• Published 6th Apr 2015
  • 1,096 Views, 9 Comments

Rarity and Applejack Stuck in Manehattan - InkieMarblePieIsLife

While on a fashion trip to Manehattan, a busted train leaves Rarity and Applejack with nowhere to go. Friendships shall be tested, plumbing shall be tampered with, and intense FRIENDshipping shall take place!

  • ...

Caring Enough

Applejack stood in the doorway of the bathroom as Rarity carefully applied eye shadow and mascara. Never in her life had she seen anypony take so long to get ready for an event. It was astonishing how much effort she put into looking presentable. Usually all Applejack needed was a bath and a brush.

"Hey Rarity, you done yet? I can't believe I'm saying this but, yer takin' too much time. You gotta go soon."

"Yes Applejack, I'm aware. Beauty is an extremely lengthy process, you know. I can't just take two minutes and be done with it." Rarity groomed her mane while applying hairspray.

"Kay, just remember, If you don't leave in the next twenty minutes yer gonna have to deal with being late to your own welcome party." Applejack turned around and exited into the living space, where Coco was in her own panic.

"Applejack, don't forget that there's left over pizza in the fridge in case you get hungry, and plates are in the bottom cupboard. I'm so sorry that I have to leave you here alone, it's just that I have a meeting that I can't afford to miss."

"Don't you worry yer head about me, I'll find my way around."

"I knew I could count on you!" Coco smiled and galloped out the door.

Applejack tried to help Rarity prepare faster. She laid out possible outfits that she thought were in Rarity's taste and sorted out different perfumes so that she could pick one without the clutter. Just as Applejack was getting ready to showcase her organized work, Rarity rushed out of the apartment in a flash of white.


Applejack gazed upon the dresses as the door slammed shut.

"Sure, just leave. It's not like I was tryin' to help or anything." Applejack began to put the dresses away.


Rarity trotted through the streets of Manehattan. She gazed at the address on the paper and hailed a cab.

"Where to, Miss?" The stallion gazed with wonder at the marshmallow unicorn, with her velvet lilac gown with intricate lace sleeves and a heart bodice.

"This address, please." Rarity lifted the invitation and got into the carriage.

The excitement was unbearable. She was prepared for all the glamour of a Manehattan Gala: Sparkling cider, delicious desserts, possibly an apple theme, important theater ponies eager to meet the fashion designer behind their costumes. And then, standing at the top of a beautiful staircase, her employer, a distinguished stallion in a suit, with a look of pure admiration. He would greet her with a "Rarity, Darling!" and offer her refreshments, and then she would show him her designs. He would fall in love with them and give her a time extension, seeing as she had already been through so much.

"We're almost there, Lady."

Rarity looked around. Just the surroundings she expected. Beautiful buildings and clean streets, and well-dressed ponies everywhere. A couple of ponies with cameras spotted her and started taking photos.

"Miss Rarity, how are you liking Manehattan?"

"Very much, thank you."

"Are the rumors that you've been living on the street true?"

"Goodness no! A friend of mine has been kind enough to provide myself and Applejack with a place to stay."

"Is Applejack the mare who took you out of the Grand Hoofington?"

"Excuse me, I have to go. Can we go a little faster, please?"

"Are you kiddin'? This is Manehattan! You can't just stop traffic."

Rarity let out an annoyed sigh and sat back in her seat. Ignoring the questions and camera flashes of the press ponies, she fell asleep.

fifteen minutes later, she was awoken by the jolting halt of the taxi.

"This is your stop!"

Rarity exited the carriage, tossed a few bits to the stallion and entered the large bright building. A receptionist was standing behind the front desk.

"Rarity, I presume?" He lifted his sunglasses and examined her.

"Yes, I'm here for the theater gala."

"Mm, yes. That'll be in the back. It's the fifth door."

"Thank you!"

Rarity trotted to the back of the room. She found a wooden door. The faint sound of orchestral music could be heard on the other side, but no chatting at all. Rarity presumed that they were waiting for her to arrive, and she pushed through the door.

A large room is what she found herself in. The theme was not very much of apples, but more like a rainstorm. The walls were a dark gray, and a large candle-lit onyx chandelier hung in the very center of the room. A small oak table was in the corner, and it was covered by a black lace tablecloth. On it was yet another candle and a tray with blackberry muffins. The music was coming from a small speaker attached to the wall, and the only light entering the room was from the candles. There was a staircase, but it seemed to be leading below ground. Just as Rarity motioned towards the table, she noticed a cloaked figure standing near the staircase.

"Oh, hello there! Uh, you must be..." Rarity felt an air of uncomfortable nervousness overtake her. Something was off.

"Onyx Blackheart, theatrical producer." The mare removed her hood and approached Rarity.

"Charmed, I am Rarity, the costume designer. You must be my employer!"

"Yes. So, how have you been getting along with the fashions?" Onyx used her magic to grab a muffin and took a small bite.

"Ah, yes. I've been wanting to show you my sketches. Um, am I the only one here?" Rarity scanned the darkly lit space, unable to see anypony else.

"No no, you're just early. Come, let's discuss the designs in my...office."

Onyx led Rarity down the steps to yet another door, this time one with a large padlock on it. She unlocked it and entered.

This room was significantly less space-y and with no light. There was a desk in a corner of the room.

Rarity walked to the desk along with Onyx.

"Okay, Miss Rarity, let's see them."

"Right away." Rarity looked into her satchel and found...nothing. Absolutely nothing. She had prepared a folder with the sketches, but they were missing.

"Oh...just give me one more moment."


Applejack lay on the couch, bored out of her mind. What was she doing here? Everypony else was at some meeting or gala, and she was lying on a couch. She got up and went to the kitchen. Opening the fridge, she grabbed a slice of pizza and put in in the toaster. Pacing around waiting, a paper caught her eye. What was she not remembering?

Ding! The pizza popped out of the toaster. That was it! Rarity had forgotten to take the sketches in her panic. She had to get them to her, and fast. Grabbing the pizza and the sketches, Applejack galloped out the door.


"Do you...not have them with you?" Onyx seemed calm, but a hidden aggression revealed itself in her brow as it began to narrow.

"I'm so sorry. I'll just go back to my apartment and-"

"No. That won't be necessary. " Onyx moved in front of the door.

"P-pardon me?" Rarity slowly backed away.

"Do you realize how much time I gave you?! I stopped a train for you!'

"Excuse me?"

"You came to Manehattan on business. You were only supposed to stay for two days, but seeing as you weren't getting anything done, I had to delay your stay."

"You've been..watching me?"

" I had to! I needed those costumes days ago, and I am not letting anything distract you now."

The door opened as Hoofgiver pushed a sewing machine into the space. He promptly exited, mouthing the words "I'm so sorry."

"Y-you're not serious?!"

"Yes, I am. You're going to work here all night if you have to. I want all the costumes by morning, and you're not getting out until then."

With a flash of light, Onyx was gone.

Rarity pushed back tears of pure fear as she tried to push and buck the door down. Alas, it was locked shut. She tried with all her might, but nothing was moving.

"Applejack, I need you!" She turned on the sewing machine and began aimlessly stitching the given fabrics. She hadn't even been given any paper to sketch on, so she tried to come up with something on the spot, to no prevail. A tear streaked down her cheek, leaving a trail of mascara.


Applejack was losing patience with the carriage she was in.

"I'm in a really big hurry, can ya'll speed up a bit?"

"You're not the only pony in that situation, Miss."

"Fine then, forget it!"

Applejack jumped off the taxi and galloped across the street to the sidewalk. She pushed forward, stopping only to ask for directions. It's lucky she remembered the address. Finally, she came to the building. She trotted inside and to the front desk.

"Can I...help you?"

"Yeah, I'm here for the theater gala thing."

"You're sweating."

"You ain't never seen a pony in a rush before?"

"Well, you just don't look like you're going to a gala."

"Listen here. My friend, Rarity came in here earlier. She has one of the most important opportunities of her life in that room. I need to get in there. Now."

"Sorry, no can do."

Completely ignoring the receptionist, Applejack rushed past him. She got to the back of the ground floor when she heard the faint sound of screaming. She approached the door closest to the sounds and opened it. There was nopony inside, but the cries persisted. Applejack galloped down the stairs.

"Somepony help me! I'm trapped and my gown has ripped!"


"Rarity, why are you locked in there?"

"Applejack, dear! My employer is absolutely mad! She's forcing me to sew her costumes in this dingy closet space, and I can't get out!"

"This is a thick wooden door, I can't get in!"

"You have to try, Applejack!"

Applejack tried to buck the door, but it was no use. She needed something strong. She tried using the table to bust the door down, but that was no use either.

Suddenly, it came to her. She took off her hat and used her teeth to pull out some of the straw to make kindling. She placed the straw in the crack under the door and told Rarity to stand back. She grabbed the candles in the room and lit the kindling. It worked. The door went ablaze, and soon burnt down enough for her to be able to get inside. She ran in the hallway, grabbed the fire extinguisher and put out the flames.

"Oh Applejack, you were right! There was most definitely something strange here."

"Rarity, you have no idea how worried I got."

"I know. I'm so sorry."

Applejack teared up and hugged her friend.

"I'm so glad yer okay!"

"I wouldn't have been if you hadn't come to rescue me!"

"Okay, we can have our tearful reunion later, now we gotta get outta here!"

"Yeah, that's not going to happen."

Onyx appeared in the room. Luckily, so did security.

"Which pony came here uninvited?"

"I did." Applejack came forward. "My friend came here because she though it was a welcome gala. She was working for this pony here." Applejack pointed her hoof to Onyx.

"This mare trapped my friend in the basement, forcing her to design clothes for her musical."

Onyx laughed. "What proof do you have?"

"They have me." Hoofgiver galloped into the room. "I worked for her. I saw it happen. I'll tell you everything."

"Ma'am, you're gonna have to come with us." The security ponies put a steel cap on Onyx's horn and took her away. Hoofgiver apologized to both ponies and followed security.

Applejack and Rarity trotted out of the building, with Applejack chuckling over the look of disbelief of the receptionist.

"I can't wait to tell the girls at home about this."

"Coco will also want to hear about this, I presume."

"What's this?"

Rarity picked up a magazine from a stand outside. On the front page was a picture of a daring and brave Applejack dragging Rarity out of the building. Rarity was looking disheveled, with her ripped dress and messy mane. The article was titled "Brave Country Mare Applejack Saves Fashion Designer Rarity From Clutches of Evil Theatrical Producer."

"Applejack, just look at how horrible I look!"

Rarity turned to see Applejack, purchasing the three large boxes of the magazine.

"What? This way we won't have to explain nuthin' to nopony. They can just read about it."

Rarity sighed. "You really are an honest pony, but I can't speak the same for your modesty."


Author's Note:

I was too lazy to edit this! Please feel free to notify me if any mistakes, thank you! This is the final chapter! Excuse the paragraphing, it's rather off! Thanks to anyone who finished the story! It was very kind of you to be so patient.:rainbowkiss:

Comments ( 2 )

I think Applejack thought of this gif one too many times.

5908600 That's totally the thought process I was going for.:rainbowlaugh:

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