• Published 26th Mar 2015
  • 1,196 Views, 42 Comments

Maho-Shojo Sunsetta!!! - Vocal Chord

A parody of all those "Magical Girl" animes out there. A blue gem falls out of the sky and gives Sunset Shimmer the ability to transform into Maho-Shojo Sunsetta and defeat the evil empires of Space.

  • ...

Open Your Heart, Sunset, And Feel All The Power Of The Sun!

We return to Sunset Shimmer's quest to retrieve the legendary Tome of Time from Space, where Gilda from the Green Pentagon has just arrived! It's up to Sunset to transform into Maho-Shojo Sunsetta and save us all!

"Maho-Shojo, Transform!"

Sunset's voice echoed mysteriously through the cafeteria. Her fiery hair started glowing like it was actually on fire, her eyes glowed white, and a smug grin appeared on her face as she floated into the air.

Then all her clothes vanished.


Sunset covered herself desperately as ribbons of deep ruby red surrounded her, cocooning her in a bubble of mystical energy. In a flash of light, a new outfit appeared on her; a Sunset-Shimmer-colored skirt and matching tank top and black-and-red leather jacket, complete with a set of thigh-high combat boots (also Sunset-colored), a set of flame-patterned gloves, and a stupidly large bow on her lower back.

Sunset looked down at herself, after landing on the ground dramatically. "I look ridiculous..." She shrugged. "Whatever."

She pointed at Gilda. "Watch out, Gilda! I'm Maho-Shojo Sunsetta and I don't have a cool catchphrase!"

Gilda laughed. "Maho-whatsit? You don't scare me. If anything, you look like a French biker maid."

"I didn't choose this outfit..."

Gilda laughed again. "You're still no match for me!" she said. "Even if you could use your powers, you're too inexperienced!" She punctuated this sentence with a blast of air that sent Sunset rocketing towards the opposite wall.

As Sunset hit the wall (hard), the card Pinkie had given her fell out of her pocket. "Sunset!" shouted Pinkie. "Use the card!"

"Pinkie, I don't think--" Picking up the card, Sunset noticed something. As Gilda prepared for another blast, she read the card's stats.


"Air...weak against fire..." Sunset's eyes lit up. Literally. It was actually kind of creepy. "One thing you don't know, Gilda," she said, closing her eyes. In place of the usual black nothing, a glowing blue list appeared. At the top was:

[Fire Ball skill--active]

Sunset opened her eyes and raised her right hand. A ball of fire appeared in her palm. "You can give it, but you can't take it!"

Sunset tossed the ball of fire at Gilda, who blasted it into oblivion with a quick pulse of air from her wrist.

"You really think it's gonna be that easy? You're dumber than you--"

Gilda stopped talking as fireball after fireball rushed towards her. It was all she could do to shield herself from Sunset's barrage of spamming the same attack over and over. "What--stop--no fair!" Gilda was slowly pushed backwards as Sunset pushed forwards. She'd almost reached the far wall when Sunset stopped.

"You've got a choice, Gilda," she said. "Give up or get torched."

"I choose..." Gilda reached behind her. "This!"

Out of nowhere, Gilda pulled a gigantic weapon that looked like a cross between a bazooka and a jet engine. "Eat hurricane, Sunset! I'm gonna blow that flame of yours right out!"

"Blow my flame out--really? That's the best air pun you can come up with?" Sunset sighed. "Even Adagio's better than that..."

"Just die already!"

Gilda launched a blast of compressed air out of the weapon. Sunset barely had time to leap aside, and the blast continued, burrowing through the walls and leaving behind it a path of destruction. "Nobody's survived a direct hit from my cyclone cannon!" shouted Gilda, aiming.

Sunset scrambled out of the way as a second blast created a ditch almost as big as the one she'd made when she was defeated. "I can't keep dodging..." she muttered to herself. "What else can I do?"

She closed her eyes, and the list reappeared.

[Firewall skill--active]

Sunset flicked her wrist upwards, and a shield of fire leapt up in front of her, protecting her. "Your little shield won't save you!" shouted Gilda, blasting pulse after pulse into the wall. Sunset could see it straining to stay up.

Then an idea hit her.

She generated fireball after fireball, placing them all into a nearby bowl of ramen noodles. Keeping an eye on the firewall, she waited for that split second between blasts.

Suddenly, she lowered the wall. "Finally!" shouted Gilda, believing the wall to have run out of power. "The Shimmering Sapphire is--" About two dozen fireballs covered in charred ramen flew out of the bowl Sunset was holding.

"Eat that, Gilda!"

"...well, buck."

Gilda went up in flames, her cyclone cannon falling to the ground. "Gotcha," said Sunset, watching the burning griffon girl throw herself into a nearby dishwashing sink. "Canterlot High's safe once again!"


Pinkie came out of nowhere and glomped Sunset, who had transformed back to normal. "I guess I did kick plot," she said, removing Pinkie from her torso. "That was actually kinda fun!"

Celestia walked up to her, slow-clapping. "Congratulations, Sunset," she said. "That was impressive. You managed to do an incredible amount of damage to the school in so little time, I would feel bad if you didn't get the truly incomparable task of cleaning it up. Bricks and mortar in the janitor's closet, and school opens tomorrow at nine. Enjoy."

Sunset sulked off to the janitor's closet. "Even when I win..."

In Space...

"Gilda's been defeated."

"I know. It was to be expected. But we have enough information now."

"The other members of the Green Pentagon are ready to move in."

"Then let the pummeling begin!"

Gilda has been defeated, but the Mikah-Hakim aren't done yet! Will Sunset be able to save the day twice? Will Gilda ever make a comeback? Will the next chapter be more interesting? Find out in the next epic installment of...
Maho-Shojo Sunsetta!!!

Author's Note:

It's short, but it gets the job done, I hope.
Next chapter: the least likely of foes!