• Published 14th Jul 2015
  • 381 Views, 4 Comments

The Bat of Everfree Forest - xXCrossArrowXx

The daughter of a Pegasus and vampire bat pony, Night Heart, tries to live a normal life in the growing Ponyville while trying to keep her father a secret in the Everfree forest.

  • ...

The End

Author's Note:

Here's chapter 2! Also changed up the story's description a bit. Wow this was a long one, sorry if it feels rushed. I really felt like I needed to get their part of the story ended with so we can begin Night Heart's. Also I'm a bit saddened by the amount of dislikes the story is getting as well. If I'm doing anything wrong please tell me and I'll do my best to improve. But thanks again to the kind people who have enjoyed my story so far and I hope this chapter met your expectations!

Days go by. Those days turn into weeks. Which soon had turned into a couple months. Somehow Black Cloud's life just managed to stay normal. Everyday she woke up, had breakfast, went to work, then came home. The only difference was between breakfast and work she also had to check the animal traps she had set up around the Everfree Forest so she could get Sharp Wing his meal for the day. Another difference was also Sharp Wing living with her seemed to make her life just a little more exciting. Every time she came home some pony was there waiting for her. She wasn't alone and now had some pony to talk to. The days where she used to look at him and see a strange creature living in her house faded away in the past. Now all she saw was a close friend, a pony like her. The gash eventually healed, but a scar was left behind. The wing was probably fulled healed by now too, and Sharp Wing would be able to fly again. Which meant he would be ready to go live on his own. Why did that frighten Black Cloud? The thought of him leaving and not living with her anymore just felt odd to her. A lot of other things have been feeling odd to her lately as well. Sometimes late at night when her and Sharp Wing would just be talking on the couch with a single lantern to give them enough light to see, she'd just look at him. She'd grown so familiar with that face of his, the pointy ears and even those sharp teeth don't even bother her anymore. Along with those glossy red eyes, she could looking into them forever if she could. Thinking about him made her feel warm inside, seeing him everyday always put a smile on her face. There was even one time while she was at work, he spent the whole day cleaning her house and ended up passing out in her own bed. She had slept next to him that night, and the feeling of having some pony to be by at night made her heart flutter. She had an idea of what she was feeling, but she didn't want to admit it. But she knew that the day he chose to leave would be a hard one indeed.

It was the day. Sharp Wing was finally going to test out his wing to see if it had healed properly. From the way it looks and has moved so far, it seems to be good as new. Black Cloud still felt a bit worried as the two of them stood on top of the roof of her house. They'd waited until night fall so they could practice flying in the cover of darkness. No pony still knows that for almost three months a vampire bat pony has been living among them.

"So if it hurts, come back immediately, ok?"

"I know, I know. I'll be fine, Cloud."

Sharp Wing said to try and reassure her. Looking out at the starry sky above him he took a deep breath in. It's been awhile since he's been able to feel the cold night air flowing in his mane. Unfolding his wings, he gave them both a few test flaps. He backed up to the edge of the roof to get a good running start. Black Cloud stood off to the side, ready to spring over to him if something goes wrong. Exhaling through his nostrils, he began to gallop. Hooves pounded on the roof shingles as Sharp Wing made his running start. Then with one leap he was off the roof and dived downward. Black Cloud bit her lip and trotted over to the ledge. The sound of wings flapping was heard and she saw Sharp Wing take off into the sky. He cheered and did a few twirls to show off his excitement.

"Alright! It's definitely healed now!"

He yelled down to Black Cloud, circling above her roof a couple times before taking off back into the air. Black Cloud was happy for him, but deep down she knew now he was able to leave. She pushed that thought into the back of her mind though as she laughed with him.

"Yes! It's about time."

Leaping off the room, she joined him in flight. She circled him once and he grinned at her. Turning in the direction of the sky he took off. She followed, the two of them soaring together through the night. She watched him as he closed his eyes, taking in the feeling of flight again. Seeing him so happy made her feel happy. Flying with him was a whole other experience. The two could share something together, and just be free together.

"Wow... oh! There's something I've been waiting to do for awhile."

He told her, and began to start climbing his way upwards. Black Cloud raised a brow and followed him up. Slowly the ground began to become farther and farther away. Looking up there were almost at level with Cloudsdale itself. Then Sharp Wing stopped and began flying in place. Fluttering over to his side, she was wondering what exactly he was planning to do.

"Cloud, have you ever free fallen before?"

"Hm? Oh no, I've never been brave enough to try it. The closest I've ever gotten to free falling was flying after you the night I kicked you out of the sky. And that wasn't exactly a pleasant experience."

"Well do you want to do it with me again? This time a little less almost falling to your death?" He asked, extending a hoof in offer.

Black Cloud looked down again. The idea of falling at this height seemed insane!

"I'm not sure I could do it."

"Hey don't worry I got an idea. Come here, give me a hug."

Black Cloud gave him a confused look as he opened his arms to her.

"Come on, I won't bite."

Black Cloud rolled her eyes, haha...bat jokes. She flew over to him and hugged her hooves around him. He kept his own hooves around her tight, causing their bellies to be pressed close together. The closeness was making her blush a little but she looked up and him anyways.

"So...now what?"

"We fall." He said with a grin.

Black Cloud was about to say something when she felt the flapping of his wings stop. She felt them tip downwards and they began to plummet. She shut her eyes tight and gripped onto him. The wind swirled around the two of them as they began their fall back to earth. Black Cloud didn't want her fear to get the best of her right now, especially when she was supposed to be sharing this moment with Sharp Wing.

"Hey, if you keep you're eyes closed what's the point?"

Slowly she peeked open to see Sharp Wing staring down at her with a soft expression. Well, technically he was staring up considering the two of them were falling downwards. She chuckled at him and looked around them. Stars passed by quickly, cold air flowed over her fur, and around her she could see for miles. Slowly her fear was replaced by wonder and the thrill of the fall. Looking at Sharp Wing again the two of them began to laugh together and they fell.

"Ok, hang on tight." Sharp Wing told her.

Black Cloud tightened her grip in response. The ground was very close now, and the realization of it started to bring back that lingering fear of her's. But in a flash she felt a strong force lift them up. Sharp Wing had extended his wings and now the two were soaring high once again. They cheered together as they sped across the sky. Soon they began to slow and leveled off at a low altitude. Sharp Wing turned himself to where he was flying upside down so he could hold onto Black Cloud better. Black Cloud laid there against Sharp Wing's chest, sighing with content.

"That was so...amazing."

She looked up and was met by those glowing red eyes of his. He was smiling at her, which caused her to smile back. She hated it when he looked at her like that...but she also liked it.

"So, now that you can fly again I guess that means you can live on your own now, huh?"

Black Cloud thought she saw sadness in his eyes, but he just laid his head back and nodded.

"Guess so. I can't thank you enough for taking care for me. I would be dead without you."

"It was no problem, really. Having you for company was nice. I'm really glad I met you and got to know you."

Sharp Wing looked back up at her again giving her a small grin.

"Yeah me too. I never thought I'd actually be able to get close to a pony. I'm glad to know I'll have someone to trust while I'm living in Everfree."

Black Cloud looked down at her hooves, both were somewhat buried in his chest fur. She was going to miss not being able to see him every day, waking up to his shenanigans, or just simply talking to him. It just seemed so normal to her life now. She didn't want him to go... she felt like perhaps maybe he was the one to be with her. Like it was fate the night she had kicked him out of the sky. As if they were destined to meet. Taking in a deep breath, she shifted herself awkwardly against him.

"You know you don't have to go live in Everfree Forest by yourself. You're more than welcome to live with me..."

Sharp Wing's pointy ears perked up and he stared at her attentively.

"I don't know. I've already been there for so long, and you've done more than enough looking after me. I would be a big burden and risk to you."

"Oh no no no. It would be perfectly fine, I've never thought of you as any of those things. I've always enjoyed your company and knowing that you're there for me..." she tapped her hooves together, "..and it felt nice being there for you too."

Hearing her words, Sharp Wing thought to himself. Black Cloud actually did enjoy having him there in the time he spent with her. He knew for sure he did, he was extremely thankful for her kindness. It was kind of weird to think about living in a forest alone now other than living in a house with someone. He honestly didn't even know if he liked the idea of fighting for survival in some smelly forest. Still, he had to remind himself of what he really was.

"But are you sure you'd be ok with keeping a vampire bat pony in your home? I mean if you ever had friends over then I'd have to hide. And I know that catching me food isn't you're favorite activity either. "

"Of course I'd be ok with it. I don't really have anyone I'd want to invite over to my house anyway. But none of that would bother me because I'd have you and..." Could she really say it? She had to tell him how she felt! She may never get a chance to do it again. What does she have to loose? Just spit it out you feather-brain.

"..and I love you." She said in a soft voice, looking up into his eyes.

Sharp Wing's dark gray face seemed to begin to take on a dark shade of red. His mouth was agape, as if trying to process what he had been just told. Black Cloud felt extremely flustered now and proceeded to hide her face in the only place she could : his chest. She waited for what seemed like hours until she heard a low chuckle come from Sharp Wing. Peeking out from her hiding spot, she saw Sharp Wing just laughing out loud to himself. She frowned and lifted her head up.

"What's so funny?"

"That you waited this long to tell me. Plus," he tilted his head and smirked at her, "you're pretty cute."

"You jerk! How long did you know!" Black Cloud exclaimed, pushing against his face lightly with a hoof.

Sharp Wing continued to laugh, and just kept on smiling at her.

"I just kind of guessed because recently every time I caught you looking at me you blush. You turned as red as those apples in the apple orchards."

Black Cloud was embarrassed, but at the same time she felt relieved.

"Well gee, thanks for waiting till now to speak up." Black Cloud said sarcastically, giving him a pout.

"Well I just wanted to make sure you really were. Because you know I, myself, I guess I kinda..." He drew a hoof back to rub the back of his neck, "I love you too."

Black Cloud began to get the biggest smile on her face that she's probably ever gotten in her life. Giggling uncontrollably, she just took his face in both of her hooves.

"You're a big goof under all that vampire bat exterior, you know that?"

Then she leaned forward and began to give his face soft little kisses. Sharp Wing's face flushed at the actions, but he wrapped his hooves around her again. He'd knew he couldn't ever leave. His home was with Black Cloud now and he wanted to be with her. The two lovers looked into each other's eyes. Sharp Wing's thought Black Cloud's silver blue eyes were just so beautiful to gaze into. Black Cloud herself also loved to look into his own shiny red orbs. So much about them were different from her own, they filled her with wonder. As they continued to looked on, they could see all the love and admiration they had for one another deep in their eyes. Sharp Wing's lips brushed over Black Clouds and she thought she felt her heart skip a beat. Tilting her head just a bit and her lips finally locked with his. He was so gentle to the touch, it made her body feel light. Sharp Wing brought a hoof up to run it gently through her purple and black striped mane. After kissing her for a few moments he brought his muzzle up to nuzzle her forehead that was covered in white dotted freckles. Black Cloud let out a dreamy sigh and closed her eyes. She had a feeling this would be the start of something big in her life. In their own lives.

Black Cloud's daily life soon became the best days of her life. When she woke up she was next to the one she loved, when she came home she was greeted by a kiss. Every night she'd lay and talk with Sharp Wing in bed, telling him about her day and how the town was changing. Sharp Wing didn't usually leave the house all day, but he'd gotten used to it. The simple pony life had become the way he does things now. On occasional nights they'd go flying together, that's when Sharp Wing could really feel like himself again. He still had to drink blood, but he's been trying a lot of pony food lately too. As the months go by, Black Cloud begins to show odd behaviors. Her body shape is also changing, taking on a more plumper look than usual. They both knew what it meant; Black Cloud was pregnant. She didn't know how Sharp Wing would react, but when she finally told him, he was ecstatic! It would be the start of their family together. The two couldn't be any happier together and they couldn't ask for any better. They knew that through it all, they'd always be there for each other.

But all that would change for both of them.

Black Cloud smiled as she picked up the dishes from the bed next to Sharp Wing. The poor guy had been working all day building a crib for their foal, which was expected to be due any day now. He laid their passed out on the bed, sound asleep. Making her way downstairs, she did her best to balance herself with her gained weight. As she headed down, a cup suddenly began to fall from the plate. She gasped and tried to grab it with her wing, but ended up jerking herself too hard. She slipped on the step she was on and fell the rest of her way down the steps.


She laid there for a moment, regaining consciousness from the fall. Then, she noticed a wet feeling from between her legs. Oh, Celestia... She thought to herself. Her water had broken, the baby was going to come now! Using her wings to lift her up, she did her best to fly over to the couch and lay herself down onto it. She began to start breathing and looked back to the stairs.

"Sharp! Sharp!"

She yelled for her husband, then being stopped short as she felt an intense pain in her lower abdomen. She heard a scurry of hoof steps and in a flash Sharp Wing had flown downstairs and was next to her side.

"Cloud! What's wrong? Did you fall? Are you hurt?"

"Th-the baby! It's coming!"

Sharp Wing's eyes widened, this was not a good surprise to wake up to. He began to panic, he had no idea how to handle child birth.

"What do you want me to do?"

Black Cloud thought to herself, she remembered when one of her sisters had been born. It had happened a very long time ago, but she tried to focus on the main details.

"Ok, lots of rags, maybe a stick for me to bite down on, and water. The only water is from the well in the middle of town though, you could be seen-"

"I don't care, Cloud. If you need water, I'm going to get you it."

Running over to the drawers, he pulled out piles of rags and a mixing spoon. Flying over to her he handed the spoon to her.

"Here, bite down on this. I'll be right back, ok?"

He then galloped for the door and burst out into the open. He'd seen the well from up above when they've flown at night before, so he flew as fast as he could towards it. Landing next to the well, he then realized he didn't have a bucket to get any water with. He frantically looked around and saw a bucket on a hook outside a pony's house. He quickly flew over toward it and yanked it off. This caused the hook to rip out of the wall and hit the porch with a thump. Inside, a pony was awoken and looked out their window tiredly. What they saw was a dark creature with glowing red eyes. Gasping the pony screamed and scrambled out of bed. Sharp Wing didn't hear them though as he returned to the well and dumped the bucket into the water. Once it was filled he grasped the handle in between his teeth and was ready to take off back to the house.

"Monster! There's a monster in town!"

He heard from behind. Turning he saw a pony standing on their porch, lighting a lantern in the process. Around him he saw the doors of many pony's homes open rapidly, and when they saw him standing in the middle of town they all screamed.

"Someone alert Iron Guard!"

Some ran off in different directions, other closed their doors for safety. This was Sharp Wing's worst nightmare, but none of that mattered to him right now. He had to get back to Black Cloud, no matter what. Lifting up the heavy bucket he flew as fast as he could in the direction of his home. What he didn't notice behind him was the crowd of ponies beginning to form in the middle of town.

"Iron Guard! Iron Guard!"

A buff worker pony followed by a couple others shouted as they burst into the main hall. They ran up to the guard in her office, panting tiredly from the run there. Iron Guard shifted in their direction, swishing her mint colored tail in interest.

"Yes, what is it?"

"Me and other witnesses saw some kind of monster in town. It had these red glowing eyes and almost dragon like wings! It went into a pony's home too!"

Iron Guard's expression changed to a serious one as she thought to herself deeply. Turning to her soldiers she raised a hoof in attention.

"We must find this creature before it harms any of the residents in this town. When we do find it, we'll make sure it won't bother anyone, again."

The towns ponies nodded at her and began to lead her out of her office. Soon soldiers and defensive townsfolk began to slowly gather together, each with a burning desire to eliminate the monster they had seen.

Sharp Wing closed the door behind him, locking it shut. Grabbing the bucket again he ran back to Black Cloud's side.

"I'm here, Cloud," he told her, resting a hoof against the side of her face, "I'm here for you."

Black Cloud gave him a weak smile before her face turned into one of great pain. She screamed as a contraction took her over, pushing herself against the back of the couch with strong force.

"That's it, Cloud. Push!"

In the process, Sharp Wing stayed by her. He dipped a rag in the bucket of water and placed it over the top of her head. Then he placed many more rags under her. He held her hoof, reassured her, and tried to keep her calm.

"You're almost done, Cloud. Just one more push should do it!"

He told her, his hooves now holding onto the foal's emerged head. Blood was now covering his hooves, but it's not like that's bothered him before. Black Cloud let out a loud scream as she pushed one more time and then collapsed tiredly against the couch, panting heavily. Sharp Wing sat their, looking down at the bundle now laying in his hooves. The baby foal wasn't even crying, it just laid there, opening it's mouth occasionally. Her coat was a light grey, her mane a dark blue like his own, and there was a single streak of purple like Black Cloud's own mane color.

"Oh, Cloud...she's beautiful." He whispered to Black Cloud as he began to gently clean the baby with the wetted rags.

Sitting up he set the baby in her own hooves. Black Cloud opened her eyes, feeling absolutely exhausted. But, right when she saw her baby, it's little beady red eyes staring up at her, she smiled.

"H..hey there, sweetie."

She lowered a hoof too push away the purple streak of hair covering the baby's face. The foal reached it's little hooves up to grab Black Cloud's and began to gently suck it.

"Silly, I'm not a chew toy."

Sharp Wing watched the two, tears dripping down his face. This was his mate, and that was his foal. Both were so beautiful... and he sighed with relief. The baby looked almost completely pony like, the only thing different seemed to be her ear's and eye color. He sat on the couch next to her and leaned his head against hers. The two shared a quick kiss before turning their attention back to the foal.

"What should we name her?" Black Cloud asked, and began lightly bouncing the baby in her hooves.

Sharp Wing thought to himself, what could they name it? Something meaningful? What was one thing that was important to the two of them.

"Hey I know, what about Night-"

He was cut off at the sound of banging on the door. He head shot in the direction of the door, he felt his heart drop when he saw through the windows, multiple torches and ponies.

"Mam? Are you in there? Are you still alive?"

Iron Guard asked from outside, her magic holding up a spear aimed at the door. A towns pony came next to her side, and looked at the crowd.

"I heard screams from inside! The monster must of already got her!"

Many cries and screams came from the crowd in reaction to the news. Iron Guard turned back to the door and opened her mouth to yell orders again.

"Creature, we're all here! Come out now so we can make this quick."

Sharp Wing turned to Black Cloud, fear was shown in both their eyes.

"What are we going to do?"

Sharp Wing thought to himself, there had to be some place they could go where they'd be safe. Sadly, the only place he could think of could be as dangerous as the situation they were in now.

"The Everfree Forest."

"What?! Sharp Wing are you crazy?"

Loud banging started up against the door again, this time with intention to try and knock it down.

"Black Cloud please, it's our only hope. If they find me, they'll kill me. When they see a half pony half vampire bat pony baby they'll kill it, and if they know you mated with a vampire bat pony...oh Celestia, I don't even know what they'd do. But please Black Cloud, we have to get out now!"

Black Cloud looked down at the newborn in her hands. Then back up at him and nodded. Staggering to her feet, she began to make her way to the back door of the house. Another bang, this time the door hinges were coming loose. Sharp Wing flew over quickly and pushed himself against the door.

"Sharp Wing!"

"Go now! Take the baby and run as fast as you can!"

Black Cloud looked back at him one more time before heading out the door. Sharp Wing turned his attention back to keep the door closed. But with the massive worker ponies outside, he didn't stand a chance. One last slam against the door and Sharp Wing was sent flying onto the hard wood floor. He groaned and attempted to stagger to his hooves.

"There it is! The monster! Look at it's hooves, they're covered in blood! It's already killed the poor pony living here!"

Sharp Wing stared at the crowd. What a familiar sight this was, pitch forks, torches, and angry ponies. It was every monster's worst nightmare.

"Ponies, wait please-"

He tried to speak but Iron Guard suddenly lunged her spear in his direction. He quickly dodged; trying to talk to them would be hopeless. Turning his hind legs to them, he gave one large kick to spray the splinters from the broken door in their faces. Then he took off out the back door, speeding up to try and catch up with his mate.

"Gah, after him! We must make sure he doesn't come back!"

Iron Guard ordered, rubbing the wood pieces out of her eyes and began galloping after Sharp Wing. Behind her, the angry mob circled around the house in pursuit. Meanwhile Black Cloud hadn't gotten very far in trying to run with the pain still between her legs, and keeping hold of her baby's scruff at the same time.

"Black Cloud!"

Hearing the familiar voice, she turned around with relief. Sharp Wing sat down by her side, taking the baby's scruff in his own mouth. Through all the running, the baby was now beginning to cry. There was no time to cry and get it to stop.

"We're almost there, come on!"

He told her through the scruff in between his teeth, and he flew upwards. Black Cloud fluttered her wings and joined his side. Her whole body felt weak and tired, but she had to keep going. Her speed was not fast, the birth had really taken a lot out of her. Sharp Wing stayed close to her though, what mattered is that they both got there together. Down below, the yells grew louder, and soon the area became lit by the flames of the torches. He let Black Cloud go a bit more in front so the crowd would not spot her.

"There it is! It's heading for the Everfree Forest, come on!"

He heard one of the ponies say from down below. He picked up speed, flying past Black Cloud, but keeping a good distance in front of her. Black Cloud was struggling, and her wings began to fail on her. Slowly she descended towards the ground and landed back down to earth. Sharp Wing landed next to her, looking at her worriedly.

"I...can't.. fly anymore, Sharp Wing. I need...to just run."

"Ok, ok. We'll run together, come on."

The two then began to run as fast as they could into the Everfree Forest. But at the pace Black Cloud was going, the angry mob was not far behind now. As the ran deeper into the forest, they stopped at a river. It was raging and flowing quickly. Sharp Cloud opened his wings and quickly flew across, landing softly on the other side.

"Come on, Black Cloud. We get across this they'll never catch us!"

His enthusiasm dropped though as he saw his mate had now just arrived at the water's edge. She tripped, skidding into the mud. Sitting herself back up, she was now covered completely in the mud. Looking out at him, her expression showed the amount of exhaustion she was experiencing. She tried to lift herself into the air, but failed, almost slipping into the roaring river. Sharp Wing was beginning to panic, he had to get her across. He could see the flames of the angry mob drawing closer, any second now they'd be here.

"Black Cloud hold on! I'll fly over to get you!"

Gently he set the foal down into the grass. He was about to get ready to fly after her when he heard her yell.

"Stop, no!" Black Cloud cried out, pointing a hoof in a direction behind him.

Sharp Wing lowered his wings, looking behind him he could see the preying eyes of predators lurking in the shadows. If he left the baby here for even one second, there was no doubt she would be snatched away. He looked back at Black Cloud, worry in his eyes. Black Cloud looked at her husband across the river, then at the baby in the grass. She felt the tears well in her eyes...she knew what she had to do.

"Sharp! What did you say you were going to name the baby? Night, what?"

"Oh! Well, maybe her name could start with Night! You...you can finish it."

Black Cloud thought to herself, then looked at the little foal staring at her from so far away.

"Night Heart... let's name her Night Heart!"

"It's a lovely name!"

Sharp Wing called across to her, something felt like a lump in his throat. Black Heart looked away, she couldn't bare to see him like this.

"Sharp... this mob isn't going to stop until they've killed a monster." She called out to him reluctantly.

Sharp Wing's ears drooped back. No...she wasn't.

"No... Black Cloud please! Don't! I'll find another way, I'm not going to leave you."

"I'm sorry, Sharp! There's no way you can carry me and the baby across! Please...I love you so much. Take care of our foal!" The tears began to spill from her eyes as she looked at him one last time.

And with that, she turned to face the mob that was now emerging out of the trees. Sharp Wing extended a hoof to pull Night Heart close to his chest. He couldn't believe this was happening, why was this happening? Black Cloud looked down at herself. She didn't exactly look like a pony now covered in all this mud. Looking up, she saw Iron Guard stop, staring directly at her. Black Cloud looked at her, then reared up on her hind legs. She thrashed her hooves violently in the air and called out,

"Here I am! You want to try and kill a monster? Then try your best!"

Iron Guard took aim, and lunged the spear forward. There was a dreaded sound of it striking through flesh. Sharp Wing's eyes widened in absolute horror, holding back a scream that wanted to escape his throat. Black Cloud let out a silent gasp, slowly looking down at the spear that was impaled through her chest. It had gone directly through her, the end spike sticking out of her back. Time seemed to slow down at that moment. Slowly, the body of the mother Pegasus fell backwards. As she fell she caught one last glance of her mate and her foal... before her world went black. The sound of the body hitting the water echoed through the forest, but was soon replaced by the cheers of the angry mob. Sharp Wing's widened eyes could only stare as he watched the body of the pony he had come to love so dearly... float limply down the raging river. He sat there, staring. It's all he could do. After some time the mob went back to Ponyville, leaving the vampire bat pony and his foal alone. Alone in the Everfree Forest. Sharp Wing kept on staring at the river, as if expecting his mate to crawl out unharmed...alive. The cries of his foal snapped him back to reality. Looking down at Night Heart, he stared at the last thing he had left of Black Cloud. Reaching down he scooped his infant in his hooves, holding her close to him as he quietly wept against her. In the process, he did his best to silence her crying and calm her down. Night Heart let out a small yawn, her small red eyes beginning to droop with tiredness. Sharp Wing's adrenaline had died down and he too could feel how exhausted he was. He was worn out...tired. Laying down on his stomach, he wrapped a single wing around his baby for protection. Then looking around him he let out a long drawn hiss to warn the creatures of the forest he meant business. Slowly he saw the eyes disappear into the shadows of the woods. He sighed with relief, laying his head down on his hooves, ready to rest. Then he felt Night Heart nuzzle her head close against his stomach, getting herself comfortable. Even after all that had just happened, he felt a small smile form and he slowly moved his body to be curled around Night Heart.

"Don't worry, Night Heart. I'll protect you..." he looked up at the sky to stare at stars above, "I promise..."

And slowly, father and daughter both slipped into their deep sleep.

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