• Published 30th Mar 2015
  • 5,536 Views, 103 Comments

A Zoroark in Equestria - The Lutece twins

James, your average Pokemon fan & Brony, get's sent to Equestria by Discord & is turned into one of his favorite pokemon, a zoroark

  • ...

Chapter 2 (part 1)

Back at Fluttershy's cottage.

James was sprawled out on a wooden floor, with bits of roof on top of him.

"*cough* Oooowww! That freaking hurt!" he yells.

As James started to get up, a sharp pain went through his left leg. Causing him to yelp and go back down onto the floor.

"Gah! My leg!" James yells, looking at his leg, which seemed fine. "Must have sprained it on the fall." He mutters.

James slowly gets back up, trying to put most of his weight on his right leg. Which seemed to work a little bit. He then grabs a fallen wooden beam as uses it as a crutch. James heads towards the door, wincing a little bit every time he put some weight on his left leg.

"This place seems extremely familiar." James muttered, looking around as he headed for the door. He exits the building and looks around some more. James finds himself near a forest. He hobbles towards the forested area.

"This looks like the Everfree forest." James muttered to himself.

"There it is!" A voice yelled.

"What?" James said, turning around. He sees Twilight and her friends coming straight at him. "OH BUCK!" he yells, hobbling faster into the forest.

"Are you sure it's not another one of Discord's tricks?" Rainbow dash asked.

"What Fluttershy described the thing as a black shadowy figure, I don't know if it is one of Discords tricks." Twilight said, as she and her friends finally came to Fluttershy's cottage. What Twilight saw, made her jaw dropped. What looked like a bipedal ash gray fox, holding a wooden beam, was hobbling towards the Everfree forest.

"There it is!" Applejack yelled, getting the fox's attention. Twilight could see it's eye's go wide in fear and saw it pick up speed trying to get
away from her and her friends.

"Careful, it seems to be injured." Twilight said, chasing after the fox, with her friends in tow.

Fluttershy's eye's widen. "Poor thing." she whispered.

"Crap, crap, crap, crap!" James yelled, looking over his shoulder and seeing Twilight and her friends gaining on him, fast. "Screw this!" he yelled, tossing the wooden beam, got down onto all fours, and continued to try and get a away. He looked back over his shoulder and saw that he was pulling away. As he looked forward, he almost crashed into a tree.

"Whoa! Keep my eyes on the road at all times." James muttered. He looked back and didn't see twilight and her friends behind him. He climbed a tree and waited.

"Where in tarnation did that thing go." Applejack said, looking around.

"When I find it, I am gonna give it a good beating for scaring Fluttershy." Rainbow dash said, looking angry as she fluttered about above the trees.

"Rainbow dash, I don't think the weird fox meant to scare Fluttershy on purpose. And it's injured if you haven't looked, so giving it a beating will make it'e injuries worse." Twilight said.

"Ooooh, poor little fox." Fluttershy whispered.

"Little? That thing is as tall as Princess Celestia, if you haven't noticed, in fact, probably taller." Applejack said to Fluttershy.

"And not to mention filthy as well. Did you see how dark its fur is, probably from rolling around in the dirt." Rarity gawked.

"*sigh* Let's just find out where it went." Twilight said, then looking around, seeing that Pinkie pie wasn't with them. "Hey, where's Pinkie?" She said in confusion.

"Whew, i guess I lost them." James sighed, leaning back on the tree he climbed. "I still can't believe that Discord sent me to Equestria. And as a Zoroark as a matter of fact as well. This is a dream and a nightmare all in one." he sighed, then looked at his leg, which was still hurting, but not as much. Then he heard rustling above him. He quickly looked up, thinking that the mane 6 has found him, but the rustling stops as he looks up.

"Hmm, that was strange." He muttered, then looks down, almost screaming as he did. Right in front of him was no other than the pink party pony herself, Pinkie pie.

"Hi! Wow, you look so cool! Not like Rainbow dash cool, but still cool! What are you? What's you name? Where are you from? Ohhh! Are you some sort of alien? Do you like party's? Are you new around here?" Ect. Pinkie asked, disappearing and reappearing in a different spot on the tree with each question asked.

"Would you please, SHUT UP!!" James shouted, before gasping at what he said. 'I know that I like Pinkie, but come one, who wouldn't say shut up. But i didn't mean to say it that loud.' He thought, thinking that he made Pinkie mad or sad. But to his surprise, neither. In fact, Pinkie tilted her head in confusion.

"Zoroark? Is that your name?" She asked.

"W-w-what?" James stuttered.

"I guess your name is Zoroark. But I think i would call you, Mr. Fox, or Space fox, or foxy, or grey fo-" Pinkie started.

"Pinkie! Get away from that thing!" A voice yelled. James looked down and saw Twilight looking at him in anger, her horn glowing a purple hue.

"Oh, crap!" James yelled, and jumped from the tree, only to get slammed from behind. "YAAAAAAAAAAGH!!!!" James shouted as he fell, going face first into the forest floor. James almost lost consciousness, but managed to stay, as pain shot through his body.

"Uh, Rainbow dash, I think you over did it." Twilight said. Her horn glowed even brighter as she levitated the bipedal fox, who still seamed to be conscious. Twilight levitated the fox closer to her and studied it. Even though its slightly dazed, it seems to be fine, because it was struggling to get free from her spell.

"Zoro..Zoroark! (Let..Let me go!)" The fox yelled, struggling against Twilight's spell.

"Zoroark?" Twilight said, wondering what it meant, just as Pinkie appeared beside her.

"That's all it says!" Pinkie said.

"Okay." twilight said, then looks straight at the fox's eye's. "You and me are gonna have a little talk, right here, right now." she said.

"*gulp* Zoroark...(Oh, dear)" the fox says.


Author's Note:

Warning: Bad language ahead. :pinkiecrazy:

Either than that, here's chapter two of the story. YAAAAY! :pinkiesmile:

took a little time, but did it.