• Published 30th Mar 2015
  • 5,551 Views, 103 Comments

A Zoroark in Equestria - The Lutece twins

James, your average Pokemon fan & Brony, get's sent to Equestria by Discord & is turned into one of his favorite pokemon, a zoroark

  • ...

chapter 4

Fluttershy was humming the my little pony theme song to herself, just finishing up supper, consisting of carrot stew. She then sets the bowls of stew by a window to cool down, then walks back to the couch to check on James.
"Oh, I hope shadow is alright. Yes, he has been through a lot in just one-" fluttershy started to say, when she saw the couch, instead of a earth pony on the couch, she saw a zoroark laying on it. Fluttershy screams. James instantly woke up with a start, flailed his arms a bit and fell off the couch, hitting the floor with a thud. Fluttershy than gasps and rushes to James side.
"I am so sorry! I just came from the kitchen and you're a...zoroark again." She said, looking worried as she helped James onto the couch. "You aren't hurt are you?" She asks. James shook his head. Fluttershy sighs in relief.
"Are you hungry? I made something to eat." She asks. James turns back into a pony and nods. "I am quite hungry." He says, just as his stomach growls. Fluttershy smiles and brings James a bowl filed with the carrot stew and a spoon. "Here you go. Just eat up. There's more so feel free to ask if you're still hungry, okay?" Fluttershy asked, nuzzling james, causing him to blush, then goes and grabs herself a bowl and sits next to him. James grabs the spoon and starts to eat the soup.
"Hey, this is good!" James said happily. " thank you. I never really get good feed back on my cooking." Fluttershy sighed. James continues to eat the stew, enjoying every bite. "Don't eat so fast, you might get an upset stomach! I don't want you making your condition any worse than it needs to be." Fluttershy warned.
James smiled sheepishly an nodded.
"Heh heh, sorry, It's just really good. I havn't had anything this good before." James said. Fluttershy blushes after James has said that. "Thanks. Its getting late. Do you just want to sleep here or in the extra bed upstairs?" Fluttershy asks. James thought for a little bit.
"I wouldn't mind taking the extra bed upstairs." James said. Fluttershy smiles and helps James up the stairs. "I can have my friends fix the hole in the ceiling in the living room tomorrow. For now it can just be one big skylight!" Fluttershy said. James felt bad for breaking Fluttershy's ceiling.
"Yea, sorry about that." James apologized. "oh it's nothing really. You just get some rest, okay?" Fluttershy said, nuzzling james, causing him to blush again as he nods. As she is about to walk out the door, she turns to him. "if you need anything, just let me know okay?" She asks.
"I will" James said, yawning. "and one more thing, I assume you don't have a place to stay, so you can stay here as long as you want." Fluttershy said, smiling before leaving for her room. James smiles and drops his illusion. He stretches and climbs into the bed. "Thank you Fluttershy" James muttered, before sleep toke him.

The Next Morning

Fluttershy wakes up and yawns. She gets out of her bed and goes to check on shadow. When she enters his room, she sees him shivering. "Oh my..." She gasps and quickly goes and grabs more blankets. She covers shadow with them and sits next to him. Fluttershy strokes shadows head. "You poor thing." She whispers.
Shadow's shivering slowly stopped and a small smile formed on his face. Fluttershy yawns and lays against the head board. She falls asleep next to shadow with a smile. James yawns and slowly opens his eyes. He sees Fluttershy sleeping next to him and a smile forms across his face. "That's cute. Better not wake her up. A few more minutes shouldn't hurt." He whispers. He closes his eyes and goes back to sleep. Fluttershy started to shiver. James could feel her shiver and he pulled her closer to his body so that she will stay warm. Fluttershy stirs a little bit, then smiles. James smiles as Fluttershy slowly stops shivering.
Fluttershy rolls over and face him still asleep. Fluttershy snuggles closer to shadow and smiles in her sleep. James felt something familiar, something that he has never felt in a long time, pure happiness. Just as he was going to smile, he sneezes. The sneeze was loud enough to wake up Fluttershy. Fluttershy was startled awake. She sees him and 'eeps!!' hiding behind her mane. James clears his throat.
"Morning, Fluttershy" James said, this time not in poke talk.
"sorry if disturbed you..I came in to check on you and you were freezing you see, so I got you some blankets, and I fell asleep by mistake..." she whispers. James smiled. "It's ok Fluttershy." He yawns. "Shall we get up for some breakfast?" He asks.
Fluttershy blushes. "Okay." James nods and let's go of Fluttershy. He sits up stretching and yawns. After he stretches he turns back into a earth pony. "okay. I guess I could make something. What do you want?" Fluttershy yawns. "I don't mind what you make." James said. "Okay. I just want to make sure that your happy." Fluttershy said.
James nods. "Ok, Fluttershy." He said. Fluttershy looked away. "I'm sorry if I disturbed you." She said. James puts a hoof on Fluttershy's shoulder. "Hey, it's ok. You just wanted to check on me." He said. Fluttershy blushes and hugs James. "Thank you, shadow." She said. James smiles and hugs back. "It's no problem Fluttershy." He said.
Fluttershy smiles again. "Thank you." She said. "how's is your leg? And does your head still hurt?" She asks. James looks at his leg, which seems to be feeling a lot better. "My leg seems to be fine, and my head doesn't hurt anymore." He said.
"okay. But you still shouldn't walk on it for a couple days. Anyway, are you sure there isn't anythin you'd like to eat? I'll try to make whatever it is." Fluttershy asks. James nods. "Well, I havn't had pancakes in a while." He says. Fluttershy smile and nods. "Okay, then." She said, trotting out of the room and down the stairs.
James got out of bed and yawns. "This is going to be a good day!" He said happily, trotting after Fluttershy.
Fluttershy was busy in the kitchen making pancakes for shadow. She was humming a happy tune, when she heard somepony come down stairs. She looks and sees shadow coming down. Fluttershy was finishing up the pancakes when shadow came in.
"How many pancakes would you like shadow?" She asks. "I would like 3 please." Shadow said. Fluttershy smiles and puts three pancakes on a plate. "okay. I made plenty. There is syrup in the cupboard next to you." She said. James nods and grabs the syrup out of the cupboard and places it on the table, then grabs the plate from Fluttershy.
"Thank you." James said, smiling. James sits at the table and pours syrup all over his pancakes. "you're welcome. I just couldn't leave you out there, knowing you're hurt, I just couldn't! My home, is your home." Fluttershy said, preparing a salad for herself. James nods while taking a bite of pancake.
"I know, I wouldn't have known what to do if I was left out there." James said. "That's why I am letting you stay here." Fluttershy said, nuzzling shadow. "Oh, did I tell you my name? It's Fluttershy." She said.
James nods. "I know, I've heard your friends say your name." He said.
"okay. Maybe I...maybe me and my friends could show you around ponyville?"Fluttershy asks nervously. James smiles and nods. "I would like that Fluttershy." He says happily. " or maybe just us. You know, your leg still hurts, and being around too many other ponies might not help. Just trying to do what's best for you." Fluttershy said.
"I know, but if it's just you and me Fluttershy, ponies might get the wrong idea." James said. Fluttershy slightly frowned. "it shouldn't matter what everypony else thinks. It's for your health, okay?" She said. James nods and smiles. "Ok, Fluttershy." James said.
Fluttershy then hugs shadow. "Thank you shadow." She says happily, which causes shadow to blush a little bit. "It's no problem, Fluttershy." James said.
"But are you well enough to walk?" Fluttershy asks. James nods as he looks at his leg. "I did walk down the stairs." He stated. "Alright. Finish your food and we can get going if you want." Fluttershy said. James nods and finishes up his pancakes, as fluttershy started to eat her salad. James picked up his plate and places it in the sink in the kitchen. "Fluttershy we can leave when you are ready, if it's all right with you." James said.
"I'm alright with that." Fluttershy said. After Fluttershy finished eating and cleaning the dishes, they left for ponyville. James walks with Fluttershy with a smile.


Author's Note:

Another day, another chapter. :yay:

I am happy that you guys are liking my stories. :moustache:

I will keep up the good work.