• Published 23rd Jul 2015
  • 805 Views, 2 Comments

Nightmare Star - mimnim

A ending entirely based off the rare trading card, featuring nightmare star.

  • ...

Return to harmony

Celestia was mortified. Tears poured down her cheeks. Luna and Twilight both put a wing round her. Celestia tried to pull away, but couldn't; they were on each side of her. They had already forgiven her, but Celestia could not forgive herself. It was all her fault! She had nearly killed her two favorite pony's, and devastated equestria. She had turned evil! She cried harder. Luna and Twilight hugged tightened, as they told that is was all OK now. Celestia felt like a foal, and remembered he mothers tight hugs. Then she remembered that her mother was dead.

What would she say now?

She would be bitterly disappointed. A sad lonely remorse, that Celestia had not felt in a long time, tightened in her chest. She cried harder still, though it was a quiet, wet sort of crying.

Luna started up an old lullaby.

Hush now dear sister,

You need not weep

You can rest in a peaceful sleep

For I will watch over you

And no harm will come

And I love you forever

Celestia finally gained control over her tears, though breathing was still heavy.

Luna whispered that she needed to tend to the sky.

Twilight was left with wing round Celestia's back, and decided to give her a hug with her hoofs aswell.

Twilight had never seen Celestia so sad. It was heart breaking. A single tear rolled down her cheek. She hugged Celestia even more tightly, as to prove how much she loved her.

Twilight had been so scared. What if she had lost Celestia?

Of course she and Luna could rule but, Celestia... She was older... and wiser...

Luna returned, and joined in the hug once more. She felt Celestia's remorse and looked into er eyes. Celestia looked back. Luna's eyes were exactly the same shade of blueish-green as there mother's.


"Bet you can't catch me Tia!" sung a little blue filly.

"Oh yes I can!" A slightly older with filly, with a pink mane, yelled.

They dashed around the house, occasionally flying, but not using their magic, as it was a rule.

After a while, the older alicorn got tired and went to read.

"Play with me some more Tia?" asked the younger one.

"not now Lulu, I want to read. Maybe later?" Celestia replied.


Celestia thumbed through her book to the bit about dive flying. It sounded difficult. Luna could probably do it, but then again Luna was more sporty. Celestia was more academic, and good at magic.

Suddenly she herd a scream and a thud.

She ran out of her room to see Luna, unconscious, at the top of the banister of the stairs, about to fall.

Without thinking Celestia flew to grab her. She just missed. Luna fell.

There was only one thing for it. Celestia jumped off the banister, and dived down, determined to catch Luna before she hit the ground. It was an awfully long way.

Celestia kept at it and caught Luna. She also performed a solar rain boom at the same time. The only problem was that Celestia did not know how to stop. She hit the ground with a thud.

The next thing she knew was her mothers eyes looking at her, while giving her a hug. Those same blue-green eyes. Just like Luna's.


Luna knew what her sister was going through. She to had been mortified after nearly killing her sister herself. What a pair we make, She though sadly to herself.

Well at least Celestia seemed to be recovering quicker. It had taken Luna months to recover the of being nightmare moon.

Kind of Ironic really. Nightmare star had devastated equestria, while nightmare moon only one castle. It wood cost them millions of bits to fix it all. Still she had her sister back, and that was the most important thing.

She used her magic to open the window a bit. a cool breath of wind swept through.

Luna suddenly remembered Tantabus. If that was she had done to herself, who knew what Celestia would do...

Of course Celestia was older and wiser, and might have the sense not to do anything stupid, but still....

Luna remembered discord punishing himself, before he turned evil.


Luna was wondering through the castle, when she heard a yell from behind the library door.

She went in to find discord, trying to mop up some tea from the floor, with a cloth. She magicked it away in a second.

"Why does thou not use thy magic?" asked Luna.

"I hatesth when you-I mean- thou speakieth likieth... like that anyway," said Discord.

Luna suddenly noticed something: Discord was standing on the floor, not floating.

"Why aren't you pulling a prank or floating?" asked Luna.

"There, I can actually understand you now. To answer your question, am i not allowed to contain my magic if I wish? You and Tia are always asking me to stop being annoying,"

Luna raised one eyebrow. She new her friend very well, and she could tell that something was up.

She ran a quick magical scan on him, to verify that he still had his magic ( witch he did).

"That tickled" he said, when she was done.

"Did Celestia say something?" she asked.

"Well... It was really my fault... you see... I kind of lost my temper... with some mean nobles... who where being a pain...."


"I created an irreversible spell so that every time they opened their mouth a pie would fall on their head..."

"Oh..." Said Luna.

"Well these things happen, even I *cough* Celestia loses thy temper sometimes,"

"But, I embarresd the whole court! I decided that i aught to contain my magic forever as a punishment!"

"Discord, there is really no need-"


"No buts. I will sort this out." Luna walked towards the door.

"Oh, and Discord?"


"I Forgive you,"


Those were the same words that she said now. She loved her sister forever.

It would take time for equestria to heal from Nightmare stars attack, but it would heel in time.

Comments ( 2 )

left completely unexplained but very nice and well written.:ajsmug:

I wanted readers to be able to imagine Celestia becoming nightmare star, and this would just be what came next.
Thank you for reading!

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