• Member Since 6th Apr, 2015
  • offline last seen Nov 10th, 2016

Dusty Hooves

Ponies! Yay!


When a pony gets their cutie mark, it's supposed to signify their special talent. What if your talent isn't what you thought it would be?
One ponies journey of self discovery offers him so much more than he ever hoped.

Special thanks to Miz-Jynx for the cover art!
You can check her out here:

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 9 )

This was inspired by episode six of season 5, right?

No. I wrote it before that episode aired.

I have to admit that the beginning of the chapter made me doubt of the fact that I would really enjoy this story, because it felt... harsh. Poor Soft Touch, invisible to his family, leaving with no possessions and with a very ambitious objective! :fluttershysad: I did not sound good for him, and I don't want to read about this (especially right now) only.

However, as I continued reading, I realised that I was being a little short-sighted, and I enjoyed this chapter. Even though the beginning evokes some themes and feelings that make it hard for me to stay objective, it is still nicely done, and the turn of events announces an interesting second chapter. The transition during this chapter is also interesting. There is a transition between two different "moods" that are distinct but still connected. Of course this is my feeling as a reader, and I am afraid I am not very clear. :twilightblush:

Finally, the shadows are cleared for Soft Touch! I think this is a nice way to show how Cutie Marks can be misinterpreted, and how they do not keep ponies from doing what they want, but generally lead them where they belong, where they will feel complete.

Now, "philosophy" subject :
Can a Cutie Mark truly destine a pony to be evil, or unsatisfied with his fate? (I am currently thinking of Sombra, but there is also Diamond Tiara.)

Also, the interactions between these two just made my heart melt. :twilightsmile:

5946907 Coincidence, then? My bad. Nice Job.

What a sweet story, I absolutely love it! :yay:

Thank you so much for the comments. :twilightblush: You understand exactly what I was trying to impart with this story. While some stories are uncomfortable to read, often it's that uncomfortability that makes them all the more memorable.

Thanks! I'm glad you liked it!

*****SPOILERS Don't read unless you have read the chapter first. SPOILERS*****

Ohhh shiiiit. I can't believe he took that so well, I would have been mortified to find out that I was meant to wait tables when I thought I was supposed to be a therapist. At least he's happy now, no more being lost! Vague cutiemarks must cause this kind of confusion often in Equestria. I wonder if there's some sort of profession that a pony can have that deals with helping other ponies 'decrypt' their cutiemarks.

(Hey, it's Miz-Jynx, I like your story!:twilightsmile:)


Thank you so much! :pinkiehappy:

Life doesn't always give you what you hoped for or expected. Luckily for him, he got a better gift than the profession he was after.

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