• Published 4th May 2015
  • 2,000 Views, 17 Comments

How Rainbow Dash Stole Winter - Fields-of-forever

The story of a mare that would stop her friend having to hibernate, no matter the cost!

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How Rainbow Dash Stole Winter

How Rainbow Dash Stole Winter

Every pony down in Ponyville liked winter a lot, but Rainbow Dash who lived just above Ponyville, did NOT.
Dash hated winter, the whole entire season.
Please don't ask why, no pony quite knows the reason.
It could be her head wasn't screwed on just right.
It could have be perhaps that her horseshoes were nailed on too tight.
But I think that the most likely reason of all, was that her pet turtle Tank would hibernate though it all.

Whatever the reason,
Her head or her shoes,
She sat on a cloud,
Hating the news,
Staring down at the lighted windows below in their town.

She knew,

That every pony down in Ponyville beneath,
Was busy now hanging icicles with magic and teeth.
“And they’re bring in clouds!” she snarled with a twitch of her ear.
“Tomorrow is Winter! It’s practically here!”
Then she growled, with her fore hooves nervously stomping,
“I must find a way to stop Winter from coming!”

Tomorrow she knew,

all the weather ponies would wake bright and early,
They’d fly for their snow clouds and then!
Oh the snow



And more SNOW!
The one thing that would make her friend fall asleep was the cold



Then the other ponies, the young and the old, would say “It’s normal” for a turtle to sleep through it all.
And then, they’d go off and play!
And they’d play! And they’d PLAY and they’d PLAY



They’d play with their dog, or they’d play with owl, alligator or their cat,
It was very unfair, and she just could not stand that.

She had so many primo plans for her and her pet,
The thought of doing them alone made her rather upset.
They were going to build snowponies and start snowball fights!
Snuggle up by the fire and sip hot cider at night.

Then later they’d go and see the hearth's warming eve play,
And then on the way back at the end of the day,
They would likely start singing, it was often the way.
They’d sing! And they’d sing!
AND they’d SING!



And the more that Dash thought that they’d not get to sing,
The more she thought “I must stop this whole thing!
I want my friend with me the whole year round!
So I MUST stop this winter from coming!

....But, HOW?
Then she got an idea!

An awful idea!
Rainbow Dash got a wonderful awful idea!

“I know just what to do,” said Rainbow with a smirk,
“I’ll get rid of the clouds that’s bound to work!”

So off she flew as fast as she could,
to get rid of the clouds no matter what it took.
She started by moving or destroying the clouds,
No pony noticed they were arguing to loud.
She hid all the clouds in a tree in the forest,
Stuffed them all in like old clothes in a closet.

Next she broke the ice on all of the puddles,
then hid all the skies which left ponies befuddled.
She flew the birds back North,
And cleared more clouds from the sky,
Then set up a sunbathing place and relaxed with a sigh.

But before her and Tank could get into the zone,
It started to snow and she looked up with a groan.
She flew up above to see what was what,
A group of pegasi was the sight that she got.

So to stop it from snowing she had a good plan,
She got them moving the snow in circles,
Back to where it began.

Then she got a magnifying glass to warm things back up,
She shined it on Tank, and he soon woke back up.

But no matter how hard that she tried,
More clouds were brought back; her will they defied.
In the end she decided to take drastic measures,
She’d stop the weather factory! Now that plan was clever!

So up to Cloudsdale she and Tank flew,
Have you ever seen a turtle fly? It’s a sight I tell you!
Quietly though Cloudsdale she sneakily snuck,
All the way to the factory, and then had some luck!
All the workers were gone, to lunch it would seem!
“Well that’s good,” she said, “I’m less likely to be seen.”

All though the factory she look high and low,
Until she found the right room titled “Winter and Snow”.
She started with snowflakes then moved on to the clouds,
But she needed something bigger,
Some way, somehow.

And then she saw IT,
The big water tank.
“If there no water,
Then there no snow,
“And if there no snow,
Winter will just have to go!”

And then, with far too much glee,
She pull out the water pipes one, two and three.
“And there goes Winter all down the drain!”
She said to herself with a flick of her mane.

While off to side Tank had got in some trouble,
He jammed up a fan; how leaves even me rather befuddled.
Thanks to wacky wind from the fan,
Tank hit a door that opened with a bang!

And out of that door came a huge gust of wind.
Which blow poor Rainbow into a room she did find,
That stored all the lightning bolts and things of that kind.
One of those container that held such a bolt,
Fell to the floor and gave Rainbow a jolt!

Across the room she did gingerly fly,
And hit the controls to “go” from “standby”.

Into the broken machine Rainbow got sucked,
Luckily though it was through a cloud ducked.
Through machine she bumped and she banged,
Into a big snowball she was forcefully jammed.

While down in Ponyville a group of five friends,
Was thinking of ways Rainbow hate they could cleanse.
Applejack said, “What’s going up there do you reckon?”
To witch Twilight reply was already forthcoming,
“Prepare yourselves everypony,
Winter is coming!”

Then though the air a huge snowball did fly,
And covered the whole town in snow, in the blink of an eye.

Later that day when it had all settled down,
The friends went to cheer up Dash who lay in bed with a frown.

“Knock knock” said Pinky walking in though the wall,
“How are you feeling? You worried us all”
“Whatever you guy, I’m not in the mood.”

Rainbow Dash said with a wave of her hooves.

“She looks all sad just what will we do?”

“I don’t know Rarity, to this problem I’m new.”

“Buck up sugarcube, you’re not acting yourself!”

“She’s right Rainbow Dash this is bad for your health!”

“Let me handle this,” Fluttershy said to the others.

“Rainbow Dash your winter will be petless,
This is simply a fact no matter how loud your protest is”

Hearing this, poor Dash burst into tears.

“Fluttershy why did you do that?” Said Rarity with a pout.

“Because she’ll never get over it if she doesn’t let it all out.”

And so Rainbow cried, she whined and bawled,
She howled and she whimpered, she sniveled and mewled.
Seeing their friend so down in the dumps,
Three of the others became crying lumps.

The only ones left not teary eyed
Were Twilight, and Applejack, but she cried on the inside.
After a minuet of howling and crying,

She got out of bed sniffing and sighing.
“I feel better, really I do,
Thanks everypony… Without you I don’t know what I’d do.”

Later that day, down in the woods by the lake,
Rainbow and her friends stood with Tank barely awake.

“Ok girls, he’s ready to go,
Anything to say before he sleeps under the snow?"

From all of the mares well wishes were offered,
As Tank buried himself until with dirt and snow he was covered.

“Well, do you want to come play?” asked Twilight as she was walking away.
“I’m going to hang here and read to him a bit.”
Rainbow said as she took out a book and began to sit.

After the book she went off with her friends for a while.
“I guess, winter won’t be as bad as I thought” she said with a smile.

Author's Note:

Well did not think it wold be that hard to come up with words, I have a new respect for authors of big story and fanfics.

Thanks for reading sorry if it sucks but I did my best, not that that's that great yet.

If you see anything that is miss spelled comment and I will fix it :twilightsmile:

oh and I don't own mlp fim......yet

Comments ( 17 )

Oooh, well done. This was perfectly Dr. Seuss-y.

I well favor this. Ha! Save thee and thy story, clever tongu'd whoreson.

Very amusing! Have a fav!

5941045 Thanks, I'm glad you like it.

This is just plain awful! Terrible! Dreadful! Utterly despicable!

You aren't even on the "Top 10" list yet?! THAT is the most unacceptable thing to be overlooked for this awesome story! :flutterrage:

On a somewhat unrelated note, don't you think this image should be added as an emoticon for FimFiction? Because if so, I would've used it as well as "FlutterRage"!

Great story, I read it just tonight. but one thing bugs me... It the rhymes aren't quite right.
Rhyming takes practice and patience, this is all true. But if you're going to make it the mane part of a story, this can be an issue.
I'd advise anyone who wants to write: to stay away from rhyming, unless they can do it right.
Avoid trying to force a rhyme, for you see, the best rhymes are the ones that come naturally.
It should be easy to read and say, the words should all flow in a certain way.
I have practised rhyme for several years, and still, I don't claim to be the best, probably never will.
I'm not trying to offend you or make you mad. I'm just trying to help, I hope it doesn't sound bad.
And now is the time that I will say adieu. I hope this comment helps you.

6009419 Thanks :twilightblush: I know the rhyming is not the best, but its the first (and most likley last) time I will wright in rhyme, I'm dyslexic so it's hard enough to right normally let alone wright in rhyme lol. P.S Thank you for being nice about it and not just saying it sucked, this way I can work on the problem and hopefully get better at wrighting :twilightsmile:

You're welcome. I thought I'd write the comment before in rhyme just for a bit of fun. I hope you liked that little touch.

6009969 yes I did and it was well done too.

Hey there! I did a reading of your story! I hope you enjoy it! Youtube Reading It's premiering December 11th at 1:00 AM EST!

Oh Awesome! I didn't think anyone even read this anymore:twilightblush: I look forward to checking it out on the 11th.

I read the narration in Discord's voice.

Yeah, I may go over this at some point since it's so messy :pinkiesick:, it's pretty embarrassing how bad it is tbh but I'm working on the new fic and that has an older and wiser mind behind it lol.

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