• Member Since 2nd Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen Oct 25th, 2017

Lord Erhswin Wholewheat

The Goddamn Worm Master Supreme!


When you're a Pegasus in a city where pegasi are treated as second hand citizens, what are you to do when you lose everything?

This story takes place an unspecified time before MLP:FiM.

This originally started out as a re-write of Destroyershy96's story Death's Story. But it left me with very little to work with so it mostly turned into it's own thing.

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 25 )

This is a lot better than the other one. Have a like and I hope for more.

damn man, this is pretty good. Keep up the good work mah dood!

What's a girl to do when she has nothing left?

Turn right?

5866800 I'm going to get you back for that one day.

5866843 That's awful forward of you.

5866851 Don't take this any further, there will be no turning back. We can only spiral downwards from this point on.

I'm going to get you back for that one day.

Don't take this any further, there will be no turning back.

You seem to have taken one step forward and two steps back.

5866872 you may be right in the fact that we're back to square one but we can really only go in circles if our debate goes in this direction.

5866894 Your roundabout way of thinking has really thrown me for a loop, but looking at the problem sideways has closed the distance in our discussion. However i fear i am in no shape to continue.

Why is this in the oc tales group.

5867702 crap, sorry. I thought it was a different group I'll take it out.

5868672 if it makes you feel any better I am deeply sorry about the way these comments are going.

Meh, it's part of the internet.

just read the original you were talking about in the description...it wasnt really that good, this was better.

Not bad:ajsmug: but yea talk about hypocritical comments:ajbemused:. I do hope more. :yay:

Comment posted by Iseeyou deleted Apr 28th, 2015
Comment posted by Iseeyou deleted Apr 28th, 2015

5870705 So you know, your story isn't even in the same league as this story. I really doubt you could help anyone with writing except by being an example of what not to write like.

taco what are you doing out of your cage

Lying on the floor in bloody heaps were the lifeless bodies of her mom and dad.

Well now... this seams very familiar... right Sasuke? I would put a video here but I found nothing on youtube

5882671 Someone told me you texted me so I check it out and it turned out to be true. My bad for missing it.:facehoof: Anyways you do realize that my story is far from being complete right? Also rather I'm good or bad is irrelevant to my previous statement. I know more then what I lead on.:moustache:

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