad?”

“Because my sister will win these, not me.” FoxTrot looked at the camera, “I will do anything to help my sister.”

“And I understand that Princess Cadance would have been here, if not for Luna’s intervention?”

“Aye. You see,” FoxTrot leaned in, tapping his right hoof on the table in front of them, “It’s been a year since their
marriage, Caddy’s and Shining Armor’s, and she’s far enough along that their baby is due any day.”

The crowd gasped. Smiles leaned back a bit, “Boy or girl?”

The Prince of the Shadows smiled, his yellowing teeth dull against his black gums, “Using my Element, I can pick up
trace amounts of certain chemicals unique only to mares.”

Smiles grinned, “Then congratulations are in order for Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, Prince Shining Armor, and the little

FoxTrot and Smiles shook hooves. “Give them my love. Now!” Smiles turned back to both live and televised audiences,
“He may not be the brightest crayon in the box, but what he lacks in smarts, he MORE than makes up in strength. Give it up
for Bumble Bee!”

“YEEEEAAAHH!” The ripped Pegasus trotted on stage, flexing his massive muscles.

“So Bumble Bee.” Smiles gestured to the chair, but the stallion took no notice.

“Bumble Bee?” Smiles trotted to the stallion, tapping him on the shoulder, “Bumble Bee, you only have three minutes.”

The stallion turned, his red eyes daring Smiles to do something about it.

Smiles back down, “Bumble Bee Everypony!”

“YEEEEAAAHH!” The stallion kept flexing until the timer buzzed, where he allowed himself to be guided off by
Smiles.“Now for another high-flyer, he’s not very good at introductions, so here’s Soarin!”

A pale blue stallion trotted over, his yellow eyes glimmering with a sly sheen. He sat down in the chair next to Smiles.
“Thank you kindly my dear Smiles.”

“The pleasure is mine.” Smiles patted Sorin’s shoulder, “Now, you and your sister are competing, right?”

“Yes. I’ve really been the only one who’s helped her with her… problems.” Sorain sighed, “It’s not her fault she suffers
from albinism. Like you said, it’s in the genetics, and, technically, the parent’s choose what the kids get.”

“Then I’m glad my parents got rid of me.” Smiles gave a melancholy grin, “I was barely two when my parents sent me
into the adoptive shelters. But it’s not about me,” Smiles gave a half-true smile, turning back to Soarin’ “How long have you
been a part of the Wonderbolts?”

“Close to fourteen years now.” Soarin’ held his head high, “And in all those years, I have met only one loyal and
adoring fan.”

“Is there anything you’d like to say to her before we wrap up?”

Soarin’ shook his head, “It’s something I want to say to her in private.”

“Alright, I respect you for that.”

As the timer went off, Soarin’ wiped his eyes, trotting from the stage.

“Captain Soarin’. Now, then next stallion we’ve got the pleasure of hearing from is a native of Las Pegasus. Born in a
Casino run by his grandfather, this kid’s got every odd in his favor. Give it up for Soothsayer!”

The crowd roared at the stallion trotting to the stage, his wings embossed with diamond skulls. He turned to Smiles,
shaking his hoof.

“So, Sooths--”

“I prefer Gruel.”

“Gruel.” Smile was taken aback a bit, “Ahem. Uh, what is it like to have everything in your favor? I mean, you were born
in a casino run by your family ever since Las Pegasus was formed, but is there anything you CAN’T do?”

“I can’t get a mare.” Gruel hung his head, his white mane hiding his eyes.

Smiles grinned, “I was like that once, until four years ago when I met my special somepony. You’ll get yours eventually.
Have faith.”

“You really think so?”

“Yeah, I mean, when these games are over, you’ll have countless mares wanting you!”

“But there’s only one victor.”

“Just because there’s only one dosen’t mean you’ll life will end as you know it right now. You’ll find somepony.”

Gruel smiled as the timer went off. “Thanks Smiles.”

“Soothsayer Everypony.” He cowered a moment, “I mean Gruel.”

“Now.” The Unicorn clapped his hooves together, “From the large city of Manehattan comes a simple pony who wants
nothing more than to love and to be love and be loved. I’ve yet to meet a kinder pony than him, so let’s hear it for

Sympathy trotted from the curtains, his hair done up in a tie-dye band. He looked at the audience, gave an
encouraging smile, and caught a rose that seemed to appear from thin air.

“So, Sympathy.” Smiles gestured to the other seat, “I understand that you’ve actually been trying to start a little group
with other ponies like you?”

“Yeah man.” He spoke slowly, moving his hooves as he spoke, “It’s all got to do with love. You know man? Anytime I see
a pony getting harassed, it just makes my blood run cold man.”

“Like how?”

“Well, you ever been out in a blizzard with nothing on but your goggle thingies? That’s what it feels like man. Cold. A
blizzard of hate. No, I don’t want that in equestrian. I want to see every pony, young, old, male, or female, bonded together
under one category: Loving.”

“And this event you’re organizing is going to help?”

“Yeah man. A solid week of music man. I want EVERYPONY that can to come down to this event in the Manehattan
Park. I want it to be PACKED to the MAX man.”

Sympathy’s eyes fluttered a moment, “You know man, and every little thing you can do to help is another little change in
the world.”

“So you’re steadfast in this?”

“Yeah man. It’s all in the chemistry of a Pony. Love, man. Love is more powerful than anything man.”

“So, when did you exactly start this ‘outlook’ on love?”

“All my life man. It’s as much a part of me as any Pegasus’s wings or Unicorn’s horn.”

“Thank you. Symp--”

“I mean, where would we be without love? We’d still be in Equestrian Conflict, that’s where. You know man?”

“Yes. Sy--”

“Because if there was no love in this world, we’d be in one massive fu--”

“Sympathy, your time is up.”

“Oh. My apologies man.” He stood, gave one look at the crowd, and then trotted from the stage.

“Now, for our last male Pegasus interview, we have none other than the one who founded the ‘Lightning Complex’ in the
Rainbow Factory, where the sick or flightless Pegasi go to be taken care of. Give a huge round for Lightning Rain!”

The grey Pegasus trotted from the side of the curtains, giving a massively warm smile to Equestria. He bowed, tossing
something into the audience.

“Bribing people already?” Smiles chuckled, “Guess that’ll get you sponsors quicker. How are you, Lightning?”

“Pretty good.” The Pegasus looked at the host, “Hey, you know how hot the water is here? Very. I’m used to showering
with all natural rainwater. And the soap? Comes out WITH the water.” He turned, smelling his shoulder, “Do I smell like

“Do you--”

“Yeah. Here, take a whiff. Do I smell like roses?”

Smiles leaned in, smelling the Pegasus, “Not really. More of Lilacs though.”

“Huh, you smell like cinnamon.”

Smiles chuckled, “Well, I did have a couple candies before we started.” He admitted, “I’ve got a bronchial problem that
makes my breath smell like a cadaver.”

“Want to smell my breath?”

“I’m good, thanks.”

“No, I’m pretty sure that it’s better than you’re artificial garbage.”

“I’m good, Lightning.”

“No really, smell my breath.”

“I don’t want to smell your-”


“Ugh, Luna!” Smiles gagged, “Cripes that’s awful!”

Lightning gave a victorious grin, and then trotted off, leaving Smiles heaving fresh air.

“We’ll… be back… after these mess-- messages. MEDIC!”