• Published 13th Mar 2015
  • 586 Views, 4 Comments

Fall in Autumn - Yosh-E-O

Fall learns that it is possible to feel happy and have friends when Pint and Bucky take her town for the first time

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Chapter 3 - Endless Possibilities

“Here we are!” announced Pint upon trotting into town with Bucky and Fall at his side.

Fall felt at a loss for words as she took in the sight before her. There were buildings of different sizes, shapes, and colors with ponies of all ages and breeds going in-and-out of buildings, talking, laughing, and trotting about.

“Where should we go first?” asked Pint.

“The Flip and Scoop!” exclaimed Bucky.

Pint put a hoof to his muzzle as he stated, “We are closer to Putt-Putt Paradise…”

Fall’s nose caught wind of something that smelled really good. She couldn’t help but raise her nose to the air and audibly sniff the amazing scent.

“There’s also the toy store,” suggested Bucky.


Pint looked back and Bucky gasped as Fall’s belly made a very audible growl.

“I think someone’s hungry,” stated Bucky.

Fall blushed as the boys focused their attention on her. Such attention normally meant she was in trouble for something. Especially if her stomach made loud noises between meals.

“How about we go to the Golden Oat?” suggested Pint.

Bucky giddily galloped in place as he added, “Then we can go to Flip and Scoop for ice cream!”

Pint looked up towards a meek-looking Fall and asked, “What do you think, Fall?”

“Umm…” she mumbled. “I… I guess… I mean… Whatever you guys want.”

Pint felt his heart sink by Fall’s apparent nervousness.

Bucky was oblivious as he sniffed the air and gestured in the direction of the Golden Oat.

“I think they’re starting lunch now,” he stated. “Colt’s Meal here I come!”

Bucky trotted ahead with Fall showing no sign of of joy upon her face. The look seemed so sad that Pint really didn’t know what to do aside from follow his friend to the restaurant.


“I’ll have a cheeseburger with fries and a fruit punch!” ordered Bucky as he approached the counter of the Golden Oat.

Fall was overwhelmed by all the smells and sounds of the restaurant. She also saw so many foals playing and having fun in an enclosed play area.

“Is this all together?” asked the clerk.

Bucky looked down at Pint and stated, “You’re paying, right?”

Pint was used to Bucky doing this but didn’t mind. Bucky was a good friend and he did help him get Fall out of the orphanage.

“Yeah,” he said with a smile.

“What would your baby sister like?” asked the clerk.

Bucky was confused until he noticed the young mare behind the counter start to make silly faces towards the tiny brown, pig-tailed Pegasus on his back.

“She… She’s…,” he stumbled to say.

“What would you like to eat, Fall?” asked Pint.

Fall said nothing. She just lowered her head and squeaked a bit.

“D’aww,” awed the clerk. “She’s so cute!”

Pint was once again saddened at how Fall was still quite obviously not enjoying herself.

“How about we order up a Foal’s Meal with apple slices and milk?” asked the clerk. “It comes with a nice doll for little fillies like your sister.”

“She’s…,” stammered Bucky.

“That sounds good,” said Pint in desperation to get out of such an awkward situation. “And I’ll have a Colt’s Meal, too.”

“Cheeseburger, fries, and a fruit punch?” asked the clerk.

“Yeah,” replied Pint.

“Copycat,” teased Bucky.

The clerk punched in the order and stated, “That’ll be ten bits.”

Pint opened the saddlebag he had on and counted out ten bits before reaching up and placing them on the counter.

“Thank you,” stated the clerk as she looked towards Fall. “And you have a good day, too, little filly.”

Fall felt a sense of joy rush over her. It was brief but it definitely was joy.

“Good, day… Little, filly?” she repeated.

“Oh!” awed the clerk. “She’s just too cute!”

The workers in the back brought forward two boxes on a tray along with a tiny box. The drinks were placed accordingly alongside each meal.

“Got it!” proclaimed Bucky as he picked up the tray in his front hooves while using his wings to help keep his balance with his back feet.

“It looks like our usual table is open,” stated Pint.

“On it!” proclaimed Bucky.

“Good, day… Me?” whispered Fall as the trio went to eat their meals.


Upon placing the tray upon the table, Bucky went about getting booster seats for both Pint and Fall.

“Who’s a good, wittle colt?” teased Bucky as tried to pick up Pint.

Pint climbed into the booster seat himself and glared at his friend.

“You’re lucky I haven’t mastered my levitation magic,” he stated. “Or this chair would be knocking you on the noggin’.”

“Yeah, yeah,” chuckled Bucky as he helped Fall into a booster seat.

Pint went about distributing the meals.

“I hope you like it,” he said to Fall.

Fall stared at the tiny box and sip cup of milk in front of her.

“What toy did I get?” asked Bucky as he tipped the box over and emptied its contents all over the table. He then spotted a tiny top roll out.

“Yes!” he exclaimed as he spun the top that quickly stopped upon bumping into his cheeseburger.

Pint began to carefully pull one item at a time out of his box.

“Go ahead, Fall,” he encouraged. “Open the box.”

Fall appeared nervous as her hooves moved over the open, baby-pink, heart and rainbow covered box. She then stopped, looked around fearfully, and appeared to seek Pint and Bucky’s permission to reach into the box.

“Go ahead,” said Pint. “It’s all yours.”

“Even the toy,” added Bucky who had a mouthful of cheeseburger while playing with his toy top.

Fall gingerly reached in and pulled out an apple slice.

“There should be some caramel sauce in there for that,” stated Pint as he got out of his booster seat, trotted over towards Fall, reached into her bag, pulled out the caramel cup, and popped off the lid. “Try it.”

Fall sniffed the open cup of caramel. It smelled delicious.

“Dip your apple in it,” said Bucky as he stuffed a bunch of hay fries into his mouth.

Fall slowly took the apple slice, dipped it into the caramel, and held it before her face. Her mouth watering at what her nose was hinting would be a most wonderful treat.

“Go for it,” encouraged Pint.

Fall looked all around herself before quickly stuffing the caramel-dipped apple into her mouth. Her eyes widened as a smile formed across her face. It tasted so good. Even the apple was so juicy and flavorful. She reached in for another and looked towards Pint for approval.

“They’re all yours,” grinned Pint. “Enjoy.”

Fall was giddy as she dipped the apple slice into the caramel, lifted it to her mouth, and savored every delicious bite.

Pint was so caught up in seeing Fall start to smile and enjoy herself that he totally forgot about his meal.

“You know,” said Bucky as he hovered his hoof over Pint’s cheeseburger. “If you’re not going to eat that-”

“-Oh, no you don’t!” proclaimed Pint as he galloped to his seat, swatted Bucky’s hoof, grabbed his cheeseburger, and took a bite so big his cheeks puffed out.

Fall laughed as she watched Pint. This was nothing like what she was used to back at the orphanage.

Pint felt his spirits raise as Fall started to show signs of enjoying herself.

Author's Note:

This is the follow-up story to "A House is Not a Home". Some details have changed since the inception of the story so please don't mind any slight variances between what the characters know and don't know. Particularly on Pint's part.

The characters are continually getting updates to improve upon the telling of their story. Though these are minor changes in which do not impact the story's whole. We hope you enjoy it.