• Published 24th Mar 2015
  • 2,347 Views, 25 Comments

Teach Me Senpai? - Tennis Match Fan

Dusk Shine helps Sonata Dusk learn the meaning of several phrases. (Light DoubleDusk shipping)

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"She didn't push them, she pulled a lever!"

Dusk Shine flipped another page of the book in front of him. Another day, another prolonged study session at the school library. Not that he minded. Studying was almost as awesome as his friends.

Comets are composed of ices, dust and rocky debris carried from the early formation of the solar system about 4.5 billion years ago, the book read. Dusk continued reading intently.

All noise faded to a background hum. Even the sound of boots scuffing on the nice wooden floor were lost to Dusk.

Crash! Dusk winced as a noise woke him out of his studying trance. Rolling his eyes, he didn't bother to find the source, instead returning to finish the chapter.

"Sorry, Miss Cheery Bee!" A ditzy, feminine voice reached Dusk's ears.

"It's Cheerilee, dear." He heard Miss Cheerilee sigh. "Now why does everyone mishear?"

When Dusk heard no more conversation, his full being once more turned to the joy of studying.


Screeeeeeech. Apparently, Dusk would never become one with his book again. He glanced up at whomever had pulled the chair back.

A pale blue girl with a high blue ponytail sat across from him. Although Dusk had seen her around before, he couldn't match face to name. Her round raspberry eyes, framed in thick, pretty, lashes, were trained intently on Dusk.

That gaze was making him uncomfortable.

"Do you mind?" Dusk asked her.

"Mind what?" she questioned. Dusk tried to suppress his annoyance.

She's not for real. She's just being smart with you, Dusk told himself. Don't bite the bait.

"You know, sitting there and staring at me?" Dusk replied. "It's distracting while I'm trying to study." The girl frowned.

"Sorry. I don't know what I was expecting. I'm Sonata Dusk." She beamed. "And you're Dusk Shine, right?"

"Uh, yeah," Dusk confirmed, though hesitant. "How do you know my name?"

"I've seen you studying here a lot," Sonata explained. "So I thought you could help me."

"With what? Studying? Homework?" Dusk leaned in excitedly, all ears now. Sonata smiled sheepishly.

"Sorta like that. Adagio says I'm an idiot, 'cause I don't understand stuff." Sonata's smile disappeared for a moment, replaced with the frown of someone remembering an unpleasant memory.

"And she's right, I don't!" Sonata continued. "I mean, apparently it's supposed to make sense when Adagio says Trixie gave the Rainbooms a push, even though she pulled a lever to shove them in the hole! And instead of saying that we've found what we're looking for, why doesn't she just come right out and tell me and Aria instead of just assuming I know!?"

Sonata slumped down in her seat. Her head now rested in her elbows, and her ponytail was splayed across her face.

"Never mind," she mumbled. "I don't know why I came here. Go back to your studying." Dusk frowned.

Do I offer to help her? he wondered. I know some people just like to be left alone when they're upset. But I don't know anyone who wants their hair all over their face when they're brooding.

Dusk scooted his chair around the table so that he was right next to Sonata. He gently pulled her ponytail back so that it was resting on her back instead of her face. Sonata turned to look at him.

"Listen, Sonata," Dusk began. "I could help you, I think. I'm not sure what you were saying exactly. Your friend Adagio says- no, you don't understand what Adagio says?"

Sonata nodded, lifting her chin slightly so she could speak more clearly.

"She says I don't understand metaphors," Sonata answered. "Aria says the same thing."

Dusk nodded. I understand now. Dusk pulled out his iPhone.

"I can help you, Sonata. At least, I'll do my best," he promised. Sonata smiled again.

"Thankies, Dusk!" she answered. Dusk nodded in recognition as he typed in a search keyword. Sonata leaned in to watch.

"'Common metaphors,'" she read. "Wait, what's a metaphor, exactly? I never really got that issue cleared up."

"What you're having trouble with, Sonata," Dusk replied as he scrolled through the results. "When people say something, but they mean something else. Let me give you an example."

Dusk tapped through a list of metaphors. No. Nope. This won't work. Hmm, yeah, it's worth a shot!

"Sonata, what does 'fan the flames' mean to you?" he asked her. Sonata blinked twice.

"Like if the house was on fire and Adagio started fanning it with one of her fans?" she replied. "But, um, that's not what it really means, does it?"

"Nope." Dusk shook his head. "'Fan the flames' means you make something worse. Flames and fire are associated with anger, right?"

When Sonata nodded, he continued, "So if you're fanning the flames you're making someone get even madder. Like if you broke Adagio's favorite plate, she'd be mad. But if you tried to hide it and make a fake plate, she'd get even madder."

"That's what 'fanning the flames' means?" Sonata queried. "Making someone madder?"

"Yup!" Dusk confirmed. "Wanna go over some more?"

"Yeah!" Sonata chirped. She shifted in her seat. "So, what does 'out of the frying pan and into the oven' mean? You throw away something healthy?"

Half an hour later, the topic had derailed from metaphors to sarcasm, one of Sonata's other weaknesses.

"Ooh, I always wondered why Adagio said she liked stuff when she already said she hated it!" Sonata exclaimed.

"Sarcasm can be tricky," Dusk agreed, smiling. "Once you see the signs, then you can understand it!"

"Can I try some sarcasm out?" Sonata asked eagerly. Dusk took a glance around to make sure Miss Cheerilee wasn't around. You could never be too careful with the librarians.

"Sure," he replied a moment later.

Sonata twirled a strand of hair around her finger as she said, "I totally hated working with you, Dusk!" She beamed. "How was that?"

Dusk felt heat rising to his cheeks.

Relax, it's not like she meant anything by that. She just means you're not a complete egghead, like Blitz says.

"Sounds good, Sonata!" He gave her a thumbs up. "You might not want to twirl your hair while you're talking, though. It doesn't give the same effect."

"Oh, alright!" Sonata nodded vigorously. "Thanks for the help, Dusk! Now I'm not as stupid as I was before!"

She stood up to leave.

"Wait!" Dusk rose from his seat as well. "Sonata, you aren't stupid, you've never been stupid," he told her. Sonata's unbelieving expression caused him to continue, "You just, uh, see things in a different way. You didn't understand metaphors and sarcasm because you didn't look for the extra meaning, alright?"

Sonata frowned.

"I guess so," she agreed.

Think, Dusk, he told himself. How to convince a girl she isn't stupid.

"Sonata, do you like to daydream?" Dusk asked. Sonata nodded. "You're just focusing your energy on the whimsical thoughts in your head, instead of practical reality. You-"

"Dusk, chill out!" Sonata giggled. "Don't fan the flames or anything like that! I'm not sure what you're trying to say, but I feel fine now!" She leaned over and hugged him briefly. Dusk froze.

"Now I have to go show everything I learned to Adagio and Aria!" Sonata released her grip on him and took a couple steps back. "See ya around, Senpai!" She turned and skipped out of the library.

Dusk sat back down in his chair and grabbed his phone. Quickly, he typed in, 'What does 'Senpai' mean.'

Comments ( 24 )

Dusk Shine in that picture looks a lot like Scott Pilgrim.

5774826 So he's going to have to defeat all seven of Sonata's evil exes? :pinkiecrazy:

Dusk, you need to watch more anime

I love how the personalities level out! Ultra cute, liked and favorited! :twilightsmile::heart:

Dear Diary:
Today, Senpai noticed me!

5775281 This is why I ship them! :rainbowkiss:

DoubleDusk may just be the greatest ship name ever.

5774892 And almost everybody else.:twilightangry2:

More please!

5778584 We've got a group for this ship! :twilightsmile: There's only five stories by me and a friend, but it's better than nothing!

I meant I specifically want to see more Dusk Shine teaching Sonata about human interaction.

u know u not only mispelled but misused Sempai? the term refers to someone who has been in a company longer than the one using the honorific, such as an upperclassman in a school being talked to by a freshman, the freshman would call the upperclassman 'sempai' as a show of respect

A pale blue girl with a high blue ponytail sat across from him. Although Dusk had seen her around before, he couldn't match face to name. Her round raspberry eyes, framed in thick, pretty, lashes, were trained intently on Dusk.

Celestia damn it if she's not just the cutest thing.

"Thankies, Dusk!"

See what I mean?

"Ooh, I always wondered why Adagio said she liked stuff when she already said she hated it!" Sonata exclaimed.

For realzies?

"See ya around, Senpai!"

That's rather complimentary.

5779380 Yeah, I figure the term's meaning has been twisted up. :derpytongue2: That's the traditional definition, the rest of the internet misspells it. :derpyderp2:

One word, adorable! :pinkiesad2:

Given the amount of times the Sirens have presumably been around (1000 years plus) in the human world, it doesn't surprise me Sonata's picked up mannerisms from other cultures.

This was best sentence:

Apparently, Dusk would never become one with his book again.

Although I did spot an error or two:

Dusk pulled out his IPhone.

I'm pretty sure that it's spelled 'iPhone' unless of course you want Dusk Shine to imagine that he is a phone and using crude grammar: "I Phone!"
(That would be hilarious.)

Oh and then there was this:

"What does 'Senpai' mean."

The way you wrote this treats the words above more like spoken dialogue, unlike the previous error this one might just be me suggesting a more common way to treat the words in a different writing layout. The result was my brain automatically correcting it to this:

Dusk sat back down in his chair and grabbed his phone. Quickly, he typed in: 'What does 'Senpai' mean?'

While I thought the story was cute, it might help to make one-shots like this into longer stories with more details. But perhaps I'm just wishing this were longer since I normally do not read cute-short-slice-of-life-happy-fluff-normal-activities and therefore am not quite used to their cheery simplicity. Hopefully, I'll being seeing more Sonata stories from you. I like the way you write her. :pinkiesmile:

6712827 Thanks for the tips! :pinkiesmile::rainbowkiss: I'll be taking a writing haitus but when I finally feel my creative juices flowing again I'll definitely write another Sonata story!

That was adorable:twilightsmile:

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