• Published 1st May 2015
  • 1,013 Views, 6 Comments

Just your Average School Day - Creative Link

Follow our heroines through their normal everday high school days at Canterlot High.

  • ...

The Test

The Test

Sunset was happily walking to school, and for once wasn't welcomed with cold stares, but smiles. Ever since the Battle of the Bands the students of Canterlot High were finally forgiving, and accepting her. When she entered the building she was greeted by her pink friend.

"Morning Sunset!" screamed Pinkie hanging from the door.

"Aghh, Pinkie you scared me, and what what are you doing hanging from the door?" Sunset Shimmer asked.

"The better questioned is why aren't you hanging from the door?" Pinkie Pie smiled.

Sunset rolled her eyes, but smiled.

"Well come on lets get going, or we're going to be late for our class." Sunset said.

"Okie dokie" replied Pinkie as she did a somersault to get back on the ground.
As they walked towards their class room they spotted the rest of their friends at their lockers. Fluttershy and Rarity had looks of concern while Rainbow Dash had a worried expression, and was flipping through a book.

"C'mon, c'mon!" Rainbow Dash muttered.

"Give it up RD you didn't study for the test. Just retake it latter." Applejack said.

"No!, if I fail this test Coach Iron Will won't let me play on any sport teams!" Rainbow Dash expressed.
At that moment Sunset and Pinkie walked in.

"Hey, guys." Sunset said.

"Why hello Sunset, and Pinkie how are you two." Rarity asked.

"We're fine." Pinkie Pie responded.
Sunset decided to ask what was wrong with Rainbow Dash.

"On the other hand whats wrong with Rainbow Dash?" Sunset asked.

"Shes trying to get in some last minute studying for the test today because she didn't study last night." Fluttershy said.

"WHAT!?" Pinkie Pie screamed.

"Also if she fails this test she won't able to play on any sport teams for awhile." Applejack added.

"WHAT!?" Pinkie Pie screamed again.

"Unfortunately, even with this last minute studying I don't think its going to help her." Rarity expressed.

"WH-" Pinkie was cut off by Sunset who placed her hand over Pinkie's mouth.
At that same moment Rainbow threw the book down in frustration.

"Its hopeless how am I supposed to remember all this!" Rainbow Dash yelled.

"Well, why didn't you study?" Sunset asked.

"I was going to, but then I saw Applejack beat my high score on Ultra EES Remix!" Rainbow Dash answered.

"Hey, don't you try to blame this on me!" Applejack yelled.

"Your just jealous that I took the high score back." Rainbow Dash said matter-of-factly.

"Umm I don't mean to interrupt, but if we don't start walking we'll be late for class." Fluttershy said quietly.

"Shes right lets all go" Rarity said.
They all started walking with Rainbow Dash giving up hope that she would pass the test.

"I'm sorry Rainbow Dash, but your just going to have to do your best." Sunset said.

"Yeah, yeah." Rainbow Dash sulked.
They walked past the trophy display case where Rainbow looked at all her trophies. All she could see were the trophies she wasn't going to win for the school, and her reflection. At that moment an idea came to Rainbow, and she began smile.

"C'mon everyone lets get to class!" yelled Rainbow Dash as she ran past them.

"Oh a race I love races!" Pinkie Pie yelled.
She ran after Rainbow Dash leaving the others confused.

"What got into her she was sulking a just a few seconds ago?" Rarity asked.

""I don't know, but I got a bad feeling about this." Applejack said.

"Alright you have the entire class period to complete this test, and if I see any cheating I will give you zero right on the spot." Cranky said.
Rainbow Dash raised her arm to ask a question.

"Yes, Miss.Dash?" Cranky asked.

"Could I sit near the window for some fresh air?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"I guess its alright." Cranky responded.
Rainbow then got up and opened the window. She then sat down next to Applejack.

"Why all the sudden need for air?" Applejack asked.

"I just thought it would help me on the test. I forgot to ask you did you study last night?" Rainbow Dash responded.

"Yeah, why?" Applejack asked suspiciously.

"No reason." Rainbow Dash said.
Cranky passed out the tests, and everybody began working on their tests. Everyone worked on the test quietly, and quickly. After five minutes had passed no one was surprised to see that Sunset Shimmer already finished her test. After turning in her test she returned to her seat, and began to read a book.

How does she do it? Applejack thought. This test must be at least fifty questions, and I'm barely on the twelfth.

"Dang it, I knew I should of sat next to her." Rainbow Dash muttered.
Applejack heard this and looked at Rainbow Dash, and noticed she was looking blankly at her paper. She guessed she was just struggling with the test, and continued on her paper.

The class was about to end, and Applejack was about to finish her test. However, she noticed something weird going on. When she put her pencil on the paper she heard Rainbow Dash do the same. She turned her head slightly, and noticed Rainbow Dash wasn't looking at her paper, but the window. She tried to see what Rainbow Dash was looking at, and gasped. She saw her test paper being reflected on the the window.

Why that no good cheater. Applejack thought.

"Rainbow Dash what to you think your doing?" Applejack muttered fiercely.
Rainbow Dash jumped a little when she heard Applejack, but stayed calmed and faced her.

"What do you mean I'm just doing my test." Rainbow Dash muttered.

"By cheating your looking off my paper." Applejack muttered.

"No I'm not. I haven't looked at your paper at all." Rainbow Dash said.

"Liar, your looking at it in the window's reflection." Applejack said.

"Exactly, I'm looking at a window." Rainbow Dash said.

"Your cheating!" Applejack muttered.

"Sorry can't hear you could you speak up?" Rainbow Dash said.

"I SAID... uh oh." Applejack said realizing that she fell for a trap.

"Miss.Applejack I warned you all at the beginning of class bring your paper here!" Cranky yelled.

"Wait no I wasn't cheating I was-"

"No excuses!" Cranky yelled.
Applejack sighed in defeat, and walked up to turn in her paper.

"I would expect better from you I'll be calling your family tonight." Cranky said.
The class ended shortly after, and everybody turned in their tests. Rainbow Dash was glad she didn't get caught cheating. She ran out the classroom, and headed for the gym.

"Alright sport teams here I come!" Rainbow Dash yelled.
As she ran towards the gym she started feeling guilty about Applejack taking the blow, but reassured herself saying Applejack would just get yelled at for awhile. Not to mention she never meant for anyone to take the blow. She knew that Applejack wasn't going to lose as much as she was if she failed.

"Rainbow Dash!" someone yelled.
Rainbow Dash stopped running, and turned around to see Sunset Shimmer with a disapproving gaze.

"Oh, hi Sunset whats up?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"I heard from Applejack." Sunset said.
Rainbow Dash started to look at the floor feeling guilty.

"I didn't mean for her to get in trouble." Rainbow Dash said.

"You tricked her into yelling at you." Sunset pointed out.
The guilt on Rainbow Dash started to feel heavier.

"Yeah, but that was only because she caught me cheating." Rainbow Dash muttered.
They stood there quietly for a couple of seconds in silence. Rainbow Dash was waiting for Sunset to start yelling at her, and was surprised to hear Sunset speak calmly.

"Rainbow Dash I want you to know that I'm not angry at you." Sunset Shimmer said.

"Your not?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"No, just disappointed." Sunset responded.
For some reason that hurt more then being told she was angry at her.

"Rainbow Dash do really want to do this to Applejack? She worked so hard on studying for this test, and now none of that is paying off because of your cheating. Not to mention her family is going to get a call saying she was cheating during a big test. You know better then anyone how much she hates letting people, and especially her family down. Are your really just going to use her as a scapegoat to get out of trouble?" Sunset said.
Rainbow Dash was really torn on what to do now. She didn't want to do this to Applejack, but if she didn't she wouldn't be able to play on any sport teams at all.

"Rainbow none of us are going to rat you out. Not even Applejack." Sunset said.
Rainbow looked at her surprised.

"We all want you to make the right decision on your own. We want to believe our friend will make the right choice on her own." Sunset said.
Rainbow Dash started to look back, and forth from the way to the gym to the way to the classroom.

" I especially want you to make the right decision. Because you along with everyone else was there to help me out. You all taught me the true magic of friendship. You Rainbow were the one that taught me what it meant to be loyal to a friend. To stand next to them no matter what, and help them out whenever you can. So I'm going to believe in all of you no matter what. Especially now I know you are going to make the right decision." Sunset Shimmer expressed.

Rainbow Dash started to get a little teary eyed, and started running faster then before towards the classroom. She managed to catch Cranky before he left, and explained everything to him. Cranky started shaking his head when he was told the truth. He said he would give Rainbow a zero, and detention. However, Rainbow was fine with that as long as Applejack would be graded fairly for her work.
She started walking towards the cafeteria, and noticed that the rest of her friends were waiting for her.

"Applejack I'm sorry that I got you in trouble I told our teacher the truth." Rainbow Dash said.

"I know sugar cube I'm just glad you realized your mistake."

"Friends?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Friends!" Applejack responded as she hugged Rainbow Dash.
They broke their embrace, and Rainbow Dash turned to face Sunset Shimmer.

"I need to thank you Sunset I almost lost myself, but you helped me remember what was really important to me." Rainbow Dash said.

"Don't mention it I'm glad I was able to help." Sunset smiled.

"Now darling I hope you learned your lesson." Rarity said.

"I have." Rainbow Dash said.

"Fluttershy and I actually have a surprise for you Dashie." Pinkie Pie said jumping.
Rainbow Dash looked at them confused.

"We got Coach Iron Will to allow you play on the teams as long as you pass the retake." Fluttershy smiled.

"What no way! How did you do that? He never backs down, or changes his mind." Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

"Oh you should of seen it. It was a battle of intense wits, but Fluttershy stood her ground, and got him to change his mind! She was just awesome!" Pinkie Pie squealed.
Flutterhsy blushed as she was being praised.

"Thank you all so much!" Rainbow Dash yelled.

"Now make sure you study this time, so you can pass." Applejack said.

"Don't worry I will nothings going to stop me no-" Rainbow Dash got a message alert on her phone.
She took it out and was shocked to realize that someone beat her high score on Ultra EES Remix.

"What! No way! I got to get my high score back." Rainbow Dash said.
She started pulling out her game system, and was about to open it. However, she noticed the stares from the others.

"After I study and pass the test." Rainbow Dash said laughing sheepishly while handing her game system to Applejack.
The rest started laughing, and they walked happily towards the cafeteria for lunch.

Author's Note:

Thanks for reading expect more chapters to come. When will they come I don't know, but they will come!
Advice is welcomed just no flames.
Until then enjoy my reviews at my You Tube channel, and subscribe to me.
This is Creative Link signing out.

Comments ( 6 )

This is a pretty good story! But from a new writer to a new writer there's one thing that bothers me a bit.

There's a lot of 'saids' and similar words in this story, without any description. This gets repetitive to the reader, and gets a bit boring. Just for an example, is the first or second one more interesting?

"Oh, hi Sunset whats up?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"I heard from Applejack." Sunset said.

Rainbow Dash started to look at the floor feeling guilty.

"I didn't mean for her to get in trouble." Rainbow Dash said.

"You tricked her into yelling at you." Sunset pointed out.

"Oh, hi Sunset whats up?" Rainbow Dash casually greeted her friend, stepping towards her.

"I heard from Applejack." Sunset had a bit of tension in her voice, as she was probably angry.

Rainbow Dash avoided her gaze, and started to look down at the floor, feeling guilty.

"I didn't mean for her to get in trouble." Rainbow Dash slowly lifted her head back up.

"You tricked her into yelling at you." Sunset pointed out, crossing her arms and looking at Rainbow

That being said, don't completely boycott the word, but just use it less, and add more description as to what they're doing besides the dialogue. I also don't want you to think I'm being too harsh on this :twilightoops:

Otherwise, cool story. I'll up vote it! :pinkiehappy:

5929095 No your not being harsh thanks for reading, and I'll take your advice to heart. Make sure to check out my You Tube Channel :pinkiehappy:

I have to say, this was quite a good story. Great story arc and character development, and you seem to nail everyone's personality very well. A few things I'd like to point out, because I see a very good writer in you. As EmeraldSkies said, you do use the same dialogue format a lot, but I want to go a little more into detail. I think you should use more words before and inbetween lines of dialogue, fleshing out what is going on a bit more. Many times I don't know who is talking because all six of the girls are in the same group talking to each other, and I have to skip to the end of the sentence to see who is talking. Things like "Rainbow Dash said 'X'" or "Sunset Shimmer walked up to the group. 'Hey guys,' she said," would really add a lot of sophistication and readability to your story. Also, going back and making sure your punctuation and spelling is all correct would help a lot, since I noticed a few errors (especially in punctuation). Also, getting a pre-reader to read through your story before publishing would help. All that said, this was a very good story that fit in well with the universe and the characters and I would definitely like to see more of it. Hope to see what you come up with in the future.

You may need to space the paragraphs a little bit between dialogues. I found it a bit difficult to read and transition between paragraphs. If you do plan on continuing, remember to maybe add one extra 'Return'. As for the indenting, either indent at the beginning of each paragraph or don't. To me, it works either way. You were a little speedy when it came to the progress of the story itself, but that is fine. Is each chapter a one-shot in itself or are we going to see a plot?

Beyond that, I liked it. Keep it up and Flutter On!

5929095 Thank you very much

5930746 Thank you for the advice. As for your question right now I'm thinking of one shot chapters. Some may be two or three chapters long, but for now they are most likely going to be one shots. I also plan to give fan service latter and write about characters you want to see next.

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