• Member Since 11th Jan, 2015
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All these moments will be lost, like tears in the rain.


  • MBlood of The Foal
    The agency uncover a plot to infiltrate the royal wedding. Equus enlist the aid of Fairlight to help find who the mastermind is behind the plot and help restore order to Equestria.
    Bluespectre · 89k words  ·  23  4 · 444 views
Comments ( 32 )

I've spent the past few weeks reading the Fairlight saga either at work or at home, and I have throughly enjoyed it. Your take on equestria's history is refreshing, and even with the dark parts, make for a heart warming story.

It was actually seeing 'When the snow melts' in the side bar that brought me to your stories, and I'm glad it did.
I wholeheartedly await both its continuation, and the fourth installment.

6175365 I'm really happy you're enjoying the series, and thank you so much for your comment.

I hope you like the fourth installment. It is finished, but needs proof reading and editing before it can get published. I'm working on 'When the snow melts' first, but that will be reaching its conclusion soon, and has proved to be quite popular.

Personally, the Fairlight series is my favourite though and book four the one i really enjoyed the most, not only writing but reading too. Book Five is only an idea at present!

Thanks again,

Blue Spectre

I think this is the first time I see a fic with humans as villains and with no hero human to help. Nicely done by the way!
Also, another heart for not allowing S.B. getting raped (at least not in a graphic scene):heart:

Yeap, now Tingles is officially part of Fairlight herd. Also.... he's oh soooooo screwd when Shadow show up:rainbowkiss:

I was wondering when we would have a glimpse of the mane six on this story. And really, Pinkie was the best :rainbowlaugh:
I wonder if we will see more of them as well? In any case... NEXT CHAPTER!

...... ok, now he is being a whiner... And, ok, maybe, just maybe, I'm being unfair here, but Tingles attitude was more that unfair towards him. She knew he was having mental lapses and STILL chose to follow him. She KNOWS him enough to understand that what happen was NOT his fault at all! :ajbemused:

Aw yis! Show that bitch who's boss!!:rainbowdetermined2:

..... what? What the.... what!? :applejackconfused:
What the hell!? I don't remember who this "sweetie" was and.... she raped him while he was dying!? Just... W-H-A-T-!?:flutterrage:

wait wait wait wait! :rainbowderp:
What do you mean Aethel is NOT in the Herd!?!?!?!?!?!
Nuuu! She and Moroc and all the others! :fluttercry::applecry::raritydespair:

WHY!? :flutterrage:
Rule one when finding a creepy monastery: BLOW THE PLACE UP FIRST, ASK QUESTIONS SECOND!
Bloddy hell... Fairlight, you are such an imbecile some times....:facehoof:

O foresee Celestia a liiiiittle bit annoyed at what they are about to do :rainbowlaugh:

Perfect work once again... and the format of the text is a LOT better than the first story. I can't wait to start digging on book four!!:rainbowkiss:

This is BAD. Once Twilight fixates on something, no matter her intentions, Celestia finds out. I wonder if she'll outright murder Fairlight or what. Never once, not ONCE has she ever stated that slaughtering the Windigo foals was wrong. In her own eyes she did nothing wrong. Killing children is pretty much always wrong. (Child soldiers exempt)

She never changes, does she. She never admits when she's wrong. Yes, the adult Wendigos needed to be put down, but the children could have been raised peacefully. She should have taken the foals and the knowledge and books of the culture and altered the methods to be positive and useful for all of society.

Help me out here, Bluespectre. Why is she so unwilling to try alternatives? She defied everything for her own love, and yet she condemns somebody who has suffered more than any other, for her.

Wow. Way to kick a guy when he's down.

Ooh, now he's singing my kind of tune! Took him long enough.

You made Celestia the perfect criminal. She has ALL the power and NOBODY can EVER take her to task for her crimes.

I see the foal being taken from her, on Celestia's orders, and killed. It sure a fuck would fit with her usual M.O. Why is it almost every one of the Agency Ponies are evil? Sweetie raped him as he was dying. Please don't tell me that wasn't Sweetie Drops.

Uh, how much time has elapsed since she gave birth? Females need months of time to recuperate after giving birth. And do you REALLY expect us to believe that she was willing to let him touch her after what happened at the Fortress Of The Four Winds?

It might be more inspiring if I was not concerned about a homicidal Alicorn catching wind of little Lumin and tearing him limb from limb while her Guards hold down the parents, before getting their turn.

To anypony watching, I probably looked like one of those batponies, the ones Luna employed as her personal guards.

Wut... where the fuck did THAT come from? I thought those were Thestrals! They have not been mentioned before, EVER! What!? I don't... how... whuh?!?!?!?!?!?

My brain just short circuted. I'm not reading any more until I understand what THAT is about.

It's been ages since I wrote this story, but here goes :

Luna uses what Equestrians refer to as 'batponies' as guards, so Fairlight thought that if anypony saw him they'd hopefully mistake him for one of them. They're not thestrals! Don't forget that since this is set in the present day, the only true thestral in Equestria is Shadow and she is pretty much sequestered in the village. One of the underlying themes regarding their origin, which I haven't expanded upon yet, will be coming up in future books, but if you want to know I can give some of the game away :

The child who escaped the fires is the product of the union between a thestral and a pony. This child is the first, in my telling of the story at least, of the race we know as batponies. In other words, a thestral-pony hybrid - hence why batponies share similarities of both races. In the larger universe, there were four races created by the gods: earth ponies, pegasi, unicorns, and thestrals - also known to antiquity as the 'fourth tribe', or the 'lost tribe'. Due to their warlike nature they were locked away in the Withers, and few if any remember they exist at all.

Hopefully that clears that up!



7948325 It's a wonder Celestia didn't murder them when she found out about them.

Anyway, did you get a chance to read 'you know what' yet? If so, I'd love some feedback.

7949062 I'm getting through it, but i'm having to split my time between work, editing All the Queen's Horses and dealing with an eleven year old who won't get up in the morning! I'm afraid i'm not the fastest reader in the world, but when i've finished i'll leave feedback for you. :twilightblush:

As for batponies, that will be another story!

I see some more murderous fuckers who are in dire need of killing.

Uh dude, in the first few paragraphs you call Shadow 'Tingles' a couple of times.

7954433 I know, I seriously need to edit these stories. In fact, once I've uploaded the last of the ATQH, that'll be my next project. After that it's Fairlight book 5 to conclude it and then one more as the finale to the two series.

7954897 And hopefully the end of Celestia's bigotry.

You have outdone yourself with this volume Blue! So many moments of suspense and action. The imagery is nothing short of astounding and I find myself entranced with every chapter. Superb writing and storytelling. Thank you for writing such wonderful and entertaining tales. :twilightsmile:


Thanks for the feedback! I'm really pleased you enjoyed it. :twilightsmile:

Just for info: The When the snow melts series is a second arc to the Fairlight one, expanding on some of the characters from the original. The last story in the current Fairlight arc is complete, but pending editing and proof reading. When I've finished with the re-writes I'll get it posted. Until then, take care and thanks again.


Agent sweety drops (bonbon) interrogated him way back before he became a weindago.

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