• Published 12th Jun 2015
  • 710 Views, 8 Comments

Pinkie Pie's Backpack - TheLunarCelestia

[ TAKES PLACE IN EQG UNIVERSE]During class, Rainbow Dash asks to borrow a pencil ,and winds up finding out something new about Pinkie Pie's backpack.

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Pinkie Pie's Backpack

Author's Note:

And another story is finished! Thanks for reading, and if you find any grammar/spelling errors, please feel free to tell me in the comments!

:twilightsmile: thanks

Also, Before we start, I need to say this:

I still don’t own any part of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic or Equestria Girls.

I don’t want to break any laws or something like that.

Also! One final warning: This takes place in the Equestria Girls Universe.

Humans, not Ponies.

Here we go.


Pinkie Pie’s Backpack


Pinkie Pie was sitting at her desk in math class, trying her very hardest not to doodle on the margins of her notes paper. Must… Resist… Doodle! She thought to herself, just before she heard a voice from next to her on her right, giving her a distraction from her need to draw.

Psst!” It was Rainbow Dash. “Pinks! Can I borrow a pencil?” She whispered quietly, trying to not alert Ms. Cheerilee of her lack of preparedness.

“Sure, Dashie!” Pinkie Pie somehow spoke so that Rainbow could hear her clearly, but absolutely no one else could hear her even the slightest bit. She leaned over to the left side of her desk and started rooting around in her backpack, looking for her pencil bag. She leaned over further, putting nearly her entire arm inside the bag, almost up to her shoulder.

Rainbow Dash was watching this, and was thoroughly perplexed by just how far Pinkie could put her arm inside the bag. How does she do that? She thought, her eyes widening as she watched Pinkie begin to use her other arm as well, reaching down impossible depths into her backpack.

Suddenly, Pinkie’s head shot up, and her arms were pulled from her backpack. In her right hand was a small pink pencil bag that was about the size of a stapler. She unzipped the bag, and began to put her hand inside it. Once again, she was able to reach her hand inside much farther than she should have been. She put her entire hand - up to her wrist - inside,and rooted around for a couple of seconds before pulling her hand back out with a fuzzy pink pencil in tow. She handed it to Dash, whose face still held a thoroughly perplexed look.

Rainbow set the pencil down and started, “How did yo-” but was cut off mid-sentence by Cheerilee.

“Rainbow Dash!” Ms. Cheerilee turned away from the chalkboard to look at Rainbow, who had accidentally and unknowingly spoken at full volume instead of a whisper as she had intended. “If your conversation is so interesting, why don’t you share it with the rest of the class?

Rainbow thought for a moment, before deciding to remain silent.

“Well?” Ms. Cheerilee asked. “Tell us what’s so important that it couldn’t wait until the end of class!”

“I-I’d rather not, Ms. Cheerilee.” Rainbow spoke with a tremor in her voice, which made the class laugh.

“I don’t believe I said it was optional.” More laughter.

“O-oh…” Rainbow thought for a moment about what to say, before accidentally blurting out, “Pinkie Pie has a magic backpack!” and quickly her hands over her mouth.

That statement did two things. The first was to make the class (save Pinkie) burst out laughing even louder than before. The second was to freeze Cheerilee in her spot, a startled, dumbfounded look on her face as she stared at Rainbow for a few moments.

“Well, okay then?” Cheerilee sounded very confused, which slightly revived the dying laughter in the small classroom. She recomposed herself and continued, clearing her throat. “Mm-hmm. Now, everybody, and I mean everybody,” She said, looking at Rainbow, “Stop talking, and focus on your work. Rainbow, If I catch you talking in class one more time, you’re going to be sent to Principal Celestia’s office, no exceptions. Got it?”

“Yes, Ms. Cheerilee. I won’t talk anymore, Ms. Cheerilee.”

“Good. Now, all of you, be quiet and pay attention!” With that, she turned back to the board and continued teaching the lesson.

Rainbow, ignoring Cheerilee’s warning, turned back to Pinkie and finished asking the question she had started earlier, but this time at a whisper. “How did you do that?”

Pinkie knew exactly what Rainbow Dash was talking about, but she didn’t want a lot of people to know about her backpack, so she whispered back, “Do what?”

“The thing with your backpack!”

“What thing?”

“‘What thing’?!? The ‘thing’ where you can reach your entire arms into your backpack! I don’t know about you, but I don’t think that’s very normal!” Somehow, she managed to say all of this in a whisper, without alerting Cheerilee.

“Oh yeah, that!” Pinkie Pie could avoid it no longer. “Well, you pretty much guessed earlier. As silly as it may sound, my backpackactually is magic.” Pinkie seemed just fine with it, so Rainbow didn’t get too worried. “Just don’t tell anyone, okay? I wanna keep it a secret, okay?”

“Yeah. I won’t tell anyone. One the plus side, nobody seems to have believed me when I said it.” Rainbow’s face began to turn pink from a blush. “I just embarrassed myself, is all.”

“It’s okay, Dashie. I’m glad I have such a good friend.” Pinkie Pie shifted her foot to the side a few inches, accidentally bumping it against her backpack. As she did, everyone jumped as a loud explosion sound filled the room, along with a few pieces of confetti coming out of Pinkie’s backpack. She giggled and said, “Oops, my bad! I guess I accidentally set off my party cannon!”

Ms. Cheerilee facepalmed. “Ugh. Just make sure it doesn’t happen,” she removed her hand away from her face, “Okay?”

“Okay, Ms. Cheerilee!” Pinkie grinned, which somewhat eased the nerves of the classroom (excepting Ms. Cheerilee, who was still trying to get Fluttershy to come out from underneath her desk).

Rainbow Dash leaned over to Pinkie Pie and asked, “You have your party cannon in there?”

“Yeah, why not? I can fit pretty much anything in it.”

“Good point.”


“So, why does your backpack do that? Has it always been like that?”

“No, not always. I don’t really know why or how, but it started the day after we all defeated Sunset Shimmer when she turned all evil and stuff. Oh, sorry, no offense.”

Sunset looked over. “None taken.”

“But anyways,” Pinkie turned back to Rainbow. “That’s how long it’s done that.”

“Really? That long?” Rainbow replied.

“Yeah! I don’t mind though. I think it’s pretty cool that I can fit so much stuff in there!”

“I know you don’t mind the size, but how big is it, really?”

“Do you wanna see?”

“Whaddya me-”

Pinkie grabbed a hold of Rainbow’s arm, stopping her from finishing her question. She put a finger to her lips, let go of Dash, and slowly began to ease herself feet first into her backpack, not looking away from Rainbow. When she was in up to her chest, she motioned for Dash to follow, and then dropped herself the rest of the way in.

Rainbow, dumbfounded, quickly moved over into Pinkie’s seat and opened her backpack to look inside. She couldn’t see anything but darkness at first, until she noticed Pinkie waving to her from the bottom, telling her to come down.

“Come on, rainbow!” Pinkie spoke loudly.

“Ssh, Pinkie! someone’s gonna hear you!” Dash warned her.

“No, Dashie, it’s okay! Once you’re in, nobody can hear you on the outside unless they’re either right by the opening or you talk really loudly!”

“If nobody can hear anything from inside, the why did the entire class hear your party cannon?”

“Duh! It was really loud!”

“Oh. Yeah, that makes sense. Well, I guess I’m coming down, then!”

“Good! hurry up!”

With that, Rainbow gulped, and and then placed her feet into the bag, feeling nothing beneath them. She began to gently ease herself the rest of the way into the backpack, stopping when she was hanging by her hands on the edges of the bag. “You sure about this, Pinks? I’m not enitrely convinced this is safe.”

“It’s totally fine! I come in here all the time!”

“Okay…” Rainbow let go, just to find the bottom had only been a few feet below her. Not enough of a drop to hurt, but one that was too high to jump to be able to get out. Am I trapped in here? Rainbow thought. No. Pinkie wouldn’t do that. Rainbow took a moment to look around and become familiar with her surroundings.

The inside of the backpack looked like… well, the inside of a backpack. But huge. And decorated. The “walls” were covered in posters and photos, mostly of baked goods. There were also pink, purple, yellow, and blue balloons everywhere. There was still some confetti and streamers floating towards the ground from when Pinkie’s party cannon had gone off. The party cannon itself was propped up in one corner. Surprisingly, there was also a twin sized bed, which Pinkie herself had moved to and was sitting on. There was also a full locker’s worth of textbooks and folders on one wall.

“Woah… This place is awesome!”

“I know! Once I found out that my backpack was bigger on the inside, I decorated as fast as I could!”

“Cool, but… Why a bed?”

“Well, when I stay the night at people’s houses, I usually use this bag to pack. I figured, why make somebody move out of their bed when I can bring my own?”

“That makes sense, but two things: how do you not tell them about your backpack if you sleep in it?”

“Well, I say that I’m going to sleep on the couch, and then I make sure I go to bed after everyone else and get up before them.”

“Okay, that makes sense too. Now, my second question: how is all of this stuff not extremely heavy?”

“I’m not sure, actually! It feels just as heavy as it usually did before this, and I normally only kept a couple of books inside at a time.”

“Well, I gotta admit, that is pretty awesome. But you’re sure that you don’t know why it does this?”

Pinkie shook her head and answered. “Completely sure. I have no idea why it does this.”

“Well, I’ve got no problem with it.”

“Me niether.”

“Well, obviously!”

Both of them laughed at this. They spent most of the rest of the class inside the backpack, and Pinkie showed Dash all of her posters and pictures, and told her the story of how she found out about it. The two girls decided to leave the bag about five minutes before the bell, so that they could be out in time to hear the homework assignment.

“Umm… how are we gonna get out?” Dash asked, seeming somewhat embarrassed at not having known.

“Did you not see the ladder?”


“Ladder!” Pinkie pointed to a ladder leading to the opening that Rainbow had somehow not noticed.

“Oh. Ladder.” Rainbow blushed a little at her lack of observation, especially since Pinkie had basically given her a tour of the place.

Pinkie turned and motioned for Dash to start climbing. “Ladies first,” she said slowly.

Dash chuckled. “Well, if that’s the case, I shouldn’t be going yet, but I guess if you insist.”She began to climb as she had been told, and Pinkie followed shortly after, the two emerging back into their math class.

Forgetting again to speak in a whisper, Rainbow started to say, “Wow Pinkie, that was fun!” but was cut off mid-sentence by Cheerilee.

“Rainbow Dash! I’m tired of telling you to be quiet! Go to Principal Celestia’s office right now!

Rainbow immediately realized her mistake. With a red face, she said, “Okay, Ms. Cheerilee. I’m sorry, Ms. Cheerilee,” and walked out of the classroom door.

The End

Comments ( 8 )


6085706 yes, that was what I was going for.

6085601 thank you! I'm glad you like it!

Sounds like a Haven Bag from Wakfu...

Funnily enough, having watched a few episodes of Littlest Pet Shop (2012), to find a work round here that virtually explains the 'bag of holding' principle is a rather stark coincidence.

This Was Fun And Funny And Cute And I Love The Idea Of A Basic Dimension Portal Thing!

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