Teacher Twilight

by livi423

First published

you have been warned-this story contains education! It's Better Than Cheerilee's

Twilight finally has a place to teach besides a god-like tree. she sets up a school in the ballroom of her castle,and ponies attend.

I put my equestrian theories in a slightly funny way.

I take no credit for the picture. I found this when looking in Google. http://pixel-prism.deviantart.com/art/Twilight-Sparklecorn-390219839

If you would like to re-educated, re-taught, or renew your understanding of all things equestrian, come on Monday, April 30th, to Twilight's Super School. no fee, just sign up for a month in town hall. the first try-out class starts at 8:00 AM, this Monday. Re-Taught, Re-Educated, Re-live. Twilight's Super School.
Also, Twilight's Super School?

It's Better Than Cheerilee's

Warning! OOC Characters!

The Flyer - It's Better Than Cheerilee's

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Twilight looked at her bed, filled with Stuffed animals from Fluttershy. What to do, what to do.... The alicorn flopped onto her bed, and started moaning.


Twilight considered her options. She
A) Stayed home and stayed bored.
B) Go to Pinkie's and possibly get a concussion from dancing.
C) Go to Rainbow's and be mocked mercilessly for not being a good as Rainbow at flying.
D) Go to Applejack's and kick trees,not bucking apples.
E) Go to Flutter's and be mocked by Angel.
F) Go to Rarity and ruin her dresses.

Or...she could do something of her own interests...like...STUDYING! But she didn't have a test in the foreseeable future.
G) Help Cheerilee with her class...or...my...clas...s..HUH!
OR MAYBE I CAN START MY OWN CLASS! Twilight jumped. It was a perfect idea!

She ran over to the newest piece of technology given to her by the princess. It ran on magic, and was called: a COPIER. You wrote down something, you blasted the certain piece of metal that absorbed magic only under 20 bolts a minute. It was fragile, so you could only give it so much magic all at once until it would blow up. "SPIIIIIIIKE, COME HERE!"

Twilight's faithful dragon ran upstairs from the basement, where he had been readying scrolls and parchment to write on.You needed to take stalks of hay, bind them together with magic, then burn it. It gave it that dark cream color,and was easy to write on with a quill and ink. With a copier, you only needed the original paper or scroll, you put in the area where it would use the magic it got, and scan and 'remember' the ink on the paper, then stamp the same 'design' on another paper with the ink you gave it. Spike came up with a container of ink, a few quills, and pieces of paper.

"What is it, Twi?"

Twilight breathed. Why was she nervous? She was going to use the COPIER. The COPIER. It was fun to say. Phwoo. "Spike, I'm going to use the copier. I'm going to write this, okay?" Twilight was still trembling. The copier could be dangerous! It could blow "Twi" up if she gave too much magic! She had gotten"Twi" lot stronger since when she became an alicorn."Twi" She was more powerful than cadence, meaning she was the third "Twi" most powerful-by-magic pony in not just Equestria, but the world. The. World. She had to be very careful with her magic. "TWILIGHT!"

"wha..what..Wja..What, what happened?" Twilight shook her head, to relieve herself of the fears of the copier. " Oh, um Spike. I'm going to...uhm,remember the thing Celestia gave me?" "There have been thousands of things Celestia gave you." Spike said, bored. " Now, WHAT IS IT? Are you okay? Do you need to see Dr.Allison?" "Nuh, no! Spike," Phwhoo. "Spike. I'm going to use the copier." Spike was stunned. "It's dangerous. It could blow up, or implode,or create a black hole because it's from the human world, and being powered by magic, or it collide our two universes,or it could, it could..." Twilight understood the risks. At least Lyra wasn't crazy. Humans DID exist. Anyway, the two of them were worried. "I'll write it. Spike, go into the basement. More paper. Got it?" Spike started shaking. "I'll go get the copier from the testing lab...wait,where are you going to be using it?" Twilight made her decision. "Don't touch it. Not a claw. I'll be writing in my room, and copy it in the lab."

Twilight climbed a flight of stairs. She levitated the ink,paper and quill. Here goes nothing.


If you would like to re-educated, re-taught, or renew your understanding of all things equestrian, come on Monday, April 30th, to Twilight's Super School. no fee, just sign up for a month in town hall. the first try-out class starts at 8:00 AM, this Monday. Re-Taught, Re-Educated, Re-live. Twilight's Super School.

Also, Twilight's Super School?

It's Better Than Cheerilee's


Scared as all ****, Twilight put the paper in the copier. It floated down to the platform where it would be scanned. Twilight created a force field to absorb any extra magic that was output. Twilight focused,then let go.

The world stood still.

She had used a trickle of magic. The machine made some noises. Wchh, Wchh. Chrr. Wchh. Whrrr. Chr.. Urt, Urt. Chka,chka,chka. WHCCHHH.

Nothing had exploded. Chka,chka,chka,chka. Whchuuuuuk. 3,6,9,10. 12,15,20.20 COPIES. It worked. IT WORKED... IT FREAKINGAPPLEBUCKINGWORKED! Twilight jumped for joy! "My, schools beh,ter than- cheer-ileees.My, schools beh,ter than- cheer-ileees.My, schools beh,ter than- cheer-ileees.My, schools beh,ter than- cheer-ileees.My, schools beh,ter than- cheer-ileees.My, schools beh,ter than- cheer-ileees.My, schools beh,ter than- cheer-ileees." Twilight sang, as she danced about. "-chool's beh,ter than cheer-iWOAH!" Cheerilee had opened the door, knocking Twilight over. Twilight faltered as she fell. "Hello! Cheeri,lee." Twilight gritted her teeth.

"Hello, Princess!" Cheerilee sang.

"It's just, Twilight," she said ,then this time, but more noticeable, The alicorn gritted her teeth. "Sorry Pri-Twilight! I wanted to take a book from the castle library about-" " 'Scuse me, Cheerilee, But I have some woork. To do. Not right now. Soory. Gotta go. Byye!" Twilight forced a obviously fake smile, and closed the door. "TWILIGHT? WAS THAT CHEERILEE? I HAVE TO TALK TO HER ABOUT SOME OF SWEETIE'S GRADES. CAN I TALK-" "NO, SPIKE NO. NOT RIGHT NOW. THE COPIER should be done now. Come on up!" Twilight raced over to the copier. in complete color, there were now 20 instead of one flier for Twilight's Super School. "Perfect" Twilight said.

Descriptions and Students

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Twilight was ready. Ponies had signed up, gotten ready,got books, binders, pencils, markers, highlighters, erasers. Everything relating to the term school supplies was on the 'need for class' list. Twilight ran up to the lab, which had the portal to Human world. She hit it with magic and it activated. She ran through, grabbed the coat and glasses she had by the portal, (Which was left there, and a spell had been cast so that only she, Sunset Shimmer, her Canterlot High friends, and her Ponyville friends could get it. It was nonexistent to others.) and ran back in. She put on the 'lab coat,' which went down her front arms and halfway down her back. It Was too big, and didn't close. It was those things pharmacists wore, and to top off the look, she grabbed some Human-World big-nerdy-circle-glasses. The 'ears' of the item bent up, so it actually hung around her ears. She was ready.

She headed down a flight of stairs, and made a school bell appear out of thin air. She placed it near the front door of the castle, and turned on the newly-installed PA system. "STUDENTS MAY ENTER THE CASTLE. REPEAT, STUDENTS MAY ENTER THE CASTLE." There were 4 rows in the main classroom. In the front, there were 13 desks. Behind that 5. Behind that 6. Behind that 5. From Twilight's view at the chalkboard, On the left there was a grouping of desks for foals. Only a few had signed up. Cheerilee had said to her students that if they attended 3 lessons and passed those lessons, they got an A for the semester. In the front were the crusaders. There was a row of three seats in the front of the foal seats. Behind that were two seats, for you-know-who and on her right, You-Know-Who's evil hench-bully. Behind that set of desks were another 3. Dinky, Spike and somepony else. Twilight had forgotten. Why was Spike in the classroom? He was going to half-learn, half-patrol. He would make sure Diamond and Silver didn't tease the crusaders or anypony else.

Among the adults, were Cheerilee, Mayor Mare, The Doctor, Derpy and Tick Tock. Also Twilight's Canterlot high friends were going to attend. Twilight had made them look different so Ponyville wouldn't freak out at 11 bearers of the Elements of Harmony. Sunset Shimmer also was attending. Her Ponyville and Canterlot High friends, along With Sunset sat in the front. Other locals, such as Aloe, her twin sister Lotus, Bulk Biceps,Blossomforth, Thunderlane and Raindrop were attending. Almost 2/3 of the town would be attending lesson one; Earth Pony Magic. No earth ponies would be attending lesson one, besides for Human-turned-Pony Applejack and Pinkie Pie.

Twilight looked at her lesson plans. Later, if Ponyville liked Twilight's school, she would be teaching about magic, the types, changelings, history of the Crystal Empire...So. Many. Lessons. And. EDUCATION! Twilight saw the door open. She turned off the PA, and ponies with saddlebags flooded the ballroom-turned-turned classroom. There were only unicorns and pegasi, with two excused, noticeable exceptions. Not all the desks were going to be used. 2 desks in the front were empty, and Twilight was excited as all Tartarus. Ponies immediately started joking about Twilight's outfit, as ponies barely wore clothes. Except for Lyra. She wore shirts, and pants! At least she left room for her tail.

Students began sitting in desks. They had their names on it, so they wandered around the desks to look for their already designated seat. Twilight hadn't just put ponies in desks, she put ponies who worked well together next to each other, those with grudges as far as possible, and trouble making friends apart. Finally. Thought Twilight. Twilight made a 'squee' noise and left the room. More talking. Bickering. From thousands of mouths, and you never could and never will know who said what.

"This is so stupid! I came for the not-getting-on-her-bad-side stuff." "Well, there are going to be tests." "Really?" "Aw, come on!" "B*** Twilight!" "Don't swear!" "Buck isn't a bad word." "Yes it is!" "Shut up!" "I want to know the history of the crystal empire! sounds...crystally!" "U stupi!" "No I not!" "The Crystal Empire was formed, two thousand years ago,then a thousand years ago, it disappeared. It came back because of the elements of harmony!" "Crystals...Mining...The Kingdom of Jewels...""Can somepony tell me how I automatically knew the words to Winter Wrap Up?" "Does it have an anthem?" "No, dumb flank!" "I was just asking..." "Any pony know where my desk is?" "It's over there, Lyra." "Thanks, Blossomforth." "Can we get class started so it can end?" "No, Thunderlane." "But...Oh look! Who's that? I've never seen you before!" "So...do you know what humans are?" "theystandupstraightandhavefin-ahm...noooooooo." "WINTER WRAP UP, WINTER WRAP UP." "Make a wish, better make it right now. Make a wish, caus it's your birthday party tonight!" "Princess Twilight is coming! shh!" "Shhh!" "SHHHHH" "SHHHHHHHHHHH" "SHUT UP!" "nO, you...shut...up...TWILIGHT!"

" Princess Twilight!" the classroom shouted. They were all in their seats. Good thought Twilight. "Now," she yelled. "Class sit down." she looked at the hodgepodge of ponies. She was getting angry. "Sit, DOWN!" screamed Twilight. The class looked at her and quickly floated to their seats. It wasn't unlike how she had yelled at 50 pinkies when there were 'Too Many Pinkie Pies'. They floated quickly to their seats, never taking their line of sight off of Twilight.

"Now class" said Twilight. She smirked. "Can anypony tell me:"

"Do Earth Ponies have magic?"

Earth Pony Magic

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"Now, Class" Twilight smirked. "Can anypony tell me:"

"Do Earth Ponies have magic?"

Bulk raised his hoof. "Yes, Bulk Biceps?" Bulk swallowed.


Twilight smiled. "That is what most pegasi and unicorns think. Alicorns understand-" "Aaawww!" screamed the class. Twilight sighed. "ALICORNS " Twilight gritted her teeth. "understand because they are part earth pony. " Human turned AJ and PP were fascinated, along with The Doctor, also called Time Turner,who was wearing mechanical wings. Meanwhile, others were bored out of their minds."Earth ponies DO have magic, and even some earth ponies don't know, while they use it every day!" The class perked up.

"Ever wonder how: Mayor Mare's speeches can completely persuade you to donate to a cause, or want to sign a petition, or completely amaze you with how amazingly amazing her speeches are? " Unicorns and pegasi nodded in agreement. "That was just Mayor Mare's magic, and she doesn't know she's using it! Now, give me another earth pony, any earth pony. "

The class began wondering and talking to their groups that Twilight had assigned them. The crusaders, You-Know-Who, her evil hench-bully, Spike and Dinky were all in a group. "Applejack!" "Pinkie Pie!" "Filthy Rich!" "Diamond! How rude!" "Well, he is an earth pony. " Spike muttered "Earth pony yourself. Heh." Twilight was watching the adult crowd. She started the spell. They didn't notice. They, along with their desks, became foal sized. They had their smarts and brawn and such, but they weren't any bigger than the crusaders. The spell stopped, and telling apart the two different classes will be hard. Alright, the adult-turned-foals will be ATF and the original foals are OF. Good? Lets go. OF started raising their hooves. "Cheerilee!" "Carrot Top!" "Berry Punch!" "Time Turner!" The Doctor's eyes shrunk.

"Weird, I thought he was Time Turner. Apple Bloom pointed at The Doctor. The Doctor began sweating. His communicator was shaking in the built-in pocket in his mechanical wing. "I'm not Time turner, I'm uh..." he was at a loss of words. Then, he remembered his travels with Uptight Snooty. He looked at Twilight. "I'm... Clockwork! That's right! I'm Clockwork, and you better look out!"the class started to laugh. Derpy turned to him.She whispered. "Are the...zuzzy bugs back, Docy? Were foal sized. Again" The Doctor noticed his somewhat familiar new size. He hissed back "No. I think it's this universe's Twilight shrunk us with her alicorn power stuff. . At least Clockwork's Twilight is an alicorn in secret." Derpy put her right front hoof to her face. The Doctor smiled. "Docy...how cute." he sighed.

Twilight looked at her list of earth ponies from Ponyville. Carrot Top was next. "Carrot Top is excellent at farming. Although she can't use magic like unicorns or alicorns, she has a growing magic for plants. Specifically carrots." Thunderlane decided to be class clown.

"Weird, I thought she farmed pears." Joked Thunderlane.

The Doctor shrieked. "Pears? Where?!?!?!?! LE ME LEAVE, LEEMME LEAVE! " The doctor began crying, while Derpy and Tick Tock tried to comfort him. Twilight put a hoof to her face. She remembered during the summer harvest parade he was wearing pears. Maybe somehow he had watched that 'Annoying Orange - Pearswap!" video Celestia sent her after a barrel of cider. It was disturbing. Or maybe he was allergic to pears. Wait, that doesn't make sense. She had a class to teach! "Carrot Top grows exceptional carrots, and makes one heck of a profit. Now, if an earth pony's talent is speed, they can either run fast,or...You know,there is a more magical way earth ponies can use magic. DISCORD! COME HERE WITH SASSAFLASH! "

Discord appeared with a yellow coated, blue maned earth pony. "Now, show us your speed, Sassaflash. " The stranger then said "Ok." It was weird. She had a an accent, like someone from Boston, like Babs Seed's accent. She walked over to the front of the room."Now watch me. " Sassaflash focused her inner magic, and...disappeared. She reappeared over by the main castle doors. An earth pony, with no outside magical or physical help, had TELEPORTED. TELEPORTED! She flopped to the floor in exhaustion. "I, huh...only...huh...do it...huh...when...huh...my...huh life...is...in...huh...danger...huh." "It...huh..takes so...huh...much of..huh...my magic...huh...and energy...huh." Sassaflash began snoring. She had been teleporting since she was five, but not more than three Celestial feet at a time. 20 feet in one hour was now broken, an Equestrian Nation Guinness Book of Records. If she teleported any more for the next day, she could possibly die. Discord took her to a room in the castle.

"Now, another earth pony from here, who has a knack for something."

"BERRY PUNCH!" somepony yelled.

This was going to be hard. Twilight swallowed. "Well, she can drink barrels of cider and pints of Zap Apple Moonshine in one hour and...not...die?"It Was good enough for ATF. Conversation.

"She can be considered the town drunk. She literally wanted to hang herself when cider season was over!" "What's moonshine? and what do you mean hang? " Asked Apple Bloom. "Nothing!" yelled somepony from ATF. "Not just teleporting, but simple spells. DISCORD. GET THE EARTH PONY ROYAL GUARD DUDES!"Discord brought him and two passengers to the classroom. The lord of chaos escorted himself out the room.

He appeared back to Sassaflash, who was healing in a tested and approved by the Equestrian Association of New Ides and Products. It was 90% chance of success for health. The other 10%...nopony knows...DAH DAH DAAAAHHHHHH!

One of the two earth pony royal guards brought in a pony dummy. He focused his magic. Twilight used her magic to make the dummy a robot - it acted just like a normal pony, but would be fighting against this royal guard pony. It became animated, moving a lot. The guard had a visible glow around him, like a shield. The dummy shot at him a fake spear. The spear bounced off the shield. The pony was greatly weakened though. The shield broke and he ran to the stairs.The dummy deactivated, becoming hay and straw again. Discord grabbed the guard pony,Whose name was Yenter, and put him in the 2nd healing pod.

Yenter's brother,Kicham, went to demonstrate his magic. The earth pony royal guard focused his magic.A glow similar to Yenter's surrounded Kicham. A small spear came out. Twilight animated the dummy, and Kicham prepared. He jumped from side to side, as to taunt the dummy. It moved closer. Kicham, for the crowd's amazement, yelled "FOR EQUESTRIA!" and speared the fake enemy. He fell to the ground,and was stripped of a lot of his magic for about a day, same time as his brother. as Twilight made the dummy straw again. Discord grabbed Kicham, and put him in the last healing pod. Twilight had only designed one with three spots.

"Now, class." Twilight said "Who still thinks Earth ponies don't have magic?"

Pegasus Flight

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Twilight looked at the group of students. She started The second spell. She surrounded the foals. They were each encased in their own cocoon of Twilight magic. Twilight had been taking weekly sessions in the healing pods. It was about three feet wide and 6 feet tall. You opened the pod, plugged the cords with masks around their eyes, and another around their snout and mouth. The spell enclosed around each one. The sessions had been improving her magic endurance and immunity to dark magic by others. Or unwanted magic by others. It was powered by magic,which meant she needed help getting in. Casting the spell, everypony was stripped of their memories of being an adult. The earth pony class was brought into the classroom. She cast the spell. The earth ponies were encased in a pink/lavender. She was hardly was using any magic. Almost all the class was at the same time de-sized and had a few memories wiped. Technically it wasn't 'brainwashing', but making the teaching easier with foals instead of adults. The class - well 29 of 31 - were changed. The other few specialized in shield and protection. Twilight upped the voltage by 10 percent. Their eyes rolled and they forgot about what they were thinking.

"Interestiiiiiiiiing..." said Twilight to no one in particular. She scribbled some notes onto a paper connected to a Clipboard. She sat down, as her lab/pharmacist coat partly laid in the floor. She smiled,looked to the right, and began documenting the class. Actions, conversations. Twilight kept looking at the class,as she ate her lunch in a makeshift cafeteria. She ate her dandelion sandwich,but was distracted,and when she wanted some water,she tried shoving her sandwich down her throat, she was so distracted. She also had a bag of wheat/oat chips, with chocolate flavoring. She reached her hoof into her water,thinking that were her chocolate flavored Oaties. She licked her hoof,then teleported to her room.

Twilight had some of her friends teaching classes,minus Pinkie Pie for obvious reasons. That way, she didn't have to duplicate herself for other classes...Twilight's creative,usually dormant and irrational brain opened up. An idea came to Twilight.


She could have students make a duplication device in a science lab in the castle,and she could challenge her students and see who was good with mechanics. If she was lucky, she could have some kids earn their marks.


Twilight's Notes

Duplication is a process where one being's (or inanimate object's) molecules are defined,then made out of either that material, or is taken from a nearby abundant sorce. There wil then be two of the object. Processes vary from different methods.


The Celestian Duplication Method

The Celestian Duplication Method Is a copying process where one thing is doubled. In the Celestian Method, the item is made of unwanted items defined by the duplication being (the one making an item double) wether it be trash or old food, or whatever the duplication being wants it to be. That is turned in to the substance that the original item is made from. That is The Celestian Duplication Method.


Twilight decided to act rationally. She would do pegasus flight.

"So class! Guess why there are no pegasi in the room! Er...no adult pegasi in the room!"

Derpy started twitching. "stupid Tick Tock! I need to feel the air between my wings. This invention is uncomfortable!"

The Doctor,no mechanical wings this time, put his hoof over Derpy's mouth. She licked it.

"Derpy! Stop it!" he hissed in his british accent. He wiped his hoof on his desk.

Scootaloo had her full focus on Twilight. She'd learn how to fly.

"So. Have you ever asked yourself how pegasus flight works? Pegasi look to big to fly with wings that small-"

Berry Punch raised a hoof. "like...rubble...no...storm,sand...no.Snowflake? No,thats not his name. it's Bulk! Bulk biceps! How does HE fly?"

Twilight gave Berry Punch a death stare for interrupting. Berry Punch lowered her head.

"Annnyyyyyyyway, pegasai also have magic. They just use it to help them fly. Really good flyers don't need to use their magic. Those flyers need to let their magic out,or else they would spontaneously combust,or the thing says." Even half sober Berry punch saw there was something wrong with that. Twilight rolled her eyes as she said that. "Stupid Dash" she mumbled.

"If Rainbow Dash spontaneously combusted,would it be a giant rainbow blast?" asked a pony in the background. "Glad thats over" she mumbled. Twilight sent a death glare to the speaker of the question. That pony lowered their head.

"No. now,lets prove that shall we? I have Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy here with me." Human turned pony M6 watched in awe.

"Fluttershy,please fly up for me,same thing with Rainbow Dash." The girls flew up and flew around the room. Rainbow Dash yawned while landing. "Now, I will take their magic away. But before we do that, we will have Rainbow Dash perform her sonic rainboom. With a device I have here, it will show how fast she's flying."

She was heading downwards at 20 celestial feet a second,one and a half feet to humans . At 5 celestial feet from the ground,she moved her hooves and wings and body UP,and a rainboom followed. Rainbow Dash could have missed by one second and crashed,with permanent paralysis.

Everypony watched as Twilight started a spell on Rainbow Dash. She felt herself get slightly heavier. She lifted herself off the ground once the spell finished. She got on a cloud and nearly fell through it. She jumped off,flapping.

She got to 20 celestial feet a second and lifted herself at 5 celestial feet like before. Twilight had her 10 friends hold a trampoline in case Dash fell. She fell down and flumped on to the floor. Twilight restored her magic.

Next up was fluttershy. She flew up to a cloud,placed 45 celestial feet up. She went up,then down. Twilight cast the spell and felt heavier. She flapped her wings hard but no matter what,she couldn't fly. Twilight restored her magic.

Fluttershy flew back up to the cloud and began pushing it. She brought it over to her house.

Unicorn Magic - Part 1

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Twilight rolled her eyes. "And now, the most obvious. Unicorn magic." The Doctor shuffled in his seat. "i mean, as an earth pony,I can feel time running through my hooves. Unicorns, this will be good."

All adult unicorns had been removed from the room. Besides for Tick Tock. And human turned pony Rarity. And also human turned pony Twilight.

"Now Ditzy,I comprehend the pain of my concealing device. " Tick Tock struggled to say without wincing. Derpy rolled her eyes. "I hate you..." Tick Tock replied, "If you hate me,why did you want me to travel with you and the Doctor?" Derpy sighed, holding her head with her hoof. " It's an expression,Tick Tock." "I wasn't born in your time, Derpy. I'm pretty sure that If i was born in this time, 500 years after my time, i would understand metaphors.

Twilight glanced around the room, making sure everypony was paying attention. She swallowed. Taking a deep breath, Twilight said "Unicorn magic is based on two basic things- a series of bones in the horn and the emotion, slash mental state the unicorn or alicorn when using magic. Uhm,ah, do you know how when you tightly shut your eyes? And your temples move? By the sides of your head?" The class had a jumbled mix of nods,yesses,uh-huhs,yups,and yeahs. "Well,unicorn magic works in sort of around the same way. Unicorns have a special bone in their body that they can bend and move that helps with magic use. Emotion comes in a little bit later." The Doctor rapidly took notes.

Sweetie Belle understood. She struggled,but got her magic flowing. Dinky the same. They levitated their pencils to write and take notes. Twilight brought in a little friend of hers. In came Rarity,and a black board connected to a little wire with a end that could absorb magic. Rarity walked behind the mysterious board. A distinguishable female unicorn was shown on the board. Said board had a little screen on its side. It showed Rarity's head. It showed all the bones in her head,and a bone in her horn.

Rarity used magic behind the board and made a pencil fly around the room. The bone in her horn moved a little,rocked back and forth. It stopped moving,but the magic kept going. Multiple pencils were taken by the magic and wrote down notes from the lesson.

"Hey!" Cried a few fillies and colts. Human-turned-pony Rarity was paying attention to every second.

Rarity walked off,bringing the mysterious board with her. She gave it to Discord who took it up the stairs.

Dr.Whooves was also fascinated. So this is how magic works. Derpy was asleep,and Tick Tock was taking notes,despite the fact that he worked unicorn magic perfectly. "Finally! In a school,with teachers...wow. And I thought I would battle monsters my entire life!

Twilight piped up. "For the second half of this lesson,we need some history." History? nopony liked the sound of where this was going.

"This stallion changed the face of magic forever," Starswirl. That had to be it. The humans payed attention, most of the townsfolk not giving a flying feather.

"He brought back magic from millennia before his time," Pinkie wondered for a moment. For all that Twi had taught her about Starswirl, she didn't recall anything about magic from another time.

From before Celestia and Luna,

I've used this type of magic before.

I didn't like it.

Who knows what Stallion i am speaking of?"

"Derpy." The Doctor shook Derpy awake." "snar.nark...shwub..aba...wah.huh?" asked,confused. "We need to get to the TARDIS. Now.C'mon Tick Tock." Tick Tock looked extremely relieved to be able to take off the device covering his horn.

"Doc? Where are we going?"

Grimly, the Doctor looked at his companions. They could be hurt, or mentally strained.

"The Reign of Sombra."


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Dr.whooves slammed a button on the TARDIS. EVERYTHING got about 10 degrees colder. "Tick Tock. Derpy. I froze everything. Well,Derpy's time."

"Wut?" Derpy asked. "Well,Twilight and the rest of Equestria froze,so when we come back,it'll be like we were never gone!" Derpy was still confused.

*Please go watch Ink Rose's videos on Sombra,Cadence and the Crystal empire,because that is the story this story sticks to.*

"And that's the history of the Crystal empire! I think we've overworked the TARDIS,so for now, i think we should go to canterlot,and help ponies get to their houses. When we saw Discord's invasion,I saw future us, helping ponies on the street during Discord's Invasion." The Doctor finished his speech with "So,any questions? How are we going to get to Canterlot? Silly Pony we're already here!" The Doctor squeed,and started running around,spouting an essay why greece copied Equestria,not the other way round,how chaos magic works (in theory) and spoke to the panicking citizens about the patterns in the chaos magic,and how to avoid them.

Ditzy climbed inside the TARDIS, and started to bake victory muffins. While the Doctor went on about how Ponaclues should actually be Ponacules,Tick Tock walked around,studied,experimented,and had fun with his rhino horn. He charged Ditzy,and got a muffin caught on his horn.

He couldn't reach it.

"Uh! Uh! Derpy! I require assistance! Help! I require assistance! Ditzy! Ditzy I require assistance!'' Derpy fell on her back,laughing.

Then,there was a blast. A crystal pony ran toward the blast. The Doctor looked at it. "DERPY! TICK TOCK! HEAD TO THAT BLAST!" Tick Tock turned around,and Derpy tried to fly. The doctor started bouncing on rubber hooves as Derpy tried to fly on insect wings. "Ah! Ahhh! My wings!" She ran and caught up to Tick Tock,of whom still had a muffin on his horn. "I'm muffin! I mean,here!" he hissed.

"Doc- hah. Why are we-hah- here?" "We are in the forbidden archives,Ditzy. There's something i need to read here... " The Doctor zapped several books with his sonic. "C'mon lets go! The TARDIS is ready!"

With minimal screaming,cries of shock and complaints,the trio got to where the tardis HAD been. where?Where is it?

"Discord had moved streets so ponies would be confused!" Hissed Time Turner. No one can really move the TARDIS,but me so...sonic,don't fail me now."

Nothing happened.Tick Tock then screamed,his horn lighting up,"I DON'T WANT TO BE BY THE TARDIS!" "Tick Tock,you gingery delight! How dare-" "Simple. Since Discord is preoccupied with other chaotic doings,he really didnt listen to me,but understood what i said,so he did the opposite of what i said,so were by the TARDIS."

"Reverse psychology,Ditzy." The Doc explained.

Unicorn Magic - Part 2

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Dr.Whooves made it back just in time. Not that the TARDIS could miss all time ever being frozen.Think. All time ever being frozen.

Twilight had been resting in her healing pods for a while,and nearly used her alocorn Magic to show what she needed to. Similar to Trixie's flashback,it was a big rectangle.clearling showing something. But this time,it was the life of Sombra.

"And he took off to the crystal empire,casting hundreds of dark magic spells,as the magic overwhelmed him. This is the end of the history portion. Emotion comes in now. You see, Dark magic is powered by hate,anger,chaos and disharmony.

"Like Prisma's magic necklace,the dark magic enhances itself with the emotion of the user. Only if it's anger ,fear ,sadness, disgust, sorrow pain,chaos ect.

"Sombra had a raw mind to dark magic,and his heart was not pure. He wished for his parents to suffer because they left him at an orphanage. He wished for the orphanage keepers to suffer because they had not treated him like a king. That emotion,let the dark magic come in more easily.

"Similar to nightmare moon and her ordeal, the dark magic went to places in the brain where that pony would be weak. For Sombra,it was his abandonment issues. For Luna,it was attention issues,or lack thereof.

"The dark magic ' made a deal ' with the pony,to get revenge on what the pony wanted,and the dark magic would get their part of the bargain later. But the ,agin already got it. Someone to control to do dark deeds. It then corrupts a pony and makes them suffer,while giving them a little freedom to think. It takes over,and crushes the living soul out of a pony if it's too late.

"Luckily,if you didn't make a deal with dark magic,you're in the clear. Most unicorns can't even wield dark magic,much less summon it. (As in find it. ) dark magic can put itself anywhere with enough evil.

"Annnyway normal unicorn magic is like the magic by the elements of harmony.it is powered by love and friendship. That's how,During Cadence and Shining Armor's Wedding,love overpowered the changeling feeding ability.

"It was the same magic,but love not friendship powered. The other times the elements were used,it was powered by friendship. Each time the bearers had to use them,their friendships were tested. They stayed together and were used at the enemy.

That bond of friendship,their emotions,power the elements and bring harmony to Equestria. If not,the world would be in eternal night and chaos,be run by changelings,covered in vines and noon would have cutie marks."

The crusaders fainted.