• Published 11th May 2015
  • 438 Views, 25 Comments

Do Our Sins Define Us? - Theorange11

Trixie must make a choice that will determine the fate of Equestria

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Black and White

Trixie was not in a good situation. Why couldn't Nightmare Moon have given me a map, she thought. Trixie had awoken the morning after the rainstorm with a fresh determination, but her attitude had soured after she entered Everfree Forest. She had journeyed into the forest without the slightest idea of where to locate the ancient ruins that Nightmare Moon had mentioned. Now, she found herself trapped in a tangle of vines.

She had tried calling for help, but she had remained trapped for over an hour without anypony coming to rescue her. Still, Trixie figured it wouldn't hurt to try again.

" Somepony Help!," she yelled. Trixie waited for several minutes, but there was no sign that any help was on it's way. Trixie just sighed in disappointment. Is this how the Great and Powerful Trixie is going to die, done in by a bunch of vines?

"So you are the source of the sound," said the voice of mare. " By me you are lucky to have been found."

Trixie raised her head to see a very strange creature before her . The mare she saw had black and white stripes, and didn't look like anypony Trixie had seen before. A Zebra, Trixie realized.

"Well don't just stand there," Trixie said. "Help me out."

Zecora looked at the blue unicorn curiously. She had been on her way to the Tree of Harmony to investigate a disturbance in the Everfree's magical energies, but she had veered off course when she had heard this pony's call for help. Zecora proceeded to help untangle Trixie from the vines.

Trixie stretched her muscles, which had grown stiff after her run-in with the vines.

"Well thanks for your help," Trixie said, and turned to leave.

"My name is Zecora blue mare," Zecora stated. " Maybe I should know your's so that I know at whom I stare." Zecora wasn't quite ready to bid this blue unicorn farewell just yet. She wanted to know who this mare was.....and her reasons for being in Everfree.

Trixie turned back to stare at Zecora. She does't know who I am?, thought Trixie, insulted.

"I am the Great and Powerful Trixie, the greatest magician in all of Equestria," said Trixie, holding her head up proudly. Zecora just gave her a blank stare. Trixie could tell that this zebra was unfamiliar with her name, and prepared to storm off.

The Great and Powerful Trixie....why does that ring a bell?, wondered Zecora. Then, she remembered. Not long ago, she had heard of a unicorn magician accidently releasing the wrath of an Ursa on Ponyville. So that's who you are.

"Forgive me if mind wandered like termites from a stick, " Zecora requested. " You are the magician famed for deception and many a parlor trick." Almost instantly, Trixie's already angry face changed to an indignant scowl.

"Parlor Tricks!?!," Trixie raged. "The Great and Powerful Trixie does not perform parlor tricks thank you very much!" Who does this zebra think she is?, thought Trixie angrily.

Zecora could practically feel the rage coming from Trixie in waves. Maybe she has something to with the magical disturbance, Zecora thought. There was just something......off about this Trixie, and Zecora didn't like it one bit.

"Forgive me if my wording was dense," said Zecora. " I meant no offense." Trixie relaxed slightly at Zecora's words, but the unicorn wasn't quite done with her ego-fueled verbal crusade against the zebra.

" I will have you know that the Great and Powerful Trixie was nearly able to control an Ursa not too long ago!," Trixie stated haughtily.

" I have heard of this feat," replied Zecora. " I also know that the citizen's of Ponyville almost became an Ursa treat." To Zecora's knowledge of the incident, the Ursa would have gone on a chaotic rampage if Twilight Sparkle and her friends hadn't stopped it.

" That was simply a fluke," asserted Trixie. " Besides, it was all just a bit of fun, not as.......criminalizing as the papers might lead one to believe." She's awfully brazen for a hobo.

Zecora shook her head sadly.

"Fun?", " You call that fun?," Zecora asked. "I call it a waste of a potential as bright as the sun." Indeed, from what Zecora had heard, Trixie was indeed quite the magic user, but tended to let her....unique personality interfere.

" What do you know?," demanded Trixie. " You don't even have magic." Trixie was sure that her insult would get the strange zebra to shut up, but Zecora did the last thing Trixie suspected: she laughed.

Seeing Trixie's shocked stare, Zecora decided to enlighten her.

"Magic is not just in horns or things you can see," Zecora stated. "Magic flows through all things, from the smallest rock to the greatest tree." Why are the talented ones always the most ignorant?, Zecora wondered. Trixie huffed and held her nose up at Zecora, seemingly refusing to acknowledge the zebra's existence. I suppose I should ask why she's even here, thought Zecora.

" Why have you travelled alone into the Everfree?,"asked Zecora. " To do so is not something that I commonly see". Trixie's eyes visibly widened at the question. Up to no good then.

Trixie was panicking on the inside. Does she know? Trixie hadn't thought of a reason for her foray into the Everfree, so she decided to use her fallback plan.

" It's none of your business," Trixie stated in a tone that left no doubt. Zecora looked at Trixie with eyes that displayed only one emotion......pity?

"Your ruse of a bitter shell is both sad and silly," spoke Zecora in a motherly tone. "Inside you I can sense only a sorrowful little filly."
Zecora was now sure that Trixie was somehow linked to the magical disturbance. I can only hope she's not the- Zecora's thoughts were interrupted by Trixie's sudden outrage.

"How dare You!," Trixie shouted, now shaking her hoof threatingly. "The Great and Powerful Trixie does not need advice from a HERMIT!" "Now leave you.....you....STRIPED ABSURDITY!". Zecora sighed, and nodded her head.

"Farewell blue mare with a temper like fire," Zecora said, turning to leave. " Know that your well-being is what I desire." Absorbed deeply in thought, Zecora did not notice her map of Everfree fall from her saddlebag. The Tree can wait, thought Zecora. I fear the verse nears fulfillment, and of Trixie's intentions I do not like taste. I must warn the princesses with all haste.

Watching Zecora leave, Trixie couldn't help but wonder, Am I really just a scared filly inside? However, her gaze soon rested on the map that Zecora had dropped. She located the ruins on the map and smiled. "Now we're talking," she muttered to herself.