• Published 2nd May 2015
  • 467 Views, 7 Comments

Teacher Twilight - livi423

you have been warned-this story contains education! It's Better Than Cheerilee's

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Pegasus Flight

Twilight looked at the group of students. She started The second spell. She surrounded the foals. They were each encased in their own cocoon of Twilight magic. Twilight had been taking weekly sessions in the healing pods. It was about three feet wide and 6 feet tall. You opened the pod, plugged the cords with masks around their eyes, and another around their snout and mouth. The spell enclosed around each one. The sessions had been improving her magic endurance and immunity to dark magic by others. Or unwanted magic by others. It was powered by magic,which meant she needed help getting in. Casting the spell, everypony was stripped of their memories of being an adult. The earth pony class was brought into the classroom. She cast the spell. The earth ponies were encased in a pink/lavender. She was hardly was using any magic. Almost all the class was at the same time de-sized and had a few memories wiped. Technically it wasn't 'brainwashing', but making the teaching easier with foals instead of adults. The class - well 29 of 31 - were changed. The other few specialized in shield and protection. Twilight upped the voltage by 10 percent. Their eyes rolled and they forgot about what they were thinking.

"Interestiiiiiiiiing..." said Twilight to no one in particular. She scribbled some notes onto a paper connected to a Clipboard. She sat down, as her lab/pharmacist coat partly laid in the floor. She smiled,looked to the right, and began documenting the class. Actions, conversations. Twilight kept looking at the class,as she ate her lunch in a makeshift cafeteria. She ate her dandelion sandwich,but was distracted,and when she wanted some water,she tried shoving her sandwich down her throat, she was so distracted. She also had a bag of wheat/oat chips, with chocolate flavoring. She reached her hoof into her water,thinking that were her chocolate flavored Oaties. She licked her hoof,then teleported to her room.

Twilight had some of her friends teaching classes,minus Pinkie Pie for obvious reasons. That way, she didn't have to duplicate herself for other classes...Twilight's creative,usually dormant and irrational brain opened up. An idea came to Twilight.


She could have students make a duplication device in a science lab in the castle,and she could challenge her students and see who was good with mechanics. If she was lucky, she could have some kids earn their marks.


Twilight's Notes

Duplication is a process where one being's (or inanimate object's) molecules are defined,then made out of either that material, or is taken from a nearby abundant sorce. There wil then be two of the object. Processes vary from different methods.


The Celestian Duplication Method

The Celestian Duplication Method Is a copying process where one thing is doubled. In the Celestian Method, the item is made of unwanted items defined by the duplication being (the one making an item double) wether it be trash or old food, or whatever the duplication being wants it to be. That is turned in to the substance that the original item is made from. That is The Celestian Duplication Method.


Twilight decided to act rationally. She would do pegasus flight.

"So class! Guess why there are no pegasi in the room! Er...no adult pegasi in the room!"

Derpy started twitching. "stupid Tick Tock! I need to feel the air between my wings. This invention is uncomfortable!"

The Doctor,no mechanical wings this time, put his hoof over Derpy's mouth. She licked it.

"Derpy! Stop it!" he hissed in his british accent. He wiped his hoof on his desk.

Scootaloo had her full focus on Twilight. She'd learn how to fly.

"So. Have you ever asked yourself how pegasus flight works? Pegasi look to big to fly with wings that small-"

Berry Punch raised a hoof. "like...rubble...no...storm,sand...no.Snowflake? No,thats not his name. it's Bulk! Bulk biceps! How does HE fly?"

Twilight gave Berry Punch a death stare for interrupting. Berry Punch lowered her head.

"Annnyyyyyyyway, pegasai also have magic. They just use it to help them fly. Really good flyers don't need to use their magic. Those flyers need to let their magic out,or else they would spontaneously combust,or the thing says." Even half sober Berry punch saw there was something wrong with that. Twilight rolled her eyes as she said that. "Stupid Dash" she mumbled.

"If Rainbow Dash spontaneously combusted,would it be a giant rainbow blast?" asked a pony in the background. "Glad thats over" she mumbled. Twilight sent a death glare to the speaker of the question. That pony lowered their head.

"No. now,lets prove that shall we? I have Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy here with me." Human turned pony M6 watched in awe.

"Fluttershy,please fly up for me,same thing with Rainbow Dash." The girls flew up and flew around the room. Rainbow Dash yawned while landing. "Now, I will take their magic away. But before we do that, we will have Rainbow Dash perform her sonic rainboom. With a device I have here, it will show how fast she's flying."

She was heading downwards at 20 celestial feet a second,one and a half feet to humans . At 5 celestial feet from the ground,she moved her hooves and wings and body UP,and a rainboom followed. Rainbow Dash could have missed by one second and crashed,with permanent paralysis.

Everypony watched as Twilight started a spell on Rainbow Dash. She felt herself get slightly heavier. She lifted herself off the ground once the spell finished. She got on a cloud and nearly fell through it. She jumped off,flapping.

She got to 20 celestial feet a second and lifted herself at 5 celestial feet like before. Twilight had her 10 friends hold a trampoline in case Dash fell. She fell down and flumped on to the floor. Twilight restored her magic.

Next up was fluttershy. She flew up to a cloud,placed 45 celestial feet up. She went up,then down. Twilight cast the spell and felt heavier. She flapped her wings hard but no matter what,she couldn't fly. Twilight restored her magic.

Fluttershy flew back up to the cloud and began pushing it. She brought it over to her house.