• Published 31st Aug 2015
  • 518 Views, 3 Comments

Ties of the Past - Ultimate Mayhem

Equestria Girls Universe before the first movie. As a kid Fluttershy didn't have a lot of friends but when she meets a injured boy her age things begin to change.

  • ...

Gears Turn

Fluttershy awakened that morning to the smell of pancakes. She looked next to her bed and saw the blanket was folded so she got up and headed to the kitchen. She saw a stack of pancakes on a plate on the table with the syrup next to them.

"Hey. Sorry I didn't put a knife and fork with them but the only fork I found was one with that with the drying dishes." said a voice. Flutteryshy turned and saw the boy near the fridge.

"It's okay." said Fluttershy. "You should be resting."

"I'm fine." said the boy.

"If you don't mind my asking, what's your name?"

"I've been trying to figure that out and all that comes to mind is Shawn." he replied.

"So your name is Shawn?" asked Fluttershy.

"I guess." replied Shawn.

"Well it's nice to meet you Shawn. I'm Fluttershy."

"It's a pleasure." he said.

"Do you know what happened to you or how you wound up in the shed?" asked Fluttershy.

"I'm afraid the only thing I can remember is that my name's Shawn and that I know how to cook but nothing else. I don't know who I am, what I am, or even how I wound up here." replied Shawn.

"I see." said Fluttershy.

"You might wanna eat that before it gets cold." said Shawn.

"Aren't you gonna eat?" asked Fluttershy.

"I already ate." he replied.

"Oh. Then would maybe like to go to the park? I like to go there to feed the squirrels." suggested Fluttershy.

"Alright. It's not like I've got anywhere to be." he joked. Fluttershy smiled and finished eating. Afterwards se took a shower and got ready but then realized there was a problem. Shawn didn't have anything to change into.

"If you'd like you can shower. The bathroom's upstairs." said Fluttershy.

"I wouldn't wanna trouble you after all you've done for me." said Shawn.

"It's no trouble. Really." said Fluttershy.

"If you're sure but I'm gonna need scissors first." he said looking at his shoulder.

"Here." said Fluttershy as she took a pair and cut off the bandages.

"Thank you." he said before heading up stairs and going into the shower. As showered Fluttershy went to her parents' room to see if she might be able to find him something to wear. It was obvious her father's clothes would be to big for him but during spring break some relatives had come to visit and one of her cousins left some clothes behind. She went to the closet where she found a box. Upon opening it she pulled out a shirt and some pants that seemed to be his size. After she went to the bathroom and knocked on the door. He opened the door and stuck his arm out allowing her to hand him the clothes. Not long after the door opened revealing him with messy hair wearing the jeans and light green shirt she had handed him.

"Does it fit?" asked Fluttershy.

"It's a little snug but other than that it fits great." replied Shawn with a smile which caused Fluttershy to also smile. Afterwards they left with Fluttershy leading the way. "Is it okay if I ask you something?"

"What is it?" asked Fluttershy.

"I might be way off base here but from looking at you it seems to me like you're normally more introverted than you are right now." said Shawn. "Why is that?"

Fluttershy stopped for a moment in surprise.

"I-I'm not sure. I guess it was because I've been concerned about you. Not just because I found you hurt but because your body is really scarred." replied Fluttershy. "But how did you know I'm introverted?"

"Small details." replied Shawn as they kept walking. "For example the way you style your hair seems to be less about your appearance and more about using it to hide. I also noticed your posture is a little off balance which, as I see it, means you don't normally walk like this. From what I can you normally walk with less confidence."

"You could tell?" asked Fluttershy surprised.

"You know how if you write in a notebook the there's an outline left in some of the pages under?" Fluttershy nodded. "Well more or less the same idea. I can see the outline of your normal posture which is kinda weird." Fluttershy blushed. "That's not what I meant. I mean it's weird I can see that."

"Oh." said Fluttershy. "Maybe it's a special talent. I've heard of people who can tell things about others by seeing their auras."

"Maybe." said Shawn as they got to the last traffic light on route to the park. Fluttershy crossed the street but Shawn was still thinking for a moment before noticing the light and crossing. Unfortuntely the light changed as he walked and he didn't notice as a van sped towards him. There was a loud honk causing both Fluttershy and Shawn to turn. Fluttershy's eyes widened in shock and fear as Shawn was struck by the speeding van. The driver screeched to a halt and ran out of his van to check on Shawn cell phone in hand. Fluttershy ran to her charge in fear of what might happen. The driver was about to call an ambulance when Shawn stood back up which shocked the two. Shawn's face had been cut from the impact but the wounds slowly closed as fire formed at the edges. He looked at his arm which was at an awkward angle until he twisted back into it's normal shape. The two couldn't believe their eyes. Shawn turned to the driver with his eyes glowing.

The driver's eyes began glowing and he put his phone away before getting back in his vehicle and leaving. Fluttershy kept staring at Shawn in disbelief. "Come on." he said pulling her hand. Fluttershy couldn't resist as she was still trying to process what she'd just seen. Shawn sat her down on a bench and looked into her eyes. "Are you okay?"



"How did you survive that?" asked Fluttershy.

"Oh that. I'm not really sure." replied Shawn. "It feels like it isn't the first time that's happened though." he said absentmindedly.

"Then maybe that's why you don't remember." said Fluttershy.

"Maybe." shrugged Shawn. "So weren't you gonna feed the squirrels?"

"Oh! That's right." she remembered as she ran towards a tree where she placed some acorns on the ground. Not long after a few squirrels ran out and began chewing on them. "Hello my little friends. How are you?" The squirrels looked at her and one climbed up her hand causing her to giggle. Shawn approached with a smile. When the squirrels saw him they dropped their food and look at him.

"How are you?" asked Shawn. One of the squirrels began chittering as it ran around him. "You think I'm what?" he asked surprised.

"You....understand them?" asked Fluttershy.

"It seems to be the case." replied Shawn as the squirrel ran back with the others. "He said I'm an Elemental."

"A what?" asked Fluttershy.

"An Elemental. An embodiment of one of the elements of the earth." replied Shawn before he covered his mouth. "How the hell did I know that?"

"Maybe this is just one of those things where you'll get your memory back by just doing things." suggested Fluttershy. Shawn looked at her.

"You...uh...watch a lot of tv, don't you?" Fluttershy blushed. "In any case I don't think I can disagree since I don't remember much of my past either way." he said looking at his hand just before one of the squirrels ran up to his head and pulled on his hair. "What's up?" The squirrel chittered rapidly and pointed. Shawn turned and saw three boys older than them picking on a white skinned girl with purple hair. "Alright." he said as the squirrel ran with its family. He started walking when Fluttershy stopped him.

"Where are you going?"

"To help her." he replied simply as he kept walking.

"Please give her back." said the purple haired girl.

"Why don't you try to take it back?" asked one of the bullies.

"I've got a better idea." said Shawn as he walked up behind the girl. "Why don't you give it back and no one'll get hurt?" he suggested.

"And just what are you gonna do if we don't runt?" asked one of the bullies poking his chest. Shawn grabbed his hand and twisted his wrist forcing him to his knees.

"You sure you wanna ride this train?" asked Shawn. Another of the bullies tried to punch him only for him to use the bully he was currently hurting as a shield causing him to be hit in the back. Shawn then flipped him over and stared at the other two. The two became enraged with the one holding the doll dropping it to try to punch the younger boy before them with his friend but their strikes were stopped. "You asked for this." he said as he jumped and elbowed one in the face causing him to stumble back. The second tried to punch him but was surprised when Shawn ducked under his strike before being struck with a spiral uppercut that launched him upwards. Then he kicked the other in the gut causing him to stumble forward allowing Shawn to strike his temples before delivering a roundhouse kick to his jaw knocking him down as well. Upon falling the bully who had been launched landed on his fallen friend. Then he picked up the one he'd flipped by the front of his shirt. "I'm only gonna say this once. I went easy on you. If I found out you guys are picking on others again I'll put you in the hospital. Got that?" The bully nodded. "Good." he said with a smile. "Now I want you to apoligize." he said turning to the girl who was stunned by the display.

"I-I'm sorry." he said.

"Good. Now get out of here." said Shawn pushing him towards his friends who were starting to get up in pain before the three left. Shawn then picked up the doll and held out his hand to the girl. She looked at him for a moment before taking it allowing him to help her up. "I'm sorry for the display of violence."

"I-It's okay." she said still shaken. "Thank you for getting my sister's doll back." she said as he handed it back to her.

"Sure." he said with a smile causing her to blush lightly. "It looks like you've got a talent for fashion." he said looking at the clothes the doll wore.

"How did you know?"

"The clothes are obviously an original design. People in toy companies usually make very generic clothing for their toys but these have a touch of creativity and I can tell they were made with love." he said. "You truly care about your sister. That much is pretty obvious."

"Oh...um thank you." said the girl.

"I'd better go." he said as he turned.

"Excuse me but I didn't catch your name." said the girl.

"Shawn." he said as he turned around.

"I'm Rarity."

"It's a pleasure. Maybe we'll see each other around." he said with a smile.

"I hope so." she said with a smile of her own. He turned and walked back noticing Rarity was now leaving as well. When he got back to Fluttershy he noticed she seemed to be in shock.

"Uh Fluttershy?" he asked waving his hand in front of her.

"H-How did...?"

"I'm not really sure. It just sorta came to me." he replied with a shrug. He turned towards the squirrels. "You guys seem to know more about this. What makes you think I'm an Elemental?" The squirrels looked at one another before one chittered at him. "Really?"

"What did they say?" asked Fluttershy.

"They said they can tell I'm an Elemental because they can feel a link to me. That my presence is like a flame, whatever that means."

"We'll figure it out later." said Fluttershy as she stood up before remembering something. "Your wounds earlier."

"What about them?"

"When they closed they were closing with fire." said Fluttershy as she began walking followed by Shawn. Shawn placed a hand on his chin as they walked. After a few minutes Fluttershy decided to break the silence. "Are you okay?" she asked noticing his expression.

"Fine. Just trying to piece together things." replied Shawn. "On the plus side we know I have some level of combat experience, animals say I'm an Elemental, and I seem to have an eye for detail."

"Really?" asked Fluttershy curiously.

"It seems to the be case." replied Shawn. "The girl I helped in the park was trying to get a doll back and it was wearing a dress I was able to identify as having been made by the girl herself." he said with a sigh.

"Well maybe you just need to clear your mind." said Fluttershy.

"Hey where are we going anyway?" asked Shawn.

"Home." replied Fluttershy with a slight giggle.

"Oh. Guess that shoulda been kinda obvious." said Shawn with a slight laugh.

As they walked Fluttershy felt something strange and unfamiliar to her towards this boy. Not so much a crush. More than anything she was starting to feel as if they were siblings but she figured it might be because of his circumstances.

'I'll do whatever I can to help.' she thought to herself.

Comments ( 2 )

Will Fluttershy be badass in this story? ...You are planning on continuing this, right?

7909906 I am gonna continue it I just hit a road block. Whether or not Fluttershy becomes badass is up to perpective

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