• Published 5th Apr 2015
  • 2,820 Views, 55 Comments

Lost Memories and New Experiences - Brony4life360

A human wakes up in Equestria, remembering nothing. Can he try and survive this new world and try to find what his old world was like? Maybe with the help of the ponies that saved him, he might have a chance.

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Chapter 3

The five friends were at the location where the creature had ran off into the Everfree, all looking at a particular object that the creature must have dropped. It confused all of them, because it was one normal object that they saw on a regular basis, a soccer ball. Twilight and Rainbow were arguing about what to do next while the others were waiting quietly.

"Rainbow, are you sure this is what the creature was carrying this when you saw it?"

"Oh, for Celestia's sake Twilight. Why would there be a soccer ball right in front of the forest. It has to be the thing's ball, I know it."

"Well, if your so sure, I'll give it a try. But why would a creature have a soccer ball with it?"

"Hay if I know Twilight, but you should do the tracking spell, and then we can find the damn thing!"

"Alright Rainbow give me a second, this should give us a pretty good idea of where it is." Twilight said as she was lowering her horn to the ball, her horn aglow with her magic. As soon as her horn touched, a bright flash enveloped the ball and her eyes. Twilight now could see lavender prints heading into the forest.

"Alright, the spell worked, lets leave the ball and go." Twilight says to the group. Then they travel into the Everfree.


(A little while later)

"Twilight, we've been trav'lin for at least an hour now, maybe we should just give up." groaned Applejack. "If we haven't found it after this long, it's prob'ly already dead."

"No, we will not give up." Twilight argued, "Until the tracks end, or I see the... body, I will not give u-." They were cut off by a loud shriek coming from ahead of them. Rainbow, instantly flies up through the trees and takes a look ahead of them. Rainbow sees something flying up over some trees, and it looks a little familiar.

As the object flies through the air in her direction, it starts to fall back to the ground, and Rainbow finally gets a good look at what the object is. Shock rips through her body like lightning as she realizes that the object is a timberwolf. She flew back down to her friends, shock evident on her face.

"I think I know where the creature's at, and it seems that it might be in some trouble." Her friends faces contort into faces of fear and anxiety, until Pinkie Pie gives everypony a big smile.

"Lets go, sillies. We can't help if we aren't there yet!" She proclaims, starting to run in the direction of the noise.M

"Pinkie's right, lets go" Twilight says, while giving everyone a confident smile as the bolt after Pinkie.

As they get closer to the noise, they can see some damage to the trees in front of them. Dents, like somepony had clipped the trees while running at top speed. Some broken branches strewn along the grown. They finally saw a sight that made them take a second look. There were three trees that had been completely smashed apart, their top halves on the ground next to them.

"Buck me! That creature must be strong!" Rainbow whispers, not knowing that all her friends are thinking the exact same thing. They were all entranced by the sight of all the demolished trees, that they all just stopped and stared. That was, until a loud growl snapped them back into reality and they all bolted in the direction of the noise. They were nearing the noise and eventually broke through the forest into a clearing, and that's when they all saw it.

All of them, save for Rainbow, gasped in shock when they saw it. The creature was unlike anything they had ever seen. It stood about six feet tall, was bipedal, and had no mane except for the top of it's head. It also didn't have any hooves, only little claws, like Spike, only they were dull. It was, by far, the weirdest looking creature they had ever seen. They also noticed all the timberwolves bodies next to it, so it seemed that it was completely capable of defending itself.

It must have heard them gasp, because it had turned around and looked at them. They now got a good look at it's face, but what really caught all of their eyes was the eyes of the creature. it had eyes that showed the entire spectrum of the rainbow, and seemed to change colors if the eyes moved slightly. In the eyes, they also could clearly see it's emotions. At first they saw confusion, it quickly became disbelief and recognition as it spotted Rainbow.

After a few seconds, the timberwolves attacked the creature from behind. All the girls looked on in horror, they had forgotten the wolves, just like the creature, apparently. There were two wolves that attacked it, one bit into it's shoulder, near the neck. The other had gotten down and raked its claws against the creatures back. They looked on in shock as the creature let out a scream, "FUCK!" They all backed up at the ferocity of the yell, while they saw the creature rip the timberwolf off of its shoulder and snapped its neck. All the girls, except for Fluttershy, were now watching in shock as the creature turned towards the rest of the timberwolves. They could feel the rage coming off of the creature in waves, as it screamed, "DIE YOU PIECES OF SHIT!" and ran at them.

They all watched, except for Fluttershy, in amazement as the creature kicked one of the timberwolves into the ground, completely shattering its torso. After he had killed that one, he grabbed another one and slammed its head into a tree, once, twice, three times. It kept going until the head had a crack running through it, and that the body no longer moved.

Everything in the clearing stopped as soon as the creature dropped the body. "You want some more?" It whispered to the rest of the pack, which immediately bolted back into the woods. All of the ponies had stopped and stared. All of them had different looks adorning their faces, but after a minute, it was Fluttershy who went and tried to talk with the creature.

"Oh gosh, are you... um... okay?" She squeaks out. Obviously she was completely terrified of it. but for good reason, it had just taken out an entire timberwolf pack by itself, but it still needed help, with its wounds bleeding furiously.

The creature turned back around, shock rip piling through its face for a second before it became a face of oh-shit-I-forgot-that-those-things-were-there. "Yeah... just let me catch my breath while I slowly bleed to death, I mean do I look anywhere near fucking okay to you?" It replies sarcastically before it seems to remember what it just spoke to, expressing just as much shock that all of the girls were. "Wait a minute, can you understand me?" It asks Fluttershy. Every single one of the ponies nod at him. "Well... that's... okay I'm not even going to question that right now, because so far nothing in this world make a god damn bit of sense." After it finishes talking, it stumbles forward, face etched with pain. Rainbow and her friends all now became worried about this creature, and by its low toned voice it was a male, but before they could do anything, he spoke again.

"Hey could you all do me a favor please?" He asked politely.

"Sure!" Fluttershy replied a little too quickly. Still skeptical about the creature.

"Okay so I need you to come over here," he pointed to the ground right next to him," can you do that?"

"O-okay," she mutters as she steps to where he indicated, "What do I do now?"

"Catch me." He says as he collapses, and, Fluttershy being too scared at that moment, didn't catch him. He hit his head on a rock, which created another gash in his forehead and might have given him a minor concussion. Everypony stood there shocked before Fluttershy spoke up, "Twilight, he is losing blood right now and is pretty badly hurt. Can you teleport us to the hospital?" Fluttershy didn't need to ask twice as Twilight's horn started to glow with her magic as she teleported every pony back to Ponyville's Hospital.

Author's Note:

There's the third chapter! I don't really have much to say, other than the pov swaps are going to be fewer and farther apart. But they will still be there, just not as commonly.
That's all for now. Thanks for reading and leave some comments!