• Published 31st May 2015
  • 439 Views, 6 Comments

A call for Agent Gummy - Krushan

Gummy is probably one of the most chilled out Pets...at least if you call being a secret agent chilled out.

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a call for Agent Gummy

Call for Agent Gummy

“I know you can do this Gummy, you’re the best alligator-baker I ever met” Pinkie stuffed the eggbeater into Gummy’s mouth and with a last smooch on his nose she ran out of sugar cube corner, shutting the door behind her.

With Pinkie gone, the room was completely silent, no hopping noises, no singing and no dancing. Just Gummy, who got slowly overwhelmed by the eggbeater’s weight and falling over on the table. He lay there for a short time, while taking in all his surroundings and feeling the energy of the planet flowing through him, but after a while he stood up and decided it would be the best to get on with baking Pinkie’s cake. He slowly strolled over to the mixing bowl, balancing out the weight of the eggbeater with his tail and started to stir through the pastry.

Just as he was about to add some more baking powder to the mix, he noticed his tale began to vibrate. A second later his whole body began to shake and he heard a stallion’s voice, coming out of his head.

“Headquarter calling Gummy, Headquarter calling Gummy, can you hear us?” Gummy let out a slow huff as he realized that he probably wouldn’t be able to finish the baking for Pinkie. The voice belonged to Agent Silver Lining, the leader of the information Center of the Nocturnal Security Association (NSA) and Gummy’s contact man. If he called, it was rarely a good sign. Gummy concentrated and formed the sentences in his mind. Immediately a small magical Transmitter implanted in his brain send his thoughts directly back to the Headquarter.

“Here Agent Gummy, I can here you. Please, tell me you are just calling to see how it’s going. I’m kinda in the middle of baking a cake”

“Well buddy, I don’t think that you will have time for that. I’ve got a top secret mission assigned directly to you and that’s not all. Chief Director Moonwalker is planning on giving you this mission personally! So quit baking and come over so you can report to her. Over! ” With a small click the voice disappeared and left Gummy in Silence once again. He looked at the mixing bowl and the already baked layer of the cake and sighed.

It was more than rare for Director Moonwalker to assign missions personally. As far as his knowledge went, only a few ponies in all of Equestria knew her real Identity and they would rather die than tell anyone. So if she wanted to give him the order herself it means that it is either really important or really dangerous.

With that in mind, he set himself in motion once again, carefully trotted over to one of the kitchen’s windows and opened it with his snout. A light breeze blowing over his snout, he closed his eyes and reached down into his consciousness. After he found what he was looking for, Gummy activated two of his chimera cores. A sharp pain shot through his back as two crack began to open, revealing a pair of green leathery wings, reminiscent of dragon wings. They spread widely and started to flap gushing up some flour in the process. Just as his Wings had completely grown out of Gummy’s back, he went through a second transformation, this time affecting his scales, which started to adapt their colour to the wooden floor beneath him, making him nearly invisible. Gummy looked back at the unfinished cake one more time before sprouting his wings and taking off towards the NSA Headquarter.

After about half an hour spent flying, Gummy finally landed at the top of one of the Foal Mountains. The cold Wind assaulted his little body and even though his scales where mostly protecting him, he couldn’t help but shiver a little bit as he walked over the snow covered mountain peak. His Footsteps were completely muffled through the soft white snow, so that the only thing pointing out his present, were the small alligator footprints, quickly covered by the falling snow.

Once again activating his magical transmitter, Gummy send a message to the Headquarter:

“Hello Headquarter, here Special Agent Gummy. I return to this Stronghold once again” Immediately after he finished his sentence, Gummy felt as if his body would liquefy as he disappeared in a white flash and immediately reappeared in a big Underground Cave full of different Ponies rushing from one door to the next.

The Grey Walls of the Cave where clustered with all sorts of Magical Devices, ranging from Mind Transmitters, over teleporter up to some strange things he could never figure out, what they were used for. Aside from that the hall was only filled with strange floating light bulbs, which gave of a strange smell, like roasted toast combined with molten wax, but managed to bathe the whole room in a warm light. However the one thing that stood out the most was a unicorn stallion running towards him. The stallion himself was special enough. His silvery coat looked as if it was directly cut out of the shimmering full moon and the black west he was wearing highlighted this color even more. Together with a deep purple mane, and dark blue eyes, he wasn’t someone who was easily overlooked.

But that wasn’t the main reason he caught Gummy’s attention. No! The main reason was that this stallion ran directly towards him, ignoring everypony around him and causing many ponies to jump out of the way to avoid him. Looking around him, he secured that no one was around him and looking onto himself he confirmed that he was still camouflaged, so what was this stallion heading for.
As if to answer his question, the stallion stopped right in front of the teleporter Gummy stood on and raised a hoof to his forehead.

“Secret Agent Gummy Sir, it’s such an honor to finally meet you in person. I am Agent Piercing Sight and I will be your partner for this mission.”
That took Gummy of guard. It was the first time someone ever spotted, let alone identified him in his camouflaged. He checked the Agents cutie mark and saw an open eye framed inside of a five pointed star. He got that he would have pretty good eyesight. But he wasn’t really sure what the five pointed star meant.

“Ohm…Sir, could you stop that please. I feel kinda awkward when someone invisible is staring at my ?behind? like that”
Gummy snapped out of his thoughts and quickly deactivated his chimera cores. His scales turned back to their usual green color and the wings shrank back into his back.

“Sorry about that, I’m just used to nopony seeing me while I am camouflaged.”
His voice sounded a bit hoarse. His normal life went without talking and his connection to HQ went over mind transmitting so he hadn’t talked in a good while

“How exactly did you spot me?”

“Let’s just say, I’ve got pretty good eyesight. But we can chat while walking. Commander Moonwalker is waiting, and I can’t wait to see what she really looks like.”
Piercing Sight stretched out a hoof.

“Hop on; my pockets are big enough for you to sit in if you want”
Even though that strange offer took Gummy a bit off guar he hopped onto Piercings hoof crawled up his back and set inside of a pocket near to his head.


“No problem, off we go”
With that he walked towards one of the many corridors.

They walked through halls with door after door; Gummy didn’t really pay attention to his surroundings. He has been here many times and the floors weren’t exactly hard to remember.
Instead he and Piercing Sight got into a little chat.

“So…Agent Sight”

“Just call me Piercing”
They turned a corner into another corridor.

“Ok, Piercing how long have you been in the NSA”

“Not really that long. About a year an Agent of the NSA found me in the Everfree Forest. I lived there for at least six years now, after I ran away from home. I got lost in the Everfree forest and just couldn’t find out. It was as if the forest didn’t want me to leave...”

“Wait so you survived six year in the Everfree forest on your own,” Gummy interrupted him “How in the name of Celestia did you do that“
Piecing laughed, while he turned another corner.

“Like I said I’ve got pretty good eyesight. I saw every danger from at least a mile away.”, Silver Lining said, “ that was also the reason he took me in.”
They went through an open door into a big library and Piercing looked back at Gummy.

“Sorry if this question sounds a bit rude, but what exactly are you. I’ve never seen anything like you and I’ve seen a lot of creatures”
A bitter smile crawled over Gummy’s face.

“That doesn’t surprise me. Generally I think I would be classified as a chimera. However I was neither born nor fused with other animals naturally. I am the product of a scientist and a complete crazy scientist at that. His name was Cookie Pie and he was the great grandfather of Pinkie Pie. He was a really talented unicorn scientist, but he was completely obsessed by the idea to create the perfect chimera. Me! By forming a body out of alligator flesh and infusing it with the blood and life energy of a variety of other reptiles and even that of a young dragon. He managed to create Chimera Cores, like he called them. They are spread all over my consciousness and if I access them I am able to grow dragon wings, camouflage like a chameleon, spit paralyzing poison like a spitting snake, loose my tail like a lizard and many other things.
However, he was never able to finish me; the royal guard discovered his laboratory, arrested him and destroyed the building and his research. I managed to escape through the sewers, but since he never finished me I had no knowledge about accessing my cores, so I would be easy prey for predators. To survive I hid on a rock farm. I had no Idea that it was the farm of the pie family until sixteen years ago, I was found by the two year old Pinkie Pie. She and her sisters were very nice to me, so I decided to hide my teeth and Identity to become Pinkies pet and live a normal pet live.”
Piercing had become completely silent and seemed to be taking in every detail of Gummy’s story.

“Shortly after the Sonic Rainboom incident Pinkie and I moved away from the rock farm and to Ponyville, where she became the crazy party pony she is today. You should know most of the rest. Twilight came to Ponyville, Pinkie was discovered as the Element of Laughter and they faced many odds in their live and I continued to live as a pet alligator, until I was discovered by the NSA.
At first I didn’t want to join, but they offered me a possibility to protect Pinkie Pie by controlling my chimera cores and learn how to use them efficiently. So I joined. As it turned out one of the founding members of the NSA discovered some leftover research papers from Cookie Pie and through them he learned of my existence and taught me how to control the cores.
That is the whole story of my existence”

Piercing stopped in front of a big bookshelf with books about the magic of the stars and looked back at Gummy, his eyes filled with deep sorrow.

“So you are an outcast. One of a kind and you has to hide your true self from the outside world in fear of being rejected or to loose your normal life?”

“Well yeah that seems about right, but I can live with it as long as I have my big eyes and tiny stature everyone at home loves me.”

“Good for you!”
Piercing pulled out a book from the shelf and put it back upside down. With that the bookshelf just vanished, leaving a dimly lit tunnel.

“I think I wasn’t quite honest with you, Gummy.”
He said after he walked through the gap and the bookshelf reappeared.

“The reason why I can see you even when you are Invisible is that I am an outcast myself.”
Piercing looked at Gummy and closed his eyes. When he opened them again they were completely different, the Iris nearly filled out the complete eye and it recolor to a deep red tone. But the strangest thing were his pupils, instead of a normal pupil he had a black pentagram with a small black dot in the middle.
Gummy couldn’t help but let out a small gasp of surprise upon this strange sight.
Piercing started walking down the hallway.

“I have these eyes for as long as I can remember. I grew up in a little town north of the Everfree forest. The ponies there are very superstitious and thought that I was some sort of demon or hell spawn. When I was born with those eyes, they bullied and hit me, threw stones or sticks whenever they saw me. I think the only reason they didn’t kill me was that they feared the wrath of hell or some bullshit like that. So at the age of ten I ran away from home into the Everfree forest. Some day an Agent came searching for me. He heard rumors of a demon lurking in the forest and came to hunt it down. But instead he found a young starving stallion, with eyes that where able to see every magic there is. He offered me a way to hide my eyes from the world so that I would look like a normal pony, if I would join this Organization.”
After Piercing finished talking he and Gummy stayed silent for a while and walked further down the Hallway before Gummy decided to break the silence.

“When you say seeing magic, what exactly do you mean?”

“It’s a bit complicated to explain! For me, magic is like an organism. Your Chimera Cores for example, look like glowing little animals swimming through your body. They move bounce of from each other and the once that are activated glow in a intense light. I am also able to spot the weakest spot in a unicorns defensive spells or see levitation magic as a glimmering light surrounding the levitated Object, Oh we’re there.”
The door in front of them wasn’t anything special. It was a normal wooden door with a metal doorknob. Guess you don’t need a special door, if the only was to get there is through a magical bookshelf.

“So…” Gummy said. “Are you ready for this?”

“I was ready for the beginning” said Piercing and pushed open the door.

As the door closed behind them, they were met with a strange sight. The whole room seemed to be magically transformed. The ceiling and walls were an open night sky covered in shining stars that even formed most of Equestria’s constellations, while the floor was a dusty grey desert with impact craters every few meters. The air felt clear but a bit dusty and it was a bit chill but not really cold. It all looked as if they where on the surface of the moon.

Gummy and Piercing stood wide eyed and couldn’t believe what they were seeing, as they suddenly heard a voice coming from their right.

“Ah, visitors what brings you to my sanctuary?”
They turned and saw a black coated mare sitting at a white desk that stood inside of a small impact crater. Her long blue mane and tail looked like rivers flowing down her back and legs covering her cutie mark and her yellow eyes glowed in a strange hypnotic light.
Gummy jumped out of Piercings pocket crawled up the desk and saluted. Piercing just stood there with a skeptical look on his face.

“Chief Commander Moonwalker?”

“Yes indeed and you must be the special chimera Gummy and the Stallion with the magical eyes Piercing sight I requested today.”
She looked over to Piercing who still mustered he skeptical.

“Is something troubling you Agent Piercing?” She asked softly. She was so different than Gummy expected. He thought he would meet a brash commanding mare like Spitfire, but this mare seemed so kind and caring almost like Fluttershy. He trusted her with every fiber of his being and whatever the mission was. He would take it.

“I just have a question Commander.” Piercing spoke up and Gummy caught a bit of distrust in the stallion’s voice “Where is Commander Moonwalker”
The mare looked confused “What are you implying. I am Commander Moonwalker”

“A real Commander doesn’t trick their subordinates”
Suddenly Piercings eyes turned red and a silvery beam hit Moonwalker’s face sending her flying. Gummy suddenly felt as if he was taken out of a trance and he immediately knew what was going on. He activated two of his core to gain wings and the ability to spit paralyzing poison and flew up in the air towards Piercing. Suddenly magic beams zipped through the air and Gummy immediately flew down to doge the lasers coming out of the direction where Moonwalker was.

“What did you see?” He shouted down to Piercing while still dodging the magical beams.

“She altered her appearance and cast a hypnotic spell through her eyes. She tried to trick us this can’t be the real Moonwalker.” The stallion jumped into a crater to doge a few beams coming his direction and answered with a few beams of his own, which were repelled against a magical barrier the now standing fake Moonwalker had put on.
Gummy zipped through the air like an arrow and started to rapidly spit his poison, but the fake moonwalker just dodged every one of them with ease and answered with a barrage of levitated rocks.
Gummy dogged most of them but one hit his wing and he started to struggle to keep himself in the air. Seeing this opportunity the black mare sent another magic beam towards Gummy, who was still hanging completely helpless in the air. Lacking any alternatives he deactivated his wing core and activated another core. A tight tortoise shell formed around him and mostly blocked the magical beam. But only the damage, the impact hit him with full might and would have send him flying to the other side of the moon if Piercing wouldn’t have teleported behind him and blocked the shell with a magical shield.
They both fell down and the ground approached faster and faster, as another beam accompanied with some stones flew towards him. Piercing quickly teleported himself and Gummy appeared inside one of the craters.
They both lay on the ground the blue beams zipping over the crater.

“If you have some idea how to get us out of here, now would be a good time”
Gummy said between heavy breathes. His wings may have disappeared but the pain of the rock hitting him had stayed.

“I have an Idea, but it is totally nuts and I am almost out of magic so if this fails we are done for!”
A heavy Impact shook the whole crater

“We are finished if we stay in this dammed crater, so what your plan is”

“I noticed that she dogged your spit instead of shielding it. And her magic didn’t react to it. So it is possible that the shield is weak against physical attacks. You have to go back into your turtle shell, then I can throw you at the weakest point of her shield and if we are lucky the shield may break. Then you have to spit your poison into her eye and paralyze her”
Gummy waited for a moment until he was sure that Piercing wasn’t joking.

“You are right, it is completely nuts” a grin crawled upon his face “But if you live with Pinkie, you start to enjoy things that are completely nuts.”
He activated his tortoise core once again and Piercing grabbed him with Levitation and ran out of the crater.
A Blue beam of energy came directly towards him but Piercing dodged it and threw Gummy towards the fake Moonwalker. The turtle Projectile crashed into the magic barrier and it shattered. However the impact was too much for the shell and it bursted into hundreds of tiny pieces, leaving Gummy defenseless. The fake Moonwalker shot a magic beam and he aimed for her eye and spat.

“THAT’S ENOUGH” A loud voice suddenly echoed over the field and all three fighters stopped dead in their tracks. Out of one of the craters came a dark blue Alicorn with a flowing mane, looking like the night sky. She wore a black Tiara and a chest plate with her cutie mark, a sickle moon on black ground. It was the Princess of the night, Princess Luna.
Everypony was released from their short paralysation and all three fell to the ground. Luna walked right up to Gummy and towered over him. Then her strict face turned into a warm smile.

“Well done Gummy, and you too Piercing Sight. You passed the entrance exam”

“Excuse me?” came Piercings voice from behind Gummy. “What do you mean by entrance exam? We were assaulted by someone who pretended to be Commander Moonwalker and we almost had her. Why did you have to show up? And who the hay are you anyway.
Luna was perplexed for a second then chuckled.

“That’s right you won’t know me, you lived in the Everfree when I came back from the moon. My name is Luna and I am the sister of Princess Celestia, Guardian of the night and the real Moonwalker.”

“What?” Gummy shouted “You are Moonwalker? You founded a secret Organization behind Celestia’s back? Why didn’t you tell her? And who is she” Gummy pointed to the black mare.

“That is my right hand. Her name is Dusk Glider and she is just like you, one of her kind. She is a bat Pony with a Unicorn horn and the leader of a team I want to form. A team including special Ponies and other Creatures with unique talents, who shall protect Equestria against Danger. After all, we can’t rely Solely on Twilight and her friends all the time.
This whole Setup was a test to prove your worth. The Question was, could you damask Dusk Glider and fight as a team to defeat her. And I must say, you did an amazing Job at it. But this is sadly all I can tell you for now. Gummy you must head back to Sugar Cube Corner to keep your identity. When we need, we will call you. Now go!”
Although Gummy was still a bit confused and had lots of questions, he wouldn’t even think about not to obey such a direct order. So he bowed and said: “Yes, your highness!” Then left through the door. After a short time Piercing Sight followed him and they said goodbye to each other.

“See you soon, Piercing.” Gummy said and activated two of his Chimera Core, so that his wings grew again and he turned invisible.

” Yeah “, Piercing answered, ” But maybe it’s better, when our next meeting isn’t that soon. I mean, that would assume that some great danger is coming.” Gummy laughed and responded:

“Maybe you are right. But I think that won’t be something we can’t handle.”
And with these words Gummy started to fly back and left Piercing in the library.

After a short time Gummy arrived at the open Window of Sugar Cube Corner. He deactivated his Chimera cores and headed back to the mixing bowl to at least try to finish some of the cake before Pinkie arrived. However, the moment he took the eggbeater out of the bowl he got overwhelmed by its weight and fell over on his snout. As he lay on the table, he noticed for the first time, how tired he was. Using so many of his cores to such an extend, left him completely drained of any energy and he decided that the cake had to remain at his current condition. He closed his eyes, completely relaxed and felt the energy of the planet flow through his body.

Author's Note:

So... Here it is. My first Fanfiction ever published on FimFiction.
This was originally supposed to be a stand alone storie for the writers Training Ground, but while writing it, I had so much fun with it that I maybe turn it into a small series containing missions for the Team mentioned in the story.

Please leave critique both positive and negative for this story.
I would greatly appretiate it.

Comments ( 6 )

7823407 I actually started to work on the Sequel so there may be more coming.

Also thanks for the Review :twilightsmile:

7823407 I just read your review again and just wanted to tell you that I am planning on making a sequel. My plan is to make a story with a team of six squad members including Gummy and Piercing sight. I am currently working on a collection of short stories all featuring a different member of the team to give them a bit of character and backstory before I throw them all into one big pile :D

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