• Published 14th May 2012
  • 2,112 Views, 33 Comments

The Four Stallions of the Apocalypse: Broken Formation - UltimateRuin009

A 3rd person perspective following the actions of War as he changes the world one last time.

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Chapter 13

Chapter 13

Dear Princess Celestia,

It’s been about a week since Connor had transformed into… whatever he turned into; he still won’t talk to either me, Spike, or Trixie about it. I honestly mostly thought of him as a bit of a brute, somepony who just does a bit more harm than good, even though that’s only sometimes when he actually does how I assume him to be, he’s still a good pony at heart. I know that by now you’d expect another friendship report from me, something other than just another rant on what I think of my friends, but please understand that I’m scared, I need help, everypony under this roof needs help.

Thankfully Spike has had his ways of trying to get up and about and away from Connor and everypony else while I deal with Trixie, he’s been helping out with Rarity and finding more gems for her dresses. Just a couple of days ago, Connor showed him how to use his drill bit necklace to dig, by turning it into a bigger drill. I can’t even describe the amount of laws of physics he had broken while doing it, but he showed a way on what he can do is possible. I think that everypony else isn’t taking it well either, but I haven’t talked to them about it, its sort of a hush kind of situation for us.

Whatever he is, I just wish you could tell us, I don’t want to live in the shadow of doubt any more than Spike, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and I do. It’s incredibly tense in Ponyville too; all I get from the other ponies are stares. So are the others but they try their best to ignore them, I’m the only one that’s having it all seep in, and I can’t stand it. I’m so glad Spike has other places to be then Ponyville; I try my best to not have him see me like this.

But for the last time that I’ll ask in this letter, please, please tell us why and what he is, I…I…

Twilight just stood there staring at her letter, tears come out as easy as they stain her letter. She puts it away, and for a huge amount of time that she spent the week so far, she went to bed.

Away from Twilight’s room, away from the stress and away from the fear, Spike and Rarity roamed the barren wasteland just outside of the Everfree. Ever since the morning when the marshmallow coated pony woke the baby dragon from his slumber they’ve been out digging for gems. The bundle of scales and claws always loved it when his crush took him out to do things like this; it gave him practice to try out being a digger.

In his claws he held what should have been his drill bit necklace; instead it was just a drill much larger than that. It was simple, though heavy for him. During all these times of digging for Rarity he began to get the right form now. All he had to do was just hold it steady yet firm on the handle, while he worked his other hand on the crank and twisted it counter clockwise so he could get him and Rarity some of the really good gems.

Though despite the fact that he’d been learning more and more every day on being a digger, he sometimes couldn’t help himself but dig further into the ground then he should. It was always Rarity to get Spike back up to the surface if this was ever the case. Today was no different for the duo as they tread the dirt of the ground, Spike pulling the wagon, his necklace shinning bright in the sunlight, and Rarity taking the lead. Her magic had been helpful as well, her gem finding spell was always accurate, even if what she was getting was a faint reading, and it only meant that Spike had the opportunity of digging further.

Her horn was flaring, it grew brighter and brighter until it finally was blinking in rapid speeds, she had found a jackpot.

“Spike, you know what to do.” said Rarity.

“Yup, sure do!” exclaimed Spike happily.

The baby dragon pulled the wagon right next to spot of where she pointed her horn at, took the drill bit necklace from his neck and pointed it to his left side. The transformation of drill bit necklace to drill was always a complicated maneuver, one that had Twilight ask on how it was capable to defy the laws of physics or whatever she goes on about. But it was simple to him, and that’s all that mattered. He flung his arm around with his left arm to his right side, never letting go of the necklace, and in an instant it transformed to what he wanted it to, a drill.

It was there with all of its beauty and grace, one Spike never got tired of. It always had to glow green at first for some reason, but so far it had not affected him or anypony else, from thereon even Connor declared it safe. It was always with him when he was younger, so what could go wrong with a baby dragon?

He took the drill by the handle that seemed a bit too big for his size, and by the crank, and went to what he did best, digging. Now by the large size of the drill you’d think that it would prove ineffective and would just outright fail when trying to dig up a large hole. Spike was a quick learner though, and had already mastered even something as trivial as the size proportion goes.

Over the past week, the fashionista pony was able to craft Spike a pair of goggles to use when he digs too far into the ground. She was tired of constantly bickering him to wear some form of protective eyewear so that, and word by word, “It’s so you won’t get dirt in your cute little eyes, Spikey-wikey.” The amount of friend zoning that had taken place that day was at unbelievable levels. Regardless of what happened that day, Spike still wears his goggles with pride. They were perfect too, perfect fit, perfect lens, and perfect elastic band. They had the look of a five bit pair, but one thing that Rarity does, she can take the net worth of anything involving fashion at all, and quadruple it through quality workmanship.

Lowering the said item over his eyes, shifting them until they were in the perfect position, he started digging. Even though he’s been doing the same thing for over a week now, and for some ponies (or baby dragons for this matter) they would give up by now and seek a different hobby. Not Spike though, Connor was right to give him his old drill bit necklace to him. Having to drill for the first time he was hooked, both hands on the drill, one to hold steady the drill and the other to turn the crank shaft came as natural to him as breathing did.

When he was done digging where Rarity showed him, he managed to claw out a lot of different assorted gems, colors and shapes of them were numerous and en mass. Rarity, having to see a large stash of gems laid out for her to take, had many feelings well up in her. One of them happened to be happiness mixed with greed, a lot of it.

“Oh these will do very nicely!” exclaimed Rarity. Using her telekinesis, she managed to bring the large stash on the little red wagon Spike and her brought to this little trip, and continued onwards for more gems.

“Hey Rarity, if the wagon seems to be full enough already, why don’t we turn back?” asked Spike.

“Spikey-wikey, you know we need more gems for dresses, and you do love to eat gems don’t you?” pouted Rarity. All she had to do was pout with her lower lip and bat her eyelashes, and Spike was already drooling.


“Then c’mon dear, we need to get just a few more gems, okay?” Now she had to do the overkill and give him the puppy dog eyes, always the god damned puppy dog eyes.

So from thereon they spent some time at the desolate dirt fields. At this point the small wagon had something of a small mountain of gems in it; both of them were pleased by this, Rarity for her dresses, and for Spike to have plenty of gems to eat today. They decided now was a good time to go back to Ponyville, for they couldn’t fit anymore gems into the wagon, Rarity was sure of that.

On their way back to Rarity’s home, they noticed a rather intriguing landmark, a small crater with nothing in the middle but a foot mark, and a crack going a few feet south east from the crater, and to a tree that was broken in two. The two looked down on to the foot print, it wasn’t very hard to see where the toes were supposed to be were four toe claws, and one on a different part of the foot, and facing away to the opposite direction.

“You think this was Bro’s footprint, Rarity?” asked Spike. When he looked up he could see that she looked a bit pained, the way he asked her and the fact that Connor….well…you know was a bit hard for her to deal with.

“Yeah, I’m pretty sure it was.” said Rarity. He saw how Rarity’s face dropped when she answered him, and dropped the topic. To everypony what had happened affected them a lot, their safety, their belongings, and those that were close to them. To know one of those people that were close being the thing that bring those feelings up is something very unsettling, and scary. Spike however had a different idea.

There weren’t ever any kind of male role model for Spike to look up to, but now with the only role model there can turn into something that looks like him, it makes up for all the years not knowing any role model that’s suitable for him. He jumped down into the small crater to place his right foot up against the footprint in the middle of it. His foot was much smaller than the print he’s standing in.

Rarity, despite her own thoughts of what Connor was, couldn’t help but feel a bit happy for Spike to be as enthusiastic as he was. He was young, and ignorance always looked cute on children. “C’mon Spikey-wikey, its time to go home now.”

What seemed like forever, the moment Spike looked up to see the marshmallow colored pony, there popped out three diamond dogs from the ground right next to Rarity. At that point he sprinted towards her as fast as he could. There were some weird things on them though, the collars around their necks were normal, but what was being held in their paws was just as weird. They seemed like sticks, small in size, but shinned in the sun’s light and looked metallic.

“Leave Rarity alone!” shouted Spike. Two of the dogs already had a hold of the mare, and even pointing their odd sticks to her face. The third one seemed to be concentrating hard down the sights of his stick; it must have been something special because the hole that goes into the stick was what Spike was looking into. What he hadn’t realized, even Rarity didn’t, was that he was looking down the barrel of a pistol. With one pull of the trigger, Spike flew backwards with a loud grunt.

“Spike!” shrieked Rarity. Before she could break herself free, the Diamond Dog that shot Spike hit her in the head with the butt of the gun, and knocked her unconscious, not without leaving a bruise where she was struck. As subtlety as they came, they left behind the surface ground to the underground to who knows where.

The drill that lay on the ground next to Spike started to flash light green, over and over again, even when it reverted to its original drill bit form, it still kept flashing green. The light blinked over and over again without end, this however was a special thing about drill bit necklaces. For somepony else it was a signal, one of which that he would have hoped to never see or know is flashing. Not the dragon that lay unconscious next to the necklace, but the previous owner.

Spike woke up to see the sun light in his eyes, batting away the tiredness in his eyes he looked down in his body of where he got shot. Surprisingly, the bullet was just a flattened piece of metal right up against his belly without penetrating his body. “Whatever it was, thank Celestia for these scales.” thought Spike.

Spike’s head cleared up; even though the bullet didn’t kill him it was still enough to knock him out cold. He looked around for his drill, but he couldn’t find it. If he wasn’t easy before, now he was in a state of panic. First he had to lose Rarity, and now he loses his keepsake? He would never brave the underground to find Rarity on his own with the kind of heat those dogs were packing; who knew if they had bigger toys down under there? “Oh man…what will Bro think if he finds out I lost his old necklace?” asked Spike, assuming no pony was around to hear him talk to himself.

“He’d tell you to drop your balls, not your bearings.” said a voice. Spike looked towards where he heard the voice and saw his older brother’s back to him. He was looking down the hole where the Diamond Dogs took off to and stared in the bottomless pit, wondering where it leads off to.

“Wait…b-but Bro! I lost your old necklace,” said Spike, “I have no idea where it is! It was sitting right next to me here!”

“I have It.” said Connor. He flung his next to his right side and from his mouth the drill bit necklace flew. Spike, despite losing a bit of his strength to sleep he still found enough of it to catch his own necklace with ease. He was still uneasy, why was his Bro just standing there, ignoring his existence like he was nothing? “Spike, you do realize that we’re going to have to go down there, right?”

Spike couldn’t believe what he was hearing; all of his brain told him that this was a bad idea, to turn around and walk away from it all or at least get some more help. Two thoughts struck him like the bullet that nearly killed him: the thought of Rarity being hurt by those kidnapping dogs, and Connor’s strength and what he could have been capable of doing. He knew his Bro could do anything, and now that realized that again he decided to stand behind him.

“What about the others? Are they coming along?” asked Spike. He knew they needed leverage against whatever they might have been about to go up against, Connor knew it too.

“Nope, not right now at least,” said Connor “Soon they will, but it all depends if Trixie can round them up.”

Spike’s gut sank further into his bowels. “But…but Bro, we have no idea what’s down there, we don’t know what will happen to Rarity, and-”

Connor turned around to face his little dragon brother, looked him dead in the eye, and said, “Rarity will be safe, and I will make sure of that. If those damned dirty dogs lay a single paw on her I will burn these tunnels to ash. That is a warrior’s promise.”

Spike couldn’t tell who he should be scared of, the dogs underground or his Bro who had just promised to wipe out Rarity’s captors. He’d been like this through the past week, otherwise the other ponies wouldn’t be scared, or spit venomous hatred at a Prince of Equestria. He couldn’t tell if his Bro was doing it all on purpose or it was all just some big joke, desperation can make many think his actions were that, a big joke for the content of the joker himself.

“I understand your fear, if you don’t wish to come with me then so be it.” said Connor, right before climbing his way down into the hole, and into the darkness.

Spike had no idea what would be waiting for the two of them if he went down, he had more to fear than Connor had to after all. Would he ever come back out? Would he ever see Twilight and the others again? Would he see Rarity be saved in one piece or in pieces? It was surprising that he found himself think these kinds of things, had he not been taught peace and harmony instead of all these shockingly familiar feelings of dread?

One thing he knew however is that his drill needed to find Rarity, needed to find Connor, and hopefully something good might come out of this. He looked down at his necklace for what may possibly the last time he’ll see it, and knew what he had to do. With the same motion he turned his necklace into a drill, and jumped down into the hole.

How long had it been that a young purple dragon had been falling down this makeshift hole? Spike expected it to hurt when he hit solid ground, only to be thankful that he was wrong. He looked around; all he was able to see was the different gems in the ceilings and walls of the tunnel reflecting the green aura from his drill. He knew his Bro was right, the drill would help him, guess Connor never figured it would help him out as a flashlight, let alone as a real, functioning drill.

He knew one thing though; he had to be sneaky in this area. This was Diamond Dog territory, Spike though just remembered this specifically as Rarity’s captor’s territory for future preferences. Or whenever the other ponies actually came and wondered what a small baby dragon was doing down here so he would get a great reputation with Rarity, the civilians of Ponyville, and maybe more importantly among all of them: his Bro.

He kept following his brother’s hoof prints, feeling a sinking feeling in his gut. The hoof prints turned into foot prints, those prints with five toes, four in the front and one in the back of the foot or so all the prints after the hoof prints were. At first he couldn’t have believed that those new prints were Connor’s like the ones in the crater up in the surface, but he saw the prints between the hoof prints and the foot prints and how it all seemed to change as violently as it could.

He knew now that the path that the monster Connor could be walked, he couldn’t follow down here, not without losing more of himself than he did a week ago. He needed Rarity safe, but he also needed to be safe, his Bro could take care of himself in a place like this. Spike took his drill by the handles and spun it counter clockwise by the mechanisms of the drill, and started tunneling into the left side of the tunnel he was walking down.

He had no real protection aside from his goggles and his drill if it had to come down to self-defense. He had no mask to shield his lungs from the harsh gasses from below the soot and rock of the Earth, nor did he have any clothing to protect himself from anything that might poke and puncture his scales and into his fleshy insides. But he did have his goggles on, a drill old enough to know the hardness of the Earth, and the desperation of wanting to save the two ponies he loved. He kept digging, unknowing what would happen next or if he would come back out alive or not.

A digger’s instinct is greater than that of reason though, and this digger was out for his diamonds, but would those diamonds help him get out alive? A digger never knows those things; he just lives through them as they go.

Spike continued on, the light of his drill his only lantern in the darkness of uncertainty.

One week. One week was all it took for the tendencies to come back. His curse was one not many to this day suffer from, a good thing too. The transformation would bring them to the point of insanity, a point where the blue coated stallion with the gar shades always contemplated if he ever hit. These feelings, these thoughts were far unnatural for ponies and herbivores to have, but he had converted to an omnivore long ago. Meat tasted good when his teeth could cut through the hard, tender flesh.

He kept walking, knowing that the tunnel he was following would have him wind up saving Rarity. Every step forward counted, both towards his goal, and the fun he would have along the way. Its not right to kill just for personal gain though, Connor knew that much, but he always knew that to keep his inner demons in check something has to give.

Thankfully, aside from the maneuverability of an ape and opposable thumbs, there was something that was useful in this form, his enhanced sense of smell. If it weren’t for that he’d be lost in this Celestia-forsaken place, what disturbs him is that he can smell Rarity, even if she must be placed into some horrid place farther underground. The thought of that made him tread faster, making more noise than he should make in the enemy’s territory.

“What was that noise?” demanded a voice. It was far too gruff for it to be a pony’s voice, and sounded far unintelligent. Connor knew it was a Diamond Dog, just a few feet away. He took to the shadows of the ceiling as he watched the Diamond Dog enter the tunnel, and just at the spot he was.

“I know you’re here, show me where little one is.” smugly said the Diamond Dog. Looking down to where he was he found it cute for the big doggy to act tough just because he had a weapon in his paws. He did what Connor wanted him to do however; he kept searching the tunnel, away from where he was, until he was finally out of ear shot of the other potential dogs. He dropped right down on the Diamond Dog, subdued him, and pinned him down with his face to the wall.

“If you make a move, I will rip you apart like you were a medium rare steak.” threatened Connor, setting his voice down to a growling pitch. Seeing the position he was in with his next potential victim, and the adrenaline pumping through his system, he felt in the mood of that kind of thing right now. His rational senses pulled him back up from the gutter, and back into the reality of things. This dog may have taken Rarity, either that or some other dog, it doesn’t matter.

He felt quick breathing from the dog in his arms, this all put him in a bit of a scare, seemed to have put him into shock for the time being. Suddenly Connor felt the dog howl as loud as he could, he quickly slammed the dog’s head into the wall until he was certain his head was stuck in there. He pulled his head out, and started to punch him until he was silent, but alive. He grabbed him by the neck and slammed him up against the wall.

“I’ve given you the chance to do this the easy way, but now I know I’ll just find another one of you, you won’t be the only Diamond Dog that dies this day.” Connor threw the dog to the ground, took the arms of the Diamond Dog by the wrists, ripped them apart from the body, and started destroying the rest of the dog with his own arms, blood splattering the wall next to him.

When you’re killing someone privately you shouldn’t make too much of a mess, but the bloodier the kill, the more thrill that goes with it. But now he stood in the remains of a creature too foul to be remembered, his hands covered in his blood, his chest covered in blood, even a bit of his shades were covered in blood. He promised he wouldn’t kill anything within the borders of Equestria, but either by underground or by borders these Diamond Dogs weren’t safe from his wrath.

He dug up a small hole, threw what he could into the hole and continued onwards like he did before, but now with the adrenaline coming through his system. He took a chunk of dog meat with him before he continued forward though, and what was a long time he ate a piece of meat. “Oh how satisfying this kill proved to be.” thought Connor. He smacked his lips at the thought of consuming more meat.

The thing that separates someone who knows their senses and a hunter is the taste for blood. It comes in all shapes and sizes; Connor’s blood thirst is triggered by the taste of meat. It’s unnatural yet tasty nature of consumption would be frowned upon by his friends, but what they never realized before is that eating his enemies were one of two choices. The other choice was eating them, he wasn’t chained by the taboo of cannibalism, and it certainly wouldn’t be the first time having to eat another of his kin.

He went back to the mess to pick up the Diamond Dog’s interesting weapon. It certainly was as small and tender as any big stick was, but it was no stick, it was metal. Connor looked down the barrel and noticed the trigger; he pushed against it and saw the bullets fly right in between his eyes. All he felt was a whole bunch of poking.

“So, this is the kind of weapon that these Diamond Dogs use to protect themselves?” asked Connor. He started to laugh heartily without fear of anyone, or anypony else hearing him. “Oh boy, warfare has REALLY done good to switch things up.”

Walking back down the tunnel at a steady pace, he couldn’t help but to keep laughing more. “I guess that’s what you get when you try to switch up a game where the rules are to kill, nothing gets done.” Saying that made his spines quivered as if on cue. Nothing was around him, at least anything alive, so why were his spines shaking? They spiked up from his body, becoming daggers and they were being thrusted towards empty air. There was no target, it was just his own body telling him that he had weapons for greater than these sticks, and Connor was listening.

He walked faster, knowing that whatever was ahead was nothing to fear. He had forgotten to have humility in the face of danger, but danger was merely just another kill to add to the list when it came to Connor.His walking turned to running, his running turn into sprinting, and the only times he stopped was when he was about to slice up another Diamond Dog in his way, and there were plenty to go around in the underground.

Running up to a hole he noticed a large city of them, innocent civilians led by weak, incapable leaders. He contemplated whether he should actually go in and kill all the Diamond Dogs for the hell of it, for taking away Rarity, but he shook it off, entered the area but kept himself unseen. Connor killed an unsuspecting Diamond Dog where it was far too dark for the other Diamond Dogs to care and took his robes, and walked around, hidden in plain sight.

This was fairly impressive to say the least of the place he was looking at. Around and around holes were made as tunnel ways to other places, markets, homes, he didn’t stumble around an underground network; Connor came across an entire city of Diamond Dogs; made out of dirt and other hard substances capable of keeping the city as it is. As he looked around he thanked his lucky stars that the place was too dark for the other dogs to see that he’s really not one of them, and that his shades helped him out on that. It really surprised him; shouldn’t they have eyes that have adapted to this lifestyle?

No, no more questions, just need to find Rarity.” thought Connor. He noticed that his pace looked more hurried than his usual calm stride, and brought himself back to a steadied walking pace. Though as it seems that the price to pay for stealth was his lack of the language of the Diamond Dogs, as he looked above the tunnel openings he noticed that all the signs were written in a language he’s never seen. He had confronted Diamond Dogs before, but not in their dens, or in this case an entire city full of them.

It was tempting to go and talk to a Diamond Dog for directions; it may be stupid to try something like that, but he had to do it. Looking at one such Diamond Dog he knew what to do. This one had a gray coat just like every other dog in there, but with this one it was just standing there, bored, while everyone else was working on something. This Diamond Dog stuck out more than he did, and that was saying something. If things went south he’d be able to clean up the mess quick, he knew he could.
“Hello there,” said Connor. “Would you mind redirecting me towards the mines? I have somewhere to be.”

The Diamond Dog sniffed him down, looked at him disgustingly, and said, “You smell like you do.” He entered what appeared to be a threatening position, by then he knew his cover was blown. Connor looked around, hoping that no one else saw what was going on and once again thanked himself that no one found him out yet other than this Diamond Dog, in fact, no one was around to begin with.

“And you are very far from your pack, mutt.” said Connor. He grabbed the Diamond Dog by the neck, and pushed him to the darkness of an ill-lit alley. The last thing that mutt saw was the green of Connor’s eyes behind a red pair of gar shades, just like others of his kin that day.

Earlier that day, Connor had told Trixie to round up the rest of the mane six, or just anypony that would go with her to where Connor was going. One thing she knew in her very short time in Ponyville was that her roommate would rather wind down a crazy road, no matter the reasons.

What broke her heart bit by bit were the refusals he got by asking the Mane six who weren’t kidnapped. She remembered asking Applejack, she could recall that she was very up for the rescue mission. She was right until mentioning that Connor was coming along that really had her stumped. “Ah’m sorry sugar cube, the uh…crops need to have some extra tending, yes sir uh, have a good day now!” From what Connor had told her, Applejack was a very selfless pony. He must have been wrong then.

She remembered having to tread to find Rainbow Dash; she refused just like Applejack did and continued on with what she was going to do. Then she went on to Pinkie Pie, she didn’t respond, she just cartwheeled away. She expected Fluttershy’s rejection to be just like the others, but she didn’t even try to have a good excuse, and just slammed the door in haste.

What hurt her most was asking Twilight if she would come. She could recall what happened like an image from an old dream.

“Twilight?” asked Trixie, “Are you in there? The Great and Powerful Trixie asks for your audience this instant!” Trixie kept pounding at the door regardless, she was tired of having the others refuse to save Rarity with Connor, she may be naïve but it doesn’t mean that she’s completely void of the events around her. They knew him longer, how come they didn’t want to save their friend with another friend with them?

“Go away Trixie!” shouted Twilight from the other side of the door, whimpering. Her voice was muffled, but the kind of muffled that she’d have her face full of something. Trixie noticed that the door wasn’t even locked and walked right in, unprepared for what she was about to see.

Trixie believed Twilight Sparkle to be a strong mare in the times of adversity, especially with the shunning and hate being spewed at her by the other ponies in the town. She could withstand waves of words and a siege of hate from anything in the world, what she didn’t realize was that other ponies had different defenses. Twilight had none against this.

What she saw instead was a great mare crying her soul out into a pillow. No wonder she didn’t sound very happy on the other side of the door. “Hey…what’s the matter?” asked Trixie, for what seemed to be once for her life, trying to soothe a pony’s troubles in a calm, motherly like voice.

“Get out of here!” shrieked Twilight. Guess she wasn’t as weak hearted as Trixie had thought before entering the room. “I didn’t say you could come in here!” She stepped out of the room and stood at the doorway, completely caught off guard of Twilight’s outbreak

“But Trixie just wanted to know if you’d like to save Rarity with me, Spike and-”

“-and Connor, correct?” asked Twilight forcefully.

Trixie cringed, “Yes, but I don’t get it, you all gave him the love he needed for the past week, what’s the big deal with going with Connor?”

Twilight breathed deeply before responding, then exhaled. “You want to know why I don’t want to go, or the reason why everypony else has refused to go with you?”

“How did…?”

“Believe me, do you think that anypony would go on something as dangerous as this with that…monster? I don’t need any proof that nopony else wants to go with the likes of Connor!”

For some reason, Trixie felt bad for hearing all this.

“Connor is the reason why for the past week we’ve been living like how we are. The shop owners refuse to trade with us anything because of Connor. The spa has not only shunned me and the other girls, they’ve banned us from that place, why? Connor! I live day in and out fearing that I’m next on whatever sort of list he has on dead things. He can’t even tell you, or us in that matter what he is! He’s hiding something, but Celestia has refused to say anything back on this and I can’t take it anymore!”

“Trixie assures you that…”

“No more!” roared Twilight. “I’ve had enough of the fear! The pain! The suffering that we take day after day, all this unnecessary grief we deal with, all this agony! Its all because of him! Now leave my room NOW!”

Right before Trixie did leave, she had some words to share with Twilight. “You know, I feel sorry that you have to live a life without comfort princess, how do you think I felt since day one of my life? I’ve dealt with shun and rejection in so many ways, I could have gotten places if it weren’t for ponies like you who wouldn’t let me have a chance at a life like yours! Do you think I wanted to spend the rest of my Celestia forsaken days rotting in that cabin?!”

“Now I’m paranoid of him too, but you know what, he gave me a chance at a new life, he gave you one as well and so did he do the same for the others, you’re essentially giving up Rarity for your petty fears! And if you’re going to turn your back on him then I, the Great and Powerful Trixie turn mine at you. You aren’t worth the ground you tread!” With that, Trixie slammed the door on Twilight, and the doors of her memories.

She shook her head back to reality when she realized where she was going off to. She felt a sinking feeling in her gut that things weren’t going to be alright, but she had to keep moving, if not for Rarity’s sake, than it was for her. She owed a lot to Connor, she would not abandon him.

Trixie decided to gallop to her destination, when it came down to rescuing someone there can’t be any hesitation. It didn’t take her long to find herself at the outskirts of Ponyville, where she remembered Spike and Rarity going off to, but the harder part was finding a way to get to Rarity without getting herself lost.

Looking around she found herself an entrance into the ground, it wasn’t much, but granted it was the only route she could go at this point she took it as it was. Right before going in she turned her head to the direction from where she came from. She could see Ponyville where she was, it was faint to see, but the Mayor’s manor helped her locating the little town. It wasn’t much of a place, but it was her home. It wasn’t the place where she was born, but there was something from it that had her stay, that something was underground somewhere, finding something.

She jumped right down into the hole and embraced the darkness, unaware of where fate may take her, but only that she succeeded in her mission, alongside a baby dragon and his brother with the gar shades.

How long has it been since the baby dragon had been digging? He doesn’t know, no one knows, only his drill knows, but his drill has no mouth but only a soul. That soul is the heart of his soul; he knows it every time he cranks the handles of that drill, the one passed down by his brother. So long as he could keep digging he could believe in what his brother believed in, whatever it was that he believed in.

“Why haven’t I hit anything yet?” thought Spike. Sadly, the one thing Spike hasn’t learned yet was patience; all children don’t know that yet but eventually he will, and a digger knows patience more than others.

He kept spinning his drill, and spinning, and spinning, fearing that he would hear his drill spin for an eternity. Sure he came across a few crystals but they were nothing like Rarity, which was what he wanted the most. The thought of whatever the Diamond Dogs might be making her do made him spin his drill faster.

Eventually, something did come up in the most unlikely of forms. He saw an eye, a metallic one that glowed green just like his drill did. In fact, his drill was lighting up in the same pattern that the eye was. He started to drill around the eye and realize that the eye wasn’t just an eye; it had a face, a nose, a rather weird looking mouth, and a cock pit. At least with what he could assume was a face, nothing in books he’s ever read or by anyone he ever met.

“Wow, what a face!” exclaimed Spike in excitement. By the looks of what he had just found it seemed that nothing in the world was shinier or more valuable than this. Sadly, his ignorant mind had him believe that he needed to show his Bro this now of all situations.

Digging around to allow him more space to observe his new find he came to the conclusion that he couldn’t bring it to Bro, but maybe he could bring Bro to it! Oh Spike felt like a clever little genius at that moment he swore the light bulb above his head was brighter than the drill he sported.

He assessed quickly which way bro could be. He definitely isn’t where he came from, but maybe if he went to the south-west he could find him. Spike realized that he never taught himself a good sense of direction, or even a way to find his way home from where he was, let alone actually be able to get to Ponyville from where he was from.

It all didn’t matter, he just had to try, his friends would be coming, his Bro should be along with them, and above all, Rarity is waiting for him. He put back on his goggles, whirred up his drill by the handles, and started digging; this time to a new direction, further down into the Earth. Spike was uncaring to wherever he may be going, but he believed that his drill would light the way there. It always had during the past week.

The digger stayed silent as he felt the familiar feeling of steel against rock and dirt as he drilled a new path onwards. The digger would find his gem eventually, he knew it.

Comments ( 10 )

Darn cliffhangers!


Only with me does this happen. :raritywink:

CURSE YOU CLIFFHANGERS!!!:flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage:



Cliffhangers after all this text?

Also why does this not have more view. I'm submitting this to Bronycurious just to get some more views on this, for good or ill.


Honestly, its not the best work of fiction, but nothing ever is. Its way weird at the first 5 chapters, and it only really starts to get good after chapter 9 or so, and I doubt people have all this time to really get into it, especially all that's going to meet them is a really good troll of a cliffhanger.

I don't really mind where you submit this story too, just so long as it isn't anyone as harsh as the EqD fanfic guys. That would be horrible. :fluttercry:

2328347 The EQD guys are just a bunch of Trixies anyway.

Seriously unless it's by popular demand they will critic every little thing to keep from posting something. It's why this video makes a joke about it at the start:

Lol I saw what they did there. Idk, EqD is very informative and correct on some levels, but when it comes to fan made stuff (stories, fan animations, videos, etc.) its pretty broken and some accounts it is very unfair. I have submitted this and man, it was pretty harsh. But enough of that, EqD is now nothing more but taboo on this website anyways.

But what is bronycurious? Do you have a link to it? I never really heard of it before.

2330476 he's an artist doing a Trixie comic who also does reviews and such on youtube.

I don't know if he still does it, but he did try to make a fanfiction only review podcast a month or so ago and on his tumbler talks about fanfics all the time.



Really? I'm not seeing it, but hell, I've only seen the first two pages so I guess I just might have to look more here.

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