• Published 17th Nov 2011
  • 9,213 Views, 103 Comments

Scootaloo and Dash - lRainbowDashl

Rainbow Dash adopts a homeless Scootaloo

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All things great must end sometime.

All things great must end sometime.

Rainbow was up in the sky ready to attempt another sonic rainboom this time mixing it up a little instead of just flying down she was going to try some barrel rolls and maybe some maneuvering to she shot down extremely quickly gaining speed fast and doing a few barrel rolls she was barely surviving the wind was becoming too strong she couldnt take much more.

"Hey Rainbow Dash wanna hang out?" Yelled Scootaloo from down below Rainbow looked at the filly this broke her concentration next thing she knows the wind that was shaped like an arrow had sprung back into a line and had hit her bouncing her off into the sky spinning out of control.

"Scootaloo for christ sake will you go away i need to practice and you are constantly bugging me your to slow to keep up with me so just go do something else get out of my life" Yelled Rainbow furiosly and without a second thought shot off to practice elsewhere Scootaloo was heart broken her head lowered and a tear formed in her eye Rainbow had yelled at her before but not like that this time she had told Scootaloo to get out of her life Scootaloo was so stressed she didnt know what to feal angry or lonely she walked off to the edge of the everfree forest and started crying uncontrolably she had one good thing in her life and she had messed it up Rainbow wanted her out of her life she was crying for a few hours until she decided to turn the sadness into anger.

"If Rainbow dosent want me i will just leave i will leave ponyville go somewhere else start again" She went up to the mansion opened the door Rainbow was asleep on the couch a magazine on her chest "life of a speedster" the front cover read "Hmph" said the pony storming off into her room on her way to the room she walked past the sofa Rainbow was on she knocked it on her way past knocking Rainbow to the floor "Hey" Said Rainbow as she woke up she could see through a slight gap in the door Scootaloo was packing.

"Hey Scoots what ya packin?" Said Rainbow in a joyful way Scootaloo just ignored her and continued packing "Scootaloo i just asked you a question dont be rude" Scootaloo looked at Rainbow and stuck out her tongue then returned to packing Rainbow leapt on Scootaloo pinning her to the ground "Scootaloo what has gotten into you i asked you a question dont ignore me" Scootaloo just looked away pretending she wasnt pinned Rainbow got off and sat down infront of Scootaloo looking very confused.

"Listen Scootaloo i dont know what i did wrong what do you want me to say your acting so out of character if old Scootaloo is in their can i talk to her i miss her" Scootaloo got a tear in her eye "im leaving" Rainbow closed the door stopping Scootaloo from leaving "Excuse me" Said Rainbow a few things number one i am your legal guardian i get that you dont want to call me mum but according to the law i am your mum and number two where are you planning on going you cant do anything your just small and noone will accept anything you give unless im their you cant inlist in school without me or have access to shelter, money and food.

"You told me to go away and to get out of your life so thats what i am doing why are you arguing"Said Scootaloo looking sad a tear dropped from her eye onto a picture of Rainbow and Scootaloo together their first picture together Scootaloo had trodden on it by accident "Scoots im sorry i didnt mean to upset you so much i didnt mean any of that it was all in the heat of the moment if you left me here i would be distraught my life would just stop you keep me going when im down you are the light of my day it breaks my heart thinking of a life without you" Said Rainbow who was upset now too her head bowed in shame because of what she had said.

"Do you mean that? i dont know what to think right now you'r sending out all these mixed fealings and its confusing me" Rainbow put her hoof on Scootaloo's shoulder "I was going to wait till later to offer you this but i have a proposal i have spoken to the people down in cloudsdale flight academy and they said that they still had a few spots still left for people to join."

"Oh Celestia (No more god happy?) that is amazing but what about my friends Sweetybell and Applebloom cant fly i wont loose them as friends will I?" Said Scootaloo the enthusiasm was leaving her voice now at the thought of her friends not being their with her.

"Scootaloo i cant make this choice for you the offer will still stand until about a week from now so you have time to think about it now come here and give me a hug" Scootaloo rushed to Rainbows arms and gave her a hug she was crying on Rainbows mane Rainbow thought to herself "Finally tears of joy not sadness i have so much impact on this kid anything i say will affect if its good or bad their is no difference i have got to start thinking about what i say before i say it"

As that happened their was a crash coming from the entrance to the mansion it was the sound of the door being forced open then their was some cluttering in the kitchen "What in the name of Luna is going on out their" Rainbow opened the door and looked over to the kitchen to see Soarin was in a headlock by one of Gilda's friends Rainbow then looked to the door it was obvious that they had flown in together fighting Rainbow went to help Soarin using her front hoof she smacked the pony in the mouth making him release Soarin.

"Hey" Yelled the pony who then charged ferociously at Rainbow who using her front hoof pushed his charging fist down then clotheslining him their was a large thud as he hit the ground he got up and kicked Rainbow Rainbow in the stomach winding her Scootaloo walked in to see what was going on she was distraught to see her idol being beaten up the attacking pony struck rainbow in the face with a lightning fast punch knocking her over Scootaloo ran upto him and started hitting him in the stomach with both hooves he just looked at her and laughed he back hoofed her in the face sending her to the floor Rainbow saw this and as she is very over protective she got up and ran into him tackling him to the floor she started hitting him in the face his face was begining to bruise and little blotches of blood were apearing Soarin grabbed her fist as she had it pulled back ready to punch "Hey Dash come on he has had enough" Dash looked at him furiosly and threw one last punch then got off him Soarin grabbed him and threw him out the house closing the door on him.

"Dash are you ok" "Yeah im fine" As she said that she started walking over to scootaloo who had a black eye where the hoof had caught her she was lying down "Scootaloo are you ok do you want some ice for that eye" Scootaloo's bruised eye was barely open she nodded "Soarin stay with her make sure she is ok i'm going to go get the ice.

To be continued
(This story is coming to an end soon maybe 2-3 more chapters if you have any requests about where the story will lead please comment if you have any ideas)