• Published 29th May 2012
  • 686 Views, 8 Comments

The First Equestrian Games. - S. K. RyDer

Six males. Six females. Six cities. One victor.

  • ...

Chapter 6: Day Zero

FoxTrot sighed. He was standing on his hind hooves, propping himself on the sink of his bathroom. He tapped a small device on his fetlock. There was a flash of light, revealing a fox. He stood on the balls of his feet, making him appear slightly taller than he really was. His eyes were mismatched; one was silvery-grey and the other a blood red. His dark blue hair hung to his shoulders, tied back with a rainbow colored headband. He wore a dark grey jerkin with black shoulder pads. Two dark grey chains were laced through the belt loops of his pants, tracing into his pockets. His belt was pure black with a chrome black angel adorning the buckle.

The fox sighed again, unclipping the dark blue device on his wrist.

“What have you gotten yourself into, RyDer?” He muttered at his reflection. The headband fell to the sink next to his device.

The jerkin fell from his shoulders, revealing his sand blue chest. He turned to the shower, kicking it on with his toe.

“And now look at what YOU made.” He sighed for the umpteenth time, “Ponies killing ponies. That you’ve sworn to
protect.” He undid his belt, sliding it from his waist, “And you’re supporting it.”

Skorpeon let his pants fall to the floor. Stepping in the shower, he turned the water as hot as it would go. He sighed again.

The Fox sat down in the tub, allowing the water to rain onto him. He sat there in a melancholy state, allowing his mind to wander.

A quiet note escaped his lips,

No one can hear me, or my own agony.

Nor can they hear my screams.

Torment and pain is all I gain.

Relief is all in vain.

I think of my life, the one I cannot take.

How loud does my heart break?

I try to wake, it’s not to late.

This nightmare keeps me here.

I open my eyes and the pain still persists.

It’s eating me alive!

I want to die, but my ear will thrive.

The fear that torments me.

He sighed.

After a while, he stood, rubbing his dry eyes. He blinked, then turned the water off. He grabbed his towel, slinging it over his shoulders.

“Ooh ooh. You there, can’t you hear my screams? / Ah ah. Listen closely. Maybe you’ll hear my screams.”

Skorpeon sighed.

He slipped his clothing on, flopped onto his bed, wrapped the blankets around him securely, then turned the lights of,
entering a dreamless sleep.

Skorpeon started, feeling a presence enter near his sleeping form. He looked around, “You alright Lularuse?”

The Queen of the Night sighed, “We think we would have been better off allowing somepony else take our sisters’
place.” She flopped at the foot of the Fox’s bed, “But a part of us is afraid, Skor.” Her violet eyes glimmered with tears,
“We’re going to die, aren’t we?”

Skorpeon embraced her, “If you do, it will be for the better of Equestria. If you survive and are made the victor--”

“You and thirty-four others will be dead.”

“Equestria survived eons without me. It can survive eons more.”

“What of Twilight? Or Draggen?”

Skorpeon sighed, “I know not, mine sister.”

She sobbed, burying her face in his chest, “Is this what a condemned pony feels like? On his way to the slaughter?”

He rubbed her shoulders, “Be brave, Luna. You’ve got a fair chance of surviving these.”

She sighed, “But what of our night? Who will take care of it?”

The fox brushed his lips against her hair, “Rest easy, sister. If you die, and I live, I will take your responsibilities. If I die
and you live, you continue them as you always have.”

“If we both die?” Luna hiccupped, “What then?”

Skorpeon shook his head, “Caddy or Tia will see her through.”

“But it’s not us.”

“I know, but your night survived Tia’s rule for a millennium.”

“Must you deal in absolutes? Things are or aren’t?”

“It’s how the dimensions run. It’s all binary. There is no no-man’s-land in anything but war.”

Luna sniffed, “We just want to curl up and wish it all away.”

“There’s more than ample room here.” Skorpeon slid against the wall, “Sleep with me tonight, it will ease your conscious of tomorrow’s events.”

Luna lay down, her face inches from Skorpeon’s, “Will fair Twilight mind?”

“What she doesn’t know won’t kill her.”

“But it will us.”

Skorpeon sighed, absently stroking Luna’s hair.

Eventually, The Queen of the Night, his own ex-wife, fell asleep next to the Prince of Shadows.