• Published 18th Jul 2015
  • 825 Views, 7 Comments

Rainbow Mac - Wowr1

Rainbow Dash x Big Mac, romance

  • ...

Rainbow Mac

Rainbow Mac
It was a very sunny day in Equestria, Rainbow Dash was helping Applejack with some barn work. Rainbow Dash grunted followed by

“This work is so boring! I wish there was something to do except work here!”.

“What are ya’ll talkin’ about? Workin’ here at the farm is plenty of fun.” Applejack replied.

“I think I would rather be with Fluttershy helping with the animals instead of this, or read Daring Doo with Twilight or something other than this!” Rainbow Dash said as she then looked at the rest of the apple family and asked to them “Don’t you all find working on this farm a little boring?”

All she got for an answer was a “Nope” from Big Mac.

Rainbow Dash’s eyes opened wide

“Wow Big Mac, I didn’t know you had such a deep voice compared to… well... the rest of your family.” soon followed by a “Eyup” by Big Mac. He then kicked a tree and it shook, hard.

After he and Applejack were finished harvesting apples, Big Mac went to plowing. Rainbow Dash Thought to herself that there was no way that rusty old plow would budge, but, to her disbelief he plowed it with ease, her jaw dropped and her eyes widened again.

After Big Mac was done with plowing, Rainbow Dash went over to him and said

“Wow, I didn’t know guys could be this cool, maybe some guys aren’t too bad after a-”

She was interrupted with Applejack saying

“That’s enough you two, any who.” followed by “I reckon ya’ll are hungry, how about some apple pie after all that hard work? You up for it?”

Answered by a “You bet!” and an “Eyup.”

They went inside to dig their faces into some fresh baked apple pie.

After eating a delicious, original apple family apple pie recipe they got back to work.

Applejack then said

“Hey Rainbow Dash, Big Mac might need some more help with carrying some things, and since you're fast, so, maybe you could go help him a little bit, carrying things like buckets to him and such, you up for i-”

She was interrupted by a quick “Yes! I… erm… I mean… yeah, that’s cool.”

“Okay, you fine with that too, Big Mac?”

Big Mac seemed fine with this so he replied “Eyup”.

As Rainbow Dash and Big Mac were working, Rainbow Dash kept asking questions trying to get Big Mac to say something else other than “Eyup” or “Nope”. She attempted this for a long time until she eventually asked “Hey, do you say anything except 'Eyup' or 'Nope'?”

Big Mac paused for a second then answered “Eyup”. Rainbow Dash was puzzled why he didn’t talk more so she asked “Why don’t you have much conversations with other ponies?”

Big Mac then replied “I like to keep my mind on what needs to be done, I don’t need to start a conversation about it.”

Rainbow Dash seemed even more puzzled now. Questions popped into her head about why he didn’t like to start conversations so much, would it really be that distracting? So she asked

“Hey, would it really take that much time to have a conversation, or maybe, talk while working?”

Big Mac kept walking and didn’t talk for a few seconds then eventually replied

“There is a lot of work to be done now, we should get to work, we can talk later, shouldn’t be distracted, same goes for you.”

Rainbow Dash got quite irritated with these answers. She shouted

“Ugh, nevermind this, how much more work do we have to do?”

Big Mac looked at rainbow dash and pointed at a giant stash of apples. Rainbow Dash twitched a little bit and groaned. They worked quite silently for the rest of the time.

After they were all done with the work, Applejack thanked Rainbow Dash for the work. Rainbow Dash said

“Yeah, it was boring but I’ll help out every once and a while.”

Applejack smiled and said

“Ya’ll are welcome here any time, ya’ hear? We all appreciate the help today,” then an “Eyup” from Bic Mac after words.

Rainbow Dash went home after a long day of work at the farm. When she got home, she couldn’t stop thinking about Big Mac, she grunted,

“Why can’t I get him out of my head?” Rainbow Dash asked to herself.

“I didn’t have something like this stuck in my head except with Daring Doo… does that mean…”

she paused. “I like Big Mac!?” she shouted.

She let out a “NOOOO!” at top of her lungs. She covered her mouth with her hooves. She looked around, it woke a few ponies up but they went back to sleep.

She was awake all night, traumatized by her new discovery.

Thunder flashed outside the window.

The next day, Rainbow Dash was tired, half asleep. She flopped over to Twilight’s house to ask for advice.

“Rainbow Dash, what brings you here so early?” Twilight asked seeming to just have got out of bed (as it was about 5:00 in the morning).

“Twilight!” Rainbow Dash yelled as she slumped to the ground at Twilight’s hooves.

“What’s the matter, Rainbow Dash, are you hurt?” Twilight asked.

“Yes, well actually, no umm… how do I put this… when I’m near a special some pony my heart feels weird and I can’t get him out of my head and it’s so… annoying!” Rainbow Dash replied.

“It seems like some pony has a crush!” Twilight said teasingly.

“Ugh, just tell me what to do!” Rainbow Dash said getting impatient.

“Okay, I’ll see what kind of advice I can give.” Twilight replied.

Rainbow Dash walked out of Twilight’s house unsatisfied as she thought that advice was not the slightest bit helpful, so, she flied over to Fluttershy’s cottage for some help.

“Fluttershy, I have a big problem on my hoof! When I’m near some pony my heart feels weird and I can’t stop thinking about him!” she said.

“Oh my, it seems that you have quite a problem, maybe I can help.” Fluttershy replied.

“Really!? That would rock!” Rainbow Dash replied excited.

Fluttershy gave… well… not the best advice. Fluttershy gave advice like “Well, umm… be yourself, and, umm, just say it, be kind and nice and treat him very nicely.”

Rainbow Dash face hoofed herself.

“Yeah… umm about that Fluttershy, that’s probably not gonna work, but I’ll keep your advice in mind, but I’m going to ask some other ponies.”

Rainbow Dash left the cottage and went home. She thought to herself Hmm, well, Pinkie and Rarity won’t be any help… or… barely any. My last chance has to be Applejack… Ugh but her brother is Bic Mac…

After thinking to herself for a while, she decided to do it, but, she thought she had to look good and bring a present so she went to Rarity’s for a costume and Pinkies for some sweets.

They both asked why she needed those, she just replied she wanted to try something new. She then went to the apple family farm, where the apple family was hard at work. They were in the middle of eating some delicious apple pie then Rainbow Dash came over patiently waiting for them to finish eating.

After they finished eating, Rainbow Dash went over and started talking and asked if they needed any more help. Applejack gave it a thought then replied “Yeah sure, you can work with Big Mac again.” Rainbow Dash smiled and went to work.

Now is my chance Rainbow Dash kept thinking.

“It seems like something is bothering you, Rainbow Dash, something on your mind?” Big Mac asked.

Rainbow Dash paused for a second, Big Mac actually started a conversation. She opened her mouth but then remembered she hadn’t asked Applejack for advice, she didn’t care, now was the time.

She said “Well, yeah, something has been on my mind lately, umm, how do I put this… promise not to tell any pony?”

Bic Mac didn’t respond for a second then just replied “Eyup”.

Rainbow dash took a deep breath and then asked “Well, ya see, I kinda… Big Mac, I… I mean… well… do you like me… like as in like like me? I mean… I’m not saying I do but… do you?”

Big Mac gave it some thought and answered “Nope”.

Rainbow Dash got a little agitated, yet, at the same time, sad. Then suddenly in fury she asked “Well why not!? It it because I’m not good enough for you? Are you too good for me? WHY!?”

Big Mac looked over to Rainbow Dash and said “If things don’t work out, it would get awkward between you, Applejack and I, don’t you think?”.

Rainbow Dash got somewhat sad again and asked “B-but what if it did work out…?”

Big Mac then replied “It might but the chance of happening is still large, I’m sorry but I don’t want things to become awkward between my family and you.”

Rainbow Dash frowned and then said “Okay… I understand.” and then they went back to work, silently, without speaking one other word for the rest of the day.

The following days, Rainbow Dash didn’t help out on the farm, instead, she was in her room in cloudsdale. Her friends were worrying about her, Applejack being one of them.

Applejack knew something happened so she asked Big Mac, Big Mac said that Rainbow Dash asked him a question after he asked if there was something on her mind and she seemed depressed since then. Applejack knew the problem immediately, so, she told Mac to give it a shot.
Applejack promised that if they broke up, she would never speak of it ever again and it wouldn’t be awkward. Big Mac agreed and so off he went. He called Rainbow Dashes name.

No response.

He called her again.

No response.

He shouted her name and she came out slowly from behind a cloud.

He said that he would hook up with her. Rainbow Dash had a large grin on her face as the two ponies snuggled up close to each other and were both happy with faces bright red. And they were together for a very… very long time.

Author's Note:

Tell me if I should make a sequel .3.
and tell me how I can make my fan fics better :D

Comments ( 7 )

good story. the adventure needs to continue!

It feels to rushed, lacks details and had syntax error... Please don't get angry, I Love the couple but the lack of quality it obvious. I would read the sequel thought.

6219847 Thank you for these tips, I'll try my best to do better next time! I will write a sequel when I get the time ^.^

Good basics, I'd suggest adding more description instead of making the sentences so short, if the sequel gets more "story" I'd defiantly read it ^^

I suggest a sequel but I think you need to slow down and flesh out your ideas more. Start slow and calm then get into it a little more. And try some cover art. Overall great story.

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