> Smeagol/Gollum In Equestria > by Oldtakufanboy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Arrival - Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Smeagol woke up from his slumber. He checked his surroundings and noticed that he wasn't in Mordor anymore. He sees no fire, lava, rocky edges, or the crack of doom. He started to stand up, but fell to the ground. He grunts in a fit of frustration. "What is wrong with us?" He placed his hand on his face, but realizes it wasn't a hand that touched his head, it was a hoof. Smeagol gasps out of shock. He then starts to look himself over and realizes that his body has changed. He had hoofs, pale fur, a black colored tail, a muzzle, and a very short amount of stringy hair on his mane. He was a pony. Smeagol screamed out of fright and ran further into the dark forest. Smeagol stopped his run and laid down next to a tree. He kept on breathing heavily until his heartbeat slowed down. He then saw something shining in the distance and got up on his hooves to see where the shine was coming from. As he got closer, he found a lake under the moonlight. He walked over to the lake and started to take a drink from the cool water. He then stared up at the night sky and saw millions of stars. He turned his attention to the moon that was full and very bright in the night sky. "Pretty moon, precious." said Smeagol. "But, not as pretty as our precious. We finally ha-" Smeagol paused. "Where is it? Where could it have gone? WHERE IS IT!?!?!?! NO!!!! MY PRECIOUS IS LOST AGAIN!!!!!" Smeagol was freaking out as he looked around the bushes and trees surrounding the lake. He then sat back down and pondered. He was confused - where his ring? why was he a pony? He walked over to the lake and stared at his reflection. "Our precious is gone…What are we to do nows, precious?" "Smeagol, we screws up bad." said the Gollum persona. "Our precious is gone for good this time. It must have fell into the fires as we fell." "How did we survives that fall? We should be burned." "I'm not too sures." "Well…What ares we going to do now? Gollum! Gollum!" asked Smeagol as he coughed. The Gollum persona thought long and hard about what to do. He then had an idea. "My love, we must finds a new precious." "How? We doesn't knows what is in this new place. Theres can't be anything here for uses in this forest." "You are right abouts that." "Also, why ares we…Ponies?" "I can't be sures myself, my love." The Gollum persona then thought for a little while longer and finally had another idea. "How about this my love, what if our precious didn't dies. It may have survived with us." "Wheres could it be?" "Around this forest, possibly." "Well…Ok. We should looks in the morning. I'm getting tired." The Gollum persona nods. "We must sleeps. We must keeps up our strength." Smeagol walked towards a dead tree that had very few leaves on it. He started to shift about trying to get comfortable. Smeagol stared at the night sky. He was intrigued by how beautiful it was. A shooting star went across the sky and then it disappeared just as fast as it had come. "The precious will be ours once again." said Smeagol as he shut his eyelids and fell into a deep sleep. Smeagol awakes at dawn and gave a good long stretch. His stomach started to growl. "We must feeds before we looks for precious." said smeagol as he gave out a yawn and another stretch. Smeagol went looking around the forest to find something to eat. He then found a squirrel eating berries from the ground beneath a tree. The squirrel looked very weird to him. It looked like something out of a drawing that he remembered reading when he was younger before he had been corrupted by the ring. Slowly and steadily he tried to sneak behind the squirrel, but before he could pounce on his prey, the squirrel turned back and saw him. The squirrel ran and Smeagol went running after it. Smeagol started to chase the squirrel through the forest. The squirrel tried to turn in different directions, but it was not helping him outrun the pony. Instinctively, the squirrel climbed up a tree to get away from Smeagol. When Smeagol got to the tree, he tried to climb up, but he could not. Unlike his hobbit form, this pony form of his was incapable of letting him climb a tree. The squirrel laughed at Smeagol as he watch him make several attempts to climb the tree. Discouraged, Smeagol finally gave up trying to catch the squirrel and ran back towards the lake. Smeagol made it back to the lake and slumped onto the sand. "Stupid squirrel!" said Smeagol "Very" replied the Gollum persona. Smeagol then heard splashing. He lifted his head up and saw a fish jumping and falling back into the lake. "Fishes is much better." said Smeagol as he got up on his hooves and walked into the lake. Smeagol started to swim towards the deep part of the lake. At least in this new form of his was capable of letting him swim. Smeagol had been swimming for hundreds of years back in Middle-Earth when he lived in the caves of the Misty Mountains. Smeagol was getting close to his prey. He opened his mouth and caught the fish in his muzzle. He swam back up to the surface and walked back with the fish still squirming in his muzzle. Smeagol grabbed ahold of the fish between his hooves and started eating. The fish tasted good, just the way he liked it, raw and wriggling. Smeagol finally finished his fish and tossed away the skeleton. He got up and started looking for the ring that he and Gollum were talking about the other night. He walked into the forest and searched all around to find it. He searched under rocks, around tree trunks, and even in rabbit holes. By noon there was still no sign of his precious ring. Smeagol sat down on a fallen tree trunk. "It's nowhere, precious. Our precious is gone." said Smeagol as he stared down at the ground. "Guesses you're right, my love." said the Gollum persona. "We has to get used to not having our precious back." Smeagol smelled something coming from the forest. The smell was intoxicating to him as he continued taking in big whiffs. "Do you smells that? Gollum! Gollum!" said Smeagol as he coughed. "Yes, my love. I do." Smeagol got off of the tree trunk and walked to wherever the scent was coming from. Smeagol noticed the smell was getting stronger the closer he got. Smeagol pushed some bushes out of his way and saw a hut. This must be where the smell was coming from. "What is this, precious?" said Smeagol in confusion. "It looks likes a hut or something. Get closer." Smeagol got closer to take a peek of who was inside. He saw a striped horse with rings on both its neck and one on its legs. It had a pierced ear and had a striped mane. Another feature that bugged Smeagol was the mark on the sides of the horse's thighs. There were all sorts of masks on some walls of the hut. Smeagol also sees a bed that looked comfortable. He hasn't been in a bed since he was little. The horse started to put some sort of ingredients inside of the cauldron that was placed in the middle of the hut and started to stir it. "What a weird horse. Didn't knows they could do this." said Smeagol with a whisper and a cocked eyebrow. "We musts go and sees if there's anyone else in there. Someone musts know where precious is, my love." whispered he Gollum persona. "Before we does that, can we ask if there's any food for us?" replied Smeagol with curiosity. The Gollum persona sighed. "Ok, sure my love. Then we ask about precious." Smeagol walked up to the door of the hut and started doing something that he had not done in a very, very long time: knocking on the door. "Who goes there? What are you doing here?" said a female voice coming from inside the hut. "Could you helps, us?" said Smeagol with innocence in his voice. Smeagol heard hoof steps coming close to the door. The door opened and in front of him was the striped horse that he was looking at from before. "Is theres anyone in there we could talks to?" said Smeagol as he tried to look behind the striped horse. "I am the only one to talk to. How would you like me to help you?" said the striped horse. Smeagol screamed and ran back and hid into the bushes. The striped horse stood there with a cocked eyebrow. "I wonder what he wanted me to help him do? Oh well, back to making my brew." she said as she head back into her hut. "Talking striped horses?! What's going on heres, precious?" said Smeagol all shaken up. "I don't knows." said the Gollum persona. "Should we go back agains?" "…Yes…Let's go back to striped horse's hut and talk to her about where we's are." "And about precious?" "Yes" "And that tasty smellses?" "…That too." Smeagol walked back to the hut and took a big gulp of nervousness. He started to knock on the door. "Who is it? I'm trying to make my tidbit." said the striped horse. "It's we again. May we comes in?" The striped horse opened the door and allowed Smeagol in. The smell from before was stronger than ever. It was really starting to get to Smeagol. He started getting closer to the cauldron and taking big whiffs of the delicious smelling brew. The striped horse was very surprised to find this stranger interested in her cooking. She stared at him as he continued to smell the cauldron. She noticed how skinny he was and thought that he might be starving from being out in the wild for who knows how long. "I see you like the smell of my brew. Would you like to have a bowl or two?" said the striped horse. Smeagol turned around with his mouth drooling and gave a nod. The striped horse went to get some wooden bowls and a ladle. She came back to him and placed the bowl on her wooden table and poured the brew into the bowls for him. Smeagol walked to the table and sat down. "Enjoy my brew. It be enough for-" the striped horse was cutoff when she saw the pony guzzle down the the first bowl. He finishes his second bowl two minutes later and held it in front of the striped horse's face. "More" said Smeagol in a demanding voice. The striped horse was wide-eyed and surprised that somepony could eat that fast. She gabbed his bowls and refilled them with more of her brew. She saw how quickly he guzzled down the bowls. Smeagol finally finished his sixth bowl. He has not had any homemade food since he lived with his grandmother a long ago. He remembers how warm and smooth it was when he placed the spoon to his mouth. Smeagol then looked towards the striped horse with a messy face completely covered with the brew and gave her a smile. "We thanks you, miss…Uh…" Smeagol wanted to thank her, but couldn't tell what her name was. "Zecora." said the striped horse. "Zecora the zebra." Smeagol gave her a confused look. "Zecoras? What is a Zecoras, precious?" Zecora looked at the strange, thin, and pale looking pony with confusion. "Zecora is me. And that's the way it should be." Zecora went to get a rag and handed it to Smeagol. "Use this to clean your face. You don't want to look like a disgrace." she said as Smeagol grabbed ahold of the rag and wiped his face. Smeagol gave the rag back to Zecora and she took it to a bucket with water which was used for cleaning. She dropped it in and walked back and sat down at the table with Smeagol. "What is it that you needed my help? The last time you asked, you ran away with a yelp." Smeagol and Gollum had so many questions about what to ask. "We does have a question. Where are we?" Zecora gave him a laugh. "The Everfree Forest is what it is called. You are very luckily to not get mauled." "We wants to know what this land is." "Equestria is its name. And the people here are all fun and games." Smeagol was confused. He then held up a hoof. "Could you excuse us for a moment?" he asked politely. Zecora nods. Smeagol turned around and started talking quietly to his Gollum persona. "Equestria? What is that, precious?" said Smeagol. "I have never heard of it." said the Gollum persona. "Keep up the conversation. I wants to know as much as you do." Smeagol turned around and started asking more and more questions about Equestria. He was enthralled by all of the stories and characters that Zecora was telling him. He has never heard of anything quite like it. Smeagol asks her about the mark on the sides of her thighs. She tells him that they are cutie marks which determine what is your unique characteristic. She explained to him that there are rulers here as well that go by the names of Princess Twilight, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Princess Cadence and others. Zecora tells him about the elements of harmony and that Princess Twilight is one of them. She also tells him what creatures are good and those that are bad. Smeagol and Gollum had a lot to think about during the conversation. Smeagol told her a little about himself and where he was from and that he is trying to find his ring. He also asked her where the cracks of doom were if it existed in this world. "I have never heard of this Mount Doom. You must feel bad that you lost your ring and are now in gloom." "We will find it, if its here in this world." said Smeagol as he looked at Zecora with a gloomy look. "I'm sorry to hear, but don't worry, you'll have fun here." she said trying to make Smeagol happy. "You say you're good at riddles? Doing a riddle is like playing a fiddle. Go on and give me a little of your riddles." Smeagol has not played a game of riddles since the day his precious was stolen by Bilbo Baggins. He sighed as he tried to remember the riddles. He thought for a few minutes and started to remember. "What has roots as nobody sees, Is taller than trees, up, up it goes, and yet never grows?" Zecora began to think about what this riddle was. She finally has an answer. "Mountain." "Yes, yes, Zecoras. You are right." said Smeagol with giggle in his voice. "How about this one: Voiceless it cries, Wingless flutters, Toothless bites, Mouthless mutters." Zecora pondered again about this riddle. She has heard of this one somewhere before. She then began to hear the wind outside of her hut. The wind gave her an idea. "The answer is wind. That was a rather tricky one to find." Smeagol thought of one more. "Here's another one for you: This thing all things devours; Birds, beasts, trees, flowers; Gnaws iron, bites steel; Grinds hard stones to meal; Slays king, ruins town, And beats mountain down." Zecora had never heard of this riddle. She thought it could possibly being a dragon, but dragons don't tear down mountains unless they were making a home for themselves. She thought for two minutes now. "Give us answer, please." said Smeagol impatiently. Zecora was getting stressed trying to figure out this riddle. "Time is up." said Smeagol. Smeagol then surprised himself knowing that this was the same thing he had said to Bilbo which gave away the answer. "The answer is time. Because of my victory, the bells shall chime" said Zecora as she held up a bell and made it chime. Smeagol was disappointed with himself. "Could you excuse us agains, Zecoras?" Zecora nodded. Smeagol then turned around to talk with his persona. "Stupid Smeagol. You gaves away the answer like with bagginses." said Gollum with a bit of anger in his whispering voice. "Oh, shut up." said Smeagol. Smeagol then looked back at Zecora. "It's beens a lot of funs with you Zecoras." said Smeagol as he got up from his chair. "It has been indeed fun. Now I must ask what are you gonna do now that you are done?" "Well…We bests be going now. We needs to know more about this world." "Well good luck to you. I hope at some point you could come back and have more of my brew in a bowl or two." Smeagol walked over to the door then paused and turned around to look at her. "Before we leave, have you seen our precious? It's my birthday present and we wants it back. It's a ring. Have you seens it?" said Smeagol with suspicion. Zecora shook her head. "I have not seen what you seek. It must be somewhere around Equestria I think." "Oks. We bests be off." said Smeagol as he opened the door but then paused again. "Oh! One more things we like to asks. Could you tells us where this Ponyville is?" "If you keep moving straight forward, Ponyville will be where your heading towards. Also, look for Princess Twilight Sparkle while you're there. She'll help you out while you are here." "We thanks you miss Zecoras. Farewells." said Smeagol as he waved a hoof goodbye. Zecora waved back as he ran off towards Ponyville. Smeagol walked through the Everfree Forest towards a place called Ponyville. "Let's hopes that we finds our precious there before anyone elses has it." said the Gollum persona. "Zecoras was very nice to us. I's wonder if the ponies theres are nice too. Twilight Sparkleses must be even nicer." said Smeagol with excitement. "She may has precious. If she does, we takes it from her." "I's doubt she takes precious from us, but I keeps thinking that precious may be theres in Ponyville." "Don't worry, I bets we find it." said the Gollum persona with a snicker. "Enough talks about precious until we gets there. I wants to sees more ponies." said Smeagol as if the ring didn't matter to him anymore. "Fine" said the Gollum persona in a pouty voice. TO BE CONTINUED... > The Arrival - Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Smeagol has been walking for quite some time. He sat down next to a tree to take a breather and saw a bright light in the distance. "Look!" said Smeagol as his eyes lit up. "Looks likes it may be the way out of heres." "Well what are we waiting fors? Let us moves." said the Gollum persona. As Smeagol ran further, he was getting closer and closer to the light. As he made it, the light from the sun was shining brightly on his face. Smeagol covered his eyes. "The sun! It burns us!!" shrieked Smeagol. A few moments pass before his eyes adjusted to the glare of the sun. Smeagol can now see clearly what is ahead of him. In the distance he could see houses and colored blurs flying in the sky. Another thing that caught his attention was the tall, tree-like castle. Smeagol cocked and eyebrow. "Is that...Ponyville, precious?" said Smeagol with curiosity. "It might be." said the Gollum persona. "Let us go meet some…Uh…Whats was the word?" "I believes it's called,'Someponies'." "Thanks. Lets get moving." said Smeagol as he continued down the path that led to Ponyville. "One more thing, precious. What is that tall tree thing?" said Smeagol. "I'm not too sures." said the Gollum persona. "We might as wells find out when we gets there." Half an hour has passed and Smeagol has finally arrived in Ponyville. He looks around and sees ponies walking and chatting with friends. He sees many different types of ponies -some with wings, some with horns, and some that don't have wings or a horn. Smeagol was getting nervous and he hid behind a bush. "I'm nervous, precious. Very, very nervous." said Smeagol as he started to shiver. "Don't worry. We must blend in." said the Gollum persona. "How we does that?" "Act natural like the ways they does." "Ok, precious." Smeagol got up to his hooves and took in a deep breath. He kept his neck straight and walked out of the bush and continued down the path which led further into Ponyvile. As he journeyed around Ponyville, someponies were staring at him in a disgusted manner. He could hear them whispering to one another. He heard whispers like "He is disgusting" or "He seriously needs help". Smeagol was starting to get nervous. He then started to run to a place where he would not be seem. Smeagol took in deep breaths as he hid between two buildings. He sat down near a trash can and shivered. He hasn't been around society for ages since he was corrupted by the ring. "I can'ts do this!" shouted Smeagol. "My love, get off your butt and looks for precious!" shouted the Gollum persona. "Where could precious be?" "Somewhere arounds. Get outs there and looks for it." "Ok…But first, we needs to feed." "As you wishes." said the Gollum persona as he rolled his eyes. Smeagol got up from his hiding spot and went walking around Ponyville. Smeagol walked around for about ten minutes but could not find any food. He was still getting looks from the mares and stallions around him. Smeagol was getting nervous again. He wanted to run away, but he kept his courage up and walked around Ponyville some more. As he turned the next corner, he saw a orange pony that was wearing a hat. She was busy talking to a smaller pony that had red hair and a large pink bow. Smeagol then saw that cart that the orange pony was hauling, was carrying a cartload of apples that were different colors. Smeagol was drooling over the sight of those apples. "Those apples looks tasty, precious." said Smeagol as his pupils were dilating. Smeagol then had another flashback of his younger self eating an apple that was so sweet he couldn't resist not eating it. "I must have apples." Smeagol noticed that the orange pony moving away after finishing up her conversation with the little pony with the pink bow. Smeagol followed her trying to stay silent and unnoticed. Applejack kept on walking towards Sweet Apple Acres with a cartful of apples. She had a smile upon her face as she walked. "I sure can' wait to make a pie outta these apples here." she said with a squee. As she continued her walk, she then felt a bump as if something jumped into the cart. She then stopped and walked towards the back of the cart. Her eyes lit up as she saw a thin, skinny, and almost maneless pony scarfing down an apple. She tried to get the ponies attention by knocking on the side of the cart. The pony then turned and glared at her. "Hey there partner, could you stop eatin' my apples. Those are mine." she said in a serious voice. The pony gave her a hiss. He jumped out and pushed Applejack to the ground and hijacked the cart. The thin pony went running along with the cart filled with apples. Applejack got up to her hooves and saw the pony running away with the cart full of apples. "COME BACK 'ERE WITH THOSE APPLES!!!" said Applejack as she chased the apple thief. Smeagol went running through Ponyville with a cart full of apples. "They're all mine! Mine!" said Smeagol as he ran towards a tree where he can eat his apples from. "We never tastes a apples in a very long time." Smeagol then heard hoof steps that were thundering further behind him. He turned his head and saw the orange pony from before charging at him with anger in her eyes. "GIVE 'EM BACK!!!" she shouted. Smeagol picked up the pace and ran further away. As he tried to look back at the pony that was chasing him, he didn't notice that there was a rock up ahead. He tripped on the rock which then made both Smeagol and the cart go flying into the air. Both crash landed near a house landing in a cloud of dirt and dust. Applejack caught up to the dusty area where the apple thief had landed. As the dust started to blow away, she found her cart in pieces and her apples smashed. As for the thief who took the cart, he was nowhere in sight. "Aw no! My apples are smashed t' bits! My cart is a wreck! I've been using that cart for years and now…Ugh…That pony better have bits to pay for this. I wonder who that was." said Applejack as she looked around for the apple thief. Smeagol had run far away from the crash site. He walked to a fountain and sat down to catch his breath. "We musts find a place to stay." said the Gollum persona. "We mustn't be out in the opens now." Smeagol got up to his hooves and ran further away out of Ponyville. Outside of Ponyville, Smeagol stopped and looked around. He then saw a cottage that looked safe. "Does that place work?" said Smeagol. "Possibly. Let's go sees." said the Gollum persona. Smeagol made it to the cottage without getting spotted by any other pony. He was surprised by how nice and comfortable the place looked. There were bird houses, burrows, and even a lake. Smeagol was getting another memory from his past. He remembered his old home when he lived with his grandmother. The house looked so lively every day when he came back home from being with friends or with his cousin, Deagol. He walked across the bridge and walked to the door. Smeagol took in a big gulp and knocked on the door. No reply. "No ones in there. Should we waits?" said Smeagol. "No! We musts goes in." demanded the Gollum persona. Smeagol then opened the door and looked around the cottage to see if there was anypony living inside. There was nopony. As he looked around, he spotted tons of things he knew back in Middle-Earth. He saw books, a couch, paintings, cages, a bed for a pet, and a chimney. Just being in this cottage reminded him of…Home. "Does you thinks it's safe here?" said Smeagol. "It does. Now looks around for precious." said the Gollum persona. Smeagol went around the cottage looking for the ring. He looked up the table, he looked inside of the cages, he looked in the drawers. The ring was nowhere to be found. "Nowhere, precious." said Smeagol. "Looks up stairs. Gollum! Gollum!" coughed the Gollum persona. Smeagol went upstairs and found a comfortable bed that had butterflies printed on the covers. "Doesn't looks like it will be up heres." said Smeagol. Smeagol then went downstairs and stood in the middle of the cottage. "Precious isn't here." said Smeagol. "Then we musts looks somewhere elses." said the Gollum persona. "But not now, we musts stays heres till tomorrow. The sun is setting." "I wants to stay heres. It reminds me so much of home." said Smeagol as he walked towards the couch. "We mustn't. We need precious." "Leave me alone!" shouted Smeagol. "I will never looses you. I will always be with you! YOU NEEDS ME!!" shouted the Gollum persona. "Shut up!! Leave me alone!!" cried Smeagol as he put his hooves to his face. "Where woulds you be without me?! How did you get this far?! Who helps you? ME!" Smeagol started to weep as he lay down on the couch in the dark. A few feet away from the cottage, Fluttershy and Angel were on their way back from Twilight's castle. "Today was such a nice day. What do you think Angel?" said Fluttershy as she looked at Angel that gave her a nod. Fluttershy noticed as she got closer to the cottage that the door was open. By the time she got close to the door, she heard sniffling and soft crying. She slowly walked in and couldn't see anything in there but darkness. There were a couple of places where the moonlight was shinning and saw a patch of pale fur on the couch. Fluttershy quietly walked towards the lamp and pulled the string down. She saw what was on her bed to be a pale, thin, and almost maneless pony looking at her with surprise. Fluttershy yipped as the pony screamed out of fright from seeing her and he quickly hid behind the couch. "Looks like this is her home, precious. What should we do?" said Smeagol. The Gollum persona did not reply leaving Smeagol all by himself. He shivered and pondered of what to do. Before he could act, he heard a sweet and soft voice. "Come on out. Don't be scared. You're safe. I won't hurt you." said the pony. Smeagol stopped his shivering and slowly got out from behind the couch. He stared at the pony. "It's alright. Don't be shy." she said in a comforting voice. "Sorry about us coming in heres. We'll goes." said Smeagol trying to be innocent. The pony looked around her cottage and cocked and eyebrow. "Is there someone else here?" Smeagol didn't reply. The pony looked at him. She was wondering why would he be here and where did he come from. "Do you have a home?" she asked him. Smeagol shook his head. The pony walked up to Smeagol and gave him a hug. Smeagol's eyes widened. "You poor thing. Everything's gonna be ok." said the pony as she held him in her hooves. Smeagol then thought back of his grandmother saying the exact same words to him when he had a fever one time. He then started to hug back the pony and let all of his tears out. After two minutes of crying, she then let go of him and sat down in front of him. "No need for tears. Are you hungry? You look like you can eat some food." said the pony as she stared at Smeagol's skinny belly. Smeagol sniffled and nodded. "Wait here, I'll give you some supper." She walked to her pot that was near her oven chimney. She opened it up and grabbed a wooden ladle. She poured the supper in a bowl and walked over to Smeagol that was waiting for her. Smeagol grabbed ahold of the bowl and looked back at the friendly pony. "Be careful, it's hot." she said. Smeagol blew on it and slowly took a bite of the supper. It tasted delicious. He slowly continued eating as the pony sat by his side. Five minutes passed and Smeagol finished his supper. He handed the bowl back to the pony. "Was it good?" said asked. "It was delicious. We thanks you." said Smeagol. "Would you asks us you names?" "My name is Fluttershy. This little rabbit right here is Angel." "My names is Smeagol. I am a hobbitses." said Smeagol as he stood up. Fluttershy cocked her eyebrow. "What is a hobbit?" she asked with curiosity. "…Neverminds." said Smeagol in embarrassment. "Smeagol, you got some food all over your muzzle. Let me get that." said Fluttershy as she wiped his face with a napkin. Smeagol started to blush as she cleaned his muzzle. "There you go. All cleaned up." said Fluttershy as she removed the napkin from his muzzle. "We thanks you…Again." said Smeagol shyly. "Your welcome." Fluttershy noticed a cut on his left hoof. "Oh my gosh, are you hurt?" "No. We doesn't feel pain." "Even if you aren't feeling any pain, you still need that cut bandaged. Angel, go and get us bandages." Angel left and came back a minute later and handed the bandages over to Fluttershy. Fluttershy wrapped up Smeagol's cut and kissed it just to make it feel better. Smeagol walked back a bit with a flushed face. "What's wrong?" said Fluttershy. "Why…You kisses…Smeagol's ha-…Hoof." said Smeagol with embarrassment. Fluttershy giggles. "Too make it feel better, silly." Smeagol looks away as his face got even redder. "Would you like to tell us about yourself?" said Fluttershy. "Yes. Yes we will." said Smeagol with a faded smile. For the next half hour, Smeagol told Fluttershy where he was from and that he met Zecora that taught him about this world. He also told her that Zecora advises him to go see someone called, "Princess Twilight Sparkle". "Twilight? You want to see her?" said Fluttershy. "Well I know where you can find her. I'm one of her friends. I'll be happy to take you to her tomorrow." Smeagol's eyes lit up. "Really?! For Realsies?!" said Smeagol as he jumped up and down with excitement. "I will be happy to take you there. But first, we need you to look nice and fancy before meeting her. And I know just who to talk to about things like that." "Who is it?" said Smeagol. "Her name is Rarity. She's a friend of mine and loves to help anypony look spiffy." "i'm not sures about that…But we'll gives it a try." said Smeagol with a unsure look. Fluttershy starts to yawn. "Well, we better get some sleep. You have a big day tomorrow. And don't worry about anypony picking on you. I'll be by your side walking along with you." said Fluttershy as she held a hoof on Smeagols shoulder. Smeagol blushes. "We thanks you again…For taking cares… Of us." Fluttershy smiled. "Hold on a minute, I'll be right back. Stay right here, ok." said Fluttershy as she flew up stairs. She came back down two minutes later and handed Smeagol a blanket and a pillow. "There you go. You have a blanket to stay warm and comfortable on the couch." Smeagol as he hugged Fluttershy. Fluttershy hugged him back. "Alright. If you need anything, I'll be upstairs." said Fluttershy as she broke the hug. "We's be alright." "Ok, well…Good night, Smeagol." "Good night, Fluttershyses." said Smeagol as he waved a hoof to her. Fluttershy shut off the light and flew upstairs as Angel went crawling up the stairs with her. Smeagol snuggled on the couch that was soft and warm. He remembered sleeping on his bed a long time ago at his grandmother's house. Smeagol started shedding tears as a soft smile came to his face. "This was…Home." thought Smeagol before he fell asleep. TO BE CONTINUED... > Being Prepared > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The sun shined brightly in Smeagol's face as the day became anew. He got off of the couch and stretched and walked towards the window and saw birds flying happily over the trees. Smeagol then went to wake Fluttershy who may or may not be sleeping. "Musts say good morning to Fluttershyses." thought Smeagol as he got close to Fluttershy's bedroom door. Smeagol slowly pushed the door and peeked in. Fluttershy wasn't in her room. Smeagol looked around and noticed that her bed was still messy. Smeagol got an idea. "Precious, do you think we could makes the bed?" said Smeagol. "….." "Precious?" "……My love, Stop worrying about the bed and let's go find precious." said the Gollum persona angrily. "We will do that. But firsts, we must sees Rarity to makes us looks spiffy before meeting the princess." "Ugh……Whatever. Let's gets its over with." said the Gollum persona as he rolled his eyes. Smeagol looked at the bed again. "Fluttershyses will be happy if I make the bed." said Smeagol with a smile. Fluttershy was feeding the animals behind her cottage. They were all around her and each one was scrambling for food. "One at a time please." said Fluttershy as she gave a carrot to Angel. "I wonder if Smeagol is awake. I gotta make breakfast for him." thought Fluttershy. Fluttershy's stomach started to growl. "Hehehe. Looks like I can have a bite to eat as well." thought Fluttershy again as she spread out the rest of the food for the animals to eat. Fluttershy walked into her cottage and noticed that Smeagol wasn't laying on the couch. "I wonder where he is." Fluttershy heard a creek coming from upstairs. She flew to her room. As she peeked through the door, she saw Smeagol fixing her bedding. Fluttershy's eyes opened wide at how thoughtful he was. Smeagol was finishing up the final corner by getting the sheets straightened out. "Looks likes we are done. Now we musts go get Flutt-" said Smeagol as he saw Fluttershy peeking at him. "Fluttershyses! We was-We was gonna surprise you-And say good mornings to you-And-" said Smeagol as his face started to flush, but was cut off by Fluttershy. "Smeagol…You didn't need to do this. I could've made the bed by myself, but I forgot to do it." "We just wanted a way to say thank you for…Letting us stay here and giving us food, a place to sleep, and wrapping our cut. No one has done that for us." Fluttershy blushed a little. "Well…Your welcome. I am always kind to anything. whether it's an animal or somepony." Smeagol walked up to Fluttershy and gave her a hug. Fluttershy hugged him back. "Ok. Let's go down stairs. I'll make you some breakfast." said Fluttershy as she breaks the hug. Smeagol smiles as his tails starts to wag back and forth. Fluttershy noticed and giggled. They both walked downstairs. Smeagol sat at the table waiting for Fluttershy's breakfast. Five minutes pass and soon Fluttershy walks up and places two plates that have pancakes with melted butter on top. Smeagol looks at it as his mouth starts to water. "Um, Smeagol? Would you like some syrup on those?" asked Fluttershy. "Yes…Please." said Smeagol in return. Fluttershy poured the syrup onto his pancakes. Smeagol had never seen anything so delicious for morning food. As Fluttershy stopped pouring, she then went back to the kitchen and grabbed a drinking glass and poured apple juice into it. She walked back to Smeagol and handed him the glass. "Breakfast is now ready. Let's eat." said Fluttershy. Together Fluttershy and Smeagol ate their pancakes. Smeagol ate slowly trying not to eat like a madman. Fifteen minutes have passed and they finally finish their pancakes. "Fluttershy, thanks for pancakes." said Smeagol. "Your welcome." Fluttershy said in return. "So when is it good times we go sees Rarity?" asked Smeagol. "We'll go see her. But first, you need a bath. You're flithy after being through the Everfree forest." "We…Doesn't know how to take one." said Smeagol as he blushed. "Well…Looks like I'm gonna have to give you one. Come with me." said Fluttershy as she got up from her seat and headed to a door close by. Smeagol followed. As he opened the door, he saw a tub that was flowing with water. He then noticed Fluttershy pouring something into the tub that was making the water go bubbly. She then turned around. "Please come over here. I want you to get into the tub." said Fluttershy as she turned off the water. "Is it…Safe?" said Smeagol as he took a step back. "Don't worry. The water won't bite." Smeagol then slowly walked towards the bath tub and dipped a hoof. The water felt warm. Smeagol slowly went into the tub and felt very relaxed. "Ok, time for me to put some shampoo onto y-" Fluttershy was cut off noticing that Smeagol didn't have that much of a mane. "Well, looks like instead, I'm gonna have to scrub your body." As Smeagol waited he started blowing the bubbles and popping bubbles that flew away from the tub. "Ok Smeagol, now I want you to do what I say. Is that ok?" "We promises." replied Smeagol. "I'm gonna need you to stretch out your hoof towards me." Smeagol stretched out his left hoof. Fluttershy grabbed a sponge and started scrubbing. Smeagol then started to have another flashback of his grandmother giving him a bath when he was little. He would always squirm and try to avoid being clean. "Ok, now the other hoof." said Fluttershy which brought Smeagol back to reality. Smeagol held out his other hoof as Fluttershy got ahold of it and started scrubbing. Ten minutes have passed and Fluttershy was drying Smeagol with a pink towel that felt soft to the touch. "There you go. All nice and clean." said Fluttershy as she gave him a smile. Smeagol blushed. "Th-Thank you." replied Smeagol. "You are welcome." Fluttershy and Smeagol leave the bathroom and headed towards the front door. "Smeagol, are you ready to meet Rarity?" asked Fluttershy. "We musts." said Smeagol all giddy and happy. "Then let's go meet her." Smeagol and Fluttershy went through the door and walked towards Ponyville. "We're getting closer to our precious, my love." said the Gollum persona in Smeagol's head. "First, Rarity." replied Smeagol. "Whatever." Smeagol and Fluttershy were close to the entrance of Ponyville. As they both were a few inches close to the entrance, Smeagol stopped and started to shiver. Fluttershy was puzzled as to why he was shivering. Was he scared? She then walked closer to him. "Don't worry. I'll be close to you." said Fluttershy as she gave Smeagol a hug which made him stop his shivering. "We…We're not used to being in society." said Smeagol. "No need to worry. I'll be by your side." The ponies were starting to stare at Smeagol. Unlike before, Smeagol heard ponies whispering to each other like "Fluttershy knows him?" or "Isn't that the pony from yesterday?" Smeagol continued walking along with Fluttershy with a bit of uneasiness. Someponies were not paying any attention to him at at all as if he were normal. That was starting to make him very comfortable. "So Fluttershyses, are we almost there yet?" "We are getting closer. Just another two minutes." Smeagol gave out a quiet sigh. "I wonders if Rarity is just as kind as Fluttershyses." thought Smeagol. Soon they arrive at a place that Smeagol had not seen before. "Is this where Rarity lives?" asked Smeagol. "Yes it is. This is the Carousel Boutique, where Rarity does her clothes making. I bet she'll make you look spiffy. Let's go in." Smeagol and Fluttershy walked into the boutique. Smeagol was surprised by how big it was on the inside and that their were tons of fabric laying around the place. He noticed a couple of manicans which freaked him out a bit because they don't have manikins over in Middle-Earth. He saw some sort of stage which he guessed may have been of use to show off your style. There was a area that had three mirrors to get a better look of what your wearing from every nook and cranny. "Are you comfortable, Smeagol?" asked Fluttershy. "We are a bit nervous. We haven't worn clothes for a long time." "Don't worry Smeagol. Rarity will help you find your kind of style." "We hopes you're right." "I know she will. Now wait here, I'll go get her." Fluttershy flew up the stairs and Smeagol walked towards the couch. He took a seat and quietly started singing. After waiting for a few minutes, Smeagol saw Fluttershy walking downstairs with a white mare with purple mane. She had eyes that shined like stars. He also noticed her cutie mark was different than Fluttershy's. Rarity's cutie mark had three diamonds. As Rarity turned towards Smeagol, she looked a bit disgusted. Smeagol looked towards the ground. He looked back at her and saw Fluttershy talking with her. Rarity seemed surprised and a few tears dropped from the corner of her eyes. Smeagol realized that Fluttershy must have told her to feel sorry for him. Rarity wiped her tears and walked over to Smeagol. Smeagol then got up on his hooves. "Hello there darling. My name is Rarity. I've heard quite a story about you…I never knew anypony could have such a sad life as yours." Smeagol looked away not saying a word. He soon felt Rarity wrapping her hooves around him and he could also feel a little tear drop on his left shoulder. "So sorry darling. I'm an emotional pony." said Rarity as she sniffled and wiped a tear from her face. "We doesn't mind. We understands. Gollum! Gollum!" said Smeagol as he coughed. "Our name is Smeagol." said Smeagol as he put a hoof on his chest and took a bow. Rarity was surprised. "My, my, aren't you a gentleman." said Rarity with astonishment. "We are hear to looks spiffy for the princess, Miss Rarity." said Smeagol as he stood up straight. "Well, you've come to the right pony for that darling. Come with me." Smeagol followed Rarity. He looked back at Fluttershy which was right behind him with a smile upon her face. She then walked up to his left. "Don't worry. Like I said before, 'I'll be by your side.'." said Fluttershy whispering. Smeagol felt comfortable again as he, Fluttershy and Rarity walked up towards a large wardrobe. Inside were tons of suits, dresses, hats, ties, etc. Smeagol's mouth went wide open. "Looks like we'll be here for a while, precious." thought Smeagol. "Ugh…." said the Gollum persona in Smeagol's head. Twilight has been around her throne room for a while pondering. "Twilight, what's wrong?" asked Spike. "Yesterday, I tried a new spell and nothing so far has happened." "What kind of spell?" "It's a spell that can bring a being from another dimension. I tired it and so far, nothing has happened. I wonder if I did something wrong." "Well, what if you did?" "Did what?" "Bring anyone from another dimension here?" "If I did, he or she should be standing here right now." "What if he or she was dangerous? Should we attack it?" "I'm not to sure, Spike." "What if he or she is here in Equestria and could be hiding out there somewhere?" "Don't worry. I bet he or she will come to me to get answers." "What makes you think that?" "I have a feeling that he or she could come to me. I just know so." Twilight walked towards a window and looked down at Ponyville. "I wonder where you could be. Thing from another dimension." thought Twilight. Smeagol finished putting on a suit and opens the curtains to show off to Fluttershy and Rarity. "How does it feel, darling?" asked Rarity. "We looks stupid." said Smeagol in disgust. "True." said the Gollum persona in Smeagol's head in agreement. "What don't you like about it?" asked Fluttershy. "It's too tight for us and we can't move." "Then let us go and find a suit that seems to be more lose, darling." said Rarity as she headed back towards the wardrobe. Rarity looked inside trying to find a suit that could fit better for Smeagol. She then saw a suit that was blue and had a tiny fish stitched on the side of the shoulder. "Perfect." said Rarity as she levitated the suit and walked back towards Smeagol. "Here darling. Put this on." Smeagol grabbed ahold of the suit with his left hoof and slipped behind the curtain. Smeagol put in his front hooves and was surprised that this suit was more lose and not as tight as the other suit. He then placed in his back hooves. Smeagol then buttoned up the suit and started taking a little walk. "We're done." said Smeagol. The curtains were pushed to the sides and Smeagol's new suit was revealed. Fluttershy and Rarity were astonished. "How does this one feel?" asked Rarity with curiosity. "This one fits us perfectly. We can move around a lot more." said Smeagol as a smile came across his face. "Now that we're done with that, let's now get a wig. Your mane looks bad." said Rarity. Smeagol cocked an eyebrow. "What is a wig?" "It's something that makes you look like you have hair." "We'll gives it a try." Rarity walks over to another wardrobe that had a bunch of hair styles for both mares and stallions. "Ah. Found one." Rarity pulled out a slicked back styled wig and placed it slowly on Smeagol's head. "Hold on a sec. You need a mirror." Rarity went through drawers and found a mirror. She walked back and levitated the mirror in front of him. "So…What do you think darling? Yay or neigh?" said Rarity with a cocked eyebrow. Smeagol looked at himself. He's still trying to get used to his pony form. He turned his head and looked at both sides of his head. Besides looking like a pony, he looked like a handsome stallion. "We looks…What's the word?…Handsome, right?" asked Smeagol. "You look nice." said Fluttershy. "How does you like it, Rarity?" "It's magnificent" said Rarity as she got close to Smeagol's face. "Uh….." said Smeagol unsure of what to do as she got closer to him. "Just teasing with you, Smeagol. Hahahahaha." laughed Rarity. Fluttershy started to laugh as well. Smeagol a few seconds later joined in. "Well, now that we got out all of the laughs out of us. Let's now go to the dentist. your teeth look terrible and need some cleaning." said Rarity as she opened Smeagol's mouth. "What is a dentist?" asked Smeagol. "A dentist is a person that looks into your teeth and cleans them for you." said Fluttershy. "Do we needs to go?" "You do, darling. You need to look presentable to Twilight." said Rarity as she closed up her wardrobe and levitated her mirror back into the drawer from which was taken out of. "Come on, Smeagol. Let's go to the dentist and get you an appointment." said Fluttershy as she held the door open for him. "Ok." said Smeagol as he went out. "Wait for me. I have to lock up the door." said Rarity as she levitated her key and locked the door then placed the key under the mat. "Alright Smeagol darling. Let's go to the dentist." said Fluttershy. As the three ponies walked through Ponyville, Smeagol was starting to become eye candy for the mares. "Who's he?" said a dark pink pony with dreamy eyes. "He looks like a handsome stallion." said another mare. Smeagol's face was turning red as he noticed all of the looks he was getting from the mares. "What's wrong?" said Rarity. "We're getting a lot of looks." said Smeagol with embarrassment. Rarity laughed "Well darling, they think you're cute. It's a good thing. You are lucky to get those kinds of looks. It means that you look attractive and could be the stallion of their dreams." said Rarity giving Smeagol a wink. Smeagol's face went even redder. As the further they go, still mares around the area started to stare at Smeagol. "His hair is perfect." said a green mare. "He's my type of Stallion." said a brown mare. Smeagol was starting to understand what it feels like to look handsome. He then stopped and struck a pose for the mares. "AHHHHHHHH!!!!" said three mares as they fainted to the ground. "We sure do look good, precious." said Smeagol as he made another pose with a glint in his eye. "Come on, Smeagol." said Fluttershy angrily as she grabbed ahold of his right hoof. They finally reach the dentist. The three ponies entered and walked up to the counter. "Rarity, could you and Smeagol go over there and sit down while I register Smeagol for an appointment?" asked Fluttershy. "Certainly. Come over here and sit down with me Smeagol while we wait." said Rarity as she and Smeagol walked towards one of the couches. Smeagol and Rarity sat there while they waited for Fluttershy to return. Rarity started to read the newspaper. "Looks like they're gonna build a new building over at Manehattan. What do you think, Smea-" Rarity was caught off by Smeagol trying to grab ahold of an apple that was sitting in the middle of the waiting room. Smeagol was about to take a bite until Rarity levitated the apple away from Smeagol. Smeagol's eyes went wide and tried to catch the apple. "Smeagol, you shouldn't really eat anything till after you get your teeth cleaned." said Rarity as she levitated the apple high in the air so that Smeagol would have to jump up to catch it. Smeagol gave her a hiss. Rarity gave out a scoff. "So sorry, but you're gonna have to wait." Smeagol sat back down on the couch next to her and pouted. "We wants to eat." said Smeagol as he crossed his hooves. "I doesn't trust her, my love. She is wicked." whispered the Gollum persona. "Oh shut up. Like you knows anything about her." said Smeagol whispering back. Smeagol was getting a bit impatient. Rarity was almost done reading another article, until she had a thought that came to her mind and looked back at Smeagol. "Um…Smeagol?" "Yes, Miss Rarity." "Do…You like Fluttershy?" said Rarity with a cocked eyebrow. Smeagol looked back her and started to fidget with his hooves. "What do you means?" said Smeagol with curiosity. "Do you like Fluttershy?" repeated Rarity. Smeagol looked at Rarity with flushed cheeks. He then looked down to the floor and fidgeted again. "We…Uh…We-" Smeagol was interrupted as Rarity got closer to his face and blinked rapidly with a smile upon her face. "So Smeagol here has a bit of a crush on Fluttershy?" said Rarity as she was close enough to Smeagol's face. "What makes you so sures?" "I can see it. She's always by your side, you blush sometimes when she talks to you, and you stayed at her cottage for the night. You are one naughty little stallion." said Rarity as she backed up further from his face with a big grin. "We-Didn't-We didn't do that, Miss Rarity. We just wanted-Wanted a place to sleep. Then she came and took care of us. She's-" Smeagol was cutoff from Rarity holding out a hoof. "Say no more, darling. I'll keep this a secret between you and me." said Rarity as she winked at him. "Thanks, Miss Rarity." replied Smeagol with a bit of a flushed face. Rarity went back to finishing up her article. Smeagol on the other hand was still pretty flushed from their little talk. "Precious, I think I likes Fluttershy. Is that Ok?" thought Smeagol. "…Like I cares. I just want to go find precious." replied the Gollum persona in Smeagol's head. Fluttershy finally came into the waiting room. "So, when will Smeagol's appointment be?" asked Rarity. "They'll come in here in a minute." said Fluttershy as she sat next to Smeagol. Smeagol blushed and looked back at Rarity. She looked at Smeagol with a smile, which is starting to make him embarrassed. Two minutes have passed and a blue unicorn walked in. "Uh, Smeagol?" said the pony. "He's right here." called out Rarity as she pointed at Smeagol. Smeagol stood up and walked towards her along with Fluttershy by his side. "Well, hello Smeagol. My name is Colgate. I'll be your dentist. And I have to say you look handsome." said Colgate as she held out a hoof for him. "I…uh…Nice to meets you too, Miss Colgate." replied Smeagol as they both shook hooves. "Alright come with me. Is Fluttershy coming with you too?" "No. I see he likes another mare t be by his side that isn't me." said Fluttershy as she looked away from him. Smeagol looked back at her and felt a bit down. "Well, anyway, come with me, Smeagol." said Colgate as she and Smeagol headed towards the hall. Rarity walked over to Fluttershy with confusion. "What's wrong, Fluttershy? Why so negative to him?" "I see that he's found a mare to flirt with." said Fluttershy as she walked over to the couch without looking at Rarity. "She must be really jealous that mares around Ponyville like Smeagol. Maybe I should've gotten Smeagol a bit of a less attractive looking wig." thought Rarity as she looked at Fluttershy. Rarity walked over to Fluttershy and put a hoof on her shoulder. "Fluttershy darling, don't be jealous over him." "Why shouldn't I? I see that all of the other mares around here seem to like him." said Fluttershy angrily. "Well…He's not into them." "How do you kn-" Fluttershy was cutoff from the loud crashing noises that came from the hall. "What do you think that was?" said Rarity standing on all fours. "I'm not to sure. Let's go see." said Fluttershy as she ran into the hallway. "Wait for me!" shouted Rarity as she ran to catch up with Fluttershy. Rarity and Fluttershy were now in the hallway trying to find out where the sound was coming from. They then heard clattering coming from a door that was three doors down. "It's coming from there." said Rarity. Rarity and Fluttershy ran to the door and burst into the room. They saw Smeagol in a corner hissing at Colgate. "Come on, Smeagol. I need you to sit down on the chair so I can check your teeth." said Colgate trying to get closer to Smeagol holding dentist equipment which was what frightened him. "We hates it! WE HATES IT!" shouted Smeagol as he gave Colgate another hiss. "I didn't want to do this, but you leave me no other choice." said Colgate. Colgate levitated Smeagol and placed him into the chair. She rushed over and bound his hooves so that he couldn't escape. Smeagol thrashed back and forth and started to scream. He was terrified. He started to have a flashback from his time back in Middle-Earth when he was caught and tortured by the Orcs. "PLEASE STOP!!!" shouted Fluttershy. Smeagol then looked towards Fluttershy and started to calm down. The bad memory vanished as if it didn't happen. "Please. Let me by his side." said Fluttershy as she walked up to Smeagol putting a hoof on his right hoof. "Don't be scared. I should've never had left your side. I need you to do what Colgate tells you to do, Ok? She needs you to open up your mouth so that she can look and clean your teeth. Please stay calm. You're gonna be Ok." said Fluttershy as a small tear came out of her left eye. Smeagol felt much better than before and slowly opened his mouth for Colgate to look. Colgate looked inside and was surprised by how rigid and dirty his teeth were. She looked up at Fluttershy. "Has Smeagol ever been to a dentist before? His teeth look horrible." "He's…Um…From another world." "You are telling me that this pony came from another world where toothpaste and flossing never existed?" "I guess so." "Well, looks like he's gonna be in here for a while." said Colgate as she got ahold of her equipment and got started. "Looks like beauty tamed the Smeagol." thought Rarity as she gave out a quiet little giggle. Thirty minutes have passed and the three ponies left the dentist room. Rarity went up to pay and walked back to Fluttershy and Smeagol. "Thrity minutes in a dentist's office? That's new to me." said Rarity with astonishment. "I'm glad you did well in there, Smeagol." said Fluttershy giving him a hug. "We're sorry for making you jealous." said Smeagol as he looked at her. "No, I should be the one apologizing. I was really jealous that a bunch of mares around here like you and I took my anger out on you. I'm sorry." said Fluttershy as she hugged him harder. "Since you've been such a good stallion, I'm gonna give you this apple once we arrive at Twilight's castle." said Rarity showing him the apple he tried to eat from before. "Why not now?" said Smeagol. "Your teeth will be in pain if you eat anything hard. You'll eat it once we get to the castle." said Rarity as she levitated the apple and placed it in her saddlebag. "Are we now gonna see the princess?" said Smeagol. "You're ready." said Rarity. Smeagol gave out a smile. "Alright! Let's go sees the princess." said Smeagol with glee. Rarity and Fluttershy gave out a chuckle and walked towards the direction of the castle. Smeagol walked next to Fluttershy and gave her a smile. Fluttershy gave him a smile in return as she, Smeagol, and Rarity walked towards the castle. "We're finally going to see the princess." thought Smeagol. "Finally! Let's asks her if she knows where precious is. She musts know where it could be." replied the Gollum persona in Smeagol's head. "Precious will be ours one again!" shouted Smeagol. Rarity and Fluttershy looked at Smeagol in confusion. Smeagol then took a breath in and exhaled. "Sorry about that. We're excited." said Smeagol as he walked causally towards the castle along with Fluttershy and Rarity. "Onwards to the castle." said Rarity as the three ponies walked towards the castle's direction. TO BE CONITNUED... > Meeting The Princess > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The trio have made it to the castle. Smeagol looks upon the castle with amusement. Smeagol has never seen a castle in person before. The only castle he remembers seeing were the castles in a storybook his grandmother read to him when he was little. Rarity and Fluttershy start chuckling at Smeagol. Smeagol looked at both the mares with a cocked eyebrow wondering what they were chuckling about. "What's so funny?" asked Smeagol. "Just your face, darling. You look as if you've never been to a castle before." said Rarity. "We've never seen a castle before in persons. Only in a book." said Smeagol putting a hoof around his head. "Well, this must be a new a experience for you." said Rarity as she pushed the doors open. The trio entered into the castle. Smeagol walked around inspecting his surroundings. The hallway was much bigger than he expected. Smeagol's eyes lit up with surprise by how amazing it was to be inside of a castle. "Come on, Smeagol. This way." said Fluttershy getting his attention. Smeagol came back to his senses and ran towards Fluttershy and Rarity that have made it to the stairs which would lead up to the throne room. As the trio made it to the door of the throne room, Rarity walked up to Smeagol and starts straightening out his collar and suit. "You ready for this, darling?" asked Rarity. "Yes, Miss Rarity." said Smeagol in return. "Then let us enter." said Rarity as she pushed the door open. Inside the throne room, there were tons of books on the shelves, a tree above the round table with pieces of glass hanging from its roots, and a purple pony sitting on her throne. Smeagol thought she was bizarre because she had both wings and a horn unlike most ponies that he has seen around Ponyville. By her side, was a little purple dragon. "Hi, Fluttershy. Hi, Rarity." said the purple pony as she got up from her to greet her friends. "Hi, there." said the little purple dragon. "Hi, Twilight. Hi, Spike." said both Fluttershy and Rarity. "Hi, Spikey-wikey." said Rarity. Spike looks away and blushes. "Aw shucks." said Spike out of embarrassment. Twilight then looked at the stallion that was close by Fluttershy and Rarity, that was looking around the throne room with amusement. She cocked an eyebrow. "Hey Fluttershy, who's the stallion?" said Twilight. "Where are our manners, Twilight, meet Smeagol. He's new to Equestria." said Rarity. Twilight's eyes went wide. She walked over to Smeagol and inspected him. She walked around him which was making Smeagol a bit uncomfortable. "So you are the being that I transported here." said Twilight. "This is the being you transported from a different world?!" said Spike as he walked up to Twilight. "Seems so." Spike walked up towards Smeagol. Smeagol walked slowly backwards as Spike came closer to him. He was having a bit of bad memories of the Nazgul that rode on dragons. Smeagol can remember the ear piercing screams the Nazgul make. Smeagol was very terrified by Spike's appearance that it made him rush over to a corner shaking. "What's wrong, Smeagol?" asked Fluttershy. "He's a dragon!!! We hates them!!!" screamed Smeagol. Fluttershy walked up to Smeagol and put a hoof on his shoulder. Smeagol's shaking went to a halt from her touch, which surprised him. "Don't worry, Smeagol. He won't bite. He's a friend." said Fluttershy in a comforting voice. Smeagol stood up and walked back over to Twilight and Spike still a bit shaky. "We're sorry for being scared of your dragon, Miss...Uh." "I'm Twilight. Princess Twilight Sparkle. Princess of Friendship. And the dragon that's next to me is my assistant, Spike." "Nice to meet you." said Spike as he held out a hand for Smeagol to shake. Smeagol stretched out a shaky hoof to Spike. Spike got ahold of his hoof and gave a firm shake. "Smeagol." said Smeagol as he broke the handshake, still worrying that Spike may attack him when he leasts expected it. "My love, She's the princess. Asks her about precious." interrupted the Gollum persona in Smeagol's head. "Um...Miss, Sparkleses." said Smeagol. "what is it, Smeagol?" said Twilight. "We were wondering if you know where precious is." "What's 'precious'?" "It's our birthday present. It's a golden ring. Has you seen it?" "Who's 'our'?" said Twilight with a cocked eyebrow. "HAS YOU SEEN IT?!?!?!" said Smeagol ignoring her question. Twilight took a few steps back. "I haven't. Why's it so important?" Smeagol stood there wide eyed. He was frozen stiff. He then felt a flame growing inside of him. He then let out a scream. "GIVE US PRECIOUS!!!! WE WANTS IT BACK!!!!" screamed Smeagol as he tried to pounce on Twilight. Twilight then teleported before Smeagol could land on top of her. He looked to his left and saw Twilight with surprise in her eyes. "I haven't seen it! Why would you attack me,?!" yelled Twilight. Smeagol stared at Twilight with a growl. He slowly walked towards her with malice. Smeagol then shook his suit off of himself and threw it to the right. He then thrashed his head back and forth trying to get the wig off his head. The wig eventually did come off of his head and was thrown to the left. The bandage that was given from Fluttershy, was ripped off and thrown away. Right before Smeagol could pounce on her again, Twilight teleported to another part of the throne room. Smeagol looked around the throne room trying to pinpoint her location. He was furious. He then went running after her throughout the throne room, only to pounce onto nothing. "That was a crime against fashion the way you threw those clothes to the side! How dare you!" yelled Rarity. Smeagol looked back at Rarity with a sinister look. "SHUT UP!!" screamed Smeagol. Rarity put both hooves on her mouth and could do nothing but stare at Smeagol trying his best to get ahold of Twilight. "Smeagol stop!!" shouted Fluttershy trying to get his attention. Smeagol looked back at Fluttershy with that same sinister look he gave to Rarity. Fluttershy had a shiver down her spine as Smeagol locked eyes with her. "Smeagol isn't here." he said with a different tone in his voice. Fluttershy and Rarity were too scared to do anything. There was something about Smeagol they don't know about, the Gollum persona. The Gollum persona has taken full control of Smeagol now. He only desired the ring and would do anything to get it back. Before Gollum could pounce again towards Twilight, Fluttershy ran towards Gollum and grabbed ahold of him. "LET US GO!!!!" shouted Gollum as he thrashed around trying to get out of Fluttershy's grip. "SMEAGOL!!! DON'T DO THIS!!!" shouted Fluttershy. "SMEAGOL ISN'T HERE!!!!" "SMEAGOL! I KNOW YOU'RE IN THERE!!! DON'T DO THIS!!!" shouted Fluttershy as she started to tear up. Gollum finally got out of Fluttershy's grip and smacked her across the face. He then turned around and stared at Fluttershy with fury in his eyes. "You are in our way to finding precious. Stay away and-" Gollum somehow was interrupted from something from within him. He felt a force that was making him not wanting to hurt her. "AAAAAAAAAAAGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!!" shouted Gollum as he placed his hooves on his head. "STOP CONTROLLING ME!!!" shouted Smeagol from within Gollum. "NOT TILL WE GETS PRECIOUS BACK!!!" shouted Gollum as he thrashed back and forth. "COME ON, SMEAGOL!!! FIGHT IT!!!" shouted Fluttershy. Gollum thrashed more and finally collapsed to the floor panting. Fluttershy, Rarity, Spike, and Twilight were puzzled to what has happened. Fluttershy then slowly walked towards the mind controlled pony that was laying on the floor curled up. "What are you doing Fluttershy? He's not safe." said Twilight as she teleported in front of Fluttershy blocking her way. "Let me speak to him. He needs me." said Fluttershy. "I hope you know what you're doing." said Twilight as she moved to the side. Fluttershy walked towards the curled up pony that sobbed silently on the floor. She placed a hoof on his shoulder which made him flinch. "Smeagol, is that you?" said Fluttershy. He stood up with tears coming out of his eyes. She noticed the malice in his eyes were gone. He was back to normal. "Yes." said Smeagol as he gave out a sniffle. Fluttershy wanted to hug him, but he walked back from her. Fluttershy was confused. "What's wrong?" asked Fluttershy. "Stay away from us. We just-" he was cutoff when he noticed the bruise on Fluttershy's face. Smeagol's eyes lit up and pointed a hoof towards Fluttershy's face. "Did….He….Did he do that?" said Smeagol with worry. Fluttershy looked away from him for a few seconds, then back at him. "Smeagol….This isn't-" "NO! THIS WAS HIS FAULT!!! I WON'T FORGIVE HIM OR MYSELF!!!" shouted Smeagol. "….Smeagol, Please don't…" Fluttershy was speechless. "No….Stay away from us….We doesn't deserve to be with you….I'M A MONSTER!!!" shouted Smeagol as he ran towards the exit of the throne room. "Smeagol, come back!" yelled Fluttershy. Smeagol ignored her as he closed the door behind him. Fluttershy was very worried about him. She let out a few tears and ran towards the door. "Fluttershy, wait!" yelled Rarity trying to get Fluttershy's attention. "Where are you going?" "I'm going after Smeagol." replied Fluttershy. "Why would you want to help that ruffian? He smacked his hoof against your face. What a brute he was." "I don't care if he smacked me! I'm going to find him whether you like it or not!" said Fluttershy as she left the throne room. The throne room got silent. "I wonder why he would even attack you Twilight? What's so interesting about this 'Precious'?" said Spike. "What do think is wrong with him, Twilight?" Twilight stood there with eyes wide as dinner plates. "Twilight?" "I think he has another persona." said Twilight softly. "Come again?" Twilight came back to reality then looked down at Spike. "He has a split persona." "What makes you say that?" asked Rarity. "When he talks, he says things like 'we' or 'us'. Also when he tried to attack me, I noticed malice in his eyes. His eyes looked different compared to before when I first greeted him." "Now that you mention it, he does say that a lot around me and Fluttershy." said Rarity in agreement. "I want to know more about him and where he came from. Hopefully Fluttershy can help him come back to his senses." "I know she will, Twilight. She seems like the only mare I know that can calm him down." Fluttershy made it downstairs to the hallway. Unfortunately, Smeagol was nowhere around the hallway. "Smeagol!" shouted Fluttershy as she flew towards the entrance of the castle. Fluttershy opened the doors and looked outside of the castle to see if there's a glimpse of him anywhere. Unfortunately, he was nowhere to be spotted. He was gone from her sight. "SMEAGOL!!! WHERE ARE YOU?!?!?!" shouted Fluttershy as she flew towards Ponyville searching for him by air. Cheerilee was outside of the school waving bye to her students as the school bells rang. "Have a good afternoon everyone." said Mrs. cheerilee. "You too." said Applebloom as she passed by her to catch up with Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle. "Hi, ya'll. Wanna go t' the treehouse?" "Sure." said Scootaloo. "Absolutely." said Sweetie Belle. "What do you think we should discuss when we arrive over there?" asked Sweetie Belle. "The usual." said Scootaloo. The trio were a few feet away from their treehouse when they heard soft crying coming from within it. "Do ya hear that?" said Scootaloo as she held a hoof to her ear. "Sounds like somepony's cryin'." said Applebloom. "Let's go check it out." said Sweetie Belle. The trio walked up slowly towards the door and could clearly hear somepony crying inside. "There is somepony in there." said Scootaloo. Slowly, Scootaloo opened the door which made a small creak. The crying suddenly stopped from the sound. Inside, they saw a pale colored earthpony looking at them with teary blue eyes. He then stood up. "Go away." said the pony. The trio was puzzled not knowing what to do. "What's wrong?" asked Sweetie Belle as she slowly walked closer to the pony. "Stay away...I'm...I'm a monster." said the pony as he sat back down. Applebloom looked around the treehouse then back at the pony. "I don' see any monsters." said Applebloom. The pony then looked at her. "Please, leave us alone." said the pony as he buried his face between his crossed arms and continued crying. Sweetie Belle walked up to the pony. The pony looked back up and saw how close she was to him. He scurried backwards, but was caught against a corner worrying of what this tiny little filly would do to him. "Stay back! I'm a monster! I doesn't want to-" he was cutoff when the little filly gave him a hug. He looked at her with such surprise. The little filly looked up at his face and wiped his tears by levitating a handkerchief across his face. "Don't cry. You are not a monster." said Sweetie Belle as she went back giving him a hug. The pony couldn't resist hugging her back. He hugged her with embrace as little of tears came out of his eyes. Applebloom and Scootaloo joined in as well. All three little fillies gave him a hug. "Could you tell us your name, please?" said Sweetie Belle as she and the other two fillies broke the hug. "Smeagol." replied the pony. "Nice to meet you, Smeagol. I'm Sweetie Belle." "Scootaloo" "Applebloom" "Together we are, the cutie mark crusaders." said the three little fillies together. "What's a cutie mark crusader?" asked Smeagol with confusion. "We're trying to figure out what our cutie mark is. And still no luck." said Scootaloo. "Hey, I jus' noticed you don' have a cutie mark as well." said Applebloom with surprise. "How old are you? You should already have a cutie mark at your age." said Scootaloo. "We're hundreds of years old." said Smeagol. The trio had their mouths wide open by how old this mysterious pony was. "HUNDREDS OF YEARS OLD?!" shouted Sweetie Belle. "Yes." said Smeagol with embarrassment. "So you're tellin' us that you are hundreds of years old and doesn' have a cutie mark?" said Applebloom in astonishment. "Amazing" said Scootaloo. "Would you like to be a member of the cutie mark crusaders?" said Sweetie Belle. "I...I wou-" Smeagol was cutoff from a noise outside of the treehouse. "Hey losers, are you in there?" said a cocky feminine voice. Scootaloo went to check who it was. She saw two little fillies about her age. "Aw man, why do they have to show up in the middle of us inviting a new member." said Scootaloo. TO BE CONTINUED... > Standing Up/Reuniting > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon stood outside of the CMC's treehouse waiting for them to come on out. "Well?! We're waiting!" shouted Diamond Tiara impatiently. "Come on, out!" shouted Silver Spoon. The three fillies and their new member, Smeagol, peeked through the window of the treehouse. Scootaloo let out a grumpy sigh. "Who are they?" asked Smeagol curiously. " 'Bullies' are what they are. The pink one is Diamond Tiara and the other is Silver Spoon. They just make fun of us for not getting our cutie marks. They got theirs earlier than us." said Scootaloo. "What should we do?" said Sweetie Belle. "Le's jus' see what they want." said Applebloom. "Wait. What should we do with Smeagol?" said Sweetie Belle. Scootaloo pondered. She then turned towards Smeagol. "Smeagol, could you stay here and wait for us? We have some business to deal with." asked Scootaloo. "We'll stay and keep watch through the window." said Smeagol as he sat in place and smiled back. "Thanks Smeagol. We'll be back in a bit." said Scootaloo as she, Applebloom and Sweetie Belle walked through the door. As the door closed, Smeagol looked back towards the window, staring down upon the three little fillies meeting their bullies. "What do you want you two? We're busy." said Scootaloo as she walked up towards her. "Busy with what? Being cutie mark-less?" said Diamond Tiara. "No, we're havin' a new member joinin' us." said Applebloom. "A new member? Another loser joining your group? Don't make us laugh." said Silver Spoon with a snicker. "Where is she? Is she too scared to see how better we are than she is?" said Diamond Tiara. "Actually, it's a he." said Sweetie Bloom. "A HE?" said both Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon with surprise. "That's right. And he is far more interesting than you two. He's hundreds of years older than either of you." said Sweetie Belle standing up for Smeagol. "Hundreds of years old? HA!" laughed Diamond Tiara. "He's an old geezer! Where is he? Is he inside your treehouse? I bet it takes him twenty minutes to walk up those stairs." said Silver Spoon tagging along. "Let's see this new member of yours." said Diamond Tiara as she and Silver Spoon walked towards the treehouse. Scootaloo rushed in front of them, blocking their way towards the treehouse. "Leave him alone. He's been through some sort of problem and we're not gonna have him going through another problem that involves you two bullying him." said Scootaloo in a protective manner. "I don't care. Get out of our way!" demanded Diamond Tiara. Scootaloo shook her head as Applebloom and Sweetie Belle joined in. "MOVE IT!" shouted Silver Spoon as she and Diamond Tiara tried pushing through the three fillies. Smeagol stood there peering through the window, down at the three fillies blocking the way up the treehouse from Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. He was surprised to see three little fillies that he just met, were protecting him. He then felt something. He hasn't felt this kind of feeling since he was a little tike back in Middle-Earth. He felt…Cared. "GET OUT OUR WAY, YOU SACKS OF DIRT!" shouted Diamond Tiara as she and Silver Spoon tried to get past the three fillies. Out of stress, Diamond Tiara then raised a hoof and smacked Sweetie Belle across her face. Silver Spoon copied by smacked Sweetie Belle on the opposite side where Diamond Tiara smacked Sweetie Belle. Sweetie Belle collapsed on the ground with a loud thud. Scootaloo and Applebloom's eyes went wide as they looked down on their wounded friend lying ground. Sweetie Belle then stood up shaking a bit, but collapsed to the ground. Scootaloo and Applebloom ran towards their fallen friend and helped her up to her hooves. "You guys should've stayed out of our way." said Silver Spoon. "Gross, I got blood on my hoof. I wished I haven't done that, but they deserved it for not getting out of the way." said Diamond Tiara as she flicked her hoof towards the three fillies getting tiny drips of blood on them. "LEAVE US ALONE!!! LEAVE, NOW!!!" shouted Scootaloo with fury in her eyes. "We're not going anywhere till we see your new member of the losers club." said Silver Spoon. "Why don't you three little fillies leave and let us do what we want." said Diamond Tiara. As Smeagol stood there watching with shock, seeing one of his friends hurt, he felt anger against Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. His teeth cringed as he looked down upon the two bullies. "They'll pay for hurting my friends." said Smeagol with a hiss. He walked to the right side of the clubhouse and slipped through the window. He very quietly crept over the treehouse and walked around the balcony trying not to be seen, trying to find a bush that he can land on. He then found one with yellow flowers that looked like it could leave to a somewhat soft landing. Smeagol jumped and fell into the bush, which made loud snapping and crunching noises as he made it to the ground. "What was that?" said Silver Spoon as she perked up one of her ears. "Probably a squirrel slipping into a bush. Anyway, let's go meet their friend these losers are hiding from us." said Diamond Tiara as she and Silver Spoon headed towards the treehouse. "We doesn't want you to do that." Said a voice from the area around them. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon looked around and couldn't spot anypony else, but the three fillies. "Who's there?" said Diamond Tiara. No reply came from the area. "Show yourself!" shouted Silver Spoon. "We doesn't like when you hurt our friends." said the voice. There was a snap of branches on Silver Spoons left. She quickly turned her head towards the source of the sound and saw nothing. There was then snapping coming from behind them. The lot looked at the bush that was a few feet away from them. "COME ON OUT FROM THAT BUSH, YOU COWARD!!" shouted Diamond Tiara. No reply. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon were starting to shake with fear. "Who else is here besides you three and the one in the treehouse?" said Diamond Tiara looking "No one else." said Scootaloo. There was another snap behind the bush. "hissssssssssss~" "What was that?" said Silver Spoon with worry. "I'm not sure." said Diamond Tiara as she began to shake. "What's the matter, Diamond? Too scared to go near the bush?" said Scootaloo. "SHUT UP! I'M NOT A COWARD!" "If you're not, why don' you two go near that bush an' see what it is." said Applebloom. "Fine. We will." Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon slowly walked towards the bush. They were starting to get goosebumps. "Don't worry Diamond. I bet it's just a squirrel." said Silver Spoon. "You might be right." replied Diamond Tiara. As they made it towards the bush, they pushed through the branches and then caught a glimpse of large blue eyes staring right at them. The being jumped straight at them. "AAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!" screamed the two fillies. The being pinned them towards the ground. The fillies slowly opened their eyes and saw a pale colored pony on top of them with anger in his eyes. The CMC's looked with surprise knowing that somehow it was Smeagol. "Pleasedon'thurtus!Pleasedon'thurt-" said the two scared fillies "SHUT UP!" screamed the pale pony. "Hey come on, We're gonna shut up right now!" said Silver Spoon. "Calm down. We're really sorry." said Diamond Tiara. "If you ever comes near our friends again-" "Oh these- these are your friends." interrupted Diamond Tiara. "Oh these three? Hehehehe." said Silver spoon nervously. "Did you know that?" "Me? Oh, I did not know. Did you?" "No of course not." "Is he your friend?" said both as they looked to the CMC's The three fillies nodded. The pale pony slowly craned his neck down closer to the two fillies. The two fillies were frozen in place not knowing what the pony would do to them. "Leave." whispered the pale pony. "Toodles" said both fillies as they slipped away from him and ran off towards Ponyville. "Smeagol, that was awesome! You stood up to us." said Scootaloo as she and the other two fillies walked up to him. "You sure are a good pony, Smeagol." said Applebloom. "Thanks, Smeagol." said Sweetie Belle with still a bloody nose. "Wait here." said Smeagol as he rushed towards the treehouse. Smeagol came back out with a handkerchief in his mouth. The same one that Sweetie Belle used for wiping Smeagol's tears away. He placed the handkerchief on his right hoof and slowly yet softly, wiped the blood from Sweetie Belle's face. "Better?" said Smeagol as he retracted his hoof away from Sweetie Belle's face. "Thank you very much Smeagol. You really are a good friend." said Sweetie Belle with a couple of sniffles as she tied her hooves around his right hoof. Smeagol hugged her back. "Your welcomes." replied Smeagol. Scootaloo and Applebloom joined in for a group hug. Fluttershy flew around to and fro searching for Smeagol. "SMEAGOL!! WHERE ARE YOU!?" shouted Fluttershy. Fluttershy then spotted two fillies running further away from the direction of the CMC's treehouse. Fluttershy flew towards the two fillies and stopped them in their tracks. "Excuse me you two, have you seen any pony with pale fur, little of hair, and blue eyes?" asked Fluttershy. The two fillies stood there shaking. Silver Spoon then pointed towards the direction from where they ran from. "Thank you very much. Also, you two should go home and rest. You both look pretty pale. It looks as if you've seen a ghost." said Fluttershy before she flew past them. "Smeagol, please be safe." thought Fluttershy. Back in the treehouse, Smeagol sat down between Applebloom and the bruised Sweetie Belle waiting for Scootaloo's announcement. Smeagol looks down at Sweetie Belle's bruised face. He couldn't help but put a hoof on her back. Sweetie Belle jumped a bit then locked eyes with Smeagol. "Are…Are you sure you gonna be ok? It looks bad." said Smeagol with concern. "I'll be fine. My sister on the other hoof will flip out. What you did back there was very heroic. You're a hero in my book." said Sweetie Belle giving him a smile. Smeagol smiled back then looked towards the podium where Scootaloo finally was done making her speech. She placed both hooves in front of her. "Alrighty Cutie Mark Crusaders, I hereby declare Smeagol, one of us. Welcome to the club, Smeagol." said Scootaloo giving a round of applause. Applebloom and Sweetie Belle joined in clapping with their hooves. "Welcome to our club, Smeagol." said Applebloom. "Welcome new member." said Sweetie Belle. Smeagol gave a smile and gave Sweetie Belle a hug. The other two fillies joined in and together gave a group hug. "Smeagol?" said a feminine voice coming from outside of the treehouse. The CMC's including Smeagol perked their ears. They rushed towards the opened door and saw Fluttershy looking around the area. Smeagol took a few steps back. The three fillies looked at Smeagol with a puzzled look. "What's wrong, Smeagol?" asked Applebloom. "We doesn't want to see her." said Smeagol as he looked down towards the wooden floor. "Are you scared of Fluttershy? Why would you? She's the nicest pony in all of ponyville." said Scootaloo. "If you're too scared of her, then wait here till we get back." said Sweetie Belle. "Ok." said Smeagol. The three fillies left the treehouse, leaving Smeagol inside the treehouse as a tear fell out of his left eye. "Hi Flutters, what's- WOW! Where did you get that shiner?" said Scootaloo with surprise. "I could ask the same thing to Sweetie Belle. Where did you get those bruises?" said Fluttershy as she walked up to Sweetie Belle. "Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon did this." said Sweetie Belle. "Oh my gosh! Are you alright?!" "I'll be fine." "Funny, I just passed them on my way here. Anyway, I was wondering if you've seen a pony around here. He's got pale fur, little of hair, and blue eyes." The three fillies' eyes lit up. "Ya mean Smeagol?" said Applebloom. Fluttershy's eyes lit up. "Did you say 'Smeagol'? Did you see him? Where is he?" said Fluttershy as she grabbed ahold of Applebloom by the shoulders and shook her. "He's in the treehouse. He seems scared. And could you please stop shakin' me!" Fluttershy let's go of Scootaloo and flew towards the treehouse entrance. Fluttershy walked in and saw a pony looking at her with surprise as tears rolled down his eyes. "Smeagol? It's me, Fluttershy." "Please go away. I won't forgives him or myself for hurting you." "Smeagol, I knew it wasn't you that hurt me." "What does you mean?" "When you were trying to attack Twilight, your eyes weren't the same at all. I knew that wasn't you. There was something within yourself that was trying to possess you. The Smeagol I knew would never do that." she said as she walked over to him. "I still doesn't forgive him and myself. I don't want to hurt anyone else like that again." "Well don't worry. If he ever hurts me again, I won't blame it on you. I'll blame it on him. Smeagol, you are my friend. And you always will be." Smeagol got up and walked over to Fluttershy and gave her a hug. "You means it?" asked Smeagol as he sniffled. "I do. Please don't ever run from me again." said Fluttershy as she hugged him tighter. There was a moment of silence as both ponies hugged. "Awwwwwww~ That's so cute." said Sweetie Belle. Smeagol and Fluttershy turn towards the door and saw the three fillies snickering. Smeagol and Fluttershy looked at each other blushing. They then broke the hug and headed towards the door looking away from each other with embarrassment. "Could you three not spy on us." said Fluttershy out of embarrassment. "We're sorry." said the three little fillies. Fluttershy turned her head towards Smeagol. "Come on, Smeagol. Let's go reintroduce yourself to Twilight." "…" "What's wrong, Smeagol?" "Will she hate me?" said Smeagol with worry in his voice. Fluttershy placed a hoof on his right shoulder. "Don't worry, Smeagol. She'll forgive you as well. Including Rarity." said Fluttershy giving him a smile. Smeagol gave her a faint smile in return. They both walked down from the treehouse and headed towards Twilight's castle. "WAIT!" shouted the three fillies. "What's wrong?" asked Fluttershy. "Can we go too?" asked Scootaloo. "Please?" asked Applebloom. "I like to see my sister." said Sweetie Belle giving Fluttershy puppy dog eyes. "Sure." said Fluttershy giving them a smile. "YAY!" said the three fillies with excitement. The group walked further away from the treehouse and headed straight towards Ponyville. "Say Sweetie Belle, why did you get those bruises?" asked Fluttershy. "Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon wanted to get into our treehouse to bother Smeagol and make fun of him being cutie mark-less. After I got smacked by both of them, Smeagol surprisingly got out of the treehouse so quietly to give them a scare. You should've seen it. He told them to get lost and they did." Fluttershy looked at Smeagol with astonishment. "You saved her?" "Yes. She needed help, so I helped." "Smeagol, you are not a monster or a pony. You're a hero." said Fluttershy as she gave him a small hug. "He's a hero in our book." said the three fillies. Smeagol looked away blushing. In the throne room, Twilight sat there reading a random book from one of her shelves. Rarity sat on her throne, looking at herself through her mirror. Spike sat down on his tiny throne, bored. "Do you think Fluttershy has found Smeagol now?" said Spike after giving out a big sigh. "I'm not sure, Spike. She'll eventually come back here at some point." replied Twilight. "I hope Smeagol has calmed down." said Rarity. "All we do now, is wait till she gets back." said Twilight as she got back to reading her book. Just then, the door opened up, and popped out Fluttershy, Smeagol, and the three little fillies. "Fluttershy. You're back." said Twilight as she got of of her throne and walked towards the group. "We're back. I also brought along Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, and Applebloom. And boy oh boy, do they have a story to tell." said Fluttershy. "Hi, sister" said Sweetie Belle. "Hi, sister." replied Rarity as she got off of her throne. "SISTER?!" said Smeagol as his eyes lit up with surprise. "Sweetie Belle? How was school tod-" Rarity paused from shock noticing the bruises on Sweetie Belle's face. "My goodness, Where did you get those bruises?! Did Smeagol do this?!" shouted Rarity as she gave Smeagol an angry glare. "No sis, he saved me." "He saved you?" said Rarity with surprise. "Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon were being bullies and smacked me in the face." "Then Smeagol scared them away. They ran away with their tails between their legs." said Scootaloo. "He's a hero." said Applebloom as she hugged Smeagol's left leg. Rarity walked towards Smeagol. Smeagol took a few steps back not knowing if she was gonna hurt him or thank him. "Darling, thank you. You are truly not as vile as I thought you were. Your heart is gold." said Rarity as she hugged Smeagol. Smeagol hugged her back. "Your welcomes." said Smeagol in return. "Smeagol, you are not as bad as you're other ego." said Twilight. "Other ego?" said Fluttershy. "We'll talk about that some other time." whispered Twilight in Fluttershy's left ear. "He saved Sweetie Belle? That's very cool of him. Smeagol, you sure do know how to stand up to bullies." said Spike as he walked towards Smeagol and gave him a nudge at his left side. "Thanks, Spike." said Smeagol giving him a smile. "Smeagol, as the pony that summoned you from another world, I hereby welcome you to Equestria." said Twilight as she placed a hoof at his left shoulder. "Thank you very much, princess Sparkleses." said Smeagol as he gave her a bow. "You are very welcome." "Also, we likes to say sorry from earlier. He's-" Smeagol was cutoff by Twilight holding a hoof in front of his face. "I know, Smeagol. I understand. And you are forgiven." said Twilight. "Welcome to Equestria." said Fluttershy walking up to his left. "Welcome, darling." said Rarity walking up to his right. "Welcome to Equestria." said the three little fillies. "We…We…Thanks…" Smeagol was on the verge of crying tears. "What's wrong, Smeagol?" said Fluttershy as she put a hoof on his left shoulder. "We…we have never been welcomed kindly like this in a very long time. It's…Feels good." said Smeagol giving out a few sniffles. "Awwwww~ you poor thing. No more tears, you should feel happy and should be proud to be a member of out society." said Fluttershy. "True." said Smeagol wiping away the tears from his eyes. "Anyway, welcome." said Twilight. "Oh, it just came to me. Where's dashie, Pinkie and Applejack?" said Rarity. "As I recall, Rainbow dash is getting some sun at the lake, Pinkie is busy at Sugarcube Corner, and Applejack is-" Twilight was cutoff as the door opened and popped in an orange pony. "Howdy, Twilight." said the orange pony as she took her hat off and flung it to the hat rack. "Hi, Applejack." said the lot except for Smeagol. "Boy, I had a tough day yesterday. A skinny and pale lookin' pony hijacked my cart and crashed it against a house alon' with all of my apples I bucked from my trees. I had to clean up all of that mess and throw it all away to the dump. That cart has been in with the family as long as I can remember. After cleaning up, I used my bits to buy a new cart which was never the same as the old one." "Um…Applejack. When you meant by 'a skinny an pale looking pony', did you mean him?" said Twilight as she pointed at Smeagol. Applejack looked at Smeagol with surprise. Her jaw dropped while giving out a wide-eyed stare. "SWEET CELESTA! He's the one! He's the one that made my day gone bad!" said Applejack with anger. Applejack stomped forward towards Smeagol. Smeagol remembered her as the pony that had such delicious apples from the cart she had. Smeagol waked backwards till he cornered at the wall of the throne room. Applejack stopped a few feet away. "Listen sugarcube, either you pay me, or you work for me. Make a decision. That cart you crash'd has been in my family for many years and you destroy'd It." said Applejack with a snort of anger. "We're sorry about that…We'll do what you wants. We swears." said Smeagol as he kneeled down to her. Applejack then looked at and gave out a sigh. She was starting to pity him. "Look, I'm sorry 'bout bein' so ruff on ya. I didn' have a good day yesterday. You are forgiven. But you still owe me." said Applejack as she placed a hoof on his shoulders. "Smeagol, did you really destroyed her cart?" said Fluttershy walking towards him from his right. "…Yes." said Smeagol looking away from her. "Smeagol, you owe it to applejack for destroying her cart. You must repay for what you have done." said Fluttershy with concern. "…Ok…we'll do whatever she wants." said Smeagol. "Perfect! So Applejack, what day would work perfectly for Smeagol?" "He can start tomorrow." said Applejack. "Excellent! Looks like Smeagol here is gonna have his first job in Equestria." said Fluttershy putting her hoof on Smeagols right arm. "What's a job?" asked Smeagol. "You'll find out tomorrow. Now come, let's go home. The sun is setting." said Fluttershy as she looked towards the sunset from the window. "It's nice meetin' ya, Smeagol. Hope to see you tomorrow." said Applejack. "We'll be there." said Smeagol. "See you guys around." said Fluttershy as she waved back at everyone. "See you around." said the lot in return as Fluttershy and Smeagol waved back in return. Smeagol stood near the window of Fluttershy's cottage and stared at the crescent moon. "Smeagol?" said Fluttershy trying to get his attention. "Yes, Fluttershyses?" said Smeagol turning at her. "Time to eat." said Fluttershy as she pointed towards the table. On the table was warm porridge waiting to be eaten. Smeagol walked towards the table and sat down. He looked down upon his bowl and slowly lapped down the porridge. Five minutes have passed as they just finished their last bit of porridge. "How was your porridge?" asked Fluttershy. "Tasty." replied Smeagol. "How about you, Angel?" Angel replied by giving her a nod. "Alrighty time for bed." said Fluttershy. "Good night." said Smeagol as he walked over to the bed and laid down. "Uh, Smeagol. Are you fine without a blanket?" asked Fluttershy. "We're fine. We've slept all the time without a blanket." "Well, I'm gonna have to tuck you in anyway. You could get cold at anytime." Fluttershy walked over to one of her cabinets and grabbed a blanket. She then walked over to Smeagol and tucked him in. "How do you feel now?" asked Fluttershy. Smeagol shifted a little. "Very warm." "That's good to hear." "Um, Fluttershy…What's a job like?" asked Smeagol with curiosity. "That's for you to find out. It'll be an adventure." "Oh…well, it sounds exciting." aid Smeagol with a grin. "Oh, I bet you'll enjoy it. Anyway, time for sleep. You'll need it." "Good night, Fluttershyses." "Good night, Smeagol." As Smeagol closed his eyes shut, he felt a very soft peck at his left cheek. His face went warm. He then heard Fluttershy's hooves walking further away along with Angel's small hops. She turned off her light and walked upstairs as Angel tagged along. The room then, went silent. Fifteen minutes have passed and Smeagol hasn't fallen asleep. His face still felt warm as his heart was beating a bit to quickly than usual. "Are we….Are we in love?" thought Smeagol. "Smeagol and Fluttershy sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G." snickered the Gollum persona within Smeagol. "Leave us alone. Fluttershy looks after us now. We don't need you."said Smeagol. "I'll always be with you. You can never escape from me." "Shut up. I am your master. This is my body and I control it. Not you." "Whatever." The room became silent again. Smeagol then stared through the window, looking at the starry night skies. He then saw a shooting star passing by as it flew to the left. He hasn't seen a shooting star like that in a very long time. He thought it was a very beautiful sight to see one. "Tomorrow will be our first job. Let us sleeps." said Smeagol as he began to doze off into a deep sleep. TO BE CONTINUED...