• Published 8th Aug 2015
  • 311 Views, 0 Comments

The Night Will Last Forever - RoyalCanterlotVoice98

My version of Nightmare Moon's story, hope you enjoy!

  • ...

Luna's Awakening

Luna looked out on her balcony at her beautiful night.

She had arranged for a full moon and for shooting stars to fill the violet sky. Luna prayed that somepony would call her night beautiful... even

if just one pony noticed. She had never felt this way before: alone. A glistening tear rolled down her cheek as Luna walked back

into her bedroom.

Little did Luna know that she was being watched. Celestia, as she was lowering the sun, saw her little sister create a beautiful night. It broke

her heart that no one seemed to care. While Luna was sleeping, Celestia came into Luna's room, quietly tucked her in, and sang a soft lullaby.

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine,

You make me happy when skies are gray

You'll never know, dear

How much I love you

So please don't take my sunshine away...

Celestia kissed Luna atop her forehead and silently left the room.


Soon, even Celestia began to ignore Luna, as she had many responsibilities as she grew older.

"Tia!" Luna tapped on Celestia's shoulder while she was talking to her vizier. "Tia!"

Celestia briefly turned around. "Yes, Luna?"

"I was wondering if you could watch the constellations with me tonight."

Celestia had already turned around and started talking to her vizier again. "TIA!"

"Yes, I'll go. Now, I must attend to some important duties." Luna happily skipped away and started to arrange the stars for later that night.

Luna sat patiently on her balcony for Celestia to join her. At first, Luna just though Celestia was busy and decided to cut her some slack for

being late. However, time went on, and Celestia did not appear. Luna grew impatient, but she still had a flicker of hope that Celestia was just

late. When, after hours of waiting, Luna finally realized Celestia wasn't coming, she did not feel sadness. She only felt anger at her sister, the

only pony left who loved her, who had ignored her once more. When Luna looked out on her balcony once more, she saw Celestia, raising the

sun, outshining Luna's pale moonlight. Luna felt no anger, either, just a strange darkness taking hold of her.

Celestia, looking down on her beautiful sunrise, saw Luna, filled with rage on her balcony, remembered Luna asking for her to look at the

stars with her, and felt a pang of guilt. She must be furious, Celestia thought. I'll go apologize. When she walked into Luna's room,

she was sitting on her bed, tears rolling down her face.

"Don't even bother, Celestia."

"I just wanted to apologize-"

"Like you actually care." Luna scoffed.

"I do! I'm sorry I missed it-"

"You think that's what I'm mad about?" Luna cried. "You've always ignored me!" She screamed.

"I have never ign-"

"You've always have! You're the one who has friends! You are loved. I am nothing compared to you!" Luna

shrieked through tears.

"Lies!" Celestia screamed, angry at how Luna portrayed her.

"That just goes to show how much you ignore me. Get out."

"But I-"

"Get out!"

Celestia sullenly walked out of Luna's room.

Maybe she's right, Celestia thought. She quickly shook the thought out of her mind. Of course she's not right! I'm a wonderful

sister. Her pride got the best of her, and let her sister's rage grow stronger.

After a few days, Celestia felt guilty about what she had said. With a heavy sigh, she opened the door to her sister's room. To her surprise, she

was not there. Celestia felt a rumble beneath her hooves. It's coming from the Throne Room, Celestia thought. She rushed down to the

Throne Room, where her guards lay, motionless. Celestia gasped. "We're under attack!"

"They can't hear you," a familiar voice said.

Celestia whipped around and saw Luna standing before her, face grim with anger.

"Luna, what is the meaning of this?"

"Oh, sister, don't you see? I am so tired of being ignored."

"I was wrong, Luna, I'm so sorry!"

"I will be remembered, Celestia! As the one who brought nighttime eternal!"

Luna smashed the ground beneath her hooves as Celestia staggered back in sorrow and terror.

But Luna was not herself anymore; she had transformed into a jet black nightmare... whom we call Nightmare Moon.

Nightmare Moon shot a bright blue laser at Celestia, which barely skimmed her.

Celestia had faced Tirek, the horrible Discord, and many other monsters, but never her sister. She couldn't kill her. The only option was to

flee. Stealthily dodging more laser beams, Celestia spread her wings and flew out of the castle, teary-eyed and unsure of what to do.


Nightmare Moon chuckled as her sister's throne was removed and a dark blue banner took its place. Cowardly Celestia, she thought.

Couldn't even protect her own castle. She looked outside her window. Everypony she saw was fast asleep, ignoring her night once more.

Not for long, Nightmare thought.

She flew out of her castle and into Ponyville. Upon a hilltop before the village, the villain cleared her throat to speak.

Citizens of Ponyville! she boomed. Your all powerful queen stands before you!

The effect was immediate. Ponies were popping out of their houses, and their sleepy eyes were replaced by frightened ones when they saw

what monster stood before them. "What about Celestia?" A small voice piped.

"Your Princess? Ha! She is probably dead by now, and so is your daytime! The night will be eternal!"

"I wouldn't count on it, Luna!" said Celestia, hovering above Nightmare.

"Come back for another apology, Tia?" Nightmare mocked.

"I wish it was so," Celestia whispered as a tears fell from her face.

But Celestia had no time to sob, as Nightmare was chasing her towards the castle. Nightmare shot a laser straight at her, and Celestia

retaliated, but not quick enough. The laser had already hit her wing, and she plummeted to the ground. Celestia used what little strength she

had left to form a protection spell that would protect from the impact of her fall. Celestia hit the ground, and Nightmare was already coming

straight for her. Celestia ran as fast as she could to her last defense, hidden under the floor in the Throne Room; the Elements of Harmony.

Nightmare Moon was flying through the doorway of the Throne Room, when a blast of light made her stagger back. It was Celestia,

surrounded by the six Elements. Nightmare Moon tried to attack, but the Elements overpowered her, and it was only a matter of seconds

before they overcame her. Celestia looked at her sister one last time.

"I love you."

For a second, Celestia saw Nightmare Moon fade, and saw the real Luna staring at her, with tears running down her face. But then, that

second ended, and Celestia saw her sister's shadow appear on the full moon. She sank to the ground, sobbing uncontrollably and saying

"I'm sorry."

Little did she know that on the moon, A crying Luna was saying the same thing.


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