• Published 5th Apr 2015
  • 2,820 Views, 55 Comments

Lost Memories and New Experiences - Brony4life360

A human wakes up in Equestria, remembering nothing. Can he try and survive this new world and try to find what his old world was like? Maybe with the help of the ponies that saved him, he might have a chance.

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Chapter 2

"Twilight, have to find Twilight, gotta find her. Please tell me she's in her castle..." Rainbow was rambling as she raced across Ponyville to find the one pony that could help her, Twilight Sparkle. As she busts through the entrance to Twilight's new castle, she notices that all her friends were there. Standing on one side of the huge room Applejack and Rarity seemed to be having an argument over something, probably something about dresses or something happening in Sweet Apple Acres. Spike was nowhere to be found, probably taking a nap or something. Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy were sitting in the center of the room, and seemed to be talking about something, but turned their heads as soon as Rainbow had entered the room.

"Hey Rainbow." both of them said, almost in sync, but Rainbow ignored them and kept searching for her target. After a few seconds of looking, Rainbow finally spotted Twilight in the back of the room reading a book. Still an egghead like always. Rainbow thought before racing straight towards the alicorn.

"Twilight," Rainbow shouts, startling Twilight a little, "IreallyneedyourhelpcausetherewasthisweirdcreaturethatIsawwhenIwasabouttopracticesomeofmystuntssoIgotcuriousandIstartedtofollowitandthenIsawithadaswordandIstartedtofreakwhenIsawitandnowitsranintotheEverfreean-" Rainbow was abruptly cut off by a lavender hoof.

"Okay, Rainbow, calm down. Then when you're calmed down tell us what exactly happened." Rainbow, now cut off from he rant, takes a look around at her friends worried faces.

Taking a deep breath, Rainbow sighed, "Okay, you might think that I am making this up, but I swear to Celestia's mighty beard that I am not." Rainbow looks into each of her friends eyes, making sure they know how deadly serious she was. "Alright, you all might want to sit down for a few minutes."


(About 20 minutes later)

As rainbow Dash finishes her story, a mix of different emotions quickly com over It takes a couple of minutes for every one of her friends to finally say something.

"Well, that was certainly... Different." Twilight observed.

"Yes, that was certainly a most perplexing story Rainbow." Rarity commented.

"I wonder if it likes cake?" Pinkie mumble to herself.

"Well, I have to say Dash, that's a 'mite different than what yer stories usually are." Applejack says, still completely dumbfounded by the story.

"Oh gosh, we have to help that poor thing, it might get hurt in the Everfree Forest. We should go and help it." Fluttershy manages to squeak out.

After a few more minutes of silence, Rainbow speaks up. "I agree with Fluttershy," Rainbow stomps her hoof, eyes gleaming with determination, "I saw the fear in its eyes, it was absolutely, and I couldn't forgive myself if it got hurt."

"Now wait jus' a minute Rainbow. Why are you worried about that thing? I mean, you already said that it looked dangerous. Hay, you even said that it even had a weapon!" Applejack

"Okay I know that it had a weapon Applejack, it just... When it turned around, just... sigh I don't know, okay? I just have a feeling that now that I accidentally scared it off, we should go and help it." All of Rainbow's friends nodded at her statement. Applejack just sighed and relented just a little but.

"Why are yall going with this, ah mean thin thin' could be deadly for all we know!"

"Applejack, I know that you are worried, but that creature is absolutely terrified and it might be in danger. I have to go and help it." Fluttershy reassures Applejack, while Pinkie and Rarity nod in approval.

Twilight also speaks up, "Also I have never heard of a creature like this, so this would be a great opportunity to study it!"

After all her friends, Applejack finally gives up, "Alright, I'll go, but don't think that I'll be trustin' that creature anytime soon."

"Alright!" Rainbow shouts, flying towards the door, "Lets go!"

"But Rainbow, we don't know where it's gone!" Twilight said, confused.

"Twilight, you do have tracking spells, right?" Rainbow asked, a bit annoyed by the question.

Twilight blushes a little, "Oh, right." She squeaks out.

"Well then, we better get going!" Rainbow shouts as all her friends are running after her. I hope that it's not to late.


Back in the Everfree Forest

Looking straight at all ten pairs of eyes, the human could only think one thing. God if you are there, please, come out so I can punch you in the dick for constantly FUCKING ME! But, just as he starts to back away in fear, one of the creatures steps out into the light, and that's what truly shocked him.

His face contorted into a look of absolute disbelief and frustration. Really, REALLY!?!?!? The pony I can handle. Or at least I think I can. But this! It's a fucking wolf made of wood! That's just. Not. Ah screw it, it's not like anything else I've seen makes any goddamn sense. Okay, I can't be sidetracked, these things are obviously going to attack. Thank the god-like-entities of this world that I have this sword. Oh, I don't have any experience with a sword... Well it cant be that hard, right? You just go swish-swish-stab right?

After his little freak-out, he noticed that he had gotten surrounded. Looking for a way out, he found none, putting a hand on the hilt of his sword, he waited for the creatures to attack. He heard a snarling from behind as one of the wolf-things pounced. His body took control and immediately unsheathed his sword and swung with an upward strike. The wolf got split in half by the force of the strike, spraying splinters into the man's eyes, blinding him. While he was blinded, two more wolves pounced at the man. Effectively clearing the wood out of his eyes, he sees the other two wolves darting at him. He tried to dodge them both, but one bit him on his sword arm, right above the wrist. "DAMN IT!" he screams in pain, dropping his sword. Seeing the other wolf coming after him, he manages to dislodge the wolf that bit into his arm, and gave a devastating axe kick straight into its head. That wolf moved no more, and the other one backed off, limping slightly. The man looked for his sword and found a slightly bigger wolf crouching over it. Out of the corner of his eye he saw three more coming at him from his left. turning, he gave one a vicious uppercut as it lept towards his face, and though he was strong, he was still amazed when he saw the wolf's body go sailing above the trees, screeching as it fell back down to the ground. He looked back at his hand. His knuckles were bleeding and He turned back to the other two wolves and snatched them both from the air as they leaped at him. He grabbed them by the back of their heads and slammed them together with all his might. When he heard both heads crack and splinter, he felt some grim satisfaction. He never liked to kill anything, but if he had to, or was provoked enough, he would do it in a heartbeat.

He looked back at the remaining four wolves, when he heard something, it sounded a lot like. Horses? No, that would be ridiculous, until he heard a gasp. He turned around, and saw the blue pony again, but now she had friends. Five of them to be exact. And each of them were just as unusual as the rainbow-colored one. Then he saw the looks on their faces, which ranged from fear, to disgust, then to amazement. Before he could say anything, though, he felt some claws ripping through his back, and felt a pair of jaws clamp onto his shoulder, right next to his neck.

"FUCK!" he screamed, ripping the wolf that bit into his shoulder, which took a chunk of his shoulder with it. Taking the wolf by the head, he snapped its neck. Fueled by adrenaline and rage alone, he went and screamed at the other wolves, "DIE YOU PIECES OF SHIT!" and ran at them. The next thing he could remember was him standing over the dead bodies of the wolves. Bleeding heavily, and exhausted, he barely notices the yellow pony walking up to him.

"Oh gosh, are you... um... okay?" It squeaks out. Obviously it was completely terrified of him.

"Yeah... just let me catch my breath while I slowly bleed to death, I mean do I look anywhere near fucking okay to you?" He replies sarcastically before he remembers what he just spoke to. "Wait a minute, can you understand me?" He asks the pony. Every single one of the ponies nod at him. "Well... that's... okay I'm not even going to question that right now, because so far nothing in this world make a god damn bit of sense." After he finishes his rant, he feels a sudden pain in his back. He had forgotten his injuries, and now they were making a reappearance. Stumbling forward he see that there was a worried look on the ponies faces, and the yellow one in front of him still had that terrified expression on its face.

"Hey could you all do me a favor please?" He asked politely.

"Sure!" The yellow one replied a little too quickly.

"Okay so I need you to come over here," he pointed to the ground right next to him," can you do that?"

"O-okay," she mutters as she steps to where he indicated, "what do I do now?"

"Catch me." He says as he passes out.

Author's Note:

Well, second chapter is out! I hope you all have been enjoying the story so far. Leave some comments if you have anything that you want to say or suggest, and one other thing. If you do give this story a dislike, tell me why, because I can't try and fix my story if I don't know what's wrong with it!
Either way, that all I have to say, and I you are wondering when I am going to keep putting up chapters, I will try and keep it to a 'new chapter every 1-2 weeks' type schedule.
That's all I have to say, and thank you for reading chapter 2! :twilightsmile: