• Published 17th Nov 2011
  • 3,038 Views, 39 Comments

Merry Celestmas, Christmas for ponies - Broneyofnoel

Hearth's warming, the national holiday of creation, is also on the same day as Celestmas!

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Rarity ended, a huge smile on her face, an of course Pinkie's too.

"Alright Fluttershy, your turn," Twilight whispered, making Fluttershy jump.

"Um.....okay Twilight, my favorite Celestmas happened about 5 years ago..." Fluttershy started.


Fluttershy woke up, covered in burned wood and other debris, looking around, she saw a light, she crawled for it, she crawled and crawled until she finally reached her destination, it was a small, white cloud. she noticed it was very dark outside, and also very cold, She looked back at her house, it had somehow burned through the night, she shivered.

Still not understanding that her house, and her parents were gone, she tried to fly, but she was a very weak flyer, so she was stuck on that little white cloud.

"I have to say warm," Fluttershy said to herself, starting to understand that she would die if she didn't stay warm.

Fluttershy tried to open the cloud, but it was very tough for her, so she found a small opening and slid her hind legs in, then her stomach, and then her chest.

"This will do," Fluttershy said as she was being warmed by a cloud, which was somewhat comforting.

Fluttershy laid in that cloud for about thirty minutes when she noticed lights below her, like RIGHT below her. She looked down and saw CloudsDale, the bright sky metropolis was as busy as ever the night before Celestmas, many Pegasi were in a store called CloudsDale empire of circutry, Fluttershy didn't know what that meant.

Fluttershy took a chance, which would save ehr life, she slipped herself out of the cloud and started falling, and falling, and then she fluttered her wings, they slowed her down enough so she wouldn't be injured when she hit a snow drift outside a family's house.

"What's going on out here!" a very deep voice said, opening the door.

"Uncle, it's okay, don't be so paranoid," theat voice, Fluttershy knew that voice,it, it was, ooh she knew it, so she poked her head out of the snowdrift.

"Fluttershy, is that you?" the small marfe asked, turning her head.

"Yes, I'm sorry, you see, my house burned down earlier..." Fluttershy was cut off by that small mare with Blue hair, and a grey coat,

"No, no, come in,, come in, we were just about to have dinner," that mare sadi, Fluttershy still couldn't remember that name.

"It's okay, I can just keep going," Fluttershy said weakly, trying to get out of the drift.

"You can leave if you can get out of that drift," the mare sadi with a smile.

"I, I can't," Fluttershy said, her head down.

The mare walked over and pulled her out and put Fluttershy on her hooves.

"There, now come in," The mare said, it was Comet, Comet swirl, that was her name, Fluttershy had seen her good natured deeds many times before, they had only talked once.

Fluttershy followed Comet in, and her father closed the door behind them.

Fluttershy looked at what they had for dinner, it was a salad with blue cheese, ranch dressing, and many other condiments on it, plus there were potatoes, breads, and sweets.

"Fluttershy, you need to eat, you look awful, no offense," Comet said, shrugging.

"No, it's okay, I'm...........I'm fine," Fluttershy said, looking down at the floor.

"Eat," Comet said, pushing a plate with salad and bread on it.

Fluttershy reluctantly ate a bite, and with that bite, she tasted a flavor explosion, spices and crisp vegetable flavored breads. She ate another bite, than another, then another, until the piece was gone, then she started to eat the salad, but first she said.

"This is very nice, thank you for taking me in tonight," Fluttershy said, Comet smiled, her mouth full of bread.

Fluttershy ate a crunchy bite of lettuce, she loved it, she ate and ate at the salad until it was gone, her belly full, she leaned back into her chair.

"You like dinner?" Comet asked, her belly full as well.

"Yes, very much," Fluttershy said with a hiccup.

Her father walked towards the fridge, and on top was a large pumpkin pie, which he then placed the pie on the table, popped the top off and the smell of the frsh baked pie filled the room.

"Well, Fluttershy is it, are you ready for pie?" the stallion, her father asked.

"Well, maybe just a little piece," Fluttershy said, giving Comet's father her plate.

"A little piece, okay," her father said, cutting the prefect piece out for Fluttershy, who gladly accepted the piece of pie.

"Mmmmmm," Fluttershy said taking a bite, it warmed her whole body, it felt as is she had eaten a piece of heaven.

"Glad you like it," Comet said, eating a piece of her own.

"I love it, it's.,,,,,lovely," Fluttershy said, eating another bite.

The pie was eaten with much happiness for the next hlf hour before her father said,

"Alright girls, time to go to bed, you don't want to make Santa miss this house do you?" her father said, chuckling, he knew both of the girls didn't believe in Santa hooves anymore, Comet had stopped believing in Santa when she was nine, and Fluttershy had stopped believing when she was ten thanks to Comet.

Both Fluttershy and Comet went into Comet's room, it had her bed and a futon, Fluttershy slept on the futon.

"Goodnight Comet," Fluttershy yawned.

"Goodnight Fluttershy," Comet sighed, she snuggled down into her blankets.

Fluttershy had sweet dreams the rest of the night, the five hours of sleep she did get before a noise woke her up, was someone inside their house, who was it?

"Pssst, Comet, who's in your house, moving around?" Fluttershy asked, recieving a loud groan from Comet who said,

"Just my mom, she works nights,"

"We should get up," comet sprang to life, jumping out of her bed.

Fluttershy didn't question, she tip-hoofed down the hallway, as they neared Comet's parents' door, Fluttershy realized what they were about to do.

"Wake up!!! IT'S CELESTMAS MORNING!!!" Comet said as her and Fluttershy jumped on the bed, her parents laughing and the two mares giggling.

"Go back to bed," her mother said, laughing, trying to push Comet onto her father.

"No get up, mama, mom, mum, mommy, mummy, ma, ma, m, m, " Comet continued until her mother and father were in the living room, sitting on the sofa, while Comet opened her presents, she got a WonderBolts suit, which she loved the most, plus six other gifts.

"Fluttershy, we have one for you too," her mother said as she pulled out a special cage, one that could be on clouds, in it a special white bunny.

"I love him," Fluttershy said as she nuzzled the tiny bunny with her hoof.

"I will call him Bunny, Angel Bunny," Fluttershy said.


Wow, that sounds like a cool night," Rainbow said.

"Alright now... me, huh, it's my turn," Twilight said with a smile.