• Published 26th Mar 2015
  • 1,199 Views, 42 Comments

Maho-Shojo Sunsetta!!! - Vocal Chord

A parody of all those "Magical Girl" animes out there. A blue gem falls out of the sky and gives Sunset Shimmer the ability to transform into Maho-Shojo Sunsetta and defeat the evil empires of Space.

  • ...

Style! Another Maho Girl Steps Up?

There is a reason the Sapphire is a pentagon. The Emerald's five sides have already been introduced, but not counting Maho-Shojo Sunsetta and Moeru-Ikari Trixesu, the Sapphire still has three more...

"Too much!...Not enough!...Too much!...Not enough!...Too much!...Not enough!...Perfect!"

"Excuse me, miss, but does it always take ya this long ta choose yer serving of collie-flower?"

Photo Finish put her bowl of white florets on her plate. "Perfection cannot be rushed, Mizz Zmith! I go!" She walked across the cafeteria and sat down next to her two friends, Pixel and Violet.

"The photo shoot next month is gonna be epic!" said Violet. "I heard Rarity's entering some of her stuff. That'll be interesting."

"Yes, but it ztill iz mizzing zomething," said Photo. "Zomething BIG. Zomething zat will make ze crowd'z eyeballz fall out of zer heads from ze zheer amount of magiks!"

"We've got a stage, light shows, smoke machines, fabulousity, plenty of models, and a concession stand serving nachos and tacos," said Pixel. "I'm pretty sure we've covered all the bases."

"Zen we muzt make a new baze and cover zat!" shouted Photo. "I can feel it; zomething iz ztill mizzing!"

Photo Finish sat by herself on the wall outside, thinking. Pixel and Violet had gone off to hand out flyers and put up posters, and Photo was left alone with her thoughts.

"Perhapz fireworkz? No, too explozive. Different muzic? No, ze muzic's fine! Ach, dummkofp! Ztupid...empty...brain!" She banged her biology book against her head. "Vat I need iz ze mozt ztunning of inzpirationz!"

A shimmer of blue light from above caught her eye. "Perhapz zat?" It grew closer, a trail of deep, multicolored stripes billowing out behind it. "How magnificent! Perfect for ze zhow!"

It grew closer.

Much closer.

"But perhapz my priority zhould be zurviving until zen!"


"Ach, what happened?"

When Photo spoke, her voice kept clipping in and out of sounding like her usual self and like a metallic, synthetic voice.

"Zis iz very ztrange..." She hiccupped. "Perhapz zat rock candy Maud zellz iz no good..."

Fifteen minutes later, Photo had a free period, so she found a bench in the main hall and watched the other students walk past, trying to get some inspiration from their different styles.

"Ach, headache...cannot think...perhapz get ideaz later, get zleep now..."

She laid down on the bench and closed her eyes...

Welcome, Photo Finish, to the Shimmering Sapphire User's Manual! Please consult this manual if you have any questions regarding your Maho Girl transformation. All complains will be forwarded to a Swedish ball-bearing factory, so try to enjoy your lifetime membership.
Active Abilities:
[Film Katana]--Active
[Blinding Flash]--Active

"Wat." She snapped back awake. "Zat waz ze ztrangezt dream I have ever had. And I have had vat Pinkie would call 'ze doozies'."

An explosion shook the school. "Zis iz happening too often," said Photo. "I'm zure Zunzet will take care of it."

A dead silence fell, and the words "Maho-Shojo! Tranform!" were not uttered.

Neither were "Moeru-Ikari! Transform!"

Photo looked around and found herself in an empty room. "Where haz everyone gone?" she wondered. "Iz there zomething I'm mizzing here?"

"Perhaps you should turn around."

Photo turned around.

"Oh buck."

Photo Finish backed away slowly. "Vat are you doing here?"

Standing there, in front of her, was Flash Sentry, but dressed up like a 70s supervillain. "I am The Sentry. I am evil. Bow to me. Stuff."

Photo wasn't convinced. "Whoze bet did you loze?"

"I work for the Mikah-Hakim now. Mikah-Hakim are cool."

"We have found the perfect weapon!" A voice issued from the school speakers. "The Mikah-Hakim have determined that this boy is so flat, so bland, so one-dimensional, that three-dimensional space doesn't affect him! Go ahead, try him!"

Photo tossed one of her books at Flash, who teleported three feet to the left and avoided it.

"I am Sentry. Prepare to die."

Photo closed her eyes and prepared for pain...

"Welcome back. Now, I know I'm just a virtual manual, but I highly suggest transforming now. Just open your eyes and shout--"

"Shashin-Hantei! Transform!"

Flash was blasted backwards by an eruption of black-and-white light, as Photo Finish floated up into the air, glowing like radioactivity. Suddenly, a beam of light blasted into her through the roof of the school, and Photo's clothes transformed into something similar to the outfit she wore for the Battle of the Bands, but with a gigantic black-and-white bow on her lower back.

"Watch out, Zentry! For ze future of Earth, fazhion, and ze magiks, I am Shashin-Hantei Photo Finish, and I am magnifique!"

Somewhere else, Sunset Shimmer sat up with a gasp. "I sense someone has finally come up with a cool catchphrase...and they probably look a lot cooler than I do right now..."

Photo Finish drew her camera to her eye. "I ztill have no idea vat iz going on, but I do know vat Zunzetta and Trixie are not here, zo it is me who will be defeating you!" She clicked the camera, and a blast of light knocked Flash backwards into the wall.

He disappeared and reappeared behind her, kicking her legs out from under her. "You will lose," he said. "Don't even try."

"Go buck Celeztia," replied Photo, ramming her leg into Flash's two little Sentries. As he stumbled backwards, Photo ran through her ability list a second time.

"Film Katana!"

A blade made of camera film appeared in her hand, and with it, she chopped away a good portion of Flash's hair. "Ztand down, Zentry," she said. "You can't beat me, you're not fabulouz enough!"

"Fabulousity is the enemy. Must destroy." Flash picked up the book Photo had tossed earlier and flung it at her. Photo sliced it in half with her film katana.

"You know," she said, leveling her camera, "I never liked you."


Photo Finish transformed back to normal to find half the student body surrounding her. "While vat waz...interezting," she said, "I'm not keen on repeating it."

"Photo! How cool was that?!" Pixel rushed up to her, followed by Violet. "I had no idea your camera shot lazers!"

"It doezn't," replied Photo. "But vat iz not important! I have found ze mizzing link to thiz puzzle!"

"And that is?" asked Violet.

"I know vat we need to add to ze zhow," said Photo. "It will be fabulouz! It will be mind-blowing! I, Photo Finish...

...zhall model in ze zhow myzelf! It iz only natural vat my magnifique-nezz zhould be featured! Zis haz given me ze perfect idea fashion idea! I will need ze drezz from ze Battle of ze Bands, and a large bow."

"Not so fast," came a voice. Standing in the front hall was Celestia. "While I do appreciate you saving the school, I find it very worrying that you did such damage to one of my students."

"Nonzenze, it waz only Flazh Zentry," said Photo.

"Oh. Well, in that case, good job! All exams are cancelled!" said Celestia. "Also, Photo Finish is now the president of the student body."

"PF for Prez!" shouted Pixel.

"And I know vat my firzt order of buziness zhould be!" shouted Photo.


"I know I was only out sick for the day," said Sunset, "but did I miss something?"

"Trixie doesn't know," said Trixie. "Trixie was visiting her aunt."

"I'm sure there's something different, though," said Sunset. "You sure you don't know, Trix?"

"Not a clue."

Sunset shrugged. "Oh, well. I was leaning towards the fact that everyone is now wearing black-and-white stripes with huge sunglasses, but somehow I don't think that's it."

"Look!" said Trixie, pointing. On the wall was a poster.

Photo Finish is the New Student Body President
All photo shoots will be held in the school lobby.
Buy your PF For Prez T-shirts now!
All students not wearing black-and-white stripes will be given detention.
The new school motto is "Magnifique is Might".
Tacos for Taco Tuesday will now be served with extra meats, tomatoes, and taco sauce.

"Tacos! I knew it! They're finally getting to that complaint letter Sonata sent," said Sunset. "The tacos are gonna be so much better now."

"Good thing it was just a small change," said Trixie. "Trixie was worried for a second."

Author's Note:

Next up: the incredible finale to Maho-Shojo Sunsetta's fight against the Green Pentagon!!
Don't miss it!
Also, her name's Shashin-Hantei Photo, not hentai. The two are extremely different. Take my word for it.