A Zoroark in Equestria

by The Lutece twins

First published

James, your average Pokemon fan & Brony, get's sent to Equestria by Discord & is turned into one of his favorite pokemon, a zoroark

What would happen if James get's sent to a world filled with technicolor-ed ponies by Discord & is transformed into one of his favorite Pokemon, a zoroark? Some good comedy & a little mischievous tricks. Will James be able to get back home or will he be stuck as a zoroark in Equestria for good.

Chapter 1

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"Come on," A teenager named James, who was sitting in front of his computer, which was on screen saver mode, muttered as he was trying to catch Rayquaza on his Omega Ruby. "I will capture you, no matter what." he said, pushing the A button and tossing his 40th Ultra ball. The ball hits Rayquaza and it disappeared in a flash of light. James started to jam the A button repeatedly.

"Come on, come on, come on!" James said. The ultraball shock once, James leaned in. It shook twice, James leaned in even closer. It shook for a third time, Jame's face was practically right on the 3DS as he continued to jab the A button as everything seemed to be at a standstill. There was a click and James pulled the device away, seeing that he has caught Rayquaza.

"Yes!" James yelled, tossing his hand up in the air, accidentally releasing the 3DS, which flew in the air. "Oops," James said, catching the gaming device. He sighs in relief that the gaming device isn't damaged. "That was close." James said, leaning back in his chair.

"Yes indeed," a voice said. "That was very close indeed." the voice said.

James nearly jumps out of his chair and looked around him, but found nothing, until he swiveled the chair around to his bed and see's something that shocks him and made him jump out of his chair, literally. Sitting on his bed was no other than the Draconequus of chaos himself, Discord. Discord was relaxing on his bed, while reading a book. James shakes his head, thinking that he is dreaming or has played too much video games. But Discord doesn't disappear.

"Why are you here?" James said, eyeing Discord suspiciously.

"My, what a little attitude." Discord said, making the book disappear. "Just like Twilight." he says.

"That doesn't answer my question." James said.

Discord slightly laughs and disappears, only to reappear in James's computer as a Shimeji (desktop mascot). "I though I would have a little fun. Ever since I was reformed, I got many new friends, but it does get boring real quick though." Discord says while walking across the computer screen.

"W-what?" James said. "What do you mean a little fun?" he asks.

Discord stops and looks at James with a sly smile.

"Oh you'll see." Discord says.

"What do you mean?" James asked, getting up from chair. "As in a game?" he asks.

Discord's smile grew wider. "Exactly!" he says, reappearing on James room.

James was confused. "What type of game?" he asks.

"Oh, you'll see." Discord said.

"And when does this game of your's start?" James asks.

Discord looks at his wrist as if to look at a invisible watch. "Oh, right about...now." Discord says, snapping his fingers. A portal opens up underneath James's feet, causing him to look down.

"I hate you." James said, before falling into the portal.

"Have fun!" Discord yells, waving goodbye while laughing, then disappearing in a cloud of smoke.

James screamed as he fell through the portal. There was a flash of light so bright, that James had to close his eyes. There was a sense of falling, then hitting something with his head, hard, causing James to lose consciousness.

"Unnngh," James muttered. "Note to self, don't let Discord send you through a portal." he muttered.

James opens his eyes and finds himself looking at a clear blue sky with a few cloud passing by every now and then. James sits up, and puts his hands on his head, which was pounding.

"Ugh, my head." James said. But as James put his hands on his head, his head felt soft for some reason. James opens his eyes. "Why is my head...soft," he said, looking at his right arm.

Instead of his human arm, a arm covered in a ash gray fur with three red claws. James's eyes widen as he looks at his left arm, which is the same as the right. He touches his head and feels long hair coursing down his back. James instantly knew what he was turned into.

"I'm a Zoroark!" James yells, putting his claws on his head and shakes his head. CREAK! That noise stopped James's freak out and he looks around for the sound of that creaking noise. He then looks down and almost jumps. James was on top a tree that was over a small building in a forest.

"Okay, not good, definitely not good." James said, hugging the tree branch that he was on, tight. "I am high above the ground, over a building. Can this day get any better!?" he yells. CRACK! The tree branch started to give a little.

"Don't break, don't break, don't break!" James yells, holding on to the branch even tighter. The branch bent downwards some more and stops. The branch makes a small creak then stops. James sighs in relief.

"Whew, that was a close one." He says. The tree branch starts to descend again. "OH SH-" SNAP! The tree branch breaks, sending James towards the building alone.

"EEEEYAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!!!" James screams as he fell.

"Now, now Angel," Fluttershy said, talking to a rabbit. "You must be hungry after being outside for a while." She said.

Then she heard a loud SNAP!, causing her to look around, trying to find out where that sound came from. Fluttershy heard some sort of screaming, which confused her. Then something huge broke through her cottage's roof. She only saw a big shadowy like creature for a few seconds, before dashing out of her door screaming. Fluttershy ran towards Ponyville to go and tell twilight what she just saw. She ran as fast as her hoofs can carry her.

Fluttershy soon makes it to Twilight's library. She bursts through the door, causing spike to jump back. Fluttershy stops in front of Twilight , breathing heavily.

"Fluttershy, what's wrong?" Twilight asks.

"Ohmygoshohmygoshitwashorribleascarymonsterbrokeintomyhome!" Fluttershy said extremely fast.

"Woah, woah, woah. Fluttershy, calm down, please." Twilight said.

Fluttershy took a deep breath, then let it out and spoke again.

"It was horrible, Twilight. I was feeding Angel, when i heard a loud snap. Something screamed and broke into my cottage, coming through the roof. What I saw was a big black monster like thing crashing onto my cottage's floor. I ran out of there screaming and came to you." Fluttershy said.

Twilight looked at Fluttershy with astonishment. "A monster?" She asks. Fluttershy nods.

"Let's go! We gotta get the others. We could be in danger!" Twilight said, rushing out the door, with spike and Fluttershy in tow.


Chapter 2 (part 1)

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Back at Fluttershy's cottage.

James was sprawled out on a wooden floor, with bits of roof on top of him.

"*cough* Oooowww! That freaking hurt!" he yells.

As James started to get up, a sharp pain went through his left leg. Causing him to yelp and go back down onto the floor.

"Gah! My leg!" James yells, looking at his leg, which seemed fine. "Must have sprained it on the fall." He mutters.

James slowly gets back up, trying to put most of his weight on his right leg. Which seemed to work a little bit. He then grabs a fallen wooden beam as uses it as a crutch. James heads towards the door, wincing a little bit every time he put some weight on his left leg.

"This place seems extremely familiar." James muttered, looking around as he headed for the door. He exits the building and looks around some more. James finds himself near a forest. He hobbles towards the forested area.

"This looks like the Everfree forest." James muttered to himself.

"There it is!" A voice yelled.

"What?" James said, turning around. He sees Twilight and her friends coming straight at him. "OH BUCK!" he yells, hobbling faster into the forest.

"Are you sure it's not another one of Discord's tricks?" Rainbow dash asked.

"What Fluttershy described the thing as a black shadowy figure, I don't know if it is one of Discords tricks." Twilight said, as she and her friends finally came to Fluttershy's cottage. What Twilight saw, made her jaw dropped. What looked like a bipedal ash gray fox, holding a wooden beam, was hobbling towards the Everfree forest.

"There it is!" Applejack yelled, getting the fox's attention. Twilight could see it's eye's go wide in fear and saw it pick up speed trying to get
away from her and her friends.

"Careful, it seems to be injured." Twilight said, chasing after the fox, with her friends in tow.

Fluttershy's eye's widen. "Poor thing." she whispered.

"Crap, crap, crap, crap!" James yelled, looking over his shoulder and seeing Twilight and her friends gaining on him, fast. "Screw this!" he yelled, tossing the wooden beam, got down onto all fours, and continued to try and get a away. He looked back over his shoulder and saw that he was pulling away. As he looked forward, he almost crashed into a tree.

"Whoa! Keep my eyes on the road at all times." James muttered. He looked back and didn't see twilight and her friends behind him. He climbed a tree and waited.

"Where in tarnation did that thing go." Applejack said, looking around.

"When I find it, I am gonna give it a good beating for scaring Fluttershy." Rainbow dash said, looking angry as she fluttered about above the trees.

"Rainbow dash, I don't think the weird fox meant to scare Fluttershy on purpose. And it's injured if you haven't looked, so giving it a beating will make it'e injuries worse." Twilight said.

"Ooooh, poor little fox." Fluttershy whispered.

"Little? That thing is as tall as Princess Celestia, if you haven't noticed, in fact, probably taller." Applejack said to Fluttershy.

"And not to mention filthy as well. Did you see how dark its fur is, probably from rolling around in the dirt." Rarity gawked.

"*sigh* Let's just find out where it went." Twilight said, then looking around, seeing that Pinkie pie wasn't with them. "Hey, where's Pinkie?" She said in confusion.

"Whew, i guess I lost them." James sighed, leaning back on the tree he climbed. "I still can't believe that Discord sent me to Equestria. And as a Zoroark as a matter of fact as well. This is a dream and a nightmare all in one." he sighed, then looked at his leg, which was still hurting, but not as much. Then he heard rustling above him. He quickly looked up, thinking that the mane 6 has found him, but the rustling stops as he looks up.

"Hmm, that was strange." He muttered, then looks down, almost screaming as he did. Right in front of him was no other than the pink party pony herself, Pinkie pie.

"Hi! Wow, you look so cool! Not like Rainbow dash cool, but still cool! What are you? What's you name? Where are you from? Ohhh! Are you some sort of alien? Do you like party's? Are you new around here?" Ect. Pinkie asked, disappearing and reappearing in a different spot on the tree with each question asked.

"Would you please, SHUT UP!!" James shouted, before gasping at what he said. 'I know that I like Pinkie, but come one, who wouldn't say shut up. But i didn't mean to say it that loud.' He thought, thinking that he made Pinkie mad or sad. But to his surprise, neither. In fact, Pinkie tilted her head in confusion.

"Zoroark? Is that your name?" She asked.

"W-w-what?" James stuttered.

"I guess your name is Zoroark. But I think i would call you, Mr. Fox, or Space fox, or foxy, or grey fo-" Pinkie started.

"Pinkie! Get away from that thing!" A voice yelled. James looked down and saw Twilight looking at him in anger, her horn glowing a purple hue.

"Oh, crap!" James yelled, and jumped from the tree, only to get slammed from behind. "YAAAAAAAAAAGH!!!!" James shouted as he fell, going face first into the forest floor. James almost lost consciousness, but managed to stay, as pain shot through his body.

"Uh, Rainbow dash, I think you over did it." Twilight said. Her horn glowed even brighter as she levitated the bipedal fox, who still seamed to be conscious. Twilight levitated the fox closer to her and studied it. Even though its slightly dazed, it seems to be fine, because it was struggling to get free from her spell.

"Zoro..Zoroark! (Let..Let me go!)" The fox yelled, struggling against Twilight's spell.

"Zoroark?" Twilight said, wondering what it meant, just as Pinkie appeared beside her.

"That's all it says!" Pinkie said.

"Okay." twilight said, then looks straight at the fox's eye's. "You and me are gonna have a little talk, right here, right now." she said.

"*gulp* Zoroark...(Oh, dear)" the fox says.


Chapter 3 (part 2)

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"so start talking!" Twilight yelled at the bipedal fox.
"yeah, or I'm gonna have to make you start talking!" Rainbow Dash threatened while flying just above the ground, getting in James's face.
James struggled to get out. "Zoro...zoroark! 'Let...let me out!' " James yelled.
"I know you want me to let you go, but I won't until you agree to talk." Twilight said to the Fox.
"twilight, I don't think the poor darling can speak at all!" Rarity chimed.
"that's what I'm trying to say! All it says is it's name!" Pinkie said, bouncing around a bit.
Twilight sighs, and let's the bipedal fox go. James hits through ground with a light thud.
"Zoroark. ' Thank you' James said to twilight. James tried to stand up, before yelping in pain. He clutched his left leg. 'Gaah! Still must be sprained, if not even worse then before' James thought. Fluttershy quickly saw this and rushed towards James.
"Oh my! He really is hurt!" She said, inspecting James leg. "Oh, you poor, poor thing!" She said. James looked around and saw a very sturdy stick next to him. He grabbed the stick and slowly stood up, using the stick as a crutch. 'Easy now, easy does it' James thought.
"We should really get him some help." Fluttershy said, looking worried.
Twilight nodded. "Maybe it can't speak, but maybe it can understand us. Nod your head if you do." She told James. James nodded. "Zoro, zoroark. 'I can understand you' " he said
"I can't understand you at all. All I can hear you say is zoro and zoroark." Twilight said.
"well I reckon this thing is trying to take us for a fool. It can understand us, but can't speak?" AJ asked.
"It does sound rather far fetched" rarity said. James facepalms and sighs. 'why don't they know that I am speaking in poke talk.'
"Just... try to not fall into anypony else's homes. Let's go girls!" Twilight yelled, turning around and walking away. The others follow twilight. James hobbles after them.
"Um, twilight, should it be following us?" Fluttershy asked. Twilight stopped, turned around and saw the Fox hobbling after them. "We never told it to. Why are you following us?" Twilight asked. James leaned against the stick and waved his claws around in a game of charades.
"Why don't you come with us. Can you write?" Twilight asked. James nods towards twilight.
"Then follow us, but don't cause any trouble." Twilight said sternly. James nods.
"I don't think he will." Fluttershy said, rubbing her self affectionately on James, causing him to blush a little.
"I know it's cute an all how your like that with the animals and such, but why do ya do that?" AJ asked.
"To show that I care!" Fluttershy said, trotting alongside James. A idea popped into James's head.
"Zoro! 'Wait!' He barks. Twilight rolls her eyes. "He sure is talkative!" Pinkie said.
"Sorta like you." AJ retorted. James stops hobbling and growls to get their attention. "Zoroark!" 'Just listen to me!"
"look, whatever you are, we don't know what you are trying to say, so we're heading to me place where you can write what you're trying to say." Twilight said.
"he seems a bit angry!" Pinkie said as she appeared on James's back, pointing at his angry face. James bent down and uses a claw to write in a patch of dirt. Twilight was confused at what the bipedal fox was doing.
"what is it doing?" Rarity asked, looking a bit disgusted at what the Fox was doing.
"I'm not sure. This. creature, whatever it is, is very strange." Twilight said. James wrote, as best as he could, in the dirt "i think I know how I can communicate with you." When he was done writing that, he looks at twilight. Twilight gasps as she reads the message. "wow it CAN write! But how can you communicate?" Twilight asked, looking confused.
James writes the word "watch" and closeness eyes and concentrates, and a few moments later he becomes a earth pony version of himself with a cutie mark of purple flames. Twilight gasps at what she sees.
"H-how!?" Twilight yelled, all her studies of mysterious creatures and magic thrown out the window.
"it's...it's a...a" fluttershy stuttered.
"A pony!" AJ finished. James looked at his new body. "Test, test, one two." James said, his voice sounding like his own. "Any way, hello" he said. Rarity's eyes ruled to the back of her head as she faints. RD's mouth drops open. Fluttershy 'eeped' and hid behind her mane. AJ's eyes narrowed as she and RD got in James's face. And twilight was speechless.
"How did y'all did that!?" She yells. James rolls his eyes at rarity when she fainted, then turns towards AJ.
"To answer your question, I used illusions" James said. Pinkie giggled. "What are you surprised about? I can do that!" She said as she turned into a pink pony version of James. Twilight shook her head. "Thats the thing, HE did it." She said. Fluttershy looked at James with worried look.
"Do... does your leg still hurt?* fluttershy whispered. James looked at the leg that was hurting. "It hurts a little, but not as much as before" James said.
"twilight, since he can talk now, I'm going to take him to my cottage. You need to stay off that leg, okay?" Fluttershy said, looking worried at James. James looks at fluttershy and nods. Fluttershy walks closer to James. "you can lean on me so you don't have to walk on your injured leg." She said, blushing a little and hiding her face behind her mane. "Wh-what's your name?" Fluttershy stammered.
James leaned against fluttershy. "Thank you. And for the name, it's shadow mark." James sighed. Fluttershy smiles at James. "Thats a nice name." She said, leading James towards her cottage. As they walk towards fluttershy's home, James winces with each step, but keeps going.
After a long slow walk, do to James's injuries, James and fluttershy make it to her cottage. As they walk in fluttershy leads James to the couch.
"you just lay on the couch, and don't you move a muscle, okay? You need your rest. You must have quite a headache from falling on your head." She said. James nods and moves onto the couch. "Yea, that I do." James yawned. Fluttershy gasps, and runs around her house grabbing a cold compress and some pillows, and when she finally heads back to the couch, she saw that James has fallen asleep. After adjusting the pillows and putting on the cold compress on James head, she smiles and strokes his mane, which causes a smiles to form on James muzzle. "Sleep well." Fluttershy whispered. Fluttershy then goes into the kitchen to make supper. 'I hope he gets well' fluttershy thought, then smiled.


chapter 4

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Fluttershy was humming the my little pony theme song to herself, just finishing up supper, consisting of carrot stew. She then sets the bowls of stew by a window to cool down, then walks back to the couch to check on James.
"Oh, I hope shadow is alright. Yes, he has been through a lot in just one-" fluttershy started to say, when she saw the couch, instead of a earth pony on the couch, she saw a zoroark laying on it. Fluttershy screams. James instantly woke up with a start, flailed his arms a bit and fell off the couch, hitting the floor with a thud. Fluttershy than gasps and rushes to James side.
"I am so sorry! I just came from the kitchen and you're a...zoroark again." She said, looking worried as she helped James onto the couch. "You aren't hurt are you?" She asks. James shook his head. Fluttershy sighs in relief.
"Are you hungry? I made something to eat." She asks. James turns back into a pony and nods. "I am quite hungry." He says, just as his stomach growls. Fluttershy smiles and brings James a bowl filed with the carrot stew and a spoon. "Here you go. Just eat up. There's more so feel free to ask if you're still hungry, okay?" Fluttershy asked, nuzzling james, causing him to blush, then goes and grabs herself a bowl and sits next to him. James grabs the spoon and starts to eat the soup.
"Hey, this is good!" James said happily. " thank you. I never really get good feed back on my cooking." Fluttershy sighed. James continues to eat the stew, enjoying every bite. "Don't eat so fast, you might get an upset stomach! I don't want you making your condition any worse than it needs to be." Fluttershy warned.
James smiled sheepishly an nodded.
"Heh heh, sorry, It's just really good. I havn't had anything this good before." James said. Fluttershy blushes after James has said that. "Thanks. Its getting late. Do you just want to sleep here or in the extra bed upstairs?" Fluttershy asks. James thought for a little bit.
"I wouldn't mind taking the extra bed upstairs." James said. Fluttershy smiles and helps James up the stairs. "I can have my friends fix the hole in the ceiling in the living room tomorrow. For now it can just be one big skylight!" Fluttershy said. James felt bad for breaking Fluttershy's ceiling.
"Yea, sorry about that." James apologized. "oh it's nothing really. You just get some rest, okay?" Fluttershy said, nuzzling james, causing him to blush again as he nods. As she is about to walk out the door, she turns to him. "if you need anything, just let me know okay?" She asks.
"I will" James said, yawning. "and one more thing, I assume you don't have a place to stay, so you can stay here as long as you want." Fluttershy said, smiling before leaving for her room. James smiles and drops his illusion. He stretches and climbs into the bed. "Thank you Fluttershy" James muttered, before sleep toke him.

The Next Morning

Fluttershy wakes up and yawns. She gets out of her bed and goes to check on shadow. When she enters his room, she sees him shivering. "Oh my..." She gasps and quickly goes and grabs more blankets. She covers shadow with them and sits next to him. Fluttershy strokes shadows head. "You poor thing." She whispers.
Shadow's shivering slowly stopped and a small smile formed on his face. Fluttershy yawns and lays against the head board. She falls asleep next to shadow with a smile. James yawns and slowly opens his eyes. He sees Fluttershy sleeping next to him and a smile forms across his face. "That's cute. Better not wake her up. A few more minutes shouldn't hurt." He whispers. He closes his eyes and goes back to sleep. Fluttershy started to shiver. James could feel her shiver and he pulled her closer to his body so that she will stay warm. Fluttershy stirs a little bit, then smiles. James smiles as Fluttershy slowly stops shivering.
Fluttershy rolls over and face him still asleep. Fluttershy snuggles closer to shadow and smiles in her sleep. James felt something familiar, something that he has never felt in a long time, pure happiness. Just as he was going to smile, he sneezes. The sneeze was loud enough to wake up Fluttershy. Fluttershy was startled awake. She sees him and 'eeps!!' hiding behind her mane. James clears his throat.
"Morning, Fluttershy" James said, this time not in poke talk.
"sorry if disturbed you..I came in to check on you and you were freezing you see, so I got you some blankets, and I fell asleep by mistake..." she whispers. James smiled. "It's ok Fluttershy." He yawns. "Shall we get up for some breakfast?" He asks.
Fluttershy blushes. "Okay." James nods and let's go of Fluttershy. He sits up stretching and yawns. After he stretches he turns back into a earth pony. "okay. I guess I could make something. What do you want?" Fluttershy yawns. "I don't mind what you make." James said. "Okay. I just want to make sure that your happy." Fluttershy said.
James nods. "Ok, Fluttershy." He said. Fluttershy looked away. "I'm sorry if I disturbed you." She said. James puts a hoof on Fluttershy's shoulder. "Hey, it's ok. You just wanted to check on me." He said. Fluttershy blushes and hugs James. "Thank you, shadow." She said. James smiles and hugs back. "It's no problem Fluttershy." He said.
Fluttershy smiles again. "Thank you." She said. "how's is your leg? And does your head still hurt?" She asks. James looks at his leg, which seems to be feeling a lot better. "My leg seems to be fine, and my head doesn't hurt anymore." He said.
"okay. But you still shouldn't walk on it for a couple days. Anyway, are you sure there isn't anythin you'd like to eat? I'll try to make whatever it is." Fluttershy asks. James nods. "Well, I havn't had pancakes in a while." He says. Fluttershy smile and nods. "Okay, then." She said, trotting out of the room and down the stairs.
James got out of bed and yawns. "This is going to be a good day!" He said happily, trotting after Fluttershy.
Fluttershy was busy in the kitchen making pancakes for shadow. She was humming a happy tune, when she heard somepony come down stairs. She looks and sees shadow coming down. Fluttershy was finishing up the pancakes when shadow came in.
"How many pancakes would you like shadow?" She asks. "I would like 3 please." Shadow said. Fluttershy smiles and puts three pancakes on a plate. "okay. I made plenty. There is syrup in the cupboard next to you." She said. James nods and grabs the syrup out of the cupboard and places it on the table, then grabs the plate from Fluttershy.
"Thank you." James said, smiling. James sits at the table and pours syrup all over his pancakes. "you're welcome. I just couldn't leave you out there, knowing you're hurt, I just couldn't! My home, is your home." Fluttershy said, preparing a salad for herself. James nods while taking a bite of pancake.
"I know, I wouldn't have known what to do if I was left out there." James said. "That's why I am letting you stay here." Fluttershy said, nuzzling shadow. "Oh, did I tell you my name? It's Fluttershy." She said.
James nods. "I know, I've heard your friends say your name." He said.
"okay. Maybe I...maybe me and my friends could show you around ponyville?"Fluttershy asks nervously. James smiles and nods. "I would like that Fluttershy." He says happily. " or maybe just us. You know, your leg still hurts, and being around too many other ponies might not help. Just trying to do what's best for you." Fluttershy said.
"I know, but if it's just you and me Fluttershy, ponies might get the wrong idea." James said. Fluttershy slightly frowned. "it shouldn't matter what everypony else thinks. It's for your health, okay?" She said. James nods and smiles. "Ok, Fluttershy." James said.
Fluttershy then hugs shadow. "Thank you shadow." She says happily, which causes shadow to blush a little bit. "It's no problem, Fluttershy." James said.
"But are you well enough to walk?" Fluttershy asks. James nods as he looks at his leg. "I did walk down the stairs." He stated. "Alright. Finish your food and we can get going if you want." Fluttershy said. James nods and finishes up his pancakes, as fluttershy started to eat her salad. James picked up his plate and places it in the sink in the kitchen. "Fluttershy we can leave when you are ready, if it's all right with you." James said.
"I'm alright with that." Fluttershy said. After Fluttershy finished eating and cleaning the dishes, they left for ponyville. James walks with Fluttershy with a smile.


chapter 5

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"I bet you're going to love Ponyville." Fluttershy smiled at Shadow. Shadow looks at Fluttershy and shrugs, well tried with out tripping. Fluttershy nuzzles him.

"You'll get to make so many friends." she said.

"Well, i didn't have many friends back home." he said.

"Well, I'm sure you'll make plenty here because most ponies here are nice and very accepting." Fluttershy pointed out.

"Ehh, the last peo- err... ponies I have met... where not that nice to me, and the ones who were tried to use me. Only a couple of ponies I could call my friends...moved on..." Shadow sighed.

"Awww, I'm sorry." Fluttershy leans into him a little to comfort him. A tear fell down from shadows face as he leans closer to Fluttershy.

"T-That's not the worse part." Shadow said.

"Y-you don't have to talk about it if you don't want to." Fluttershy nuzzled him once more. Shadow sniffs as another tear falls from his face as he nods. Fluttershy stops and pulls him into a hug.

"I'm your friend, okay?" She asked softly. Shadow's eyes widen in surprise as more tears appeared in his eyes.

"You're going to make lots of friends here." Fluttershy said softly. Shadow sniffs and lays his head against her as tears fell from his face.

"B-Back home, I-I was abused..." He sniffed. Fluttershy gasped.

"No....those people are mean, then..." She said as she hugged him tighter. Shadow cried softly against her.

"I-I...was abused for....seven years...by my stepdad..." He said.

"Well, you won't have to worry about that anymore." Fluttershy said calmly, resting her chin under his. Shadow sniffs and hugs her tight, not noticing that he has turned back to his normal form. Fluttershy could careless, being held up in his arms, nuzzling his cheek. After what seemed to be a while, Shadow seemed to stop crying and felt better, much better than he has before.

"It's gonna be alright." She said softly.

"Thank you..." Shadow sniffed. Fluttershy gets comfy as he holds her in his arms. Shadow blushes as he looks down at Fluttershy in his arms.

"Y-you don't have to put me down...I'm quite comfy." Fluttershy said, hugging him gently around the neck. Shadow blushes even more.

"O-Ok." He said. Fluttershy rests her head against his chest.

"Holy crap, holy crap, holy crap! I am holding a girl, though its a mare, it's still a girl!" Shadow yelled in his head. Shadow thought he could hear Fluttershy purring like some sort of cat as he held her.

"F-Fluttershy, weren't you s-supposed to give me a tour?" He asked.

"Oh!" Fluttershy realized, blushing madly. "I-I'm sorry." she said as she climbed down. Shadow chuckles lightly and turns back into his pony form.

"Let's get going, then, shall we?" She asked, smiling at him. Shadow smiles back and nods.

"Sure!" He said.

"This way then." Fluttershy said, leading the way towards the town. Shadow nods and follows her. As they get close to the town, Shadow gasps at how quaint and beautiful it is.

"Welcome to Ponyville!" Fluttershy said, nuzzling him. Shadow smiles as he stares at the town, before running off towards it with the widest smile he has ever had. Fluttershy giggled a little, watching him. Shadow continued to run through town with a wide smile, avoiding ponies, getting confused looks and glares as he ran as he ran around a corner, causing Fluttershy to lose sight of him. He suddenly feels hooves wrap around him as he is pulled inside a building, causing Shadow to yelp as he is pulled into said building. He finds a unicorn with a curly purple mane measuring him. Shadow was confused as to why he was being measured.

"Um..." He said.

"OH yes!" The mare exclaimed. "Just perfect!" the mare yells as he finds himself being shoved into a tuxedo. Shadow coughs slightly as the tuxedo fits, though it's a bit tight on him.

"Oh it looks marvelous!" she cooed. Shadow looks at the mare and notices it was one of the mares that chased him through out the forest.

"Hey, you're one of the mares that chased me throughout the forest." He said.

"I know, darling." she giggles. Shadow raises and eye brow and looks at the tuxedo.

"Why did you put me in a tuxedo?" He asked.

"Because I felt it'd be a perfect fit! It looks simply stunning!" her horn lights and a mirror from across the room moves in front of Shadow. Shadow raises an eyebrow and looks in the mirror. The tuxedo matching his coat as it looks very cool by his standards.

"I have to say, it does match me very well, but there is one problem, I have no money, nor do I think that this will fit me when I turn back." he said.

"Oh, darling!" Rarity giggled. "I made it for you! Take it as a welcome to Ponyville gift." She said, smiling. Shadow was even more confused.

"But why though. I-I can pay you back in someway, I don't deserve such a generous gift." He said.

"Oh, it's alright!" Rarity said, smiling at him. Shadow sighs and shakes his head.

"No, I-I have to pay you back." He said.

"Absolutely not!" Rarity shook her head. "It is a gift." She said. Shadow sighs in defeat.

"Okay..." He said. Rarity was confused.

"What's wrong, darling?" She asked.

"I...don't deserve such a nice suit..." Shadow said.

"Well, maybe. If you say so. But I feel you MUST have it!" Rarity said, her eyes glimmering. Shadow sighs and nods.

"All right." He said.

"Great!" Rarity yelled happily. "Would you mind if I tried some other outfits on you?" She asked. Shadow nods, then gets an idea.

"Ooh! How about making some suits for my normal form?" He said.

"Hmmm, sounds like fun!" Rarity nodded. Shadow nods and tries to take the tuxedo off, but has trouble. Rarity lights her horn and the suit slips right off.

"Thanks." Shadow said as his body distorts and he returns back to normal.

"Now then!" Rarity smiled. Shadow found Rarity pull out some measuring tape and began to measure him, when he heard some hoof steps coming down what sounded like stairs. he look over and saw a small unicorn filly stop and look at them, mostly at Shadow as her eyes widen.

"Um...hi?" Shadow said. The filly simply fainted. Shadow blinks as he looks at her.

"Um... a filly just fainted on your floor..." He said.

"Oh that must be Sweetie Belle." Rarity trots past Shadow and over to the filly. Shadow steps off the pedestal that Rarity was measuring him and followed her. Rarity picks up the filly with her magic.

"Stay down here, please, while I lay her in bed." She said. Shadow nods and walks around the store, looking at the dresses and suits that where on the pony mannequins. What looked like a red Hawaiian button-up with orange and white flower decorated into it, caught his eye. Shadow walks up to it and picks it up, when his ears perk up at the ring of the bell above the door. He turns around and sees another unicorn mare, but this one had a mint green fur and a lighter green mane with a lyre type mark on her flank. Both Shadow and the mare stare at each other. The mare waves a little. Shadow blinks and waves back.

"Um...hi?" he said for a second time. The mare simply walks backwards out of the shop. Shadow scratches the top of his head and looks back at the shirt, shrugging. He tries on the shirt and finds out it almost fits him, the shirt being just a little tight on him. Rarity trotted back down the stairs. Shadows ears perk up a second time today as he turns around, still wearing the shirt.

"Oh, my! That looks simply marvelous on you!" Rarity trotted over with a smile.

"Well, I saw it sitting there and well...decided to try it on." Shadow said. Rarity spins him around with her magic.

"Although, the red is a bit much. Would you prefer an orange one? You've got red in your fur and this shirt does over-do it a bit." She said. Shadow's eyes spun a little as the spinning stopped.

"Whoa...dizzy..." He said. The shirt suddenly slips off and a similar one, orange with white and red flowers in a different pattern appears on him. Shadow looks over himself in the mirror.

"What do you think?" Rarity corrects the color and does the top button.

"It does look nice on me." He said.

"Of course it does! Ooh! I wonder how you'd look in PINK!" Rarity smiled. Shadow's eyes widen as he raises his claw.

"Oh, no, I am not wearing any pink." He said.

"Oh, nopony is going to see you!" Rarity giggled. "Well, except me. Shadow shakes his head and backs up.

"Still no, I am not wearing pink, not that I have anything against it." He said.

"Oh, just one shirt? Pretty please?" Rarity stands on her hind legs, leaning her back into him as she gazes up at him with pleading eyes. Shadow sighs in defeat.

"Fine..." He said.

"Great!" rarity said, nuzzling him. He looks down at her. She mmmms a little, but realizes what she's doing and pulls away, blushing madly.

"Oh! I'm very sorry!" she apologized. Shadow had a almost deadpan look on his face.

"You're not the only one who did that." He said.

"Who else?" she tries to get the attention off of her.

"Fluttershy was the other one." Shadow said.

"Oh... now then!" she slips the shirt off and a plain blank T-shirt slips onto him.

"Hmmm, what do you think?" Rarity asked as she looked up at him.

"It's nice but I can tell that you're after something with more, of a flare, yes?" He asked back. Rarity nods.

"Yep!" She replaces the shirt with a pink tuxedo. Shadow growls and glares at Rarity, flashing her some sharp teeth. She only nuzzles him.

"It looks nice on you!" She said.

"Besides that, give me one good reason why I should tear this off? I don't like wearing pink." He said.

"Oh hush, you look great!" She smiles at him. Shadow deadpans, just as he hears the bell above the door again and looks over to see Fluttershy walk in.

"There you are!" She said as she trots up to him and sees Shadow wearing the pink tux. "You're wearing pink..." She giggled. Shadow looks away, blushing and mumbling as he crossed his arms. Fluttershy giggles and hugs his arm. Shadow blushes and looks down at her.

"Y-you look nice in that." She says softly. Those words cause him to blush even deeper.

"I've been having him try on outfits." Rarity beams.

"And I keep telling you I don't like wearing pink, other colors I don 't mind, but pink just makes me feel, girly." Shadow said.

"Oh, alright." Rarity said as she removed the suit. Shadow sighs in relief.

"Thank you." He said.

"Would you like to try anything else on, darling?" Rarity asked.

"I would like to see!" Fluttershy said. Shadow blushes and looks at Rarity.

"S-Sure." he said.

"Well, let's get looking then!" Fluttershy smiled. Shadow nods and looks around. Fluttershy accompanies him. Shadow looks at the clothing on the stands.

"Do you like it in Equestria so far, Shadow?" Fluttershy asked. Shadow nods.

"I do, it is better than my last place. Much more peaceful and quiet" He said.

'Well, at least until everypony starts singing." Fluttershy said. Shadow was confused.

"Singing?" He asked. Fluttershy nods.

"One starts, then the whole town becomes a chorus." She said. Shadow stifles a laugh.

"It's like yawning, I suppose. One does it, the others follow." Fluttershy said. Shadow burst out laughing.

"Oh, Shadow!" Rarity calls from the other side of the boutique. Shadow looks at Rarity.

"Come here please!" She yelled. Shadow was confused at what Rarity wanted and went over to her.

"How about THIS!?" she giggles, presenting a ballerina gown which was pink with glitter. Shadow's eye twitches, then he runs out of the building screaming.

"Nope! Nope! Nope! Nope! Nope!" He yells. As he ran everypony saw him. Shadow ignored the screams of everypony as they ran from him as he ran away from the boutique. The ponies who hide came out of hiding, confused as to what just happened. Shadow continues running as he came upon a field of trees that were full of apples, until he tripped on a rock and slammed against the ground with a loud thud. There was a scream nearby. Shadow raises his head, his vision blurry as everything seemed to spin as he looked at where the scream came and saw a small pony, a filly, wearing a bow in her hair as it seemed she was looking at him.

"A-Applejack!" She turned and ran. Shadow mmphs as he stood up, staggering as the world spun around him even more.

"Gah! Stupid, got up too fast." He mumbles. He could see the filly running from him. Shadow watches the filly run in into a small house. She comes back out with a familiar orange mare. Shadow tilts his head and then remembers the mare as another one who chased him.

"What in tarnation!?" The mare could be barely heard from that distance. Shadow leans against one of the trees as he tries to stop the world from spinning.

"Shadow?" The mare asked as a swirly hoof waves in front of him.

"Why..is there two..of you?" Shadow asked, his eyes spinning slightly.

"What are ya doin like that out here?" She helps dust him off. Shadow shakes his head.

"Running away from the mare that wanted me to wear...pink..." Shadow said, shuddering.

"Rarity, I reckon?" The mare asked.

"That's her name? Anyway, she dragged me in and put different suits on." Shadow said.

"That's Rarity fer ya!" Applejack pat his shoulder. Shadow chuckles and feels something poking him. He looks down and sees the smaller pony with the bow in her mane poking him.

"Hmm?" he asked.

"Applebloom don't do that, you'll make him feel uncomfortable." The Applejack said. Shadow chuckles and bends down.

"Hello there." He said.

"How does mah sister know you?" The filly asked, tilting her head.

"Well, she chased me through that forest over there." Shadow said.

"Why?" She pokes his leg. Shadow chuckles again.

"Well, at first I think you thought I was evil, right?" He asked.

"M-Maybe..." Applejack said. Applejack chuckles softly.

"Well, since you're here, Shadow, why don't ya stay a while?" She asked. Shadow shakes his head.

"I don't want to be a bother." He said.

"It'd bother me if ya didn't." she pokes his chest playfully with a hoof. Shadow sighs and nods.

"Ok, but shouldn't I be a pony, just in case?" He asked.

"Nah, your fine." Applejack said, waving her hoof. Shadow nods and follows Applejack.

"So, this here is mah sister, Applebloom." Applejack points a hoof at the yellow filly. Shadow tilts his head as he looks down at Applebloom.

"Sister? I thought she was your daughter." He said. Applejack laughed.

'HA! Yer funny!" She hawlered. Shadow only blinks.

"Come on, now! You gotta met the family!" Applejack said, trotting down the path.

"Well, wait up for me!" Shadow said. Applejack laughed again.

"If you can catch up!" She said. Shadow ran to catch up to her. Applejack sped up.

"Haha! You can't out run me!" She yelled. Shadow was about to try and run faster, when a sharp pain seared through his leg, causing him to yelp and trip, causing him to slam onto the ground. Applejack heard and turns around.

"What's wrong!?" She asked, worried. Shadow didn't say anything as he held his hurting leg as pain shot through it.

"Shadow!" Applejack runs back over to him and helps him up. Shadow hisses in pain as he leans against Applejack.

"What happened Shadow?" She asked.

"My...leg..." He said.

"Oh, ah'm sorry." She said. Shadow mmphs as he looks at his hurting leg, which seemed to be a little swollen.

"Eeee, we should get ya'll to the hospital." Applejack said.

"I knew..I shouldn't..have ran..on a...healing...leg.." Shadow said.

"Yeh that probably wasn't good." Applejack pointed out as she helps support Shadow. Shadow winces every now and then, then hears a gasp. He looks up and sees Fluttershy. Fluttershy rushes over.

"What happened!?" She asked.

"My...leg...It hurts.." Shadow whined.

"Oh, we need to get it looked at!" Fluttershy said in concern. Shadow nods and hobbles over towards Fluttershy. She nuzzles Shadow gently.

"I'll take you back to my cottage instead and I can care for you there, okay?" She asked. Shadow nods and leans against Fluttershy for support. She smiles warmly at him as she leads him to the cottage. Shadow winces with each step he took as they enter said cottage. She sits him on the couch and nuzzles him gently. Shadow looks at his injured leg and hisses slightly from the pain. Fluttershy gets a bandage and wraps it around his leg, blushing as she did. Shadow winces as Fluttershy wrapped it.

"You're going to be okay." Fluttershy said to him softly.

"It just..hurts...very badly..." Shadow hisses slightly.

"I know it must. I'll get you an ice pack." She said as she turns and leaves for the kitchen. Shadow nods and lays on the couch, staring at the ceiling. Fluttershy comes back soon with the ice pack and sets it on his leg. Shadow winces a little, then relaxes. Fluttershy smiles softly and nuzzles him. Shadow blushes and pulls Fluttershy into a hug.

"Thank you." He said.

"No problem, Shadow." Fluttershy said, hugging back. Shadow smiles and closes his eyes. His breathing began to slow as it seems he has fallen asleep. Fluttershy gets a blanket and lays it gently over him. Shadow smiles gently, then in his sleep, he grabs Fluttershy and begins to hold her close. Fluttershy squeaks a little but comes to curl up on top of him in his arms, blushing. Shadow mumbles something in his sleep and nuzzles her. She nuzzles him back and closes her eyes. As soon as Fluttershy nuzzles him back, he seemed to hold her a little tighter. Fluttershy smiles softly as she falls asleep as well.