> Do Our Sins Define Us? > by Theorange11 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > A Deal with The Devil > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trixie Lulamoon was not a happy pony. It had been only a week since her shaming at the hooves of that wretched Twilight Sparkle and her despicable friends. "I will NEVER forget the humiliation", Trixie thought to herself. Twilight and her friends had exposed Trixie as a sham before all of Ponyville. News of Trixie's defeat had spread, and now she was finding it hard to obtain even small audiences for her magic shows. Trixie shuddered at her last attempt to entertain a small town. Just a few hours before, Trixie had entered a small town, all glitter and sparkles, and had actually managed to get a small crowd to gather around too see her spectacle. At first, all had gone according to plan. The ponies had oooohd and aaaaghd at her performance, until a young colt had taken it upon himself to intervene. "Boo!" "Sham!", the colt had shouted. He had then began to throw garbage at Trixie. the crowd had then joined in, pelting the showmare until she was forced to leave. Insolent curs, thought Trixie. After her escape, she had parked her trailer in a clearing in the Everfree Forest, and after spending hours brushing the filth from her mane, had proceeded to take the 'relaxing' stroll she was now on. " The Great and powerful Trixie shall get revenge on that vile Twilight Sparkle, and her pathetic friends, if it is the last thing that I do," Trixie promised herself. However, thoughts like these had been going through Trixie's head ever since the 'incident' back in Ponyville, and she had yet to formulate her revenge plan. At that moment, a chill breeze picked up, causing Trixie to wrap her cape tighter about herself. " Great, now even the weather hates me...", Trixie muttered sarcastically. As if on cue, the skies darkened, and a slight drizzle began to fall. The Great and Powerful Trixie REFUSES to accept a soaked mane just after she has cleaned it, Trixie thought to herself. without further delay, she headed back towards the Everfree, and her trailer. After awhile, Trixie came to the clearing where she had parked her trailer, and was shocked by what she saw before her. the spot where she had parked her trailer was now empty, with only pressed grass showing where it had once been. "Now the Great and Powerful Trixie has been robbed....", Trixie muttered to herself. Her eyes began to water as she hung her head low. All of the stress from the recent events in her life now boiled over, and Trixie could only scream to let it out. "IT'S NOT FAIR!", she shouted. "It's not fair!" The tears began to come in torrents now, and Trixie collapsed to her knees. " I know it is not fair....little pony", said a chilling voice as smooth as the night. Trixie looked through her teary eyes at her surroundings, trying to locate the speaker. "Who are you?" Trixie asked "A friend...", the voice said. "An ally" Trixie was now becoming rather frightened, but she tried to muster up her courage. Whatever this thing was , she would not show it fear. "Show yourself!", Trixie shouted, trying her best to add a commanding tone to her voice in an attempt to mask the fear she very much felt. "As you wish....", the voice said. Trixie was shocked to see a ball of shadow appear before her eyes, only 10 feet in front of her. Trixie stared into the black mist, but could see nothing but blackness. "What...what are you?", Trixie asked in a trembling voice, her brave façade finally braking. "What do you want with me?" " We simply wish to help you...", the shadow said. " As for what we are...." Trixie was shocked to see the black mist take on the outline of a mare. The shadow mare just gazed at Trixie with nonexistent eyes. "Just...Just stay away!", Trixie shouted, starting to back away. The shadow mare let out a blood curdling chuckle, causing Trixie to freeze in her tracks. The shadow mare began to pace around Trixie, seemingly taking up the unicorn's measure. The shadow mare came to a stop in front of Trixie and spoke." There is nothing to be afraid of little pony", said the shadow mare in a now strangely soothing voice. Trixie suddenly became more relaxed . "Like you, We too have been wronged by the Elements of Harmony, and We also seek revenge", the shadow mare stated. Realization dawned on Trixie, and she immediately grew terrified once again. "Nightmare Moon?", asked Trixie, her heart pounding in fear. "Indeed", spoke Nightmare Moon. "Sadly, We must greet you in this diminished form, rather than in Our full glory." "How do you want to help?", asked Trixie, her curiosity temporarily overcoming her fear. " Power, little pony, power", stated Nightmare Moon. " We offer the power to destroy the Elements." Trixie was shocked. Nightmare Moon wants to help me?, Trixie thought to herself. Still, Trixie thought back to all those times in her life when her desires had been denied her due to her lack of power. " That does sound nice.....", Trixie admitted. " So you accept my offer?", Nightmare Moon asked. "I....I will have to think about it", Trixie decided. Nightmare Moon nodded her head. "Do not tarry too long my little pony, for a storm is coming that will destroy the pathetic power of friendship", said Nightmare Moon. "If you decide to accept my offer, travel to the ancient ruin deep in Everfree", spoke Nightmare Moon. The shadow form dissipated, leaving Trixie to look for shelter from the steadily increasing downpour. > Love Thine Enemies > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Why in tarnation did it have to rain now?," asked an irritated Applejack, her distinctive drawl as prevalent as ever. She had invited Twilight and Rainbow Dash to spend a day on Sweet Apple Acres, but the sudden rainstorm had put an end to that. the three ponies now found themselves sheltering in the barn. " If I have to stay in this barn for much longer, I'm going to die of boredom," said Rainbow Dash, who was currently sitting in the hayloft. "Well, perhaps we could find some other way to pass the time," suggested Twilight. "Like What?," questioned Rainbow Dash, raising an eyebrow. "Well...I have been meaning to ask you guys something...," said Twilight, kneading the ground with a hoof the whole time. Rainbow and Applejack both nodded, curious as to why their friend was so nervous. Twilight took a deep breath and spoke. "I think we should try and find Trixie," Twilight said, and was almost immediately drowned out by the shouts of protest from her friends. "Are you Crazy!?!," Rainbow Dash yelled, flying down from the loft. "She almost got us killed by a GIANT BEAR!". "That pony is a bad apple Twi," asserted Applejack. " We shouldn't mess with the likes of her." "Everypony deserves a second chance," said Twilight firmly. "Trixie may be....difficult now, but if we all work together, surely we can change her". Applejack just looked at Twilight skeptically, while Rainbow continued to have a look of anger on her face. "I know you mean well Twi," began Applejack, " But that unicorn is rotten to the core." "Trixie is nothing like you Twilight," said Rainbow Dash. " You are such a great pony, while Trixie is.....Trixie." Twilight knew that Rainbow's statement was not entirely true. Trixie and Twilight did indeed share some characteristics. Not only were both strong magic users, but they had also been the final 2 ponies in Celestia's search for an apprentice. Trixie had taken rejection hard, and Twilight had heard nothing from her until she had showed up in Ponyville as the 'Great and Powerful Trixie'. "Nopony is all bad," said Twilight, giving her friends a pleading look. "Trixie just needs friends to help her be a better pony." Applejack sighed. "Well, if it truly means that much to you....I'm in," Said Applejack. Twilight gave a squeal of glee, and hugged her friend tightly. Twilight then turned to Rainbow Dash, who continued to look on disapprovingly. Please help us Rainbow Dash," pleaded Twilight. "We can't do this without you." "She will NEVER be a good pony," said Rainbow Dash firmly. However, her resolve was soon broken by the continuation of Twilight's puppy dog eyes, now backed up by Applejack's firm glare. Rainbow nodded her head, still clearly unhappy with the situation. Twilight smiled widely, giving a bounce of joy that would have made even Pinkie Pie proud. Twilight's smile soon grew even wider. "I just remembered," she said, "I brought us some books to pass the time". Twilight began to remove several large books from her saddlebags. Applejack and Rainbow Dash just sighed and facehooved. However, Twilight never noticed this, as she was already flipping eagerly through the pages of the thickest volume. > Great and Powerful Dreams > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trixie lay on her back, staring up at the ceiling of the abandoned Ursa cave where she had taken shelter from the rain. She had been trying to sleep, but she was being kept up by the storm outside, as well as her anxiety about the offer from Nightmare Moon. Trixie sighed. Can I really side with Nightmare Moon?, Trixie thought to herself. True, the offer of power was very tempting, but something in the edge of Trixie's mind kept telling her that the whole thing was a bad idea. I don't need her , thought Trixie. The Great and Powerful Trixie can gain revenge on her own. Still, her apparent decision did little to help her sleep, and the moon was high in the sky before she began to slumber. Trixie then began too dream of the past. A much younger Trixie stood on the steps of Canterlot palace, her eyes wide as she took in the glory of the castle. Along with a few dozen other ponies, she had been chosen as one of the aspirant apprentices to Princess Celestia. This is where I am meant to be, the young unicorn thought. Further thoughts of future grandeur were interrupted when another unicorn, this one violet, walked up to her smiling. "Hello," the newcomer said. "I am Twilight Sparkle." Trixie instantly saw a rival in the other pony, but decided it was best to play nice, at least for the moment. " My name is Trixie Lulamoon," the young Trixie said, extending her hoof. "It's a pleasure to meet you," Twilight stated, the smile never leaving her face as she shook hooves with Trixie. Trixie's dreams now shifted to a few weeks later, when Celestia's hopeful apprentices were demonstrating their skills in the practice yard. "Hey Twilight," Trixie called in a teasing tone. "I bet you can't do this." With great effort, Trixie was able to use her magic to lift one of the practice dummies high off the ground. Princess Celestia, who was watching this all from a shaded balcony, gave Trixie a look of approval. Trixie beamed with pride. However, Celestia's gaze shifted to a spot behind Trixie. Confused, Trixie turned around to see the other ponies on the practice field all staring in shock at Twilight Sparkle. Trixie's jaw dropped. Twilight had managed to lift not one, but two practice dummies in the air, with clearly far less effort than it had taken Trixie to lift one. Trixie just scowled at Twilight and turned from the spectacle. From that day forward, Twilight seemed to be always one step ahead of Trixie. If Trixie got an A on her magic exam, Twilight would get an A+, or if Trixie managed to move 5 feet with a teleportation spell, Twilight would manage to achieve 10 feet. No matter how much she trained, she could never be as good as Twilight, and Trixie hated this. Eventually, only Trixie and Twilight remained from the original candidates. Celestia decided that Trixie and Twilight would face off in a magic duel, supervised by herself to make sure things did not get out of hand. The winner would become Celestia's apprentice. Trixie was thrilled at the announcement, believing that this was her chance to demonstrate the superiority of her magic over Twilight's. Twilight was far less enthusiastic. She thought of Trixie as a friend, and had no desire to hurt her in the duel. When Twilight confided in Trixie, the blue unicorn flew into a rage. "YOU HURT ME !?!," Trixie yelled. "You had better be worried about YOU not getting hurt!" Trixie stormed out of the room, leaving Twilight in tears. The night before the duel, Trixie decided to get an 'advantage'. She snuck into the restricted section of the palace library, and looked through the books on battle magic. Finally, Trixie decided on a spell that would fire a ball of electric energy. Twilight will never see this coming she thought with glee. During the duel the next day, both ponies magicked each other into a stalemate, with both giving it their all. However, it eventually became apparent that Twilight was slowly but surely gaining an advantage. Try as she might, Trixie simply could not get through Twilight's defenses. Growing frustrated, Trixie decided to use her secret weapon. "Take this Twilight!," she yelled, funneling her remaining energy into the spell. BOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!!! When the smoke cleared, Trixie found herself on the ground, barely able to keep a straight head. She saw that Twilight, although quite bruised, remained standing. Trixie began to cry. "How could I have lost?," she asked to nopony in particular. "I trained, I studied, I---" "CHEATED," Celestia boomed. "You cheated, and your lack of compassion and fairness could have killed you both." Trixie simply hung her head low. "Twilight Sparkle, you win," Celestia stated. But there was no pride on Twilight's face, only worry. She ran to Trixie, who was now attempting to regain her footing. " Are you alright Trixie?,' Twilight asked in a voice full of concern. "If you need a healing spell, I could---- "STAY AWAY FROM ME!," Trixie screamed, shocking even Celestia. Trixie rose to her hooves and pushed Twilight away before staring her right in the eyes. " I promise you Twilight Sparkle, that I will be the better spellcaster, and all of Equestria will know the name of the Great and Powerful Trixie!" Trixie then turned and marched out of the throne room, contempt radiating from every step. Unbeknownst to Trixie, Twilight Sparkle was practically crying her heart out for the mare she had thought was her friend. Trixie awoke from her dream with a gasp. She brought her hooves to her eyes and had a long cry. When she was done, Trixie simply stared at the cold cave floor with pure anger in her eyes. In that moment, she made her decision. "I will never be second place again," she promised herself, her words echoing off the cave walls. > Twilight's Fears > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight's plan was failing. The morning after the night in the barn, she, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash had rallied the rest of the Mane 6 to Twilight's idea of finding Trixie and helping her see the error of her ways. Unfortunately, despite their best efforts, none of them had yet been able to find any sign of Trixie. "We need to find her," Twilight told her friends, now gathered in Twilight's library. "We looked everywhere for her darling," said Rarity. "And I cannot say I'm saddened by our failure." Like Rainbow Dash, Rarity had been firmly against the idea, while Pinkie pie had been downright enthusiastic. " Me and Fluttershy flew all over the place, and we didn't see her anywhere," spoke Rainbow Dash. "She'll turn up eventually, so what's the big deal?" Twilight sighed. "Pony's don't think straight when their angry, especially Trixie," replied Twilight. "We have to find her before she does something she will regret." Twilight knew all too well Trixie's temper, and could only imagine what the blue unicorn might do to avenge her defeat in Ponyville. Spike, who was standing beside Rarity, spoke up. "I still don't get how you can be so forgiving of her," Spike said. "If I were in your position, I'd be glad for teaching that bully a lesson." " Vengeance is a poison Spike," Twilight said firmly. " If we let it dictate our actions, it would destroy us from within." "I...I for one agree with Twilight," Fluttershy put in nervously. "We will never know if Trixie can become a better pony unless we try to help her." Applejack stepped forward. " We all respect what you're trying to do here Twi," Applejack said, "But there's not much else we can do to find her." " Well, I for one will think better on a full stomach," said Spike. " I'll fix us some snacks in the kitchen." "I for one am starved," said Rarity. She and most of the others followed Spike into the kitchen. Only Twilight remained in the livingroom. "I'll be there in a bit," she called out. This is all my fault, thought Twilight. If Trixie had become Celestia's apprentice instead of me, this never would have happened. Twilight knew that the root of Trixie's bitterness lay in her rejection by Celestia. Trixie should have won that duel. Indeed, as Twilight knew, Trixie's defeat had not come at the hooves of exclusively Twilight. Twilight had in fact not seen Trixie's illegal move coming that day, nor expected it. I had no idea she had grown so resentful....or desperate. After the match, Twilight had questioned Celestia, knowing that she was the only pony who could have interfered. Celestia had admitted her involvement. She had cast a protective shield, invisible to the naked eye, around Twilight before Trixie's spell could fire. When Twilight asked Celestia why she had done this, Celestia's reply was simple. " Trixie's victory would have meant nothing if it came through spite, and underhanded deception." Guilt had continued to eat at Twilight for a long time afterwards, stopping only after her arrival in Ponyville. She had been reminded of the past after Trixie's reappearance. "I won't give up," Twilight vowed. " I owe it to Trixie to make this right." BOOOOM! Twilight was knocked back by sheer magical energy, and it took her several seconds to regain her bearings. When she looked up, she saw her friends staring in shock at what had happened. A perfect picture had been carved in the floor by lightning. A picture of the Crystal Caverns. "What does this mean?," asked Applejack. The cowmare kept her distance from the picture, which was radiating with magical energy. " I think it's a sign," said Twilight. The other ponies, and Spike looked at her in confusion. " We need to go to the Crystal Caverns." > Black and White > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trixie was not in a good situation. Why couldn't Nightmare Moon have given me a map, she thought. Trixie had awoken the morning after the rainstorm with a fresh determination, but her attitude had soured after she entered Everfree Forest. She had journeyed into the forest without the slightest idea of where to locate the ancient ruins that Nightmare Moon had mentioned. Now, she found herself trapped in a tangle of vines. She had tried calling for help, but she had remained trapped for over an hour without anypony coming to rescue her. Still, Trixie figured it wouldn't hurt to try again. " Somepony Help!," she yelled. Trixie waited for several minutes, but there was no sign that any help was on it's way. Trixie just sighed in disappointment. Is this how the Great and Powerful Trixie is going to die, done in by a bunch of vines? "So you are the source of the sound," said the voice of mare. " By me you are lucky to have been found." Trixie raised her head to see a very strange creature before her . The mare she saw had black and white stripes, and didn't look like anypony Trixie had seen before. A Zebra, Trixie realized. "Well don't just stand there," Trixie said. "Help me out." Zecora looked at the blue unicorn curiously. She had been on her way to the Tree of Harmony to investigate a disturbance in the Everfree's magical energies, but she had veered off course when she had heard this pony's call for help. Zecora proceeded to help untangle Trixie from the vines. Trixie stretched her muscles, which had grown stiff after her run-in with the vines. "Well thanks for your help," Trixie said, and turned to leave. "My name is Zecora blue mare," Zecora stated. " Maybe I should know your's so that I know at whom I stare." Zecora wasn't quite ready to bid this blue unicorn farewell just yet. She wanted to know who this mare was.....and her reasons for being in Everfree. Trixie turned back to stare at Zecora. She does't know who I am?, thought Trixie, insulted. "I am the Great and Powerful Trixie, the greatest magician in all of Equestria," said Trixie, holding her head up proudly. Zecora just gave her a blank stare. Trixie could tell that this zebra was unfamiliar with her name, and prepared to storm off. The Great and Powerful Trixie....why does that ring a bell?, wondered Zecora. Then, she remembered. Not long ago, she had heard of a unicorn magician accidently releasing the wrath of an Ursa on Ponyville. So that's who you are. "Forgive me if mind wandered like termites from a stick, " Zecora requested. " You are the magician famed for deception and many a parlor trick." Almost instantly, Trixie's already angry face changed to an indignant scowl. "Parlor Tricks!?!," Trixie raged. "The Great and Powerful Trixie does not perform parlor tricks thank you very much!" Who does this zebra think she is?, thought Trixie angrily. Zecora could practically feel the rage coming from Trixie in waves. Maybe she has something to with the magical disturbance, Zecora thought. There was just something......off about this Trixie, and Zecora didn't like it one bit. "Forgive me if my wording was dense," said Zecora. " I meant no offense." Trixie relaxed slightly at Zecora's words, but the unicorn wasn't quite done with her ego-fueled verbal crusade against the zebra. " I will have you know that the Great and Powerful Trixie was nearly able to control an Ursa not too long ago!," Trixie stated haughtily. " I have heard of this feat," replied Zecora. " I also know that the citizen's of Ponyville almost became an Ursa treat." To Zecora's knowledge of the incident, the Ursa would have gone on a chaotic rampage if Twilight Sparkle and her friends hadn't stopped it. " That was simply a fluke," asserted Trixie. " Besides, it was all just a bit of fun, not as.......criminalizing as the papers might lead one to believe." She's awfully brazen for a hobo. Zecora shook her head sadly. "Fun?", " You call that fun?," Zecora asked. "I call it a waste of a potential as bright as the sun." Indeed, from what Zecora had heard, Trixie was indeed quite the magic user, but tended to let her....unique personality interfere. " What do you know?," demanded Trixie. " You don't even have magic." Trixie was sure that her insult would get the strange zebra to shut up, but Zecora did the last thing Trixie suspected: she laughed. Seeing Trixie's shocked stare, Zecora decided to enlighten her. "Magic is not just in horns or things you can see," Zecora stated. "Magic flows through all things, from the smallest rock to the greatest tree." Why are the talented ones always the most ignorant?, Zecora wondered. Trixie huffed and held her nose up at Zecora, seemingly refusing to acknowledge the zebra's existence. I suppose I should ask why she's even here, thought Zecora. " Why have you travelled alone into the Everfree?,"asked Zecora. " To do so is not something that I commonly see". Trixie's eyes visibly widened at the question. Up to no good then. Trixie was panicking on the inside. Does she know? Trixie hadn't thought of a reason for her foray into the Everfree, so she decided to use her fallback plan. " It's none of your business," Trixie stated in a tone that left no doubt. Zecora looked at Trixie with eyes that displayed only one emotion......pity? "Your ruse of a bitter shell is both sad and silly," spoke Zecora in a motherly tone. "Inside you I can sense only a sorrowful little filly." Zecora was now sure that Trixie was somehow linked to the magical disturbance. I can only hope she's not the- Zecora's thoughts were interrupted by Trixie's sudden outrage. "How dare You!," Trixie shouted, now shaking her hoof threatingly. "The Great and Powerful Trixie does not need advice from a HERMIT!" "Now leave you.....you....STRIPED ABSURDITY!". Zecora sighed, and nodded her head. "Farewell blue mare with a temper like fire," Zecora said, turning to leave. " Know that your well-being is what I desire." Absorbed deeply in thought, Zecora did not notice her map of Everfree fall from her saddlebag. The Tree can wait, thought Zecora. I fear the verse nears fulfillment, and of Trixie's intentions I do not like taste. I must warn the princesses with all haste. Watching Zecora leave, Trixie couldn't help but wonder, Am I really just a scared filly inside? However, her gaze soon rested on the map that Zecora had dropped. She located the ruins on the map and smiled. "Now we're talking," she muttered to herself. > Crystal Clear > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Twilight, are you sure we're not lost?," asked Rainbow Dash. Following up on Twilight's hunch about the events back in the library, the Mane 6 had traveled to the Crystal Caverns to investigate. Although the others had been somewhat skeptical at first, there was no denying that there was an unnatural flow of magic that only increased in intensity as they neared the caverns. "Yes Rainbow Dash, I am certain we are not lost," replied Twilight. "When Cadence and I were trapped in these caves, we had to explore quite a bit in order to find an exit." Twilight and her friends had been searching for something, anything that could explain the strange events that had occurred not long ago. How is Trixie connected with this? "If we're not lost, then how come we haven't found anything yet?," questioned Rarity. "Don't be such a grumpyhead," said Pinkie enthusiastically. "Even if we haven't found anything in the caverns, everything is so shiny." Pinkie proceeded to bounce over to an outcropping green crystal, staring at it as it glimmered. "We just have to keep searching," asserted Twilight. There has to be something here, thought Twilight. "Magic lightning did not carve a picture on my floor by coincidence." The others moaned, but kept following. However, Pinkie just kept observing the outcropping crystal. Then, something caught Pinkie's eye. She pressed her hooves to the crystal, and it budged slightly. "Hey this thing is loose!," Pinkie exclaimed, and she proceeded to begin pulling on the crystal. A sharp crack rang out as the crystal shifted from Pinkies pulling, causing Twilight and the others to walk over to the crystal. " That sure is mighty strange," said Applejack, studying the crystal, which now shone with a faint glow. (RUMBLE!!!) (RUMBLE!!!) The cavern floor began to shake beneath the hooves of the ponies, causing Fluttershy to lose her footing, and Spike to fall off of his spot on Rarity's back. "Pinkie Pie, what did you d-aghhhhhhhh!," Twilight's demand was cut short as the floor opened beneath them, and she and her friends found themselves sliding down a long crystalline tube into the darkness below. "WOOOOHOOOO!," shouted Pinkie. They landed together in a pile after a descent lasting several minutes. Pinkie kept her excited smile, while Fluttershy seemed to have been traumatized by the whole incident. Twilight moaned, and rubbed her head as she began to regain her senses. Well, that was unexpected. She rose to her hooves to see Rainbow Dash and Applejack staring at something, frozen in......fear? She followed their gazes, and her draw dropped in shock at what she saw. Standing before them were two huge crystalline figures, one blue, and one a dark pink, both wielding massive spears. The figures appeared to be guarding a large door at the far end of the massive cavern where they had landed. the other ponies began to stir, and soon, their gazes were also locked on the scene before them. "Are...are they dangerous?," asked Fluttershy, peaking over Rainbow's back from where she had taken cover upon seeing the strange beings. "I don't think they are," stated Twilight as she studied the crystal creatures. The massive beings had made no aggressive displays towards the ponies, and appeared to be simply observing them with their strange, featureless crystal faces. Those spears are no toys though. " The only exit I can see is that door, so maybe if we just ignore them and go through, they won't bother us. " "It does seem to be our only option," added Rarity. After the group convinced Fluttershy that her life was in no immediate danger, they began to walk across the cavern. However, as they neared the door, the crystal giants crossed their spears. "HALT!," the beings shouted in unison. The Mane 6 did just that, freezing in their steps. Twilight took notice of the fact that one of the beings, the pink one, spoke in a female voice. " To pass this door and know what is inside to see---," began the blue one. " A princess, element of harmony, or the keeper you must be!," finished the pink one. Well, we are certainly elements of harmony, thought Twilight. However, before Twilight could, inform the crystal giants of their status, Pinkie Pie shot forward. "What ARE you?", Pinkie asked curiously. " Do you eat ponies?" "Why are so sh-mmmph!" Pinkie's chain of questions was cut off as Applejack placed a hoof over Pinkie's mouth. The giant's merely stared, and remained quiet, with their spears crossed. Twilight stepped forward to break the silence. "Do you have names?", Twilight inquired politely, noticing that she was engulfed by the shadows of the crystal giants. "The first keeper neglected to give either of us a name--", began the pink one. "We do not require them for our duties, so him we do not blame," finished the blue one. "So your duty is to guard what's behind that door?", questioned Twilight. Interesting "Yes", the giants stated in unison. By this point, most of Twilight's companions, with the exception of Fluttershy, had replaced their fear with curiosity, and had stepped forward to observe the guardians. "who is this....Keeper you spoke of?", questioned Rarity. "The Keeper is....the Keeper", stated the blue giant, clearly confused at the question. " There is no other way to describe her", finished the pink one. Very helpful... thought Twilight sarcastically. "Well, we ARE elements of harmony, and their's only one door", stated Rainbow Dash impatiently ."So can we pass through?" Suddenly, the eyes of the giants began to glow, and a ring of energy surrounded the Mane Six. It flashed blue once, and disappeared. "Go forward Elements of Harmony!", the giants boomed in unison as they stepped aside, "But prepare youself for what you shall see!" Finally!, thought Twilight, as she and her friends trotted forwards. THUNK!!! "AHHHHHH!!!" Twilight turned to see the spears of the two giants embedd themselves into the cold floor before Rarity, causing the white pony to collapse backwards in fear, and Spike to fall yelling from her back. > Update and delay Explanation:no story > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Orange11 here. Iv been thinking about it, and iv decided to explain my long absence. At first, the idea for this story really got me on fire, and I approached it with great enthusiasm, but RL bogged me down, and eventually I just lost passion for the story. However, ive decided to take up the keyboard once more, and I am determined to finish the story. Much thinks going out to the 160 odd folks who have tuned in so far, and id like to give a shoutout to ObsidianRaindrop, who is not only my one follower, but an encouragement to continue in the early days of the story. Finally, a new update will PROBABLY be up once or twice a week, however with my School/college and sports, some delays may occur. If any of the readers enjoy this story, by all means PLEASE give ur thoughts and constructive advice, and if u like it enough, tell ur friends and follow. Orange11