• Published 5th Apr 2015
  • 2,820 Views, 55 Comments

Lost Memories and New Experiences - Brony4life360

A human wakes up in Equestria, remembering nothing. Can he try and survive this new world and try to find what his old world was like? Maybe with the help of the ponies that saved him, he might have a chance.

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Chapter 8

3 Years After the arrival of Bear

Bear's POV

I awoke with a groan, slowly sitting up as the sunlight reflected off the waterfall and into my eyes. Goddamn mornings, I fucking hate them. Either way, I slowly sat up, stretching my arms. I winced at the bruise that had formed on my shoulder. I sigh as I take a look at it, flexing my arm in various ways, hissing in pain as my shoulder started to protest. Fucking Manticores. Only way to get away from them is to run, unless you're a dumbass and slam into a rock. I sigh, and slowly stand up, there was no point in complaining. There was work I had to do.

I slowly stretch as I walk outside of my cave, into the meadow. I smiled as I looked at the little valley, I had done good work here, making this place into my home. The cave was where I slept, and where I stored anything useful, such as furs, food, and fresh water from the waterfall. I had made a couple of gates by the two entrances to the valley, to hopefully dissuade anyone who would try to wreck my place. The meadow has become my training yard, where I would train with my magic... Yeah... One thing though... I fucking hate the magic he gave me.

Yes, I did come into this world with magic, and he explained how it works. I had runes etched into my skin, but they weren't visible until I pumped my 'mana' through them. These runes activated as I pumped my mana through them, and formed my mana into physical weapons, such as swords and spears. though this might sound awesome, it is not. The fact that I have the ability to use magic comes at a cost, because I came from a planet with no magic on it. Because I was not... In tune with this world's magic, made it extremely painful to use. It's as if I pour tar across my skin. I hate it but, it is useful at times. Talking about him... I haven't had any... Visions from him since the day I got here... I think that's a good sign?

Finishing my thoughts, I started to head to the back of my cave before I hear a small meow come from below me. I smile as I look down and see Floyd. My adorable little kitten. He was a small, scrawny little fellow, with light gray fur that had dark gray stripes. He also had the most amazing eyes, they were just like mine! A full rainbow colored Iris around the pupils. When I found out about my new eye color, I freaked the fuck out... But that was a while ago. I had found him.... About three years ago. In this very cave. I rescued him from a couple of Timberwolves, and now... He is attached to me, and I am pretty sure he is the only reason I'm not going insane out of pure loneliness.

Either way, I smiled down and picked him up, as he started to purr and snuggle into my arms. I loved this fucking guy. He was just too damn cute. I chuckle and take him to the back of the cave, and grab him a fish and put it on the ground before I set him down. "There ya go bud.' I say with a smile. This guy was my bud. I wouldn't know what to do when I eventually lose him...

I smile and nod as I slowly stand up and grab a strip of dried beef, chewing on it as I slowly make my way over to the walls. I slowly start to inspect them and sigh as I see that they were in need of some repair. The wood that I had originally used has started to sag, or crack. I double check the walls, before I quickly go back to my cave and grab some of my tools. I smile as I inspect my tools, I mean sure, it looks like a caveman made them with them just being a rock attached to a stick with some rope, but they did their jobs beautifully. I nod and grab my hammer, some wooden stakes, and my sword. I smile as I see the sword, it was just a regular straight sword, but it gave me some comfort, knowing that I didn't have to use my painful magic to defend myself.

I sigh and put my tools on my belt. Surprisingly, my jeans and belt were still able to worn, and they didn't look too bad! My shirt didn't have as much luck, though. Three years... Whoever made my jeans and belt needs a fucking raise. I chuckle at the thought and smile as I slowly walk back out of my cave, yelling to Floyd, "I'll be back soon bud!"

After I had said my goodbye, I started to run out of the valley, and go into the forest to look for some trees that would provide me some strong wood for my walls. I knew of a place like that, but it was a ways into the forest, about an hours walk. I sigh as I start down the trail, quietly whistling to myself. God damn, what was the song that I was whistling? Oh, right! The Andy Griffith show! That was the one that I was whistling. God I missed Earth... But then again, I really didn't either. Sure I missed my family... But I loved the freedom that this world had for me... No real tragedies for me in three years... That had to be something, right?

Either way, enough of the depressing thoughts, I just had to get my wood, and then repair my wall with it. That was the plan, and I was going to stick with it. Wait... What was that sound?

I slowly draw my sword and step off of the trail. Something wasn't right... I could hear a bunch of noise coming from up ahead, what sounded like howls of pain, and blaring noise. I start to slowly try and navigate to the noise through the trees. As I get closer, the sounds start to get more and more distinct, and it sounded like... Marching... My eyes widen and I quickly start to climb the nearest tree, quickly getting up it thanks to my height and my stronger-than-normal limbs.

As I poke my head above the leaves of the tree, I have to stifle a gasp at what I see. It looked like a platoon of soldiers in a meadow nearby. Griffon soldiers. Now let me tell you, in armor these guys are downright terrifying. I watched them as they slowly marched for a few hundred more feet, before they stopped. I then heard one of the soldiers bark an order at the others, and they started to set up camp.

I had to know what the hell was going on. So I slowly and quietly climbed back down the tree, and started to sneak over closer to their camp. Now, I know this was a bad fucking idea, sneaking towards a fucking small army, but I mean goddamn, I had to know what the fuck their goal was. It just didn't sit right for me to know that there was a metric assload of griffons here, so close to my home, and not know what they were doing.

So, as any normal idiot would do, I snuck into some bushes next to one of the groups, smiling as I hear their conversations. "Slash, get over here! We just got word from the Bloodwings, and that their starting to push onto Canterlot!" One of them says excitedly. I felt my eyes widen a bit as I hear him speak. Canterlot? Bloodwings? What the actual fuck is happening in Equestria?!

Another one of them starts to speak, dragging me out of my thoughts. "That just means we need to get to Ponyville tomorrow, make sure the elements can't get to Canterlot to reinforce." That made me reel my head back. Ponyville? Jesus, I really have lost touch with the outside world. I hear some of the griffons start to laugh heartily, making my blood flow through my veins a little quicker, my hands clenching. What the hell are they planning? To invade Equestria? And what is going to happen to the ponies of Ponyville? I then shake those thoughts out of my head quickly, dismissing them. Those ponies did nothing for me. I will do nothing in return.

"Oh! Scout team got back! Get Soliquill over here, I want to hear what they found." That caught my interest, a scouting team? What have they found? I listen closely as I hear a group of paw/clawsteps leading towards me. I tense up and get ready to bolt as they come closer to the bushes that I was behind, but then relax a bit as I hear the new griffons start to speak.

"So, you featherbrains want to hear what we found?" A gruff-sounding voice asked, follow by a syncronized 'yes' from the rest of the griffons. "Ha! Thought so. Either way, we went a little north of camp, wanting to make sure that we aren't going to pass by any Hydra nests." I was listening intently, seeing if they were going to provide me some information. "But my team stumbled across what seemed to be some creature's base."

Base? What would they mean by tha-... Oh SHIT! I thought, my mind and heart racing now as the griffon continues. "All it had in it was a couple of walls, a training ground, and a cave where he stored a bunch of food..." I had to fight to breath normally now, my mind racing as well as my heart. "We didn't see any sign of the creature, so we burned everything it had." I barely heard from the griffon, and at that moment my heart stopped.


Author's Note:

Well, here we are. And if any of you don't like the time skip, or are confused, I will explain what has happened over the course of the time skip in the next few chapters. Either way, please comment and like the story! I would love to hear what you guys think of the story so far so that I can improve it.

That's it for now!