• Member Since 2nd May, 2015
  • offline last seen Oct 2nd, 2022


I'm a brony author. Much like everypony else... ignore me... Nothing suspicious here...


A former military pilot, who is now a stunt pilot dreams to be in the Blue Angels. Heading home from a rather average air show. Follow Miles as he is regressed into a foal. He attempts to battle mental regression as everypony else wants to adopt him!

Will he accept his new life, fight it... or reject this reality, and substitute his own?

WARNING: Strong language ahead. Words of naughtiness, yes.

Chapters (9)
Comments ( 94 )

Great story so far can't wait to read more.

Hello. You were porbably hoping to get a bunch of fans with this story, instead you get stuck me with me: an overly analytical reviewer. I honestly hope you can endure my ridiculously long comments. AAAAND we begin!

I'm flying home to Maine.

Maine! Maine, take a sho- ... oh wait. This isn't steven king.

Uhhh... it's not too late to take back that last statement... right...?

You see? This is why you don't get cocky. It invites desaster.

Miles watches his surroundings.

Wo Wo Wo Wo, Wo! You just changed speaking voice mid-chapter, that is a no- no my friend writer.

I blink.

What? What is this?! You just changed back! Pick a voice and stick to it! You can differ chapter to chapter, so long as you add a heads up in the author's notes, but not in the middle of a chapter.

Woooo. Suspenseful. That's actually pretty good. I'm honestly not sure how this turns out. Good job on this scene!

OK, what the heck just happened? I have so many questions! Who put the laptop there? How did he get back in his seat? Who answered the call? And my favorite, HIS BOSS IS TAKING THIS TOO WELL!!! Oh, that last one wasn't a question, but it's a concern. If you want "bad reactions" then you should read "What the frick?!?" It gets good but... I'm getting off topic.

Ooooh. Luna. Wait, I'm sorry, "Oh my god, Luna! Luna, Luna LUNA!" Ok, one question (to you), are you trying to draw in the Luna fans? I'm not being condescending, but I'm asking. I'm asking because it feels wrong, I'm a luna fan myself, but Celestia (or Twilight) seems better fitted for this situation.

And now I'm getting a little angry. WHAT THE BUCK IS GOING ON!?! All this inception worked in bloom and gloom, but not here! NO! I swear one more dream and I am gonna-

It's a dream! Don't question it!

No. NO! I am I'm done! DONE! I am not reading that! It's not that it's bad, It just makes no sense. ... Ok, fine. I'm back. Now, please. I REALLY, need an explanation. If you don't explain something soon, I'm litterally going to stop reading. .... who am I kidding? It's two chapters, how bad can it be?

... And there I am getting cocky. I really hope I don't regret saying that.

.... now I get the whole story. You didn't explain it, but I "figured it out on my own" (aka headcanon... for the moment at least). Whatever his name is flew into a timey whimey thing, and now is in Equestria. Also it altered his physical form.

So! The ending to this chapter was actually pretty good. I was hoping he would stay on earth and... have humans deal with him in the way humans do... hopefully not stab him for science. But, oh well.

@ Cool Writer. Well, hello there. I'll try to settle some of your... shall I say... grievances. By the way, it's spelled 'disaster'. That was a shot at you. Indeed. Also, I write for free. This story goes to the masses... for free. As in, I'm not being compensated for my work. There's no incentive for me to write. In fact, I came into this, expecting people like you to comment. The fact I got any pony enjoying my work at all is wonderful for me. That's my incentive. People enjoying the work I do. I didn't actually expect to get fans though.

Maine... have you considered that I actually LIVE in Maine? I honestly don't like Stephen King. I lost my respect for him when I heard he uses ghost writers. What if I had said that he was flying to England? Would you have said I'm trying to be J.K Rowling? How about New York City? Would you have said I'm trying to imitate R.L. Stine, or some other writer who happens to reside in New York City? Oh, please. Coincidences happen. There's no connection to Stephen King. I do, however, find it funny you misspelled his name.

I didn't change 'voices'. The story was originally in 3rd person perspective. I later changed it to first person perspective, thinking it'd be easier to follow, especially when he had personal thoughts. I missed a spot to change to first person. I don't personally see this as that much of a big deal.

You see two words as a "good scene"? I'm beginning to question your credibility as a reviewer. I understand you're being sarcastic, but there's a difference between being critical, and being rude. 'I blink" is a sign of confusion. Not understanding the situation.

Upon being unconscious... I didn't think it'd be hard for readers to understand the next scene is a dream. The boss taking it too well is part of that dream. So he doesn't have to have a normal reaction. In fact, the boss reacted that way, as a part of Miles' psyche trying to tell him something.

Luna being in the dream is better than Twilight... because... Luna can dreamwalk... and Twilight... sort of... can't...? Was it really that hard to differentiate between his reality, and a dream? He just smashed his head into the ceiling. I'm fairly certain I made it clear, with tell tale signs that he was falling unconscious. Even if you couldn't tell, by the time it says it's a dream... why do you continue to question it? You know it's a dream at that point... on top of that, ponies have dreams. It's been established. There was nothing inception about it. He hit his head, fell unconscious, had a dream, and woke up. Seems fairly simple to me. The idea that you can't follow something simple, while others can says something about you, not my story. I'm sorry if that was a little personal, but in fairness, you were personal from paragraph 2 on your review. So... enjoy that.

What is... Bloom and Gloom?

"No. NO! I am I'm done! DONE! I am not reading that! It's not that it's bad, It just makes no sense. ... Ok, fine. I'm back. Now, please. I REALLY, need an explanation. If you don't explain something soon, I'm litterally going to stop reading. .... who am I kidding? It's two chapters, how bad can it be?
... And there I am getting cocky. I really hope I don't regret saying that."

And again, being rude for reasons beyond me. I don't care if you don't read. Feel free not to read. I'd rather have people who aren't... 'words I shouldn't use' read my story, and critique.

Overall, my review of your review. Well, you spelled an easy word incorrectly, and misspelled a famous author's name. So you critiquing me is funny. You seem to take the smallest thing, and blow it into something it's not. I mean, seriously, critiquing negatively because I used the state of Maine? You're right about the perspective switches. I genuinely missed that during my proof reading. In the end, you're a very poor reviewer. Take out some of the sarcasm, drop the attitude, and maybe you'll be more help, than just trying to hurt some pony's feelings.

Cool Writer... not exactly the name I'd have selected for you. The meaningless, and pointless attacks on me isn't what I'd consider "cool".

... That opening was a joke. Mostly to tell you that I'm "reviewing" your chapter, but mostly for laughs. But yeah, I mostly write for the same reasons you do.

No, I wouldn't have said you're trying to be JK rowling. I would have thought "ENGLAND! DOCTOR WHOOOOO!" but never actually typed anything. Also, getting a little defensive are we? I know I failed at my job when you get defensive. ... I misspelled his name... Ah well. Never read him either.

Yeah, it's not really that big a deal, I tend to find one issue, and harp on it endlessly (cough cough, "What the Frick?!?" review, cough cough)

... and I get your confusion. I stopped talking about the "I blink" when I hit enter twice. Heh, I can see how you misread me there. I was talking about the beginning of the transformation. It was honestly suspenseful. I was like, does he die and end up in Equestria, via plot devil deal? Or does his plane fly through some kind of wormhole?

I didn't know it was a dream. I wrote that comment as I read. So I didn't yet know he was in a dream. That was my fault.

... and still didn't know it was a dream. I wasn't expecting inception yet. And no, it wasn't that hard, my brain wasn't ready for inception. You think this is just a dream? (starts laughing) No. This is a dream, within a dream, within a dream, within a dream.

Bloom and Gloom, like, the episode? Season 5?

yeah, that was me being rude. I'm sorry.

And me review inspection has clearly been taken the wrong way. Yes I was a little rude, I was going for humorous, and I clearly failed.

6075181 "... That opening was a joke. Mostly to tell you that I'm "reviewing" your chapter, but mostly for laughs. But yeah, I mostly write for the same reasons you do." - Cool Writer

Yeah. The opening was fine. I just felt I should say that I made the story with hopes that people would enjoy it, but came into this unsure if people would enjoy it.

"No, I wouldn't have said you're trying to be JK rowling. I would have thought "ENGLAND! DOCTOR WHOOOOO!" but never actually typed anything. Also, getting a little defensive are we? I know I failed at my job when you get defensive. ... I misspelled his name... Ah well. Never read him either."

Defensive? That's a good word for it. Like I said before, I came into this expecting people to be... how do I say... harsh. So, I figured you were playing that role, skipped skeptical, and went straight to defense. Misinterpreting your role. I merely mentioned that you misspelled his name as sort of a way to spite you, without directly insulting you.

"Yeah, it's not really that big a deal, I tend to find one issue, and harp on it endlessly (cough cough, "What the Frick?!?" review, cough cough)"

One thing you might notice, is that you won't find those tense issues in chapter 2. When I made chapter 1, I stopped about halfway through, and changed the perspective. Because chapter 2 didn't exist when the story was in 3rd person, those issues never appear in chapter 2.

"... and I get your confusion. I stopped talking about the "I blink" when I hit enter twice. Heh, I can see how you misread me there. I was talking about the beginning of the transformation. It was honestly suspenseful. I was like, does he die and end up in Equestria, via plot devil deal? Or does his plane fly through some kind of wormhole?"

Yeah... I did misread that. I had thought you were being sarcastic, saying my 'I blink' scene... as if that could be a scene on it's own, as suspenseful. The transformation scene was fairly thought out. I honestly put more effort into making the radio chatter as realistic as I could. Even had my older brother, who was in the military, give advice on how pilots use etiquette.

"... and still didn't know it was a dream. I wasn't expecting inception yet. And no, it wasn't that hard, my brain wasn't ready for inception. You think this is just a dream? (starts laughing) No. This is a dream, within a dream, within a dream, within a dream."

I suppose I can understand the transition from going black... to suddenly inside a single engine plane can be confusing... By the time Luna showed up in his dream... he had physically become a pony. He was having a nightmare, and he was in Equestria in reality. So Luna intervened in his nightmare. At some point, I did put in 'it's a dream, don't question it!' Even Luna says something about 'no more bad dreams'.

An episode? Ahh. Well, I'm on season 4 still. I'm supposed to watch with my significant other... but uh... we haven't gotten around to it. ^_^'

As I've mentioned privately, I didn't actually expect you to NOT be a 'word I shouldn't use'. Last thing I expected was an apology. I accept your apology, and substitute my own. I'm sorry, too. For anything I said that may have hurt your feelings.

interesting story, want more!

6134251 Heh! I'm glad you like it. Next chapter will be started soon.

6134234 Not sure if positive comment... or negative comment.

Either way, I hope you liked it. : 3

It's a good comment and the stoner gods are pleased with your work

Wo wo wo! This is getting a little intense here! Can we have some levity?

... Please?

6172481 Ha ha! I'll see what I can do, yah? I know, a touch delayed in the response category... BUT work on chapter 04 has begun. Been giving a little TOO much attention to my youtube channel lately. Whoops! Time to show my story some love.

Hmm. I wonder who this character is (VERY LOOSELY) based off of?~

Are you going to continue Or is this story dead?

6855479 The story will be continued. I've lost internet, and have been internetless since September. I manage to get snippets of net here and there with what I can on my laptop. I have full intention to return to regular writing, and updating once my household has internet again. I thank you for your interest in my story though. : 3

6899243 No Internet! How do you survive that:fluttershyouch: anyway, im glad your going to continue this:yay:

6900234 Yes... no internet is.. miserable. I fret over my story among other things. Here's to hoping I'll be back, and soon!

Good to see you didn't shoot this story in the back of the head. Glad your back.

7104366 Shoot the story in the back of the head? Kind of dark... then again, this story has the dark tag. So... ACCEPTED!

Heh. Joking aside. Yes. I'm glad to finally be back. Now that I have a way to update once again. : 3

Sad you didn't write chapters while trying to get internet for a year... Or did you? Looking forward to more....and ill try to be patient >·>

7104717 Hah! Trying to be patient is all I can ask of you. : 3

7109944 more or i will send discord

waiting...........for next chapter..........where.....is....IT!!!!!!.....:twilightangry2: story so good cant wait!

Hey, don't sweat it. I have the same predicament when it comes to my story, and the fact that I also procrastinate a lot...

If you need any help or ideas I would be happy to oblige. It's the least I can do since you gave me some ideas for BoM.

Great chapter though. Things are getting really interesting.

Hey, better you don't go so fast, take the time you need, Quality is better than Quantity anyways ;3
Honestly,i'm loving this history, can't wait what is coming, but again, take the time you need :twilightsmile:

7597345 Hey thank you! I'm very happy you're enjoying my work. You're right though. Quality. Quality always comes first. Thank you for the reminder. : 3 The next chapter, chapter 6, is in the works. I won't skip out on the quality though. : 3

7647601 No. I actually never heard of V-pony's work before today. That is not meant to be a jab at V-Pony in any way, shape, or form.

That being said, I certainly hope my story isn't too similar to V-PONY'S. V-PONY'S story is leagues larger than mine, and is intimidating. XD Though, if it is similar, it may be warrant to cancel Flight of Destiny. The last thing I want is to appear that I am ripping off an author's work. I'll check out his story in the meantime.

Such a nice, cute chapter!

I can imagine how cute it looks to see Pink attemping to go upstairs XD

Even though the story has a big delay, I don't mind, you're still doing a very good work ^w^

I wonder if Pink should have difficulty playing video game without fingers, but I believe it has something to do with that "I don't know how I know that" thing.

*Sits and happily waits for the next chapter*

7810572 I'm REALLY glad everypony in the comments are enjoying themselves.

I'm glad you noticed that little tidbit. Pink playing the game relatively easily... yet is not able to climb the stairs. This and more will be answered in future chapters. : 3

7810217 It makes me feel good as an author to see such praise. Thank you. : 3

7810289 I'm glad you liked it. Like my description states, I have no intention of abandoning this project. : 3

7811268 any timeframe on the next chapter? :scootangel:

7811285 It's difficult to say for the most part. Seeing as I have to get rides to locations that have internet on the ride's convenience. I will of course do what I can. : 3 I am gonna make a good start on chapter 07. I know how I want it to start... I know just about exactly how I want chapter 07 to go. Basically chapter 07 is done... except it's all in my head. XD

7811356 I can wait:applecry: especially if its half as good as any of your other chapters :heart::yay:.....read the comments...you have a YouTube channel?!?:trixieshiftleft:

keep up the good work I was about to give up on this story...but I am glade I kept it in my library or else I would have missed this. XD well best of luck on the next chapter I will be waiting for it. P.S thank you for not letting it die I hate it when that happens to such a good story. and it is the reason why I find it hard to write my own. P.P.S random mustache spike :moustache:

7812318 Youtube channel? Yes sir. I certainly do. I do mostly Pink Plays. (My version of Let's plays) Sadly, I haven't been able to keep up on it very much. The same reason as my story you know? I've been doing Need for Speed Rivals, Dying Light, Fallout 4, My Little Investigations, and Mugen. : 3

7812436 It tickles me so to see when ponies enjoy my work. I'm also glad you didn't give up on it. I particularly am tickled when I see a die hard fan. From chapter 1 allllll the way to the current one... seeing particular ponies commenting on every one of them. It really does put a smile on my face. : 3

Nice job. I really liked the whole gaming rival thing with Pink and Button. Keep it up, I can't wait to see what you have planned next.

7812985 Yeah. I wanted Pink to reflect myself in this aspect. I'm particularly good at fighting games. I also didn't want Pink to seem like a Gary Sue by beating Button. So I made Button win. : 3

Amazing story I can't wait for more chapters. :pinkiehappy:

7819739 I'm glad you like it! I'm aiming for chapter 07 to come out around January 3rd this time. It is of course it's already in development. : 3

:pinkiegasp: We don't have to wait months for a chapter? Your spoiling us. :rainbowlaugh:

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