• Published 11th Jul 2015
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Smeagol/Gollum In Equestria - Oldtakufanboy

Gollum has somehow arrived in a strange world before he could fall to his death. Will he make peace or will he be as wicked as he was with Frodo

  • ...

The Arrival - Part 2

Smeagol has been walking for quite some time. He sat down next to a tree to take a breather and saw a bright light in the distance.

"Look!" said Smeagol as his eyes lit up. "Looks likes it may be the way out of heres."

"Well what are we waiting fors? Let us moves." said the Gollum persona.

As Smeagol ran further, he was getting closer and closer to the light.

As he made it, the light from the sun was shining brightly on his face. Smeagol covered his eyes.

"The sun! It burns us!!" shrieked Smeagol.

A few moments pass before his eyes adjusted to the glare of the sun. Smeagol can now see clearly what is ahead of him. In the distance he could see houses and colored blurs flying in the sky. Another thing that caught his attention was the tall, tree-like castle. Smeagol cocked and eyebrow.

"Is that...Ponyville, precious?" said Smeagol with curiosity.

"It might be." said the Gollum persona.

"Let us go meet some…Uh…Whats was the word?"

"I believes it's called,'Someponies'."

"Thanks. Lets get moving." said Smeagol as he continued down the path that led to Ponyville.

"One more thing, precious. What is that tall tree thing?" said Smeagol.

"I'm not too sures." said the Gollum persona.

"We might as wells find out when we gets there."

Half an hour has passed and Smeagol has finally arrived in Ponyville. He looks around and sees ponies walking and chatting with friends. He sees many different types of ponies -some with wings, some with horns, and some that don't have wings or a horn. Smeagol was getting nervous and he hid behind a bush.

"I'm nervous, precious. Very, very nervous." said Smeagol as he started to shiver.

"Don't worry. We must blend in." said the Gollum persona.

"How we does that?"

"Act natural like the ways they does."

"Ok, precious."

Smeagol got up to his hooves and took in a deep breath. He kept his neck straight and walked out of the bush and continued down the path which led further into Ponyvile.

As he journeyed around Ponyville, someponies were staring at him in a disgusted manner. He could hear them whispering to one another. He heard whispers like "He is disgusting" or "He seriously needs help". Smeagol was starting to get nervous. He then started to run to a place where he would not be seem.

Smeagol took in deep breaths as he hid between two buildings. He sat down near a trash can and shivered. He hasn't been around society for ages since he was corrupted by the ring.

"I can'ts do this!" shouted Smeagol.

"My love, get off your butt and looks for precious!" shouted the Gollum persona.

"Where could precious be?"

"Somewhere arounds. Get outs there and looks for it."

"Ok…But first, we needs to feed."

"As you wishes." said the Gollum persona as he rolled his eyes.

Smeagol got up from his hiding spot and went walking around Ponyville.

Smeagol walked around for about ten minutes but could not find any food. He was still getting looks from the mares and stallions around him. Smeagol was getting nervous again. He wanted to run away, but he kept his courage up and walked around Ponyville some more.

As he turned the next corner, he saw a orange pony that was wearing a hat. She was busy talking to a smaller pony that had red hair and a large pink bow. Smeagol then saw that cart that the orange pony was hauling, was carrying a cartload of apples that were different colors. Smeagol was drooling over the sight of those apples.

"Those apples looks tasty, precious." said Smeagol as his pupils were dilating.

Smeagol then had another flashback of his younger self eating an apple that was so sweet he couldn't resist not eating it.

"I must have apples."

Smeagol noticed that the orange pony moving away after finishing up her conversation with the little pony with the pink bow. Smeagol followed her trying to stay silent and unnoticed.

Applejack kept on walking towards Sweet Apple Acres with a cartful of apples. She had a smile upon her face as she walked.

"I sure can' wait to make a pie outta these apples here." she said with a squee.

As she continued her walk, she then felt a bump as if something jumped into the cart. She then stopped and walked towards the back of the cart. Her eyes lit up as she saw a thin, skinny, and almost maneless pony scarfing down an apple. She tried to get the ponies attention by knocking on the side of the cart. The pony then turned and glared at her.

"Hey there partner, could you stop eatin' my apples. Those are mine." she said in a serious voice.

The pony gave her a hiss. He jumped out and pushed Applejack to the ground and hijacked the cart. The thin pony went running along with the cart filled with apples.

Applejack got up to her hooves and saw the pony running away with the cart full of apples.

"COME BACK 'ERE WITH THOSE APPLES!!!" said Applejack as she chased the apple thief.

Smeagol went running through Ponyville with a cart full of apples.

"They're all mine! Mine!" said Smeagol as he ran towards a tree where he can eat his apples from.

"We never tastes a apples in a very long time."

Smeagol then heard hoof steps that were thundering further behind him. He turned his head and saw the orange pony from before charging at him with anger in her eyes.

"GIVE 'EM BACK!!!" she shouted.

Smeagol picked up the pace and ran further away. As he tried to look back at the pony that was chasing him, he didn't notice that there was a rock up ahead. He tripped on the rock which then made both Smeagol and the cart go flying into the air. Both crash landed near a house landing in a cloud of dirt and dust.

Applejack caught up to the dusty area where the apple thief had landed. As the dust started to blow away, she found her cart in pieces and her apples smashed. As for the thief who took the cart, he was nowhere in sight.

"Aw no! My apples are smashed t' bits! My cart is a wreck! I've been using that cart for years and now…Ugh…That pony better have bits to pay for this. I wonder who that was." said Applejack as she looked around for the apple thief.

Smeagol had run far away from the crash site. He walked to a fountain and sat down to catch his breath.

"We musts find a place to stay." said the Gollum persona. "We mustn't be out in the opens now."

Smeagol got up to his hooves and ran further away out of Ponyville.

Outside of Ponyville, Smeagol stopped and looked around. He then saw a cottage that looked safe.

"Does that place work?" said Smeagol.

"Possibly. Let's go sees." said the Gollum persona.

Smeagol made it to the cottage without getting spotted by any other pony. He was surprised by how nice and comfortable the place looked. There were bird houses, burrows, and even a lake. Smeagol was getting another memory from his past. He remembered his old home when he lived with his grandmother. The house looked so lively every day when he came back home from being with friends or with his cousin, Deagol.

He walked across the bridge and walked to the door. Smeagol took in a big gulp and knocked on the door. No reply.

"No ones in there. Should we waits?" said Smeagol.

"No! We musts goes in." demanded the Gollum persona.

Smeagol then opened the door and looked around the cottage to see if there was anypony living inside. There was nopony.

As he looked around, he spotted tons of things he knew back in Middle-Earth. He saw books, a couch, paintings, cages, a bed for a pet, and a chimney. Just being in this cottage reminded him of…Home.

"Does you thinks it's safe here?" said Smeagol.

"It does. Now looks around for precious." said the Gollum persona.

Smeagol went around the cottage looking for the ring. He looked up the table, he looked inside of the cages, he looked in the drawers. The ring was nowhere to be found.

"Nowhere, precious." said Smeagol.

"Looks up stairs. Gollum! Gollum!" coughed the Gollum persona.

Smeagol went upstairs and found a comfortable bed that had butterflies printed on the covers.

"Doesn't looks like it will be up heres." said Smeagol.

Smeagol then went downstairs and stood in the middle of the cottage.

"Precious isn't here." said Smeagol.

"Then we musts looks somewhere elses." said the Gollum persona. "But not now, we musts stays heres till tomorrow. The sun is setting."

"I wants to stay heres. It reminds me so much of home." said Smeagol as he walked towards the couch.

"We mustn't. We need precious."

"Leave me alone!" shouted Smeagol.

"I will never looses you. I will always be with you! YOU NEEDS ME!!" shouted the Gollum persona.

"Shut up!! Leave me alone!!" cried Smeagol as he put his hooves to his face.

"Where woulds you be without me?! How did you get this far?! Who helps you? ME!"

Smeagol started to weep as he lay down on the couch in the dark.

A few feet away from the cottage, Fluttershy and Angel were on their way back from Twilight's castle.

"Today was such a nice day. What do you think Angel?" said Fluttershy as she looked at Angel that gave her a nod.

Fluttershy noticed as she got closer to the cottage that the door was open.

By the time she got close to the door, she heard sniffling and soft crying. She slowly walked in and couldn't see anything in there but darkness. There were a couple of places where the moonlight was shinning and saw a patch of pale fur on the couch.

Fluttershy quietly walked towards the lamp and pulled the string down. She saw what was on her bed to be a pale, thin, and almost maneless pony looking at her with surprise. Fluttershy yipped as the pony screamed out of fright from seeing her and he quickly hid behind the couch.

"Looks like this is her home, precious. What should we do?" said Smeagol.

The Gollum persona did not reply leaving Smeagol all by himself. He shivered and pondered of what to do. Before he could act, he heard a sweet and soft voice.

"Come on out. Don't be scared. You're safe. I won't hurt you." said the pony.

Smeagol stopped his shivering and slowly got out from behind the couch. He stared at the pony.

"It's alright. Don't be shy." she said in a comforting voice.

"Sorry about us coming in heres. We'll goes." said Smeagol trying to be innocent.

The pony looked around her cottage and cocked and eyebrow.

"Is there someone else here?"

Smeagol didn't reply.

The pony looked at him. She was wondering why would he be here and where did he come from.

"Do you have a home?" she asked him.

Smeagol shook his head.

The pony walked up to Smeagol and gave him a hug. Smeagol's eyes widened.

"You poor thing. Everything's gonna be ok." said the pony as she held him in her hooves.

Smeagol then thought back of his grandmother saying the exact same words to him when he had a fever one time. He then started to hug back the pony and let all of his tears out.

After two minutes of crying, she then let go of him and sat down in front of him.

"No need for tears. Are you hungry? You look like you can eat some food." said the pony as she stared at Smeagol's skinny belly.

Smeagol sniffled and nodded.

"Wait here, I'll give you some supper."

She walked to her pot that was near her oven chimney. She opened it up and grabbed a wooden ladle. She poured the supper in a bowl and walked over to Smeagol that was waiting for her. Smeagol grabbed ahold of the bowl and looked back at the friendly pony.

"Be careful, it's hot." she said.

Smeagol blew on it and slowly took a bite of the supper. It tasted delicious. He slowly continued eating as the pony sat by his side.

Five minutes passed and Smeagol finished his supper. He handed the bowl back to the pony.

"Was it good?" said asked.

"It was delicious. We thanks you." said Smeagol. "Would you asks us you names?"

"My name is Fluttershy. This little rabbit right here is Angel."

"My names is Smeagol. I am a hobbitses." said Smeagol as he stood up.

Fluttershy cocked her eyebrow.

"What is a hobbit?" she asked with curiosity.

"…Neverminds." said Smeagol in embarrassment.

"Smeagol, you got some food all over your muzzle. Let me get that." said Fluttershy as she wiped his face with a napkin.

Smeagol started to blush as she cleaned his muzzle.

"There you go. All cleaned up." said Fluttershy as she removed the napkin from his muzzle.

"We thanks you…Again." said Smeagol shyly.

"Your welcome."

Fluttershy noticed a cut on his left hoof.

"Oh my gosh, are you hurt?"

"No. We doesn't feel pain."

"Even if you aren't feeling any pain, you still need that cut bandaged. Angel, go and get us bandages."

Angel left and came back a minute later and handed the bandages over to Fluttershy. Fluttershy wrapped up Smeagol's cut and kissed it just to make it feel better. Smeagol walked back a bit with a flushed face.

"What's wrong?" said Fluttershy.

"Why…You kisses…Smeagol's ha-…Hoof." said Smeagol with embarrassment.

Fluttershy giggles.

"Too make it feel better, silly."

Smeagol looks away as his face got even redder.

"Would you like to tell us about yourself?" said Fluttershy.

"Yes. Yes we will." said Smeagol with a faded smile.

For the next half hour, Smeagol told Fluttershy where he was from and that he met Zecora that taught him about this world. He also told her that Zecora advises him to go see someone called, "Princess Twilight Sparkle".

"Twilight? You want to see her?" said Fluttershy. "Well I know where you can find her. I'm one of her friends. I'll be happy to take you to her tomorrow."

Smeagol's eyes lit up.

"Really?! For Realsies?!" said Smeagol as he jumped up and down with excitement.

"I will be happy to take you there. But first, we need you to look nice and fancy before meeting her. And I know just who to talk to about things like that."

"Who is it?" said Smeagol.

"Her name is Rarity. She's a friend of mine and loves to help anypony look spiffy."

"i'm not sures about that…But we'll gives it a try." said Smeagol with a unsure look.

Fluttershy starts to yawn.

"Well, we better get some sleep. You have a big day tomorrow. And don't worry about anypony picking on you. I'll be by your side walking along with you." said Fluttershy as she held a hoof on Smeagols shoulder.

Smeagol blushes.

"We thanks you again…For taking cares… Of us."

Fluttershy smiled.

"Hold on a minute, I'll be right back. Stay right here, ok." said Fluttershy as she flew up stairs.

She came back down two minutes later and handed Smeagol a blanket and a pillow.

"There you go. You have a blanket to stay warm and comfortable on the couch."

Smeagol as he hugged Fluttershy. Fluttershy hugged him back.

"Alright. If you need anything, I'll be upstairs." said Fluttershy as she broke the hug.

"We's be alright."

"Ok, well…Good night, Smeagol."

"Good night, Fluttershyses." said Smeagol as he waved a hoof to her.

Fluttershy shut off the light and flew upstairs as Angel went crawling up the stairs with her. Smeagol snuggled on the couch that was soft and warm. He remembered sleeping on his bed a long time ago at his grandmother's house. Smeagol started shedding tears as a soft smile came to his face.

"This was…Home." thought Smeagol before he fell asleep.