• Published 27th May 2012
  • 1,137 Views, 14 Comments

The Hammer and the Sickle - SovietDash

This is the story of Soviet Dash, an OC originally based on Rainbow, but developed into a character.

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The 12 Shades of Destiny

The filly looks up at the sky, and notices one cloud moving independent from the rest. She spreads her wings and ascends to further examine the cloud. She notices a cyan colored pegasus with a rainbow mane riding atop the cloud. The cyan mare glances at the filly straight in the eyes, mumbles something that couldn't be understood, and continues to fly away.
"Now, who was that...?" She wondered why the pegasus didn't attack or show any sign of despair. The weather was beginning to get cold, and the filly needed to rest.

A small fire warms the filly's body on a cold, bitter night in the Everfree Forest. It has been a day since she made her appearance in Equestria, but she has not made any friends. If anything, she has made countless enemies. But why? What did she do? All she remembers is waking up that night in a castle, with a regal ivory alicorn questioning her. She feels shame, knowing that so much hate is directed at her, for something she didn't do, or at least didn't know of. The filly stares deeply into the fire, trying to get every bit of heat radiating from it, while her other problems, such as hunger and thirst, are set aside to be solved later. As the fire dies down, she feels her hope dying down with it. She knows she will freeze, with not a single living being to miss her.

A rustling sound from behind startles her, as she gets on the defensive for whatever may be ready to attack. Under what's left of the firelight, she can make out a plethora of colors, in order by rainbow. She then hears a voice coming from the colors.

"Hey, squirt. I know you didn't do it."

To this, the filly lets down her guard ever so slightly, in anticipation of what will unfold. She moves toward the voice, and begins to see a face, as more calm, assuring words follow.

"I know quite a bit about storms, and I know you didn't make that, at least not all by yourself. You can trust me."

The filly sees the stranger reach out a cyan-shaded hoof, and to this, she reaches out with hers, and the two embrace.

"Don't worry squirt. I'll get you out of this, somehow. The name's Rainbow Dash, greatest flier in all of Equestria!" She says, brushing off her wings. "What's your name, anyway?"

The filly assumes she can trust this figure. So, she responds.

"My name... is Prizma."

Her thick accent intrigued Rainbow Dash. Rainbow also noticed how Prizma's appearance is oddly similar to her own, albeit her colors are rather, dull.

"Prizma, huh? That's a funny name. You're - not from around here, are you?"

Prizma just stares into what's left of the fire, ignoring the question.

Rainbow Dash leans down and picks up some dry grass with her mouth, and drops it onto the fire. She gently fans the flame with her wing, and the fire grows back to a decent size, producing more warmth for the two. She walks over to Prizma, who is merely laying down gazing at the sky, and lays down next to her.

"Hey squirt. You see those stars up there?"

Prizma's expression changes from nervous to perplexed.

"Da... what about them?"

"That's Star Swirl the Bearded," Rainbow says, pointing at one cluster of stars. "And that's the Big Mare - right next to the Little Mare," pointing in another direction.

"Big mare and little mare..." Prizma repeats the words to herself.

"Yeah, like you and me," Rainbow exclaims, looking at prizma like she's her younger sister.

Prizma looks back, straight into Rainbow's eyes, and can immediately tell that there is something special about this pony. A connection that confused her... a friend, perhaps? She had never felt these emotions before. Prizma sighs, leans her head to the side, and closes her eyes.

Comments ( 5 )

Nuu it's not as long :raritydespair:
Still great though. I really want to see how this progresses.
Am I the only ones who read's Prizma's lines in Heavy's voice?

I like where this is going.

No, you're not the only one

cant wait for the next chapter this looks good :twilightsmile:

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