• Published 14th May 2012
  • 2,110 Views, 33 Comments

The Four Stallions of the Apocalypse: Broken Formation - UltimateRuin009

A 3rd person perspective following the actions of War as he changes the world one last time.

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Chapter 12

Chapter 12

The day was long and tiring for the blue coated stallion, all he could think while apple bucking was the fireworks in the distance, and how they needed to stop. All he could see aside from the sea of green leaves and red apples was the annoying flashes of light and disruptive sounds of fireworks that dug their ways into his brain with each successive bang shaking his concentration.

During his time in the modern world so far he had come to accept a lot of things which would be considered alien during his time one thousand years ago and would have most likely send him into a state of shock. Today wasn’t that kind of day, instead there was one thought in mind that managed to keep away the feelings of panic and confusion from the way each firework went off without a second thought: Trixie Lulamoon.

He couldn’t lie to himself. She was a very fashionable mare in his opinion. The way her white hair flowed evenly like it was made of silk and clouds, the way her cape and wizards hat made her eyes shine like the stars on her ha-and he walked right into an apple tree.

He rubbed his face for a few seconds before his passenger decided to throw his two cents into it. “Bro, what’s going on with you man?” asked Spike in a worried tone. This had caused the only help for Connor on Sweet Apple Acres task to come up to him with a cart full of apples as red as his coat.

“Is somethin’ bothering ya, Connor?” asked Big Mac. The two looked towards the large, blue coated stallion with curiosity, awaiting a response from him.

“Nnope.” said Connor doing his best to imitate the red stallion’s usual dull expression. “Just don’t quite have my head in the game lately, my bad Macintosh.” Much to his surprise, Big Mac just grinned knowingly and nodded his head in content.

“Well that’s alright Connor, ya’ll been a mighty fine help to my family here in the Apple Bucking season, even with that little incident between you and me…heh.” Big Mac said this with an awkward laugh while rubbing a spot behind his head innocently. “I think ya’ll need a break, unless you’d like to talk about what’s on yer mind.”

Connor only shrugged, putting himself in reverse and pulled his cart next to Big Mac’s, then walking alongside him, only taking off the harness of the cart to go buck another tree for apples to land in a wooden bucket. It went on like this for the next three minutes in silence before Big Mac decided to break the ice again. “Hey yah know Ah was bein’ a bit serious when Ah asked if ya’ll could share what was on yer mind, Connor.”

“I already know what’s on Bro’s mind,” said Spike calmly. He had a devious grin plastered on his face, not caring for the dangerous, angry look that was on his brother’s face. Eyes that thanks to the sour expression looked like fire, which told of the many bad things he’d do to Spike should he squeal.

“Tell him one damn word of what I told you before, and I’ll beat you so hard not even Celestia herself can find traces of you in the ground.” threatened Connor. Spike winced at his brother’s words like he’d been struck by pins to his arms.

“Well wouldn’t ya'll like to say it yourself?” asked Big Mac.

The large blue stallion just responded with a sigh. He stopped in his tracts to look at Big Mac, saying with a straight face, “I’ve been thinking a lot about this pretty mare, it ain’t much.” The farmer pony just smirked knowingly.

“If it ain’t much then why are yah stressin’ out over it?” The realization hit Connor harder then he thought it would.

“I…I don't know Mac, guess I just like her more than I thought.”

“That’s the understatement of the millennium,” said Spike as he tried not to laugh so hard he'd fall off his brother’s back.

“Well, spill the beans Casanova, who is she? Does she have a fine paying job?” asked Big Mac, nudging Connor playfully. It was a really odd question to ask between two stallions when it came to a mare, this was one of the first things the stallion had learned during his first week of being back on Earth.

“She’s a show mare.” said Connor, with a straight face trying to not have a different reaction. It wasn’t very stallion like to do so.

The farmer pony just looked at Connor with a look of disbelief. “Well, ya’ll have an interestin’ taste in mares don’t ye?”

Connor raised an eyebrow, “What are you talking about? What’s wrong with being a show mare?” Big Mac’s look of disbelief turned into one of shock at the blue colt’s ignorance.

“Connor, show mares um…well Ah can’t say it in front of Spike here, he ain’t old enough to hear what Ah’d say,” stated Macintosh.

“Well why not?” asked Connor curiously.

Big Mac leaned in, whispered the answer into Connor’s ear. Spike fought with himself on whether to listen in or not, but decided it was better to just stay quiet and wait for them to finish. His message delivered clearly, Macintosh backed up as surprise and a shade of red on his face that spread over his blue coat. “Oh…I didn't know what kind of show mare you were talking about. But no, she don’t doesn’t do that.”

“Then what does she do then?” Big Mac asked interested.

“She’s just a traveling magician, boasting about how she’s better than everypony else. Believe me, if you thought I'm bad you should see THIS mare.” That only made Big Mac rub his chin, deep in thought.

“You know, if she’s as bad as ya’ll say she is, then why in Celestia’s name will yah like her?” Connor shook his head.

“You didn’t hoof wrestle her bro,” Big Mac looked more confused with that, Connor only rolled his eyes. “Say what you want, hoof wrestling can bring out what a pony is through their eyes. What I saw was a pony who’s lost, confused and such, not evil. I just want to know her story really.”

The red coated farm pony just trotted away with a shrug, mumbled something about how stubborn some ponies could be, and went back to work. Both stallion and baby dragon figured out that they might as well get back to it, and spent the rest of the day working in silence.

By the time Connor packed up and went to take his leave back the library, the sky had already started to get late. The orange light of his aunt’s sun shone brightly, brilliantly, and covered the land of Ponyville in a beautiful glow that tinted everything with its beauty. It was a true sight to behold looking upon Sweet Apple Acres as the radiant light bounced off the sweet red apples the town loved so much. The only thing ruining it was that the fireworks at the markets were still going off.

“Gee Bro, how long do you think that she’ll keep up these darned fireworks?” asked Spike, rubbing his chin in thought, looking over to where the fireworks could be seen, even if they were faint to hear and see.

“Honestly little stallion, I have no idea.” said Connor. Looking up to the sky he could see the moon come over from the east, his mother was right on time. The part of the moon of which grabbed his attention though was how all he could see of it was tiny. It wasn’t a full moon, or a half one, but a Waning crescent moon of such a thin strip it was almost not there at all. On the inside he felt his stomach drop, feeling a bit weak in the legs they started to shake a bit.

“Hey, are you okay Bro?” asked Spike in worry. He took note of how he was feeling, and just as quickly as it took for his legs to feel limp, he stopped and regained his posture.

“Yeah, just a tiring day of apple bucking is all… blood brother,” said Connor with some heavy breathing as he blow off the dragon’s worry-some question.

The walk home for Connor was a silent one. He didn’t talk because he knew Spike would just pester him about how he was feeling earlier. The trotting stallion couldn’t help but know the little guy was around his hoof when it came to him. It was a nice feeling to know that someone cared about him for sure.

However his train of thought was messed up when Spike burped out fire, and from it came a letter. He had never saw Twilight Sparkle’s method to sending a letter to Princess Celestia, all he was around to see was her write a letter and without even leaving the library, the letter was gone in the next second. How he thought she’d do it was a teleportation spell, never went into the details of it, just did his own thing. Spike grabbed it with his claws, careful to not cut into it by accident, and Connor just looked to see the letter for himself.

“So, what does it say Spike?” asked Connor. The baby dragon sat in silence, stuck in his own little world reading a letter that’s not meant for him to read. “Spike?”

“Huh?” said Spike in surprise, exiting the world of reading. He could tell that his older brother had found that not paying attention to him when he asked for his attention politely can anger him a little.

“What does it say?” repeated Connor, in a mildly annoyed tone in his voice.

“Well it’s not for me, Bro, it’s for Twilight.” explained Spike, stuttering a bit. The blue stallion gave him the eye, but just shrugged it off anyways, and kept walking.

“Honestly Spike, I don’t care so much for whom it’s for, but don’t read another pony’s mail,” said Connor, not even looking at the little dragon.

All he did was roll it nicely and held it on a free hand, and held onto the blue stallion’s mane with the other, and quietly responded, “Okay.” Connor could hear the sincerity in his voice, even if it was shyer than Fluttershy’s, but he just kept walking. Walking and never looked back at Spike.

He couldn't tell if the streets were busier than before. It was dusk and ponies at this time should be going back into their comfortable homes and beds .Not to mention that the performance put on a certain show mare has stopped shooting her fireworks, (about damn time too) into the sky with no other meaning then to capture interests. He couldn't tell, but just kept walking. Nothing to him at the moment was anywhere more important than walking to him.

Walking back home, and hoping what’ll come next, won’t come next.

As anypony could suggest, the walk home for Connor and Spike was a silent one. At first they tried making small idle chat, but it was awkward to last long so they always stopped talking. There was nothing there for them to do but just get to the library.

Spike could feel the tension off of the pony he was riding on. It was like sitting on a bed of hot coals, you were not going to ignore it. He did his best to take it without saying a word, but even he could tell that whatever was bothering Conner it was the type of thing that would make most ponies panic, panic for what he wasn't sure of.

The dark azure stallion could feel that Spike was getting uncomfortable from his tension. He wanted to turn his head around, tell him and lie to his face that he’s fine and walk like nothing happened. But even then he’d know the child still feel more tension and freak out, and if he freaks out he’ll gather the attention of the others and then when the moment of truth for him comes, all eyes will behold the horror within, and forever be scared. Just like everypony else that encountered him and knew of what he held in, something that to this day only his family knows about.

He had come to terms with the fact that his new friends, and Spike especially, would learn about it eventually, but this was too soon, too fast. His life was already going for the better, and what he could only assume was the same as his cousins and mother, if they knew already about it...

“Bro, look out!” exclaimed Spike.This whole time as it turns out, the purple dragon sitting nicely on his back wasn’t the only one who had entered their own little world as Connor went head first into the door of his home. However the results of anypony would suggest weren’t the result, the doors didn’t fly open, not at all. Instead they were forced off their hinges as the force of his body knocked him, Spike, and the door to the ground, after tumbling through fifteen feet into the library that is.

Twilight rushed to the scene and all that welcomed her was a missing door, Spike lying on top of the unhinged door, a large blue pony with his head right through it, and some books scattered across the floor. She was mad. No, beyond mad. She felt furious to the point if her anger where a kettle would have taken too much heat, thus the steam would fill up to the breaking point, and explode. But when Twilight lets it all out, she’ll let it all out. “CONNOR!!” screamed Twilight.

Connor’s head bolted up when he heard his name being screamed by what he was thinking was a banshee, he looked up to see the lavender unicorn’s face bright up with a shade of crimson that terrified him. The fear of disappointment was one that is not to be taken lightly by anypony. But what else shouldn’t be taken lightly, from what he knows from experience, is that very unicorn should not be messed around with. Looking around he noticed the books scattered across the floor from where he crash landed. He took one big gulp and sunk his head in defeat.

“Do you have ANY idea how long it took to organize these books?!” shouted Twilight. The regretful colt just watched her go down the stairs. He could even tell that his eyes were sinking into his head. His bottom lip was quivering when her front legs hit the stairs, his back legs felt weak when she was almost sprinting towards him. Never before has he felt fear before in all of his life, he faced many things in his life and endured many tortures and hits, enough for the average pony to die at just one of the hits he had to feel. But this was Twilight Sparkle, he dare not to tread on her. But now he has, and the flood gates of doom have been swung open by his carelessness.

“…It couldn’t have been that long right?” joked Connor with a nervous chuckle that gave away his fears. But the motherly scowl from Twilight had it all die out within a few seconds.

“You don’t even want to know. Now if you don’t mind I’d like for you to go off and do what you normally do so I can fix things here. Okay?!” snapped Twilight. Connor picked himself up from the ground, looked at Twilight with big puppy dog eyes, and walked away slowly with his tail between his legs. Spike managed to get up on his feet too, brushing off any bit of wood dust off of him before facing his caretaker, giving her the stank eye.

“What?” asked Twilight, irritated.

“You hurt Bro’s feelings. He didn’t MEAN to actually cause this mess.” said Spike.

The lavender coated pony sighed before continuing, “Spike, the library isn’t just constricted to just me, you, Connor, and the others, it’s constricted to all citizens of Ponyville, and must be regularly checked up. Like the library in Canterlot or the study room back at Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns. Breaking down the door and knocking books off their shelves is NOT keeping the library cleaned up.”

Spike looked at her with an unsatisfied face, reaching behind he took out the letter meant for the mare in front of him, rolled it up and threw it at her front feet. He crossed his arms in defiance to his caretaker and stormed off to where he saw Connor going. “There’s that stupid letter for you.” Little did he know, Twilight was looking at him with fire in her eyes, and grinding her teeth so fast and hard he could have heard it if he paid attention.

Walking away to her room she tried to keep her composure nice, tight and calm. With what she had to deal with just now, she would have normally disciplined Spike severally on the spot, several times. But she had to lead an example. She was supposed to be nothing like Connor. No use of violence could be justified in his situation. She had to promote the good will within Spike. He’s been around for a long time for her but his growth and development is much longer than a regular pony’s, and can take longer for them to learn any morals then a pony would.

It still didn’t stop her from being pissed off beyond rational reasoning though.

Walking back into her room and closing the door with a rear kick, walking to her bed with fury pent up inside of her. She was so infuriated that when she went to straighten out the letter that was so rudely thrown to her, she nearly tore the parchment in two. Trying to gain back focus she got what she wanted, and now all she wanted was to read her teacher’s reply:

Dear Twilight Sparkle,

First I would like to say that I do not mind if you share your thoughts with me, even if you go on about them. I find comfort into knowing you can write to me like another friend, makes me feel good and lately with the situation with my sister and children, I would like to feel comfort anywhere, even from the little things. As for what concerns you have with my nephew would be better answered through my sister for reasons very obvious to you and I. But sadly, Luna’s writing skills are much to be determined, she has yet to properly write the English language so all info would be coming from me. So I will answer you to the best of my abilities.

Connor Stronghooves, as you are well aware, has a very dark history behind him. In truth there’s a reason why the Mare on the Moon was just a simple fairytale for fillies and colts, my sons and sister are hard for me to forget but, he is a special case.

Seeing him change so dramatically is…shocking to see. Looking at him like that reminds me that even the worst of us can find good in what we do. If he ever shared with you thoughts of his past life before the Mantle of War, then you may know he lived a life of fear. Not of me or his mother, from my knowledge at least, but rather what ponies would think of him. I tried to talk to him about a large piece that is him but he only gotten short with me and Luna.

It’s something that you’ll see tonight, the moon will reveal all you’ll have to know tonight. Maybe then you’ll understand Connor in a way, not totally and completely, but rather feel empathetic towards him. When Luna wanted to “fix” Connor, she did so at the cost of being what a pony is. It was un-equine of what she done, he knows it too, but he managed to have some condolences with it and used his talents to bring peace to what he could.

As for his drill necklace, I’m incredibly shocked that he just openly gave that away to Spike so easily. I mean, we already knew about this but this is just an odd concept to me. We found that thing around his neck since we found him on our door steps in the very castle in the forest. He would never take it off, and anypony that tried was met with resistance, especially me. We knew there was something special about it, but just like you we never found out. Connor made sure of that. Though the fact that he’s been growing fond of the baby dragon his younger brother is something else that’s rather worrisome to me. He just met Spike, why would he be attached already?

Anyways, just a forewarning on top of telling you that Connor will do something tonight, I’ll advise you to stay away from him. His…condition is a very interesting one. The kind of interesting that you can’t know of it when it happens, but rather at a safe distance. I’m not too worried of Spike being too close to him but I’d like you to keep a sharp eye on him. The moon will soon rise over Equestria, and when it does, the world will hear the Dark Prince’s call.



The letter felt all sorts of wrong for Twilight to read. She knew she had warned him of what to come next, but at the same time she didn’t. In her earliest memories she could recall the same pony that wrote that letter to her telling her to not be superstitious and somewhat paranoid. Now she was telling her to stay away from something that she knew what it was but also what it wasn’t. It set her at ease knowing the when and why, but everything about it was in the grey. She wished that she had more information, if anything were to happen to Spike… no. Those thoughts were wrong to think of.

Surprised that her anger quickly turned into fear, she took a minute to take deep breaths and think. “Okay Twilight, get it together girl, just take Spike for a bit, say we’re going out for ice cream, and leave for however long it’s going to be,” thought Twilight. She looked out the window in her bedroom, seeing that the time of twilight has ended and coming in the night. She could actually see the moon rising up slowly, very slowly but steadily.“Guess Princess Luna needed some practice on the pace the moon was traveling. A thousand years of being on it would make you think she’d do better you know?

Or was it on purpose…?

No Twilight, what did I tell you? Get it together…” thought Twilight. She set the sheet of paper down on her night stand and headed for the door. The moment she took one step out the door, she galloped as fast as she could to where she thought Spike was. A look of worry invaded her eyes as she continuously bumping into things, knocking a book or two over as she ran towards Connor’s room. Funny how she always blamed him for being clumsy when he ran, she was no better herself.

When she got to the door she felt her heart pound in her chest, perspiration already coming from her body as she felt a stinging feeling in her eyes. It was late at night. She was already tired from just galloping from one end of the library to the other, not to mention worried sick for her assistant. “Man, I am way out of shape,” murmured the unicorn. She shook her head a bit to keep focus, then slammed open the door with a forceful hoof. She could have felt awesome at that moment, but sadly the adrenaline didn’t kick in at that moment when she kicked open the door. Instead, she felt a jolt of pain coursing through the leg that she kicked with and the door remained unmoved. One more buck and another shot of pain later finally granted her access.

Shaking that just a bit she saw Connor hunched over on his bed. From what she could see he was looking down on the ground. All she knew was what was in the letter, and the fact that she practically told the stallion in question to go away more forcefully then she should have just a couple of minutes ago. He didn’t look like he even noticed her come right in despite the noise she caused, just kept looking at the ground with a lonely expression as if he had no one. The thing was though, he wasn’t. Spike was sitting next to him, trying to calm him down, make him feel okay. It was him that looked to his right and saw Twilight in the door way. He ignored that she looked tired and in return, decided to look as pissed as possible at the unicorn.

“What the crap do you want Twilight?” Spike asked dully.

“I-I just wanted to ask if you could come with me to get some ice cream…yeah!” nervously asked Twilight. She had the fakest grin that anypony could have. Spike knew that something was wrong, but in his mind he knew what it could be if he just played it out, something that his older brother showed to him. Just play it casual.

“Well…that sounds cool and what not, but isn’t everything closed in Ponyville?” asked Spike coyly. Twilight’s muzzle scrunched up, he had her cornered.

“It does, and I bet they are, have fun Spike,” said Connor. His dull, low pitched voice pierced Spike’s courage, made him feel weak inside. The way his older brother looked depressed at that moment was far more then he could bear. “I’ll be fine, just go on little stallion.”

Twilight could feel a panging guilt in her throat. She wanted to speak out against him but remembering what the letter said, she knew she couldn’t. Who knew what her mentor was talking about? She just had to get Spike out of there. With a few hoof steps, Twilight grabbed Spike, placed him on her back and trotted off. He was usually weightless when he rode on her back, now he just seemed a bit heavier than usual.

All he did was sit there. He didn’t turn around and watch them leave. He just sat there on his haunches and looked down on the ground. He felt bad for destroying the front door of the library, but he needed an excuse to get away from everypony. It’s what he needed this whole time, and a part of him knew that she knew that there was something wrong with him far as this goes. Spike didn’t need to see what was going to happen to him.

At the legs of the bed he felt them move. Not at a great distance but they were shaking, everything else in the room was shaking too. He felt the sound of something hitting the ground like a chorus of unending noises. Looking up through the window he saw the moon, but it wasn’t lighting up how it normally would, it was a full moon this time. But all he saw was dark side of it. It made his heart try to escape his chest as he started seeing that this was the sign that would change his life, the life of his friends, and more importantly, Spike’s life.

Nothing mattered when the night came, he got back his instincts and he knew something big was causing the Earth to shake. It was a perfect opportunity to see if he still has the fight in him, to show the world why the thought of his name strikes fear into the minds of many.

He knew he couldn’t kill in this case though. He had to be especially careful with everything around him. Especially in the afternoon when that random pony just threw that apple at him, it took a lot of what he had from trotting up to him and snapping his neck, to lose himself to instinct. He can’t kill in front of his subjects. He knew that, but nothing said he couldn’t have fun.

His vision turned from its normal colors into green once more, and from the appendages growing from his back made him scream. It always hurt growing what came from his back, it never felt good, it always hurt. They were however necessary in his case.The dark side of the moon made it all the more reasonable. His mother wasn’t going to give him a break this night. Now was the time to reveal the monster under the skin, but he needed a public. It’s never fun without any witnesses.

Looking to his left and right sides he saw his wings flap a bit. Trying to shake off any numbness he felt so he can use them to their full effect. Even with wings he knew he was an Earth Pony without a shadow of doubt. No real Pegasus Pony would have leathery, scale, and rugged wings like these. Nor have them grow out of his back so violently.

Conner looked towards his window one more time. The dark side of the moon has shown its face to Equestria and everypony in it From what he could make out in the distance was the roar of a creature. Nothing like the Manticore in the Everfree he had faced long ago, but something fiercer, something much bigger. He snorted a bit, “The bigger they were, the harder they fall after all. This is going to be the most fun I’ve had in ages. “

He got up on his hooves, unafraid of what would happen next. He felt determination, to protect his home, and everypony in it, even little Spike. Facing the window entirely, he braced himself for what he was going to say, having his wings stay tightly against him.

WULD NAH KEST!” shouted Connor. The power of his own voice, the voice of dragons, lifted him at incredible speeds through the very window he was looking at. He crashed right through the glass and into the cold, brisk air of the night. The feeling of glass against his coat and wings made it clear he had to be a bit more careful than this. He couldn’t be reckless and just live in the moment this time sadly.

Without the feeling of his voice projecting him through the sky he was free to fly to where he had to be. This time though he could see the creature that he had heard roar with the anger to outmatch Twilight’s bursts of wanton fury. An Ursa-Minor, creatures that were large as hell with fur to reflect the night sky. This was only a baby, but even children needed to be taught a lesson.

Unfolding his wings, he took flight towards his battle, his fight. Flapping furiously with the power of a shooting star he knew this creature had no chance with him.

Twilight rushed to the scene where the Ursa continued terrorizing Ponyville. Shock and fear mixed together as she didn’t know what to do next. Things were happening too fast, questions rising up that she desperately wanted the answer to. “Did the Princess prophesize the Ursa coming here…?” thought Twilight.

Spike could feel like nothing was right given the situation. It had him worried to death but looking down on his necklace he could see it shine in a green aura. He was surprised to see it like that, “Did Bro know about this when he gave it to me?” thought Spike. He looked back at the lavender unicorn. She was more concerned with the Ursa than anything else. It seemed pretty clear to him that his brother would know the real answers, not Twilight.

When they got to the scene they saw Trixie trying to subdue the Ursa right next to her wagon home. It angered Twilight to the extreme that she had to be involved with this, was the Ursa Minor just another act of her trying to get more attention? Putting on a bigger show? She was irritated beyond belief and too stressed out to even handle this properly.

“Behold creature, as you are among many creatures to be defeated by the Great and Powerful Trixie!” exclaimed the show mare. Levitating some rope over, she successfully got the rope to be tied around the Ursa Minor, but only by some fingers. The rope was snapped easy as fear descended upon the blue mare. With the very paw that had the bit of rope on it, the bear swung it (with for some reason, whirring sounds) at Trixie.

At that moment she didn’t know what to do, she could have dodged it easy, she could block it but even then it’d be useless. All her life she had these kinds of fear strike her, the very fear that condemned her to be nothing but a traveling gypsy show mare. But now here she was, very much at the end of her life as she would feel what it feels like to have been crushed. Now physically, alongside the only thing that she knew as home. She closed her eyes as she waited for the end of her life, only to be interrupted by a sudden feeling in her left side.

She didn’t feel the crushing of her body. Her body wasn’t crushed but she knew her wagon definitely was, she didn’t need vision to prove that much. The sound of crushed wood was loud as it could ever be and that was enough for her. She wasn’t on her hooves, she knew that much. Something was carrying her, but what? She finally opened her eyes to be in the front legs of a stallion pony she had hoof wrestled just earlier that day, though he was different. He didn’t have wings. Not to mention that these wings looked vaguely like a dragon’s.

Before Trixie, the blue coated stallion held her in his front legs. On his rear hooves and his wings splayed out for everypony in front of him to see the leather that was his wings. Looking into the face of the mare, he had a face set in stone with determination. The one thing that made it different was that his eyes were green with slits instead of dark brown like they were before.

“Are you okay?” asked Connor. His voice seemed to change slightly as well, gaining a more gravelly and dry sounding throat.

The show mare didn’t know what to say, she just nodded. She was dumbfounded, how did this come to happen? And why in Equestria did he save her when everypony else just looked over in shock, and a hint of relief? She felt herself lowered onto her hooves as he didn’t say anymore.

Everypony else had the same look on their face as Trixie did. They were dumbfounded, confused, and tenser then they were seconds ago. They all recognized Connor, how couldn’t they? All of his constant galloping had earned him an image burned into every pony’s memory. Not to mention giving a speech to them during the Summer Sun Celebration that declared himself a Prince of Equestria with their ruler’s support. But here he was, he had the same face, same build but everything was wrong. For one his wings, and the fact that his front legs were bent the opposite direction. Even his shoulders seemed more broad standing up then they remember him on all fours.

“Subjects,” called Connor in his best imitation of his mother’s powerful voice, which unlike his mother didn’t force all of them back by its sheer force which was disheartening. “Here I stand on my own two feet because you all need to know something. What I’ll do next may determine how you feel about me, and I ask that you hold no ill thought of me when this is over with.”

He caught a glance of Spike, who had a face of pure worry and concern, alongside Twilight who didn’t look too good herself. Connor looked around the crowd. His previous thoughts of wanting some fun had been dispelled when he could make out his friends in the crowd. He could see Applejack with Big Macintosh, they had the same look of concern as Spike and Twilight did. Thank the heavens that their younger sister was with them. He noticed Fluttershy next them too, her face showed more fear than anything else but he knew it was just how she was when something different is approached to her. And yet for some reason he was more worried on what she’d think instead of everypony else in the crowd.

Rainbow Dash wore a familiar look of concern, but the look in her eyes told him that she was waiting for something to happen. A pony with dragon wings was indeed a spectacle for anyone with a taste for thrills. Pinkie stood alongside Dashie with the most puzzled look on her face. Her face showed more of confusion then of any real worry. He could even hear the wheels turning in her head, but was stopped from further action by a cyan hoof in her mouth.

What really froze him in his tracks was the look of worry on Rarity’s face, one not far from where Spike and Twilight was. She was utterly concerned, the two weeks of growth they both had together had made them close, the way you could with a friend, a true friend. But like Pinkie Pie she was guessing on what Connor would do next, but in her head rather than words said. He took another look of Trixie who’s was following his head movements, she saw his concern, and had a look of pity on her face, that and also of fear.

Connor’s face hardened, “Get out of here, I’ll handle it from here.” Trixie nodded and ran into the crowd, curiosity getting the better of her on what would happen. He looked back at the Ursa, who was standing on his rear legs just like Connor did. Seeing it tower him gave a rushing feeling to him, his cheeks were warm with blood rushing to them, adrenaline fueling every muscle in his body to prepare for the fight. But now his body had one last thing missing.

He screamed, but he wasn’t screaming to charge magic within him to power any attacks like he did against his fellow stallions, he was screaming because of the pure agony of complete transformation. He screams were heard all around Ponyville, he could tell because more ponies wondered right in to see what was happening, only to be met a pony with dragon wings changing dramatically.

His hooves morphed violently into claws, his rear hooves becoming feet while his front hooves had a hand grow right out of it. He felt his muzzle get longer and his teeth get sharper and bigger. His tail becoming that of a reptile’s with spikes coming right out of it, the spikes themselves were spiraling into a single point at the end. His mane had the same effect as a spine of spikes trailed his actual spine, the spikes getting smaller the more they trailed down his back. His shoulders became broader, and his front legs becoming arms, with elbows instead of knees. If any muscle on him wasn’t shown off enough, now they were. Connor was absolutely ripped for a creature of his stature, and the same was true of the creature he became: something on the lines of an adolescent dragon.

The last thing that changed about him on top of a lot of things that had was that on his head, right above his eyes, two horns appeared. In old fairytales there told of a creature who ruled the very fabric of Tartarus who had done many evil things in his life with many names, but none as popular as “The Devil”, a creature of pure darkness. He had horns that could pierce through anything, striking down whatever he rammed his head into. Legends would say that his horns point downwards towards the ground because when he looks at you, you know the last thing you’d see would be one of the horns piercing your skull.

That was the first thing that came to mind of these horns, the very horns of the dark prince of Tartarus. Ironic how on the solid ground, the beast in front of these ponies was a prince of these lands, maybe one that should be better off forgotten. But of course, Connor only had one thing left to truly finalize the transformation: He roared, not a roar of that of a pony in desperation, or one who would scare off their enemies when they lose their minds, no. This was the roar where the meaning behind it was unknown to ponies, unknown to the peaceful world that was their country. This was the roar of a warrior, not a warrior pony like the royal guards who protect the innocent, but the roar of a warrior hungry for blood, a vicious, cold blooded killer who would think nothing of anything around them but the prize of the hunt.

The very aspect of what his call had meant had the ponies around him shudder, but it had no effect on the Ursa who still stood on his hind legs without a care in the world. Being a creature of the Everfree forest you'd have to get used to creatures that were like Connor, whether they'd be a dragon or a hydra. Being bigger than most creatures in the dark forest made getting used to a norm like that was easy. The mane six and Spike were the most concerned out of the crowd of ponies, they had no idea that this was going to happen, and now that it has… well they stood frozen in place, unable to bring themselves to either join the fight they knew was coming or stop it.

Connor held back his rage a bit. Menace or not this was a living creature after all. He had to be careful not to kill the thing since as far as he knew it had yet to actually do more than cosmetic damage to the small town as all babies would. He made the first move, trying to knock it out quickly to avoid any further damage. Only then did he notice something, his punched left a dent, an actual dent into the bear. No living creatures get dents, but he knew what did, things that weren’t living, inanimate objects. He also noticed that the Ursa Minor didn’t even make a facial expression. It just stayed the same as it did since way before the fight. What confused him though was how in Equestria the beast was able to make sound if it’s not supposed to be real.

Didn’t matter though, he knew he could destroy it now with no repercussions. Connor could unleash all of the fury that welled within him without holding back. He felt pent up in an easy life for two weeks, he couldn’t deny that he had a passion for the fight. And now even in such a calm world he could do what he wanted with this imitation of an Ursa. For him, size doesn’t matter, he felt like nothing in the world could take him down, and he was going to prove it by showing his subjects what he was like when he went all out.

He started flapping his wings, but he kept himself in place by staying still, allowing him to gain momentum when he takes off. By the time he let go, he already had broken the sound barrier. The next five seconds were followed with the fake Ursa walking around on its hind legs, trying to swat at the blue blur but proved unsuccessful every time he had tried to hit Connor. When he was done with his array of blows, the giant monstrosity of nature stumbled into the forest, covered in dents, and then landing with a thud. Oh but it didn’t end for the Ursa Minor there, it rose and let out a low rumbling snarl that slowly turned into a bellowing roar.

“Think you got shit on me, pal?” asked Connor seriously in a voice far deeper than what it used to be in his pony form. “You ain’t got anything, you aren’t even alive you fake. All you have is a damn face!” He started to flap his wings again, this time nothing stopped him, he just slowly rose up into the sky to meet the fake bear at eye level. Not close to each other but whatever eyes could be there, Connor knew they’d see into his.

“You know, I’m glad something like you came along. I’ve been really feeling tense lately and dealing with you in a new form is just the thing I needed.” As he said this, he held up what was his left arm and noticed that his claws decided to invert to become spirals, like his spines did. Then he got curious, the actual claws themselves kinda hinged off of the tip of his fingers and started to spin around. Surprising, it didn’t hurt for it to do that, it just felt right to feel.

TAKE THIS, from the depths of my being and into the physical world, my ANGER, my RAGE, and all of my FURY!” shouted Connor as loud as he could. When his claws started to spin again, they were going so fast that even with his razor sharp vision, could only see something of what they looked like. They were spinning so fast he felt his hand burn with intensity to burn steel, so hot that it actually had his blue scaled hand shook and took on the color red which only grew more intense with each word he spoke. “BURNING. DRILL. FINGERS!!!

Once more he took off at supersonic speeds towards the Ursa but instead of going for the head like he had done before, he went straight towards his left leg. When he got there he pierced the Ursa at the foot, digging a hole right into it. When the hole was made he went right in.

What he saw was something completely new to him, he saw strange lines within the metal shell right underneath what was supposed to be a paintjob, that to represent the colors of an Ursa Minor. It was alienating to him but he still took his way up the foot, and right into the heel, going his way up the body. He was drilling this and that inside the fake Ursa, seeing the same mechanical workings as he saw right in the foot, but this time going everywhere. He was going to destroy the useless shell with his very own claws, and nothing else felt so right.

When he reached the head though, he found something different: He saw a creature. Dog features and a metal collar around his neck was desperately pushing and pulling two handles, a Diamond Dog. Connor could only think of that the handles were to possibly control the body of the whole Ursa. He looked to where the teeth was and saw it was only a screen, what could have been allowing the Diamond dog see what’s in front of him without actually having to open the mouth and seeing what’s happening.

“You’re coming with me,” said Connor. The dog in question gulped in fear as he was shaking in his seat. He took his charge towards the dog, not killing him but taking him by his right hand and drilling a hole into the back of the head of the machine. After a few feet of flight with the dog in hand, the entire body of the Ursa Minor took on internal explosions, which set off a chain reaction of the rest of the body taking on the same damage, eventually setting off into a giant one. It was a beautiful sight to see for the blue scaled monster.

Connor took a decent stop somewhere in a dirt field. It wasn’t too far from the border of the Everfree, but he was sure as hell certain this’d be safe enough for him to not be interrupted during a little…interrogation. He slammed the diamond dog on the ground, the entirety of his right hand take up about all of its neck, making the dog squirm in his death grip. This only made him slam the diamond dog further into the ground, keeping him conscious but taking the fight out of him for now.

“Listen up you disgusting mutt, if it wasn’t the vow I made to myself to not kill a single soul that was within my kingdom, you would be dead by now.” He gave certain words a growling edge to convay how much he wished that were not the case. The dog swallowed hard but couldn’t seem to finish as Connor’s shouts continued. “So I’m going to give you one chance. Just who the actual fuck do you work for?” he all but made an inaudible snarl. At this point the diamond dog was shaking, fear racking his entire body, even actually trying to use his rear paws to get away. All they did though was kicking up dirt into the interrogator’s abdomen. He didn’t have any feeling there but it did give him an excuse to slam him against the ground again, this time causing a small crater to be made, with the two in the middle.

The stallion-dragon had lost his patience, it was time to be harsh or he was going to get nowhere with this. “Tell me who you work for,or else my vow isn’t going to be the last thing I break tonight!” With that Connor stomped down, a crack in the ground went past the dog and split a tree in half behind him. At this point the diamond dog’s eyes were sunken into his face, he truly that that he was going to die unless he said what he wanted.

“Our masters…the scaly ones…t-t-they have us p-p-pilot those machines…they call them…um…” stuttered the diamond dog.

CALL THEM WHAT?!” roared Connor. Now the diamond dog was on the urge to pee in fear, but he had to finish up here, he couldn’t die, not now.

“They c-c-call them…Gundra I think. I don’t know, they're just hunks of machine they found from a long time ago... didn’t exactly know why w-w-was in pony town…” stuttered the diamond dog. Throughout the interrogation, Connor couldn’t feel help but feel a hint of pride for the dog. One for not even having to do more than lay a hand on his victim, he didn't have to kill, he was relieved but on the inside he felt a little sad that he wasn’t able to, he didn’t know why either.

He picked up the diamond dog, and threw him to his front and watched him just fly until he landed face first into the ground. Connor felt bad, seeing the diamond dog just scurry away like a rat, seeing him actually limp with his right leg. He wanted to help, but he knew it would be just weird, so he took flight back to Ponyville.

He dreaded what his friends would think, what the citizens would think, he just might have to flee to Canterlot, probably get banished again, maybe this time to one of the stars his mother adorned the night sky with. Hopefully, just hopefully, that this would blow over like the feeling of the wind against his wings.

The fight had not lasted very long, the citizens knew that much. But seeing him come back put everypony on edge, especially the immense explosion in the middle of the Everfree had some bits of shrapnel hit nearby the town. They were little chunks of metal, but the force and speed of them could have killed any creature that would have taken one to anywhere important, no pony was about to complain about broken windows. This was indeed a night to remember for the folk of the peaceful town.

Connor touched down to where he transformed. The spot was weird to him, yet it pulled at him to be in the spot. He looked around again, the ponies were all gathering back together to where he remembered where they were too, except they were all a bit further away from him. Seeing what he was capable of, they did not know how to approach him. Fear hung around the air like the oxygen they breathed. Tensions were as high as they could have been, and their faces were what broke Connor’s heart.

It was the kind of face you’d have that you discovered something that was out of the ordinary. Something that confused you, made you question why it had to even happen. Those were what Connor was reading off of, not just their faces, but from their eyes too. He knew he couldn’t talk without provoking anything from him. This is what he’d expected though, a standoff between a ruler and his subjects.

What didn’t surprise him at the least was what friends he had in town come galloping towards him, all coming from his front too. What did though was that their faces were that of fear, but he didn’t know what they were afraid of. With everypony else he could read that it was just a fear of him, their fear was unknown. He looked to where they came from the crowd for only a second to see Trixie standing there.

“Are you okay Bro?!” exclaimed Spike. He jumped off of Twilight’s back and rushed over to his side. What did intimidate him was how tall he was compared to him. In his pony form he already was taller than him, towered him actually, now it was just like looking back at the Canterlot Castle all over again, but this time something that looked like his kin. Despite what could happen he ran up to him and clung Connor’s left leg.

Connor found it funny how he was barely taller than his own shins. The entire town feared him, almost loathing him right now for what he did, yet he was able to find solace with himself, all because of Spike. Using his tail he patted Spike on the back, softly, gently, it surprised him how he could be so soft. “Yeah, I’m fine little stallion,” said Connor.

He morphed right back into his pony form slowly, though progressively fast when his arms turned back into legs. His hands turning back to hooves, no more wings, and finally sharp teeth retracting and being replaced by the flat of a pony. He was back, he wasn’t the monster that was displayed for everypony to see, but the stallion he was before his transformation. He could feel the mane six gallop up to him and bring him into a tight group hug.

“You really scared us, darling,” said Rarity in her usual drawl. It was nice to know that even in one of his darkest hours, Rarity was still there for him.

“That was really cool what you did there, but I’m glad you’re back to normal big guy,” said Rainbow Dash trying to smile.

“That was very, very, very, very, very scary,” stated Fluttershy. He chuckled to himself how the shy one had to put extra emphasis on what had spooked her tonight.

“That was a whole lot of fun! You think you can make those pretty lights again?” asked Pinkie Pie energetically. It surprised him how she was able to keep the hug and not bounce around like she’d normally do. He could practically feel the sugar emitting from her body like an aura.

“Well glad ya’ll are alright sugar cube,” said Applejack. That was the point to where they broke off the hug, they all faced him face to face with the question the stallion knew they had in mind.

“You do know anger, rage, and fury are synonyms for each other right?” commented Twilight trying to come off unperturbed. Connor sighed. She ignored it and continued, “Look we’re glad you’re okay, but what did you even do?”

“I transformed into a bipedal in the form of a teenage dragon,” bluntly said Connor. Twilight face hoofed.

“Seriously Connor, how could you keep us in the dark like that about this?” demanded Twilight. “What did you think we’d even do?” The stallion just looked down before giving his answer. Even though she did just tell him that whatever he is, she wouldn’t harbor any bad thoughts of him, it just felt being an ant underneath a magnifying glass. She had the best intentions but it didn’t exactly make him feel the best from this.

“Honestly, I’d rather not explain the details when the entire town can hear,” said Connor. “Something like this was better off forgotten in my time.”

“Is that your justification for not TELLING us about this?!” snapped Twilight. It was Rarity who had placed a hoof on her shoulder to calm her down.

“Just head on home girls, I’ll make it back safe and sound, alright?” They all nodded, though reluctant, they all went their separate ways. Going back to their homes but first having to go through the crowd. Spike stayed with him though, he couldn’t just leave his older brother’s side. “Hey, I just want to do one thing before we head back.” He nodded, and then climbed on his Bro’s back.

He trotted over to Trixie. If there was a time and place to confront her it’d be now. What surprised him was that she didn’t run away when she had the chance, not even a cringe. Connor guessed that when one lost nearly everything there’s no point running, what he had in mind would give to her back what she lost, a roof.

When he approached her though, she reacted the same way everypony else did except for the mane six, backing up with a face of caution. “Please, I’m not here to hurt you, I’ve done enough of that sort of thing tonight.” said Connor. He sounded weary when he said that, tired, and it wasn’t because it was late in the night that had made him tired. “I do have to ask though, you could have run away but you didn’t, why?”

She shifted a bit, inching only a bit closer but didn’t even look at him in the eye. “I guess I just wanted to see how the fight would turn out,” said Trixie quietly. “Besides, I do admit it did entertain me, a lot, I mean, I never seen anypony or anything fight with an Ursa before. And fights like these don’t happen every day.” She was opening up to him, this was good, and maybe it’d be easier to ask her what had had him curious to ask her.

“Yeah, I suppose not huh?” asked Connor. He smiled, just from the corner of his lips did he smile only a bit, and he noticed the show mare in front of him did too. “Hey um, would you like to walk with me for a bit?”

She seemed reluctant, but she nodded, “Sure”.

That was then they started talking, walking away from the crowd so they wouldn’t be having all the attention Connor had to begin with. Surprisingly they all just went back to their homes, try to sleep off the monstrosity of two monsters fighting in the Everfree, hoping to forget it soon and never have to deal with this kind of thing again.

“So it wasn’t even an Ursa to begin with?” asked Trixie, confused.

“Yeah, it just wound up being a diamond dog controlling the whole thing by these two…things where he could squeeze them with his paws.”

“Were they like levers or something?”

“I think so, yeah.”

Their conversations just kept going off to random things then, just like how he did with Twilight and the others, Spike even joined in a few of them for fun. Despite how much fun Connor was having, he knew it was close to an end when they got back to the library.

The doorway still had no door like he remembered. It wasn’t too long ago did he accidentally take down the door. From Trixie’s expression he knew she wanted to ask why there was no door but all she was met with was blabber from both stallion and baby dragon. “Well I know that fake Ursa destroyed your wagon, I want to be a friendly neighbor and offer you a home here, would you like that?”

He couldn’t tell if she was dumbfounded or what, she just looked at him like he was weird. Sure asking a mare to come spend the night at his house is weird, but when it’s for the right reasons the least it could be is questionable. But he only thought that she was just only curious, nothing more. “I know we both got off on the wrong hoof a while ago, but I’m being serious right now.”

Looking at her, waiting for a response, he could have sworn that her eyes were starting to water up and her face drop. Her lip nearly went to a quiver but was shaking instead. “Alright, I’ll take you up on your offer Mr. Stronghooves, but when I get the money I’m leaving, got it?” asked Trixie. At least she was prideful about it, at first the shadow of doubt crept in about this idea, but they were as dispelled as the thought itself came in. He laughed at her response, not because he thought she was pathetic, but rather how stubborn she was, and how quickly the fear had drained from her in such a short time. A very hypocritical response from somepony worse than she was.

“Whatever you say.” He let her in first, allowing her the opportunity to see what had happened to the door. A pile of wood was astray on the floor, like someone took an axe to it and chopped it down till no one could recognize what it used to be before. She looked over at Connor with an unimpressed expression.

“This was the door wasn’t it?” asked Trixie, her tone as bored as it could get. He chuckled nervously, embarrassed at her reaction, his cheeks turning red like beats.

She rolled her eyes. “Well, which room is supposed to be my room?”

From upstairs, Twilight could hear them talk, faintly but she could pick up Trixie’s voice any day. She felt angered when she heard her ask where she was going to sleep. Twilight has always had a fine line, it was a fair one, and never in her life has it ever been crossed, but now it has. Trixie’s kind was one she always hated, magicians that do nothing more but boast and claim how they’re the best in the world without showing anything for it. Slamming open the door, she stomped down to the public part of her home, watching as the others in the room were surprised and shocked to see Twilight so angry.

“Listen up you fake, I don’t care what Connor says, you are NOT living here with us!” shouted Twilight.

“Well the stallion of the house said I could, so why not?”

“Because I was living here before he was, and I have something to tell YOU Ms. Trixie. I have spent my entire life learning magic, I was so into it that even my cutie mark means magic, and what are you? Some traveling mare that just preaches to anypony that’d listen on how much of a good magician you are and then upstaging anypony you can. You’re only good for cheap tricks and knock off spells for colts and filly’s birthday parties. I go about on royal business because of how good I am. I got connections to the Princesses of Equestria, Connor here is a Prince, what do you got?” ranted Twilight.

“Wow,” whispered Spike to Trixie. “Namedropping, she must be pissed at you.”

“Her home that was just crushed by a fake, and now another one until she gets back on her hooves.” rebuked Connor. “Besides, what you say is true, I am a Prince of this country, and I declare she lives here and even take magic lessons from you so you can’t accuse her of being a fraud.” He always let her win arguments with him, not always but he can guess at least ninety five percent of the time he lets her off. This time he was going to stand his ground to be a good pony.“Don’t like it? Well too bad.”

Everyone else in the room was dumbstruck. Trixie feeling hurt and happy at the same time, Spike just shocked that somepony actually WON an argument with Twilight that wasn’t Princess Celestia, and Twilight for just being told off in general and unable to counter. Connor walked right back into his room, and then came out with his bed sheets and blankets.

“Wait…why are you getting new sheets?” asked Trixie. “What’s wrong with the ones you have?”

He ignored her two questions when he came back with a fresh pair of new sheets. He didn’t want to answer until he was done because he was busy. He came out of the room after two minutes and finally acknowledged the other three’s existences.

“Well this actually used to be my room,” said Connor, “there IS an extra mattress in Twilight’s room, but the way you guys are I don’t think you two sharing a room isn’t an option.” The mares eyed each other, they both had the look to kill but they knew there was a better time and place to settle their dispute.

“I’m just going to crash the couch for now. I got no problem with that.” He trotted over into a different room, closed the door and never came back out.

Trixie and Twilight were left there with Spike, no Connor to separate them, the little dragon couldn’t do anything to hinder them either. It was Trixie that broke the ice. “Well…I suppose I’m going to hit the hay, see you tomorrow, I guess…?”

“Yeah…sure.” said the cranky unicorn in a defeated tone. In the same fashion that she came into the room in, she did so going back into her room, muttering things under her breath that only Twilight could hear, and then she slammed the door behind her.

“I better follow her…” said Spike like it was a matter of fact. Unlike Twilight’s grumpy composure, the little purple dragon just walked up the flight of stairs slowly. He was in no rush, he wanted to sleep badly but he just didn’t have the energy to do it.
Everyone else was in bed at this point, but she was there, left alone, her only company being books. Sleep was what Trixie craved though, the Ursa Minor machine destroyed the chance of her being able to sleep in her own bed so the one set up for her would have to do.

As she walked to her room she contemplated what has happened to her, she doesn’t have anything now. Her cape and hat was in the wagon when it was destroyed, not even clothes, even though she was offered a room she knew it would never be her’s. So here she was now, at the lowest point in her life, and the only reason she gets to sleep under a roof was because of the kindness of one pony. Everyone else under hates her guts. She shouldn’t even be thinking like this but now she had no choice but to, it was either that or books she knew she wouldn’t be able to read without having to put it back on a shelf.

Trixie opened the door with a weary hoof, and jumped right into the bed. She noticed the night stand and had the feeling something was inside it. She was surprised that Connor left the room without taking anything for himself. He must have left something behind right? Opening the drawer she saw something that shone with red, gar shades. She was wondering why he wasn’t wearing them just moments ago and why they’re in here, they seem to fit him perfectly too.

She picked it up with her two front hooves, laid down on her back and looked at them. Trixie didn’t use magic to hold them up, she felt like she didn’t need to. She squeezed on the glasses once to see what it’d do, it didn’t bend, and it didn’t show tension from the force of Trixie’s hooves either. They seemed like they were made of good materials to be able to be as strong as it was, maybe magic enhanced.

She then thought of Connor, wondered what had drawn Connor to these particular pair of glasses, why he even wears them. She wondered for a few moments, debated to guess her own question. Trixie then thought of him, how could he look in a mirror when he does and pretends what’s on the skin is a pony but on the inside was something terrifying? What’s a Prince doing in a small town when he could be living life to the fullest in Canterlot? The ex-show mare wasn’t very sure, she would probably know why eventually. But she knew on the inside that she was very grateful. She planted a small kiss on the shades in appreciation of the stallion that wears them, for at the moment is the only act of respect she could give him.

Using her magic, Trixie was able to levitate the gar shades next to her as she trotted out of the room. She had to give these back to him, they seemed special, she couldn’t just leave them where they were, it belonged to its owner. She went over to the door of which was Connor’s room at the moment, and knocked. It took a good five seconds but finally the stallion opened the door. “Yeah?”

“I have found your pair of sun glasses,” said Trixie. She levitated the pair of gar shades onto Connor’s snout, and just positioned right against his eyes. “But how come you left them in your room? They seemed special to you if you had them in your night stand drawer.” Connor smiled.

“Well I have one for you, how come you’re not referring yourself in third person like you did before?” asked Connor, his turn to raise his eyebrow. Trixie didn’t answer for a while, not too long but long enough to make it awkward for her. The blue coated stallion shrugged and changed the topic. “If you want to know…they really do mean a lot to me.”

“Then why didn’t you take them with you?” Connor was silent like Trixie was, unlike her though he did answer.

“I guess I just forgot them…” said Connor. He turned around to go back to bed, but turned his head back to see Trixie still at the door way. “Hey, don’t worry about it okay? Good night.”

“Good night,” right when he closed the door. She decided to say what she wanted to say to him, a silent way of showing how she felt of what he’s done, “…sweet dreams.”