• Member Since 4th Apr, 2015
  • offline last seen Apr 16th, 2017


If I write any stories, they're probably about magic.


Scootaloo has always been a filly of determination. But thanks to some of Twilight's magic lessons, she may have understood why she cannot fly. When she goes seeking help from the two ponies she knows can help, they devise a plan to help Scootaloo "find her wings".

Scootaloo plans to fly.

(NOTE: The cover photo was drawn by dashprince. Please check them out!)

Story edited by Vertigo-01

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 21 )

An intersting premise, and a promising story. Needs a bit of editing, but beyond that I'm looking forward to how this goes. :twilightsmile:

This is really cute, and I'll be following it :)

6067145 Thank you so much for the feedback! I really appreciate it!

I really like the premise here, and I love the overall 'cute' feel to the way the story is playing out. It definitely needs editing, to be sure – but with that, this story could be totally awesome. Have a thumbs up. :twilightsmile:

6135562 Thank you so much with your kind words! I edit it myself, I don't have any editors to review the story after I've finished writing it. Sorry about any errors :o

6174257 haha I don't think Scootaloo would be too happy about a horn appearing on her forehead

That's what it sounds like, but if you didn't, SCOOTALOO'S AN ALICORN! :scootangel:
If I'm right, and you actually did electrocute her, WHY?! :fluttercry:

6174402 No, Scootaloo did not get electrocuted or a horn :p don't you worry, she's okay. :scootangel:

Waa! Why'd you have to end it there!?!? :pinkiegasp: I now fear for Scootaloo- well, at least we can't say she has no Pegasus magic, right? That was a pretty cool chapter, though. I loved it- can't wait for the next update. :twilightsmile:

6175746 Hey, thanks so much! Oh, Scoots is a tough little filly! :twilightsheepish:
Thanks for reading!

6401496 I promise I'm in the middle of writing it! :)

Comment posted by Phetiamwantip deleted Mar 20th, 2020
Comment posted by Phetiamwantip deleted Jul 7th, 2020

I like your I Can Fly story, can't wait to see more of your chapters soon, Just take your time and keep up the good work. 👍

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