• Member Since 15th Sep, 2014
  • offline last seen Feb 5th, 2016


1. Show vs Tell is not as simple as it seems. 2. As a writer and editor, there is nothing worse than being cooked alive in one's own perspective. 3. I am an amateur. But, I believe I'm getting better.


The decision is yours to read it or not in its current state.

-story inspired by the PC game, "The Cat Lady"-

I try to get along with everyone. Not just everypony, but everyone. I try to live my life as peacefully as I can with every creature. But sometimes, others treat me like dirt! Why are they so mean? Why is it so easy for so many to be arrogant? What, they think they're better than me? Is that what they think? IS IT?!

Calm down Fluttershy, breath in...breath out... *sigh* It's not like me to be angry...sorry...

*sigh* Yeah, this isn't me...But I'm soo tired of being pushed around at times that it just gets to me, you know?

Remember Gilda? A majestic creature in her own right. And such a good physical specimen of a griffon, too! Too bad she's only a good physical specimen...*sigh*

But, what's this? This creature, looks like a griffon...but is not?

Oh, and it's a 'he.' Oh...my....

Chapters (8)
Comments ( 26 )

5797186 Mmm...ask him about the cherries? No. Look at Chapter 2's title.

PS: By "him" you mean the Earth stallion?

A sphinx... wait, it's the sphinx from the prelude? Cool...
Also, good chapter! :twilightsmile:

This why you don't let your anger rule your life. And dont be quick tip judge


5818828 *Nods* Difficult to do, though, in real life. Just watch the news, and anger, or despair, or just plain other 'bad things' get to you. Then there's real life itself. It's easy to dismiss those who are good, but so easy to give too much attention to those who are bad...

...like a guy who cuts in line.
...or a cabbie who accelerates in a parking lot as if it's a highway, right when you are about to park, no less.

That's part of the reason why I wrote this fic.


5818695 *Sigh of relief* Practice really does help.

Sadie or Fluttershy? Who will develop a crush first? Place your bets everypony!!!


5881858 A...crush? Well, all I can say is, "Things are not what they seem."

Or are they? :pinkiecrazy:


5969713 I'm glad you liked it. I've got a good editor for this story, so I give him much of the credit, too. :pinkiehappy:

And of course, my pre-reader does a good job as well. Despite his busy schedule, he finds the time. :twilightsmile:

Kudos to you.
This is an interesting story.
I like the slow buildup of events.


6005642 Thank you. This is the first "something specific about the story" comment I have received in a long long while.

This wasn't the story I was looking for, but it is sort of interesting so i decided to read. There are Lots of grammar issues and the like. I would really get another editor to look at stuff though. Word choice is terrible, but the story feels rushed in some places and slow in others.

I dunno. I'll keep this in the old read later section and read some more later.


6348937 *sigh*

I know.

I think all the issues with it can be traced back to the fact that this was suppose to be a short story around 1,000-2,500 words. Tops. Then I decided to expand it a bit, give it a bit of background...

That "bit of background" turned "epic." It's getting longer and longer, and now, I'm just telling the story, just laying it out. I'm tired. But at the same time, I can't seem to stop thinking about the scenes I am yet to write.


Try writing them down then and get more good editors.

Because there are a lot of mistakes that could be stopping this from being featured. Flutters learning more about and experiencing the inversion of her element sounds like a pretty neat idea. At least I hope that's where this is going, because I haven't read much so far.


Waaaa! :raritydespair:
That was the basic idea!
And at last someone got it, despite the imperfections! :fluttercry:

THANK YOU!!! :pinkiesad2: (Not being sarcastic. Those are tears of joy.)

However, it's becoming more... vampiric... and, well... it wasn't suppose to be. Well, it was, but not this much. I'll just have to wait and see how it goes as I write it down.

And yes, I am writing them all down. Even so, the story, as I write it, goes in directions that I didn't write down.

Also, published chapters are currently being re-edited. Right now though, I'm really in a writing mood.

I am going to reign the story back in to the basic idea, vampiric or not. I just hope that it's a good direction.


To be honest, I only got that because I'm currently reading Harmony Theory and it goes into great lengths on the Elements, including the inverse functions of the Elements, which would be their polar opposite. So Loyalty would be Betrayal, and Kindness is Cruelty. So when I read the title of your story, that's what popped out and I just assumed that. Nothing in your writings lead me to believe that Fluttershy is dealing with the inversion of her element.



6358828 Yeah, the original idea was she's suppose to experience doing some cruel stuff herself, and then kinda take a step back, and do an analysis on it from the viewpoint of her original personality.

But that was the original idea. Emphasis on 'was'.

Now, book 1 is turning out to be a long intro about her being attracted to some aspects of cruelty, instead of the whole thing. I'm not going to spoil anything, but some characters have their own agenda to get her to like cruelty completely. Her friends come to help (or are suppose to help) but one by one they start to meet their own inverses.

Book 1 isn't even complete yet, and is subject to some major re-editing. "Pre-mature publishing" comes to mind. So it's stuck in chapter 7, with chapter 8 stuck in GDocs. I'm writing (and enjoying writing) chapter 9.

My suggestion to you would be, leave this story of mine until I'm truly ready to publish it. There are other stories much better and have been polished to a shine out there.


So about how long do you figure that will be?

So what is the status of this story?

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