• Published 17th Nov 2011
  • 9,213 Views, 103 Comments

Scootaloo and Dash - lRainbowDashl

Rainbow Dash adopts a homeless Scootaloo

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Its gonna get worse before it gets better.

Its gonna get worse before it gets better.

Scootaloo awoke from her long sleep. Surprisingly, Rainbow Dash wasn’t next to her. That made her feel sad, until she looked up to see her mum slaving away in the kitchen, trying to cook some bacon. Scootaloo got a worried look on her face; Rainbow was the best flier in Equestria, not the best cook. The kitchen looked more like a thunder cloud than its usual puffy white colour. This made Scootaloo giggle.

Rainbow Dash heard the little giggle and turned around "Hey what are you laughing at? i’ve worked really hard on this!" Said Rainbow in a joking manner, with a little giggle in her voice too.

"The kitchen looks like Soarin's pies once he is done with them!" Said Scootaloo wryly. Rainbow Dash laughed at this. "Come here you!" She said as she jumped on Scootaloo both of them laughed at each other.

"Listen kid, I was told not to talk to you about this, but I have to know, why weren’t you with your friends during the attack?" Scootaloo's head instantly dropped.

"Um, Rainbow they were. Applebloom is in hospital and Sweetie Belle is in intensive care. I got the least amount of pain out of the lot, I think." Rainbow looked distraught, but she turned that sadness into anger. The only thing she could think to do was hunt down and kill both the bullies and their parents. Scootaloo snapped Rainbow out of her daydream of putting the bullies heads on top of spears and showing the world.

"Rainbow, it’s nothing. this will all go away in tI'me trust me, my parents did a lot worse things to me than this." Rainbow Dash was so shocked at that that she started crying and felt disorientated. To herself Dash thought, Maybe that’s why Scootaloo can’t fly. Maybe they attacked her and hurt her wing.

"Rainbow listen, I don’t want to talk about this. I'm still hurt by everything that happened, so can we just spend the day together in peace?" Scootaloo almost begged.

"HEY RAINBOW YOU UP THERE? AH NEED A WORD WITH YA!" Applejack called from outside. She sounded a bit mad but mostly worried. Rainbow opened the door and flew down to the ground below next to Applejack.

"Listen here Rainbow, Ah am just as upset about this as you." At this remark Rainbow rolled her eyes.

"Listen AJ, i’ve heard it all before. yesterday I spoke to Cheerilee, Scootaloo's teacher, she said that I can’t take matters into my own hooves, it will just make the whole situation worse."

"Whoa there Nelly, Ah’m not here to tell ya not to take matters into your own hooves, me and miss Perfect over here would like to do rather the opposite." As Applejack said that Rarity exited from the bush behind, looking beyond angry and practically scowling.

"Listen here Rainbow, I know it’s different because you’re Scootaloo's mother, but nopony puts my baby sister in the hospital!" At that remark Applejack nodded fiercely.

"Wow, you guys want to do this? I am totally in. It’s time to show those chumps who’s boss. They’ve been picking on those who can't defend themselves, so let’s see them stand up to somepony who can!” Dash cried as a sort of pep talk.

As Rainbow said that her azurian boyfriend shot down from the sky. Next to him was a beautiful yellow Pegasus. Rainbow was shocked; she had never seen Spitfire out of her Wonderbolt uniform before.

"Hey Dash, introduce me to your- oh wait is that the one that kicked me in the face at the Best Young Flier’s competition?" Asked Spitfire. At that remark Rarity started to blush and awkwardly giggle.

"Yes, I'm terribly sorry about that; it was foalish for me to enter into the competition. I was not a very good friend to Rainbow Dash." Rarity explained looking down at the ground in a sheepish manner.

"Whoa, calm down; it’s fine. if you didn’t do that think about the champ over here, she did a sonic rainboom. I bet you made her happy knowing she could pull that off." Said Spitfire trying to raise the unicorn’s currently low morale.

"Okay, so how are we gonna do this guys?" Said Rainbow Dash, looking at Rarity and Applejack.

"Do what?" Said Soarin’ curiously.

"Take care of these bullies. They put Sweetie Belle into intensive care, Applebloom into the hospital, and they made the mistake of even laying a hoof on Scootaloo." Dash looked furious; the more she said the more angry she got.

"Rainbow, you said you would spend the day with me." Rainbow looked at Soarin’ he looked back thinking "Don’t look at me I didn’t say it" then an orange filly emerged from his back, jumping off.

"Rainbow Dash you have made me the happiest I have ever been by simply caring for me. You showed me that through your actions, but you told me you would spend the day with me and forgot about it! I think I need you right now more than those bullies do." Scootaloo got an instant reaction from Rainbow Dash who felt warm inside knowing that she bought comfort into a young filly's life. Not just that she made her feel special and wanted. She wasn't about to let her anger take that away straight away Rainbow put on a smile.

"Hey squirt, I got a few things to say. Number one lets teach you how to fly, and Number two do you think your mum has it in her to beat Spitfire in a race?" Scootaloo had a great big smile on her face and jumped up. "Yay! This will be the best, and I mean the BEST day EVER!!!" Yelled the pony. Spitfire gave Rainbow Dash a glance as if to say ‘bring it on’.

Soarin' looked at Spitfire. He knew for a fact that she wasn't about to give up her place as fastest flier to Rainbow Dash. Rainbow looked back at Spitfire almost to say ‘this could be my chance of getting into the Wonderbolts, Spitfire you are so going down’. Soarin's mind was soon taken away from all these confusing thoughts he went back to dreaming about that apple pie he had yesterday.

"Rainbow Dash, I know you were thinking this earlier and the answer is yes, my dad isn't a nice guy and before I left home I told him he could go to hell because he just hit one of my friends so he turned to me with a hammer in his hand he hit me in the ankle twice breaking it, then shoulder barged me down the stairs which dislocated my shoulder, and here is the worst part his brutality cost me years of my life he bit me in the wing that's why I'm not a strong flier.” She lifted her little wing to show a scar where her father had bitten her. Rainbow Dash had tears in her eyes.

"Listen here Scootaloo, and you listen good. Your father is the stupidest stallion alive; I would never lay a finger on you in bad intentions, I will never do anything to harm you. I love you and will keep you safe till the day I die." Said Rainbow meaning every word of it.

"Rainbow I wasn't finished; you don't get it. The bullies at school? Wrench is my brother the stallion that attacked Soarin'? That was my farther." Soarin' went bright red and so did Rainbow Dash she shot off faster than a speeding bullet.

"Wait!!!" screamed Scootaloo.

"Hop on kid!" said Soarin' Scootaloo got on his back and he shot off after the cyan pegasus who was going so fast she could have set off several sonic rainbooms had she wanted to. She spotted her target. She recognised the wrench on his flank and next to him was the father. She flew straight down into him, picked him up, and threw him into Sugarcube Corner. The throw had more force behind it than intended; the dark brown and red maned pegasus that was Scootaloo's dad flew through Sugarcube Corner and out the other side. A tree stopped him. He got a nasty cut on his head, and as he patted his head with his hoof he saw the blood on his hoof and started to panic. A second ago he was with his son now he was bleeding next to a tree. Rainbow Dash shot through the holes in Sugarcube Corner and landed next to Scootaloo's father who was disorientated and barely knew what planet he was on.

"You listen here you sorry excuse for a stallion! You lay a hoof on Scootaloo ever again and I will come back and break every bone in your body! Do I make myself clear?!" Screamed Rainbow who was so furious, her eyes were practically just pupils. Scootaloo's dad started laughing.

"You stupid pegasus, attacking me? You know Scootaloo can't even fly! She was a waste of time we knew that ever since she was born. Wrench here can do anything he never fails us he is the strongest colt in his class. Scootaloo is just a disgrace and you adopted her? You are pathetic." As he sneared pathetic he was interrupted by taking a hoof to the face knocking him clean out and about thirty feet down the road.

"You ever say Scootaloo's name ever again and by Luna I will finish the job!" Said Rainbow who had now calmed down she started to walk through the crowd that had formed watching the brutality. Wrench ran past her towards his unconscious dad then a blue blur landed next to her of course it was Soarin'.

"Wow Rainbow! Sweet Celestia, you think that was a bit much?! I mean that guy isn’t just bleeding; I think you knocked like ten teeth out of his mouth~" They both looked back to see Wrench's dad wake up and panic because their was so much blood around his mouth it was almost pouring out in gallons.

"Rainbow you are awesome! Wow, that was unbelievable! I didn’t want you to get involved earlier but wow I can't believe it you care about me enough to do that to one of the toughest guys in Ponyville! Thank you soooo much!" Scootaloo was so excited to see her dad get what was coming to him.

"Scoots I would do that to a thousand guys just to spend a second with you. That's how much I care. Now what do you say, shall we get you in the air and me thrashing Spitfire in a race?" Asked Rainbow feeling so triumphant and astonished by the strength that she had not just physically but mentally dished out.

"Okay Rainbow! Can we start with me? I want to learn how to fly. It might even be what my cutie mark is!" Rainbow looked at Scootaloo and nodded.

"You really think you can beat me?" A called out of the crowd, it was Spitfire, ready to race.

"Ha, any day Spit! Let’s start with kiddo here then I will race you." Said Rainbow trying to reason with the pony who would of taken her on right there.

After a while the group got back to the mansion. "Okay Scoots, let’s see how experienced you are in flight. Just try hovering." Said Rainbow as instruction. Scootaloo flapped with all her might but wasn't getting anywhere. Rainbow spotted the issue straight away; one wing was almost getting her off the ground but the wounded wing was barely moving.

"Scoots, this is gonna be hard to hear, but that wounded wing is barely moving. Here let me help you with that. Also your posture is off; tuck both hooves under your body like that." Rainbow bandaged up Scootaloo's wing which stung but Scootaloo was too brave to cry in front of her hero. She took off again, she was in the air! But she lost her balance and she plummeted head first into Rainbow’s cloud garden.

"Haha!" Soarin' chuckled, earning matching glares from Spitfire and Rainbow Dash. He instantly seemed to find his hooves very interesting.

"Good job kiddo! Maybe two hooves is too much, here keep this hoof on the ground to balance yourself." Said Spitfire, Rainbow looked at her and thought ‘it was a genius idea’ so she said herself "Yeah Spitfire is right try that!" So Scootaloo did, and this time she didn’t plummet into the cloud. She looked so excited.

"GUYS I’M FLYING!!!!" Yelled the filly, who then started shooting round the garden with one leg in front of her. Of course she was kinda slow but she felt like she was going as fast as Rainbow Dash could.

"Alright kid, my turn to teach you." Said Soarin'. "Come here," he instructed standing at the edge of the cloud. Scootaloo flitted over to him. "Listen closely, you follow my exact instructions, okay?" "Okay, I will!" Replied Scootaloo.

"Jump." Said Soarin'. "Wait, what?!" Sqeaked Scootaloo. "JUMP!!!" He repeated, yelling this time. As he said it he dove off the cloud the orange filly following him. Soarin' was plummeting to the ground going face first against the wind Scootaloo was behind him screaming "Soarin' I don't like this we are getting too close to the ground!" As she finished that thought, he said "Wait for it, Wait for it, NOW!!!" As he yelled that, the orange filly’s wings flapped faster than they ever had before "Now lift your head!" As she did that her body swooped from a dive into a straight position she looked down in amazement "Wow Soarin' I'm gliding! I'm flying properly!"As she said that a dark brown hoof grabbed over her mouth; she tried to scream but the hoof was to tight around her muzzle. Soarin' looked around "What happened to that spirit champ?" As he said that he turned around to see a young colt charging at him with a wrench in his hoof. He swung at the Wonderbolt, hitting Soarin' straight in the mouth, the impact was huge enough for blood to pour out of Soarin’s mouth, teeth with it. The smack had knocked him out. As he was falling Wrench hovered triumphantly above Soarin’s falling body. As that happened a blue hoof shot straight into Wrench's mouth. It was a blue fabric; it wasn't Rainbow Dash; it was Spitfire's hoof, she was in her Wonderbolts outfit.

"Don't mess with a Wonderbolt!" She yelled at the almost unconcious colt. She swooped down and caught Soarin', then over her head she saw a sonic rainboom with a rainbow and blue speck zooming out of it. "Go get ‘em." Spitfire whispered as she saw her friend shoot off towards the brown stallion. He was extremely fast for such a big build. He dropped Scootaloo from about 10 feet above the ground into the Everfree forest. Scootaloo landed painfully, and the cruel stallion started to laugh menacingly. He was soon cut off by an almost explosive pain in his rib cage; Rainbow Dash had flown into him so fast that the collision caused a sonic rainboom (or in this case, perhaps a painboom) in itself. Rainbow felt the collision too and although Scootaloo's dad had flown about a mile she was thrown back into a tree. She landed next to Scootaloo. Dash was barely conscious but the only thing she could think about was defending her daughter. She crawled over to Scootaloo and put one wing over the motionless body and snuggled up behind her, trying to comfort her. Rainbow could barely move; her back had slammed so hard into the tree the top of it had been knocked over.

To be continued.