• Published 2nd Aug 2015
  • 1,192 Views, 14 Comments

Derpy Becomes A Vampire Fruit Bat - Just A Random Pegasus

Derpy becomes a vampire fruit bat. It's not as bad as you would think.

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There Are No Muffins On These Trees!

"Ugh! Derpy, hold the muffin still!" Twilight asked as Derpy Hooves moved the muffin to where Twilight could fire her spell.

"Sorry, Twilight. I've never been the best at holding things." Derpy sighed. "That's why I want a bigger muffin. More to hold on to!"

Twilight face-hoofed. "So... you're asking me to make you a giant muffin just so you could hold it more easily?"

Derpy's mismatched pupils drifted to the side. "Yeah..."

Twilight rolled her eyes. "Whatever. I'll still help you."

"Yay!" Derpy remarked, holding her beloved muffin as still as she could. She then caught a glimpse of a purple dragon walking over.

"Hey, guys! How's the spell going?" Spike asked as Twilight shot him a glare.

"Spike, I need silence to-"

"Oh, hi, Spike! I think it's going well so far!" Derpy said, waving. As she did, she dropped her muffin. It started rolling on the floor, which caused Derpy to fly. She picked it up and flew back across from Twilight.

Twilight rolled her eyes. "It's not going well so far! We've been sitting here for an hour, because Derpy's muffin keeps rolling away!"

"Well, it's not now." Derpy responded.

"Thank you." Twilight said, looking at the book and charging up her horn. Within a few seconds she aimed her horn.

Seeing the magic come directly at her, Derpy instinctively protected the muffin with her hoof. She felt the beam touch her, and it tingled throughout her whole body.

"Derpy!" Twilight remarked, running up to the pegasus. "Why did you do that?! Now you will grow two times your height!" As soon as Twilight said that, Derpy was engulfed in a small light. Within a few seconds, she fell to the ground.

"D-Derpy?" Twilight questioned, coming closer to the pegasus. She couldn't believe what she was seeing. Derpy had become a bat pony, much like what Fluttershy had transformed into when Applejack's orchard was invaded by fruit bats.

Derpy opened her eyes; revealing two mismatched red pupils. She unfolded her bats wings and twitched her ears. She also bore out her fangs.

"Oh dear! How did this happen?" Twilight remarked, running over to the spell book.

"Um, Twilight!"

"Not now, Spike!" Twilight responded, reading the book.

"Spike!" She said, turning around to face her assistant.


"The pages must have flipped when Derpy flew to get her muffin! The page I read from was the vampire fruit bat spell!"

Spike raised an eyebrow. "Why would that be a spell?"

Twilight started pacing. "Star Swirl made this spell to scare away other tribes that would attack!" She then looked Spike in the eye. "You should know this! I gave you that book about unicorn history!"

"Yeah, well, just because you gave it to me doesn't mean I read it."

Twilight rolled her eyes. "Whatever. We need to save Derpy!" She then looked around the room. "Where did she go?"

"I'm not sure. I saw her leave-"

"Why didn't you tell me?" Twilight questioned, grabbing a saddlebag and putting the spell book inside.

"I tried to, but you wouldn't let me tell you!"

"See you later!" Twilight responded, running outside and shutting the doors.

Twilight soon arrived at Sweet Apple Acres, where she had a feeling Derpy would be. She paced around the orchard, trying to find the bat-like mare.

"What the hay?" She heard Applejack say. She then flew to the sound of the voice.

"Is everything alright?" Twilight questioned as she saw Applejack staring wide-eyed up at the tree.

"Why is there another vampire bat pony?" Applejack questioned, looking at Twilight.

"Well, you see..." Twilight hesitated for a moment. "I accidentally turned her into a vampire fruit bat."

They both stood there for a second, watching Derpy sniff the apples on the trees.

"I... need... muffins!" She exclaimed before flying away.

Applejack looked into the distance for a few seconds. "Ah think we better go catch her."

Twilight shook her head. "No, it's fine. I'll do it myself." Twilight responded, hovering into the air.

"Be careful, Twi!" Applejack said as Twilight flew into the distance.

Twilight heard some shrieks coming from the Ponyville marketplace.

"Ah! The horror!" She heard a mare scream. Twilight flew over to see Derpy sniffing a flower, and a mare pretending to be passed out.

"Derpy!" Twilight called as the Derp-bat looked at her. The bat flew over to another stand.

"Seriously?!" Twilight remarked to herself before chasing Derpy.

"Somepony, help!" The shop owner cried, watching Derpy sloppily chow down on the muffins he had on the shelf.

"Now's the perfect time..." Twilight quietly said to herself as she took out the spell book and flipped to the vampire bat spell.

She charged up her horn, and released her magic onto Derpy. The pegasus became engulfed in light for the second time that day. Twilight lowered her down to the ground, seeing that the transformation worked. Derpy opened her eyes.

"What happened?" She then rubbed her stomach. "I'm full."

Twilight ran over to Derpy. "I'm sorry. I changed you into a vampire fruit bat by accident." Twilight stopped for a moment, looking at the almost destroyed muffin stand. "Well... you became more of a vampire muffin bat."

Derpy giggled. "It's okay, Twilight! At least I got some good muffins out of it!" She then picked up one that her bat self must have knocked on the ground.

"Can you try casting the spell again?" Derpy asked, putting on a smile.

"Sorry Derpy, but no. I can't risk this happening to you again." Twilight responded, looking to the ground.

"Oh, it's fine. Have a good day, Twilight!" Derpy responded before trotting off.

"You, too!" Twilight said, trying to get a better look at Derpy's mouth before she walked away. She could have swore she saw little fangs still in Derpy's mouth.

Author's Note:

I felt like writing a short, comedic one-shot, so this happened! :twilightsmile:

Yes, before all you people try to correct me, I know Derpy's real name is Muffin. I am just used to calling her Derpy, and I'm sure most of the fandom is, so I used her fan-given name.

Well, I hope you enjoyed! :derpytongue2:

Comments ( 14 )

I like it!

Very good. A good, short, comedic entry into the fanfic universe. :derpytongue2:

Cute and Funny! :raritywink:

Yes, before all you people try to correct me, I know Derpy's real name is Muffin.

Wait, what?

6429964 It was changed. I believe it was around the time that the 100th episode aired or something. I'm not sure if that's right. But anyway, her canon name is now "Muffin"...or was is "Muffins"?...crap, now I'm not sure about that either! :applejackconfused:

This was 'meh'. Sorry I can't come up with anything more helpful to say, but it's too late at night as I'm typing this and I'm tired. :ajsleepy:

6436430 What? But... but... wha? So, is Derpy just a nickname?
But then what's her full name? Muffin ???? ?
So, if she offers someone a muffin, (like at the start of the 100th episode) she's just saying her name? Like a Pokemon?
I think Muffins is a dumb name, and calling her that is just reinforcing the fandom's narrow, one-dimensional view of the intricate, loving relationship between Derpy and Muffins. It literally makes her, "that one mare who's obsessed with muffins".
I don't agree. Derpy is a fine name, despite the connotations, and I believe that we should observe the rule of firsts - Derpy was first referred to as such, thus that is her name.

6436505 Whoa whoa whoa! Slow down there! :rainbowderp: I never said no one should call her Derpy anymore. Far from it! I actually mostly agree with you, but WOW did you take off fast. I was only explaining the recent change in canon about her name. I think it's kind of stupid really, but what can you do? The writers have to avoid being sued right? :applejackunsure:

Edit: If nothing else, at least the name Muffin/Muffins is kind of cute. :derpytongue2::rainbowkiss:

6438197 She'll always be Derpy to me...

6438250 she will always be are derpy

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