• Published 26th Mar 2015
  • 1,199 Views, 42 Comments

Maho-Shojo Sunsetta!!! - Vocal Chord

A parody of all those "Magical Girl" animes out there. A blue gem falls out of the sky and gives Sunset Shimmer the ability to transform into Maho-Shojo Sunsetta and defeat the evil empires of Space.

  • ...

Relaxation! Sleepover at Pinkie's Gone Horribly Wrong!

Author's Note:

Twice as long, twice as bad, but here it is.

It's the weekend, and Sunset Shimmer's got nothing better to do, so what better way is there to unwind and cope with the fact of being chosen to save the galaxy from evil than with a sleepover at Pinkie Pie's house?
Well, for starters...

Sunset stuffed her pajamas into her backpack. "Finally, something normal," she said. "No more saving-the-world stuff. Just a nice, normal teenage girl thing. Yeah." She walked downstairs, turned off the lights, and started heading over to Pinkie's house.

On the way there, she had some quiet time to think about het life, and how it had basically gone down the toilet ever since she'd become Maho-Shojo Sunsetta.

After five minutes, it made her kind of depressed, so instead, she took out her phone and called Rainbow Dash.

"Sunset, 'sup?"

"Hey, Dash. I was just wondering if you'd like to join me at Pinkie's for a sleepover. Like, right now."

"Short notice, hmm? Yeah, whatever, I'm just clop--I mean, clapping! Cause there's a really good show on TV. Yeah."

"...I'm gonna hang up now." Sunset closed her phone and dearly hoped Rainbow Dash was just playing a prank on her, like the tine she'd recorded Big Mac and AJ, edited the voices to sound like a really, really saucy conversation, and left the tape recorder running in a loop in the guest room when Sunset came over to visit.

Sunset's finger was halfway to Pinkie's doorbell when the door opened. "Come on, come on, come on!" shouted Pinkie. "I've got every version of Mario Kart ready and waiting, there's pizza on the way, and earlier today, I bought three gallons of cherry cola!"

"I like cherry cola," said Sunset absent-mindedly.

"Something goin' on in that flaming head of yours?" asked Pinkie. Sunset shook her head.

"Nothing. Dashie pranked me again. Or, I think it was..."

"If it was over the phone, ignore it," replied Pinkie. "How 'bout winner plays Dashie?"

How did she know?... thought Sunset.

A few minutes later, Rainbow Dash rang the doorbell. "I'll get it!" shouted Pinkie.

While Pinkie was away, Sunset took the batteries out of her Wii remote.

"I brought chips!" shouted Rainbow. Sunset walked downstairs to find Pinkie and Rainbow helping themselves to a bag of spicy nachos.

"So, what'cha wanna do?" asked Rainbow. "Play any saucy party games yet?"

"It's just a sleepover, Dash," said Sunset. "Stop trying to turn every get-together we have into a clopfic."

"Your loss," said Rainbow. "I was gonna play for high stakes, too. Loser can only wear whipped cream as clothes until midnight!"

"Ooh! Then can I eat it?"

"Eww, no!" said Sunset. "Rainbow, stop corrupting Pinkie."

"Naw, I'm pretty sure Maud's little rock candy operation downstairs got to her first," said Rainbow.

"Hey! Maud makes great rock candy! Never a crystal under 85% pure sugar!"

"Can we just go play video games or something?" asked Sunset. "This is escalating quickly and I really want it to stop."

"Spoilsport," said Rainbow. "But whatever. I'm still the queen of the screen."

After an hour of gaming (Pinkie somehow still won even with no batteries in her remote), Sunset and Rainbow Dash were left alone while Pinkie took her 8:37 PM shower.

"So..." asked Sunset. "Wanna do anything?"

"Hey! What about--"

"And before you say it, I'm not playing any games that involve anything rated PG-18 or higher."


Sunset flopped onto the bed. "How 'bout you put on some music or something," she said. "Maybe I'll go get some more pizza or something."

"Yeah, whatever," said Rainbow. "I still think we should play Tr--"


"...I was gonna say Trading Card Games."

"Sure you were."

Sunset stood up. "I'm getting a bit bored," she said. "When there's just three of us, and one of us is in the shower, it's not as fun."

"It would be if you'd just play--"

"I'm not interested in losing my virginity to you, Rainbow!!"

"And you call me blunt, Sunny. I was gonna suggest we play a prank on Pinkie Pie."

Sunset shrugged. "Yeah, why not? What's it gonna be?"

Rainbow snickered. "We should put hot sauce all over Pinkie's slice of pizza," she said. "She won't know what hit her!"

Sunset snickered. "Yeah, that could be pretty funny."

"And then, afterwards, we could play Spin--"


"Oh, come on!"

"Hey, Pink," said Rainbow, holding out the pizza. "Cut you a slice."

"Oh! Goody!" Pinkie snatched it and downed it in three bites. "Mmm! Delicious!"

"You don't feel too hot, do you?" asked Sunset. "Not even a little?"

"Naw!" replied Pinkie. "But my sinuses do feel a lot clearer!"

"Told ya," said Sunset. "Pinkie's been competing in every pepper-eating contest that ever was."

"Dang it!" said Rainbow.

At nine-thirty, everyone was getting pretty bored. "I say we wrap it up," said Sunset. "I'm running out of stuff to do."

"I'm not," said Rainbow. "I keep telling you guys! We should--"

"We are keeping this G-rated," said Sunset. "PG at the very most."

"Actually, I wouldn't mind trying something new," said Pinkie. "Hit me with your best game idea, Rainbow!"

"Buck you and your innocence," said Sunset.

Rainbow smiled. "We're playing Truth or Dare, Code Red version!" she said. "It's like Truth or Dare, but the losers have to do whatever the winner wants for a full hour!"

"...fine," said Sunset. "But be warned, Rainbow. If you so much as dare me to remove a sock, I'm gonna dare you to jump out Pinkie's attic window."

"Fair enough," said Rainbow. "Let the embarrassment begin!"

Pinkie Pie went first. "Rainbow Dash, truth or dare?"

"Dare," replied Rainbow.

Pinkie thought for a second. "Then I dare you to...say something really, truly nice about Adagio Dazzle!"

"*gasp*!" Rainbow Dash started sweating. "Um...ah...come on, Pinkie! You picked a hard one right away!"

"Do you want to be under my absolute power?" asked Sunset. "Or, better yet, Pinkie's? After all, this is your game."

"...Fine. Adagio's got great hips, Aria's good at kickball, and Sonata's kinda cute. There."

"I only asked for Adagio," said Pinkie. "Bonus points for Dashie!"

"And I think we all learned a bit about Rainbow, too," said Sunset. Dashie blushed.

"Alright, Sunset. Truth or dare?"

"Truth," said Sunset. "I'm not gonna let you dare me, Rainbow."

Rainbow snickered. "What's your favorite dirty magazine, Sunset?"

Sunset blushed. "What?! I don't read...why do you even...argh...Bare Minerals."

Pinkie gasped. "Maud has, like, two dozen of those! Aren't they about rocks?"

"Pinkie, go to the Internet and type in any random word," said Rainbow. "Okay, Sunset, your turn."

"Rainbow Dash, truth or dare?" asked Sunset.

"Truth this time," said Rainbow.

"When you called me earlier, were you pranking me, or were you actually telling the truth?"

Rainbow shrugged. "Naw, that wasn't a prank. Come on. I'm a lot less sloppy than that. I think if I were pranking you, it'd be flawlessly executed with a hint of Rainbow Dash flair, don't you?"

"So...you...forget it. I'm sorry I asked."

"So, Pinkie," asked Rainbow Dash. "Truth or dare?"


"I dare you to eat an entire bowl of fresh, steaming spinach!"


"I'll go make the green goo," offered Sunset. "I'm feeling a bit empty myself."

"Wait, wait...you like spinach?" asked Rainbow.

Sunset shrugged. "Well, yeah. A little salt and butter, and it's like green, slimy candy."

"I don't know you anymore..." whispered Pinkie.

The game continued until midnight, and Sunset successfully managed to avoid getting dared to do anything saucy. Unfortunately, that meant a lot of dark secrets had to be revealed. It was only by a stroke of pure luck that Rainbow Dash got dared to empty half a bottle of food dye over herself, then offered to go take a shower. When she came back, Sunset and Pinkie were already in their pajamas and pretending to be asleep.

"Wimps..." said Rainbow, shedding her towel and throwing herself into her sleeping bag.

At one AM, a flash of light followed by a huge blast of sound rocked the girls awake. "Grab your willies! Every man for himself!" shouted Pinkie, snapping awake. "Wait, am I still dreaming?"

"I hope I am..." said Sunset.

Rainbow just sat there, asleep.

Suddenly, a blue force field surrounded Sunset, opened the window, and lifted her out of the room. "Aw, come on!" she shouted. "It's one in the bucking morning!"

"Too bad, my dear! I shall have the magnificent Shimmering Sapphire, and with it, I shall rule all of creation with my gloriousness!"

"Gloriousness?" asked Sunset. "Really?"

"Yes, really!" A man in a bleach-white tuxedo stepped out from the shadows. "For there is no other word fabulous enough to describe the great Blueblood!"

"Aw, poo, it's that guy from the PTO," said Pinkie. "I never liked him."

"I don't care where he works!" said Sunset. "He woke me up early, I'm still sleepy, and I'm really ticked off!

Maho-Shojo! Transform!"

Sunset started spinning faster and faster, the colors of her pajamas blurring together until, suddenly, there was a flash of light, and Sunset Shimmer was now Maho-Shojo Sunsetta!

"Watch out, random guy I've never heard of! I'm Maho-Shojo Sunsetta, and I really should come up with a cool catchphrase!"

"Yes, you should!" shouted Blueblood. "In the afterlife!" He telekinetically picked up a nearby car and tossed it at Sunsetta.

Sunsetta threw a fireball, igniting the gas tank and blowing the car into oblivion. "Look, I really wanna go back to sleep, so I'm just gonna cut to the chase. Burn, jerk!"

Sunsetta threw a fireball...

...which was caught in Blueblood's telekinesis and hurled right back at her. "You can't hit me, I can just throw it right back!" he said. "Give up, and give me the Sapphire!"

"Look, I don't even know where it is!" said Sunsetta. "I just got this random blue streak in my hair!"

"The Sapphire is melded with you," said Blueblood. "It has become your very heart!"

"...and you expect me to tear my own heart out and give it to you?"

"Yeah. That'd be good."

"...You're worse than Rainbow."

Blueblood picked up a mailbox and prepared to throw it at Sunsetta. I'll get him while he's distracted, thought Sunsetta, throwing a fireball. It hit Blueblood square in the chest, knocking him backwards.

"What? But..." He picked up another car, which Sunsetta sliced in half before it even left his telekinesis. Only one half of the car fell away.

"He must only be able to pick up one object at a time," said Sunsetta. "I'll use that!" As Blueblood tried to throw various heavy things, Sunset fired blast after blast at him, aiming for him when he was distracted trying to use his powers.

"This can't be right!" shouted Blueblood. "She's found my weakness! I must retreat!" He dropped everything and tried to run, only to have a piece of pizza fly out of nowhere and land at his feet, tripping him and letting Sunsetta tie his shoelaces together. She turned around to find Pinkie holding an empty paper plate.

"Figured you could use some help!" she said.

Sunset nodded, transforming back to normal. "Yeah. Pizza. Good idea, Pinkie."

"I know," said Pinkie.

Rainbow Dash leaned her entire upper half out the window. "What'd I miss?"

"Your shirt," replied Pinkie.

Rainbow looked down. "The sleeves get all bunched up when I sleep, okay?"

Sunset fell asleep satisfied. Everything had pretty much ended out for the best, after all. They'd had at least a bit of a day off, the villain was being carted off to prison, and Rainbow Dash had kept her oath to turn every get-together they'd ever have into something saucy. All in all, it was a productive day, thought Sunset. And, on a side note, I still can't quite believe nobody's broke into spontaneous song yet in this entire series.

In Space

"Another one, gone."

"Patience. We'll soon have our Sapphire. Sunset can't win every battle. You'll see; one day, very soon, she'll break."

"This isn't one of those mob movies. Quit with the melodrama."


Coming Soon: Sunset Shimmer Vs. The Worst Villain Of All Time!!
Don't bother waiting. When I say 'soon', I mean it.