• Published 17th Nov 2011
  • 3,038 Views, 39 Comments

Merry Celestmas, Christmas for ponies - Broneyofnoel

Hearth's warming, the national holiday of creation, is also on the same day as Celestmas!

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"Your turn Applejack," Twilight said, pointing a hoof at Applejack.

"Well, I reckon that my favorite Celestmas was about seven years ago..." Applejack started.


"Mama, when's Little Apple gonna be born?" Applejack asked her mother, who was pregnant with AppleBloom at this time.

"Her name is not Little Apple, It's AppleBloom," her mother, Whinoa, responded, she rubbed her very inflated stomach.

"Can it pleeaasse be Little Apple, pleeaasse!" Applejack pleaded, on her knees.

"No, your grandmother and Ah have already decided," her mother said, looking seriously at Applejack.

"But Big Macintosh named me after cereal!!!" Applejack said in a whine.

"No, he didn't, your father did," her mother said still chuckling a little.

"It is good cereal!" her father walked into the room, laughing.

"Alright, now Ah can't be stressed, it's bad for the baby," her mom said, rubbing her stomach.

"Fine, Ah'll go find Big Macintosh, Ah'm starving!!!" Applejack said, rubbing her empty stomach.

Applejack walked out of the house, only to find Big Macintosh, Caramel, and Braeburn playing hoofball,a silly little game where you get a 'pigskin' as they call it , to a special zone, but the other players had to tackle the person with the ball.

"Hey Applejack," Caramel said, forgetting that he was about to be tackled by Big Macintosh, he was taken dooowwwnnnnnn.

"Can Ah play?" Applejack asked, wanting to see what all the fuss of the game was about.

"Sure, you're on my team, Caramel, Braeburn, you two are on a team now," Macintosh said as he grabbed the ball off the ground.

"Hey sis, catch!" Macintosh threw the ball directly at Applejack, she braced for impact.

The impact never came, instead she heard laughing from Caramel and Braeburn.

"Ha ha, Applejack, you're supposed to catch it, not let Braeburn get it," Macintosh said laughing.

"Eh, sorry, gimme another chance, 'cept this time, Ah throw," Applejack said, taking the ball from Braeburn.

"Deal," Macintosh said, staying near Applejack, waiting to catch her bad throw.

Applejack threw the ball, it zoomed passed Macintosh, Braeburn, and Caramel, it drilled itself into a hill. Macintosh's jaw dropped he looked at his sister, and then back to the hill, and then back to his sister.

"Sis', Ah didn't know you could throw that well," Macintosh said, his jaw still down.

"Well, Ah'll be," Braeburn said, his jaw still down too.

"SOUPS ON, come inside!" Granny Smith yelled from the window.

All four of them walked into the house and sat at the HUGE dining table, it went Applejack, Applejack's mother, Applejack's father, Big Macintosh, Braeburn, Caramel, Granny Smith, Golden Delicious, Red Delicious, Apple Fritter, and then there was Apple Turnover.

"Alright, we should thank Granny Smith for this fine dinner," said Apple Fritter, raising his glass of Apple Cider.

Everyone at the table raised their glasses in unison, after the toast, there were many conversations going, including bragging about how she could throw better than any of the boys.

"Yep, Granny I sure did, It flew right past all of them," Applejack said, a mouthful of breads.

Granny smiled and said, "Now Applejack, I think that's amazing, but don't go bragging,"

"Okay granny, Ah won't, Ah promise," Applejack always kept her promises.

Throughout the rest of the inner, the excitement in the room steadily increased, everyone knew what happened after dinner, they each opened one present, that was another Apple family tradition.

"Looks like Granny Smith hasn't lost her touch," Braeburn said loudly, getting a laugh from everypony.

"Now child, you haven't gotten a present yet, so don't sas," granny Smith smiled.

"Alright, Applejack, pick one," Applejack's mother said.

"I pick..." Applejack was interrupted.

"Oooh, ahhhhhhhhhhh!" Applejack's mother was holding her stomach.

"She's going into labor!" Applejack's father exclaimed, pushing everypony back.

Her father ran to the phone and called Nurse Redheart, who would arrive in a few minutes.

"Granny Smith, what in the hay is going on?" Applejack asked, receiving a smack from her granny.

"Now, Ah don't want to hear you say that again ya hear?" Granny Smith said sternly, Applejack nodded.

"Your mother is giving birth to AppleBloom," Granny Smith said, trying to fully assess their situation.

A few minutes of confusion and her mother screaming passed before Nurse Redheart arrived.

"Now miss, I am going to need you to push okay?" Nurse Redheart said, holding Applejack's mother's hoof and looking into her eyes.

Applejack's mother nodded and Screamed, then Applejack heard the sound of a newborn Filly crying. Applejack adn Big Macintosh looked past the crowd, the saw a tiny, newborn, vanilla filly with red hair.

"AppleBloom!" Applejack said, resulting in a weak smile from her mother.

"Mama, what's wrong?" Applejack asked, feeling a sudden sense of urgency.

"Applejack, I..I am dying, I love you, your brother, your father, and Granny Smith, and the rest of the family," Applejack's mother drifted off into a deep sleep, a sleep that she would never awake from.

"Mama, wake up mama, wake up, wake up," Applejack's eyes were pouring tears, she was shaking her mother, who just wouldn't wake up, her eyes stay closed, her heart stay still, her children stay strong.

"Now Applejack," Granny Smith p a hoof on Applejack's shoulder, only to receive a look of determination, a determination to make mama wake up.

"Applejack, she's dead, please understand, she won't come back," Granny Smith said, crying tears, tears that she had never seen before.

"No, she can't be, she CAN"T BE!!" Applejack screamed, and then she collapsed onto the floor.

The next morning, Applejack awoke in her bed, sweating heavy beads of sweat, panicked, she ran down to Granny Smith who was looking out the window with the thousand yard stare.

"Grandma, did mom, did she.." Applejack asked, but was cut off by a slow depressed nod from Granny Smith, they ran to each other and hugged.

A week passed until the funeral, it was a dark, stormy day, first day of the new year, at the funeral, everyone who was in the family showed up, where she was standing, she could see everyone, but then a little puppy ran up to Applejack, licking her foreleg, she picked the little pup up and said:

"I'm gonna call you Winona," Applejack said as she hugged the puppy, who licked her face.


"That was the saddest story I've ever ever heard," Pinkie said, tears in her eyes.

"How was that your best Celestmas?" Rainbow asked, depressed.

"Because, Ah got my little sister, she has blessed mah world, ya see Ah learned later that my mama was already gonna die, but she gave me my little sister fist, and that's why it was my Best Celestmas," Applejack said, pulling AppleBloom in for a hug, slightly crying.


"Alright, Rarity your turn..." Twilight said, fighting back tears.